IBM Support

Informix APAR information



This article provides descriptions of the information contained in a displayed Informix APAR.

Resolving The Problem

Search for Informix APARs.

An APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report) represents a formal report to IBM development of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a current unaltered release of an IBM program. After the report is filed, the IBM development team reviews the suspected defect to determine the appropriate disposition of the APAR, taking action to resolve those confirmed as actual defects in the IBM program.

IBM customers can obtain information regarding reported APARs from any of the IBM Product Support Centers. To access one of the Informix Product Support Centers, visit the Informix Product Family Support page.

Important: To access APAR information on the web, you must sign in using an IBM Registration ID. Your free ID is your single point of access to IBM web applications that use IBM Registration. If you are not currently registered, you can register now.

APAR Field information

APAR statusIndication of the APAR state.
  • OPEN indicates that the product defect has been analyzed by product development, but that no general availability product has been released yet with any code change.
  • Closed as <description>: Indicates that the product defect has been fixed in a general availability product, and a description of the reason for the problem.

    Closed as program error.

    See the APAR Closing Codes.
Error descriptionDescription of the symptoms seen as a result of this problem, including
  • error messages
  • diagnostic log information
  • sequences of events
  • stack traces etc.
Local fixPossible workaround
Problem summarySummary of users affected by this problem and how
Problem conclusionDescription of where/how the problem was fixed
Temporary fixAdditional workarounds
CommentsAdditional Information
APAR informationA summary listing of the APAR information

APAR Closing Codes

The record was cancelled, probably because it was created mistakenly or a customer requested that the record be cancelled.
The problem was caused by an error in an IBM publication.
The record was closed as a duplicate of an open record.
Fixed If Next release. There is an intention to fix the deficiency if there is another release of the product. This is not a commitment, but expresses intention. 'Next release' is not defined.
A programming error was found and will be corrected in a future release.
A programming error was found but will not be corrected. It is a permanent restriction.
The problem was caused by a user error.


APAR status

Error description 
When querying the sysmaster database syssqlstat table, the sqs_statement column shows an incorrect sql statement for the session

Local fix
As workaround, instead of using column syssqlstat.sqs_statement, we can get correct results (sql statement) if retrieving column syssqexplain.sqx_sqlstatement. This other SMI table (syssqexplain) can be joined to syssessions by the session id (sqx_sessionid).

Problem summary 
The sysmaster:syssqlstat column displayed the wrong sql statement for the sqs_statement column, and this was corrected.

Problem conclusion 
Fixed in 9.40.xC9

Temporary fix

APAR information
APAR numberIC49689
Reported component nameINFORMIX DYNAMI
Reported component ID5724C1700
Reported release940
Special AttentionNoSpecatt
Submitted date2006-06-15
Closed date
Last modified date2006-08-30

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGU8G","label":"Informix Servers"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"1.0;1.1;10.0;11.0;2.0;4.0;5.1;5.2;6.0;7.3;8.0;9.4;11.1;11.5;11.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 December 2020

