IBM Support

Rational Host Access Transformation Services V7.5 - Supported Platform Summary

Product Documentation


The tables below identify supported operating systems along with their supported server and client software for Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) V7.5.


For updated information for HATS V7.5.1 see the Rational Host Access Transformation Service V7.5.1 - Supported Platform Summary.

HATS hardware requirements
Web application software requirements

WebFacing Tool hardware requirements
WebFacing Tool application software requirements Rich client application software requirements Miscellaneous software

HATS hardware requirements

The hardware requirements for deployed HATS applications are the same as WebSphere Application Server.
See the notes following the Runtime software table for links to more information.

The hardware requirements for the client are the same as the Rational toolkit where HATS is running.
Please see the Web pages for the specific Rational program:
Web application software requirements

The following sections list the software requirements for HATS Web application development, runtime, and browser support.

Development software

Operating Systems:
Supported client software versions:
Windows 2003 Server Standard or Enterprise Edition, Windows 2008 Standard or Enterprise Edition,
Windows XP Professional with Service Packs 2 and 3, or
Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate

  • Rational Application Developer V7.5.x
  • Rational Business Developer V7.5.x
  • Rational Developer for i V7.5.x SOA
  • Rational Developer for System z V7.5.x SOA and Enterprise
  • Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software V7.5.x

1. The Portal Tools necessary for creating HATS portlets are not available in all HATS supported clients. Please refer to the documentation for the specific client software version to determine whether Portal Tools are included.
2. The minimum components required in the installation of the supported client software versions are:
  • Web Development Tools
  • Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)
  • Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
  • Tools for WebSphere Application Server V6.0, V6.1, or V7.0
  • Data tools
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT)
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Runtime software

Operating Systems:
Supported server software versions:
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the
latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
HP-UX 11iv1, 11iv2, or 11iv3
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the
latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
Linux on Intel, System i,
System p, or System z

WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the
latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the
latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
Windows 2000, 2003, 2008,
XP, or Vista

WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the
latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs
WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x, V6.1.x, or V7.0 or later with the latest PTFs

1. Refer to WebSphere Application Server detailed system requirements for supported levels of all operating systems.
2. 5250 Print support requires System i Access for Web V5.2 or later, available as part of the System i Access Family.
3. Deployment of HATS V7.5 portlets requires WebSphere Portal V6.0.x or V6.1.x.
4. HATS and WebFacing runtime interoperability support requires i5/OS V5R4 (or later). Refer to WebFacing Tool PTFs for a list of IBM i updates required.
5. Windows Vista support requires WebSphere Application Server 6.1.x or later.
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Client browsers

Operating SystemsFirefoxInternet

Linux2.0 or later or 3.0
3.2 or later1.6 or later 7.1 or later 9.5 alpha

Macintosh2.0 or later or 3.0

7.1 or later7.6 or later
or 9.5 alpha
1.2 or later

Solaris2.0 or later or 3.0

1.6 or later
7.6 or later
or 9.5 alpha

Windows2.0 or later or 3.06.0 or 7.0 or later
1.6 or later 7.1 or later 7.6 or later
or 9.5 alpha

Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC and Smart Phone,
Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Standard, or Professional

Mobile 5.0 or later or
Mobile V6 or later


1. HATS Administration is only supported on browsers that WebSphere Application Server supports. For more information about the browsers supported, see the software requirements at the WebSphere Application Server system requirements Web site.

2. Bidirectional (Hebrew and Arabic) applications are supported on Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP 1 or later and Mozilla 1.8 or later.

3. If you type the Yen character using a Japanese keyboard in your browser, the browser will display a backslash "\" on the screen. This is a browser limitation. However, for Japanese code pages, HATS runtime will convert "\" to the Yen character when sending data back to host.

4. For optimal results, Internet Explorer is the recommended browser to use with the HATS asynchronous update applet. Other browsers will work with the HATS applet provided the "ie" applet setting is not specified as "local" and the "time to wait for disconnect" is sufficiently large. For more information about the HATS asynchronous update applet, see HATS User's and Administrator's Guide.

5. The HATS asynchronous update applet does not function properly on Macintosh with any supported browser. For more information about the HATS asynchronous update applet, see HATS User's and Administrator's Guide.

6. HATS does not support Netscape when it is configured to use the Internet Explorer rendering engine, selectable from the browser's Site Controls.

7. With Mozilla, Opera, Safari, and Firefox browsers, the overwrite mode client setting is not supported.

8. With Mozilla, Opera, and Konqueror browsers, the function keys (F1 - F24) and the PageUp and PageDown keys on the keyboard do not perform any function for HATS. To enable the use of these keys in your applications, include a host keypad with these keys to enable the end user to send them to the host.
Mozilla does support these functions although the behavior is different. The same behavior is also present when using a Netscape browser. The PageUp and PageDown functions will perform the action on the object selected (such as a drop-down list) first. Then, the actual action (PageUp or PageDown) will be sent to the host in the Mozilla/Netscape browser.

9. With the Safari browser, keyboard support is limited to the Pause ([attn]) and Esc ([clear]) keys. For applications that will run in Safari browsers, we recommend that you include a host keypad with all the keys to enable the end user to send the keys to the host.

10. When a HATS application is accessed using a Macintosh Safari browser, sometimes the Enter key appears not to function properly. This problem occurs when the Web page being viewed does not contain any edit controls such as a button or text edit field. Enable the host keypad and provide a GUI Enter key in such cases. To correct this, do the following:
Double-click the project settings document to bring up the Project Settings editor.
Click on the Rendering window.
On the left side of the Rendering window is a tree view of the Rendering options, click on the Host Keypad option. Select the Show default host keypad check box. Select the check box of each key you want to enable. You must select the Enter key.
Once this is done and the application is rebuilt and deployed, the Enter key is available as part of the template used to present the HATS application.

11. Using the keyboard support in Konqueror, and pressing the Enter key with this browser might interact incorrectly with the host application. For applications that will run in Konqueror browsers, we recommend that you include a host keypad with the Enter key.

12. When running applications optimized for mobile devices running on Windows Mobile Internet Explorer, the automatic field advance, keyboard host key support (using a keyboard as a normal Web keyboard), overwrite mode, and asynchronous update applet browser functions are not available.
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WebFacing Tool hardware requirements

The hardware requirements for the WebFacing Tool are the same as the HATS hardware requirements.
Please refer to that section for more information.

WebFacing application software requirements

In addition to the Web application software requirements, the following sections list the software requirements for WebFacing
application development, runtime, and browser support.

Development software

The IBM WebFacing Tool for IBM i and Portal support can be installed as part of the HATS installation process with the addition
of the following software.

Development of WebFacing applications requires either:
  • Rational Developer for i V7.5 with one of the following:
    • Rational Application Developer V7.5
    • Rational Business Developer V7.5
    • Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software V7.5
  • Rational Developer for i for SOA Construction V7.5

Note 2 in the table for Web application software requirements lists the minimum components required to be installed during the
installation of the supported client software versions. For development of WebFacing applications, Struts Tools is also required.
It is provided by Rational Application Developer V7.5, Rational Business Developer V7.5, Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software V7.5.

Development of WebFacing portlet applications requires:
  • One of the supported client software versions listed in the Development software section above
  • Portal Tools. Please refer to the documentation for the specific client software version to determine whether Portal Tools are included.
See disclaimer
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Runtime software

The WebFacing Tool converts IBM i applications to Web applications that can be deployed to the platforms listed in the Web
application Runtime software section. In addition, WebFacing Web applications can also be deployed to the IBM i Integrated Web
Application Server. Deployment of WebFacing V7.5 portlets requires WebSphere Portal V6.0.x or V6.1.x.

Refer to WebFacing Tool PTFs for a list of IBM i updates required to run the WebFacing application.

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Client browsers

WebFacing applications support Internet Explorer V5.5. or later, or Firefox V2 or later. Refer to Differences in WebFacing behavior when running in Internet Explorer and Firefox in the WebFacing help. Copy this title and paste it into the WebFacing help search field.

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Rich client application software requirements
Development software

Operating Systems:
Supported client software versions1:
Windows 2003 Server Standard or Enterprise Edition, Windows 2008 Standard or Enterprise Edition,
Windows XP Professional with Service Packs 2 and 3, or
Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate

  • Rational Application Developer V7.5.x
  • Rational Business Developer V7.5.x
  • Rational Developer for i V7.5.x SOA
  • Rational Developer for System z V7.5.x SOA and Enterprise
  • Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software V7.5.x

  1. The minimum components required in the installation of the supported client software versions are:
    • Web Development Tools
    • Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)
    • Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
    • Tools for WebSphere Application Server V6.0, V6.1, or V7.0
    • Data tools
    • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT).
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Runtime software

HATS RCP applications can run on the Lotus Expeditor and Eclipse RCP platforms. See the sections for each to determine the
runtime software requirements.

Lotus Expeditor platform software

Operating Systems:
Additional required software for the platform:
Windows XP Professional

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Lotus Expeditor V6.1.x Client for Desktop or later
Lotus Expeditor V6.1.x Device Runtime Environment (DRE) or later
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Eclipse rich client platform software

Operating Systems:
Additional required software for the platform:
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Home or Professional

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Novell Linux Desktop 9

Eclipse V3.2

Java Runtime Environment
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows1
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel1
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition2 for Microsoft Windows
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition3 for Linux x86

EMF/SDO V2.2.0

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows XP Home or Professional

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Novell Linux Desktop 9

Eclipse V3.3
Java Runtime Environment
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows1
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel1
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition2 for Microsoft Windows
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition3 for Linux x86

EMF/SDO V2.3.0

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows XP Home or Professional

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Novell Linux Desktop 9

Eclipse V3.4
Java Runtime Environment
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows1
  • IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel1
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition2 for Microsoft Windows
  • Sun Java 2 Standard Edition3 for Linux x86

EMF/SDO V2.4.0

1 Java 2 Technology Edition; Version 1.4.2 SR 7 or Version 5.0 SR 4
2 Version 1.4.2_14 or Version 5.0 Update 11
3 Version 1.4.2_13 or Version 5.0 Update 11
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Miscellaneous software

SoftwareHATS V7.5 support requirement
Adobe Acrobat ReaderV5.0.x or later
Tivoli Access Manager1V6.0.x or later or V6.1.x or later
System i Access for Web2
V5.2.x or later
1 Required for Web Express Logon support.
2 Required for 5250 print support; available as part of the System i Access Family.
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1. The Asynchronous update applet is not supported in the WebSphere Portal Server environment.
2. The preview function of the transformation editor does not display transformations or templates for a portlet project properly.
3. When transforming IBM i applications, HATS does not support the complete set of DDS keywords. For a list of unsupported keywords, please refer to HATS support for DDS keywords.
4. Rich client platform support requires that the JRE included in the Lotus Expeditor V6.1 DRE be installed to the software delivery platform.
5. A RTL screen customization on a Linux RCP client does not respond correctly. The screen reverse action does not cause the screen customizations to be mirrored. Mirroring is achieved in Windows by setting the 'orientation' parameter for the SWT containing pane, but SWT on Linux does not support the 'orientation' parameter.
6. Developing HATS applications with Arabic sessions on Windows 2008 is not supported. In addition, running Arabic rich client applications on Windows 2008 is not supported, even if the applications are created on other supported client software versions. However, running HATS Web applications with Arabic sessions in a browser on Windows 2008 is supported.
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IBM reserves the right to change specifications and other product information without prior notice. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. References herein to IBM products and services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in other countries.
Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSXKAY","label":"IBM Host Access Transformation Services"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2018

