IBM Support

Exchanging information with IBM WebSphere DataPower Technical Support for problem determination



For problem determination to begin on your Problem Management Report (PMR), use one of the convenient methods below to submit diagnostic information to IBM WebSphere DataPower Technical Support. This document also describes how you can receive information from IBM.

Resolving The Problem

To diagnose or identify a problem, it is sometimes necessary to provide Technical Support with data and information from your DataPower device. In addition, Technical Support might also need to provide you with tools or utilities to be used in problem determination. You can submit or receive files using one of following methods:
Upload files directly to the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) using FTP
E-mail files directly to ECuRep
Receive files from IBM Technical Support with ECuRep

  • Archive and compress the files to be transferred using the ZIP, TAR, or RAR format. Remember, TAR alone provides no compression, so to reduce size be sure to compress using a standard format after TARing the collection.
  • For help with ECuRep, see IBM Enhanced Customer Data Store Service.
  • Your files will be deleted seven (7) days after the PMR is closed.

Upload files directly to ECuRep using FTP

The ECuRep FTP site is recommended for sending files to Technical Support. To submit files using FTP, you will need your Branch and
Country code associated with the PMR record. Your Branch and Country code is part of the PMR record identifier; also known as the PMR number. See PMR naming convention in step 6.

How to submit files to the FTP server:
cd /toibm/websphere
xxxxx  is the PMR number
bbb is the Branch
ccc is the Country code
yyy is a unique file name
zzz is the file type or file extension
Example 1:
Example 2:
Note: You should compress the file to be transferred using ZIP or TAR format.
put file_name
  1. Enter the following FTP command from a command prompt, terminal window, or FTP client:
  2. Login as anonymous.
  3. Enter your e-mail address as the password.
  4. Change to the /toibm/websphere directory. Available directories can be viewed using the dir command.

    For example:
  5. Enter the following command to enable binary mode for the FTP session:
  6. Use the following file naming convention to name your file and put it on the server.

    Caution: The file must use this format to be associated with the PMR; this is the complete PMR record number. Using any other file name will cause the file to be deleted.

    Enter your PMR record information and file type:
  7. Enter the following command to put the file on the server:
  8. Enter the following command to end your FTP session:

  • If you have firewall restrictions, you might need to enter the external IP address for the ECuRep FTP server,, to access the server.
  • IBM technical support representatives can provide information back to you through FTP in a different directory. For more details, see Receiving files from IBM Technical Support.
  • If you need to update your file after using put or mput, you will need to create a new file with a unique name because files uploaded to ECuRep cannot be updated. Include your PMR number as part of the new file name.

Learn more about Secure FTP.

E-mail files directly to ECuRep

If your compressed diagnostic data is smaller than 30 MB, you can e-mail the file as an attachment to the ECuRep Mail Gateway using the following steps:

PMR xxxxx bbb ccc text
xxxxx  is the PMR number
bbb is the Branch
ccc is the Country code
text is any other text

PMR 12345 055 000 here are the files
  1. Create an e-mail addressed to the following e-mail address:
  2. If you already have a PMR number, enter the following in the Subject line:
  3. In the body of the e-mail, enter a brief description of the problem symptoms and describe the files you are sending.
  4. Attach the compressed (zip) file to the e-mail.
  5. You will receive an automated reply once your e-mail is processed. If your e-mail cannot be associated with an existing PMR, it will be tagged as lost and eventually deleted.

Note: Depending on your internet connection and e-mail server, allowable attachment file size might be significantly less than the 30 MB limit. When in doubt, you can simply use the FTP steps to ensure timely delivery of your files.

Learn more about the ECuRep Mail gateway.

Receive files from IBM Technical Support
Occasionally IBM Technical Support needs to make files available for customer download. In the event that you need to pull a file from the IBM FTP site, use the following instructions and the exact directory and filename name provided by your IBM support representative:
cd fromibm/websphere
get file_name
  1. From a command prompt, terminal window, or FTP client, FTP to the following site:
  2. Login as anonymous.
  3. Enter your e-mail address as the password.
  4. Change your directory to the /fromibm directory by entering the following command:
  5. Enter the following command to enable binary mode for the FTP session:
  6. Enter the following command to download the data from the server:
  7. Enter the following command to end your FTP session:

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9H2Y","label":"IBM DataPower Gateway"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF009","label":"Firmware"}],"Version":"3.7.3;3.8;3.8.1;3.8.2;4.0.1;4.0.2","Edition":"Edition Independent","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 July 2021

