IBM Support

Troubleshooting for IBM WebSphere Business Compass V7.0.0.0 Fix Pack 3 (

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A number of conditions can lead to the failure of an installation. Some of those failures result from efforts to protect the integrity of your system and data. This document lists the most common causes of failure and offers advice on how to resolve those issues.


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This document details the troubleshooting topics for IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Compass Version Fix Pack 3.

Table of Contents:

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Troubleshooting topics
Before you begin
Use the related links to get to information about preparing your system for an installation
Preparing Linux systems for installation
Preparing Windows systems for installation
Preparing Linux for zSeries systems for installation

Things to verify before installation
  • Do you have enough installation space? If you are installing WebSphere Business Compass with Lotus Forms Turbo, you should have 9 GB of free space temporarily available on the C drive and 7 GB of space on the drive where the product is being installed.
  • Is the firewall disabled? Turn off the firewall during installation or stay with the machine to approve downloads.
  • Has db2cmd been specified? If you are reusing a DB2 already installed on a machine, verify that db2cmd has been added to the system path.

Known issues
This document lists some of the situations that can cause your product installation to fail and the steps you can take to complete a successful installation.
  • If you are a non-root user: See details in Information Center for the type of installation you are using.
  • IBM Installation Manager fails to run: The product zip files have probably not been extracted to the directory that has been specified in Installation Manager.
  • E-mail notifications are not sent: See details for e-mail setup in Enabling e-mail notification on an existing WebSphere Business Compass server.
  • Errors that can be ignored: During product installation or modification, you might see errors in the Installation Manager interface or log files similar to the following messages:
    228 ERROR 07:41.26 Installation Manager cannot remove feature
    import.configLauncher.feature from an installation package that was
    imported to Installation Manager.

    229 ERROR 07:41.54 Installation Manager cannot remove feature
    import.productProviders.feature from an installation package that was
    imported to Installation Manager.
    These occur because WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment is imported into Installation Manager rather than installed by Installation Manager. You can safely ignore these errors.
  • The installation option "Install WebSphere Business Compass and database management system" is disabled: This option is disabled if DB2 is already installed on the machine where you are attempting to install WebSphere Business Compass. You must clear this product from the machine or use the advanced installation.
  • DB2 installation requires port 50000, or 48000 for a non-root user: In an advanced installation on Linux SUSE, the installation tries to assign a port other than 50000. You need to override that generated port number and manually assign port 50000. If you just accept the incorrect DB2 port and click Next, the installation will fail. To check if the ports reserved by DB2 have been used by another application, check the following directory:
    Windows: <windows install>\\system32\drivers\etc\services
    Linux: \etc\services
  • Installation fails because the DB2 password contains characters that are not valid: The database administration password cannot contain the characters \ * ? " < > | / , ^ & : ; + = % ' # $ { } [ ]

Lotus Forms Turbo
  • Installation fails because required ports are in use: Lotus Forms Turbo specifies that several ports should be free before you start installing the product. See information about ports at Ports used for WebSphere Business Compass. If WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 is already installed on the machine where you are installing Lotus Forms Turbo, port conflicts will occur unless you can change the ports used by the application server. To check which ports are in use, open a command window (terminal on Linux) and enter the command netstat -b to see which executable is using a port.
  • The installation option "Install WebSphere Business Compass and database management system" is disabled: This option is disabled if Lotus Forms Turbo, Lotus Forms Server, or DB2 are already installed on the machine where you are attempting to install WebSphere Business Compass. You must clear these products from the machine or use the advanced installation to install Lotus Forms Turbo on a separate server.
  • Installation does not complete because the user does not have administrative authority on the server: When doing a basic installation in Windows, you will be prompted to supply a user name and password. If you leave them blank or supply a name that does not yet exist on the system, the installation will set up a user with administrative access. If you do use a name that exists on the system, make sure that user has the administrator access required to complete the installation.
  • WebSphere Business Compass does not connect with Lotus Forms Turbo after installation: If you used an advanced installation to install Lotus Forms Turbo on a remote server, you must complete some manual steps to configure a connection. For instructions about configuration, see Configuring Lotus Forms Turbo server for WebSphere Business Compass.
  • Avoid unintentionally removing your database: If you previously installed Lotus Forms Turbo, uninstalling will also uninstall the DB2 database that was installed with it. To avoid uninstalling the database, follow the instructions in Removing WebSphere Business Compass. This database will not be removed if you have installed Turbo Fix Pack 2.
  • Lotus Forms Turbo remains after uninstalling WebSphere Business Compass: Remove Lotus Forms Turbo manually using the Add/Remove Programs function.
  • Log files remain after uninstalling Lotus Forms Turbo: Logs must be deleted manually.

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[{"Product":{"code":"SSCP4Q","label":"WebSphere Business Compass"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

