IBM Support

Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0



IBM WebSphere Application Server provides periodic fixes for the base and Network Deployment editions of release V7.0. The following is a complete listing of fixes for V7.0 with the most recent fix at the top.

Resolving The Problem

WebSphere V7.0 and WebSphere V8.0 along with the underlying Java 6 used in WebSphere V8.5 are going End Of Service in April 2018. For more information, please review the announcement at: Start with the WebSphere Migration Knowledge Collection for migration assistance.
Fix Pack 45 (
Fix Pack 43 (
Fix Pack 41 (
Fix Pack 39 (
Fix Pack 37 (
Fix Pack 35 (
Fix Pack 33 (
Fix Pack 31 (
Fix Pack 29 (
Fix Pack 27 (
Fix Pack 25 (
Fix Pack 23 (
Fix Pack 21 (
Fix Pack 19 (
Fix Pack 17 (
Fix Pack 15 (
Fix Pack 13 (
Fix Pack 11 (
Fix Pack 9 (
Fix Pack 7 (
Fix Pack 5 (
Fix Pack 3 (
Fix Pack 1 (

WebSphere Application Server V7 now offers web server load balancing and failover for up to 5 licensed application servers and a new merge tool for simplifying load balancing and failover configurations. This is provided by way of a free fix pack available to all base version WebSphere Application Server V7 customers.

Delivered in the WebSphere Application Server Fix Pack 13 ( onwards are the new merge tool and an update to the WebSphere Application Server V7 License Agreement:
  • Updated License Agreement - An update to the WebSphere Application Server V7 License Agreement which relaxes the license restriction that previously allowed failover between only two WebSphere Application Server base servers to instead allow for HTTP load balancing and failover for up to 5 appropriately licensed servers.

    See the Addendum to the WebSphere Application Server V7 License Agreement.

Fix release date: 30 April, 2018
Last modified: 30 April, 2018
Status: Recommended

Download Fix Pack 45
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI37945 Null message in admin console caused by NullPointException when modifying SSLconfig due to missing trustStore
PI80683 Admin Console Resource Environment custom property name in all capital letters may not be handled properly
PI82078 Potential Cross-site scripting in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2017-1380)
PI83138 Clicking the LDAP test query link causes NoSuchElementException which also leads to an NPE
PI84457 Incorrect handling of invalid parameters in the admin console
PI87791 Websphere Admin Console error message invalid format
PI89498 Privilege escalation in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2017-1731)
PI90042 Information disclosure in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2017-1741)
PI91052 Set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" on Administrative Console
PI91328 Update struts.jar for latest fixes
Dynamic Cache PI78148 SRVE0014E from dynacache component after upgrading
PI78552 DYNA1064E while calling "getIdsSizeDisk()" by commerce when XS is used as cache provider
PI81162 Dynacache does not replicate alias entries
PI84946 TimetToLive is not updated when cache entry is updated
PI85747 Create a EntryInfo.SHARED_DEFAULT setting for the dynacache sharing policy
Federated Repositories PI72152 Update the trace information for federated respositories
General PI58029 Classloader leak associated with PCRegistry
PI65688 MergeException at application start up
PI77770 Potential cross-site request forgery with WebSphere Application Server enabled with OAuth (CVE-2017-1194)
PI80467 Update how cells are obtained from the ORB cell pool
PI81891 DMZ SIP Proxy parsing via header incorrectly
PI82529 HTTP transport encoding CP943C will be used for JSTL params
PI85490 Deadlock caused by WsLogManager and SIB trace code
PI87069 When running with Java8, EDCDIC strings data conversion shows wrong behavior
PI93477 CWSIP0001E: An internal messaging error occurred in
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server
Install PI79037 javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be instantiated
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI14746 Memory leak in J2C PoolManager due to reaper alarms not being cancelled
PI77612 J2CA0045E ConnectionTimeout happens too often after upgrading to
Java Message Service (JMS) PI72497 Incorrect JMS session information in returned JMS connection
PI78975 Increase the configurable limit of the maximum header field size
PI81864 ConcurrentLinkedList tailSequenceNumberLock garbage collected
PI91872 Fd leak happens when bindException occurs in ConnectionManager
Messaging Providers PI37409 Possible ABENDEC3 timeout in Websphere z/OS servant region when running as client with WebServices and JMS (SIBus)
PI93628 Diagnostics for CWSOM0005W: The ObjectManager found that the logfile was too full
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI87581 Trace output in runtime tab will show memory buffer as trace output instead of none
Plug-in PI74689 SunOne Web Server uses connectTimeout for handshake and 100-continue
PI74882 Plugin should always present the ConnectionTTL property
PI76515 Plugin's Admin Console command help does not work with wsadmin
PI77124 Plugin does not persist custom serverIOTimeout value to existing stream
PI81951 Client failure may occur when the web server Plug-in connection is reused and previous connection timed out waiting for response
PI86414 400 is thrown when ESI is enabled but the response from the app server does not indicate ESI caching and client disconnects
PI91879 ConnectionTTL="0" in transport statements in the plugin-cfg.xml
Proxy Server PI82630 Potential Information Disclosure with WebSphere Application Server Proxy Server or On-demand-router (ODR) (CVE-2017-1381)
Runtime (zSeries®) PI81698 ABEND00C and ABEND0C4 in WebSphere Application Server after stop was issued
Runtime and Classloader PI66635 NullPointerException during OSGi loading process
PI82621 Handle NPE and emit servicable failure message when parsing server endpoint metadata
Security PI80962 Creation of remote keyStore fails when existing keyStore is specified
PI82509 The value of property mapping.targetRealmname is not passed to DB2/RACF via the data source
PI83677 Monitor role not showing fips information
Servlet Engine/Web Container PI88642 Information disclosure in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2017-1681)
PI91920 Improve the SRVE0080E error message
System Management/Repository PI43788 Auto-deploy not setting session manager attributes
PI79343 WebSphere Application Server may have insecure file permissions with custom startup script (CVE-2017-1382)
PI89521 AdmintTask.extractConfigProperties is too slow
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI80913 WasAxis2ConfigurationBuilder loads the jax-ws-catalog.xml file using a call to getResource instead of getResources
Web Services Security PI61915 More diagnostics required when the SAML Web SSO redirect url is null
PI76017 JAX-WS WS-Security Error CWWSS5634E with relative URI
WebSphere Common Configuration Model (WCCM) PI64475 Incomplete metadata obtained for JavaEE modules when multiple resources are used
Fix release date: 24 April, 2017
Last modified: 24 April, 2017
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 43
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI56917 Information Disclosure in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2016-0377)
PI60805 Update the flags on the CSRF token cookie
PI60992 Unable to change maximum headers value in templates from administrative console.
PI64303 Vulnerabilities in Apache Struts affects WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-1181, CVE-2016-1182)
PI65218 WebSphere Application Server is affected by Apache Struts vulnerability (cve-2016-3092)
PI67851 Preference to filter by authorization group level in the administration console does not work for JMS Resources
PI70627 Potential cross-site scripting in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2016-8934)
PI72154 Bind password is "pre-populated" incorrectly in VMM panel and authentication error comes up
PI73367 Potential cross-site scripting in admin console (cve-2017-1121)
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PI59228 Unable to map web module with multi-line display name to server.
Default Messaging Component PI56146 When the message load is heavy, some of the messages move to exception destination with the CWSIK0035E exception
Dynamic Cache PI62769 Disk off-load is turned off if app invokes the clearMemory API
PI68741 HTTP status code 200 is returned to a client when the servlet or JSP throws an exception
PI73339 Unable to define an alternate cache provider to replace the default dynacache cache provider.
EJB Container PI69192 Remove unneeded information from FFDC log file
Enterprise Edition (EE) PI67707 Inherited methods are ignored in the XLXP2 unmarshaller when scanning JAXB class for before/after events
General PI46156 ICH408I as the servant userid attempts to create and delete the OAuth20 directory.
PI49306 zWAS: Batch job using WOLA service hung after server recycle due to wait in BBOCLSCC in Local Comm Connect()
PI54621 If the JMS resource adapter is used for JBoss for subscribtion to a topic in WSAS, the messages are not consumed in JBoss
PI55827 Installation Manager hanging during update of fix packs in WebSphere Application Server V7.0
PI56811 Potential security vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2015-0254)
PI60355 OAuth2 provider expired tokens are not removed when database is incompatible with its SQL queries
PI63058 Add timeout to OAuth cache
PI64878 Dump occurs during stop of job scheduler control region.
PI68375 Local EJB references created from annotations incorrectly resolved as remote references.
PI69325 OAuth emits NullPointerException when no state parameter in request
PI69922 Javadoc appconstants.appdepl_* fields are incorrect
PI71044 Using Java 8 with marshall.jar runtime to convert Unicode Decimal numbers, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown
PI71380 Allow SAML web inbound to retrieve SAML Assertion from an HTTP request parameter.
PI72848 Provide mechanism to retrieve WS-RM messages via SIB message store dump
PI73674 fails to install
PI75485 Issue message explaning from where session timeout is picked up
PI75489 Session manager error message SESN0202E needs improvement
High Availability (HA) PI67571 HMGR0130I message needs more information about JVM termination
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PI61290 An application error can stop log entries from being written to SystemErr.log
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI56277 Some "Advanced connection pool properties" are not honored at runtime
PI61989 Optimize connection pool behavior when the free pool distribution table size is set to one
PI69122 J2C pretest being used despite FailingConnectionOnly option
PI75106 Datasource connection leak issue due to NullPointerException in$
Java Message Service (JMS) PI57228 The HTTP Channel will consume additional memory, in specific circumstances, when processing inbound data.
PI58918 Response Splitting Vulnerability using a specific API CVE-2016-0359
JSP PI66271 When using c:import to import a file that does not exist, an error 500 is received
Other PM59777 Logout and help buttons in the administrative console use absolute URL links.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI69845 Deadlock when the Java logging framework logs a warning in
PI70169 Potential cross-site scripting in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2016-8934)
PI71530 WsLogManager deadlock
Performance Monitoring Tools PI65021 Rollback Batik library to 1.6.1 because it breaks Intelligent Management charting
Plug-in PI58275 Error: Error accessing safkeyring:///KEYRING A component of path does not name an existing file or path is empty string
PI66812 Plugin for IIS does not initialize correctly
PMI/Performance Tools PI62283 NullPointerException in PMI class ModuleItem
Portlet Container Environment PI74986 NullPointerException in portlet container method StringUtils .convertMapToString if tracing is enabled
Profile PI56928 The manageprofiles -profilePath related error messages need additional information to help debug profile path errors
Runtime (zSeries®) PI65437 Servant region abends with abend430/abends430 and reason 02390815 during process signal handling
Runtime and Classloader PI52661 Stopping an application while using a single shared class loader causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
PI54461 Application server process uses wrong hostname to communicate status to node agent
Security PI50599 SSL CSR being sent to SSL clients instead of expected certificate after restarting WebSphere Application Server
PI55440 Extra information is in the FFDC log files.
PI56086 HMGR0149E exception: The received token starts with null.
PI60058 Trim white space from ssl.client.props property values to prevent errors.
PI60376 Add informational message about java security properties being set by the server
PI60398 Message CWPKI0045E is not displaying properly.
PI61077 AdminTask.exportSAMLSpMetadata may fail when exporting SAML service provider metadata
PI61695 NullPointerException for wasadmin AdminTask.mapUsersToNamingRole
PI62375 Potential code execution vulnerablity in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-5983)
PI62619 SAML Web SSO AdminTask command importSAMLIdpMetadata fails
PI68115 Remove 3DES ciphers from default cipher list
PI69664 Data in dynacache may be overwritten when LTPA tokens of multiple requests expire at the same time.
PI69815 NullPointerException when printing error in WSX509TrustManager
PI70737 Unnecessary setCookie header might be set after applying interim fixes for PI62375.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PI62068 Remove Struts from WebSphere Application Server
PI64043 Web container custom property disableStaticMappingCache is not read in during the startup of some applications
PI67093 Information disclosure in IBM WebSphere Application Server CVE-2016-5986
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Container PI61548 Potential Denial of Service in WebSphere Application Server if using SIP services (CVE-2016-2960)
Sessions and Session Management PI60026 Bypass security restrictions in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-0385)
System Management/Repository PI64069 Application upload fails with Invalid argument
PI65206 Installation of a validly signed app in WebSphere Application Server OEM edition fails as if unlicensed
PI71926 Bind DN not saved correctly when editing security configuration
PI73519 Potential Denial of Service with SOAP connectors (CVE-2016-8919)
Transaction Service PI45254 Collect more serviceability data for transaction log service
PI53380 WS-ReliableMessaging sequence may be misidentified as not existing
PI74356 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Logger passed as argument to setAttributes must be a named logger
PI74468 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
PI75985 ClassCastException processing JAX-RPC request containing whitespace in WS-Coordination context
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI31777 Dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration is not picked up for webservices when proxy is used
PI44781 Dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration is not picked up for webservices when proxy is used
PI54081 AdminApp.isAppReady and AdminApp.getDeployStatus show incorrect result after app expansion failure
PI56581 Signature in propagated SAML token may not be valid due to added namespace declarations
PI60284 Accept header for SOAPOverHttps is not compatible with all webservice implementations
PI60370 During an installation of a webservice application, ADMA0078W might happen.
PI60791 AxisDescription objects might consume excessive memory
PM62568 NullPointerException error may occur at application startup.
Web Services Security PI48360 More diagnostics required when RelayState is invalid in SAMLResponse
PI52244 SAML response information might display in browser.
PI52613 SAML SP-initiated Web SSO requires dynacache or frontend affinity
PI56377 Signature in propagated SAML token may not be valid due to added namespace declarations
PI56669 The JAX-RPC UsernameToken consumer cannot be forced to login
PI57565 WS-Security does not emit TokenType on reference to SAML token
PI58160 Add new client and provider general bindings with SHA256
PI58900 CWSML7011E exception occurs when a SAML assertion contains a SAML2:Advice element.
PI59201 NullPointerException error when decrypting a SOAP message in JAX-WS
PI60064 Support customized error page in SAML TAI
PI60820 CWWSS5634E when using relative URI
PI62148 Expose APIs to retrieve tokens from runAs subject
PI66128 SAML Web SSO may reject requests when proxy is in use
PI69720 CWWSS7542E error in web services security SAML can be misleading
PI70402 SAML Web SSO OutOfMemory in KeyStoreManager
PI72422 JAX-WS WS-Security duplicates credentials on Subject in authcache with LTPA propagation token
WebSphere Common Configuration Model (WCCM) PI59279 Infinite loop during application startup while accessing program model extension metadata
PI63854 Memory leak on
PI63953 Backport of PM60915: Preserve initial xml files during deployment
PI65464 High CPU utilitization may occur when copying business objects.
PI71844 Deadlock in ICU library - ICUResourceBundle.instantiateBundle
z/OS PI53321 Using WOLA with CICS version 5.3 causes BBOX abend
Fix release date: 11 April, 2016
Last modified: 11 April, 2016
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 41
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI51953 Error 404 when trying to download ear file from an administer node in admin agent console.
PI52255 Change the administrative console error message displays
PI54150 Add functionality to perform ldapSearch function from the administrative console
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PI43440 WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminUtilities.getScriptLibraryFiles()"
Dynamic Cache PI49336 OutOfMemory issues in DRS due to large DRSQueueMessage collection caused by looping
Federated Repositories PI44152 Use entity type search filter in get group membership call.
General PI41965 SAML TAI restores post parameters from original request prematurely
PI44309 Thread hang due to the "allow serial access" enabled in session manager
PI44494 Message BBOA7102E is seen when variable ola_rrs_context_propagate_otma=1
PI46318 WOLA serviceability enhancements
PI46546 Not enough information provided when a custom class is not found in SAML Web SSO
PI49272 Cross site scripting vulnerability in Oauth Service Provider CVE-2015-7417
PI49437 Need to ship batik.jar that correctly displays with Tivoli Performance Viewer.
PI49705 NullPointerExceptions in binding listener code, causes the invalidation to fail.
PI49800 The org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.FILTERBINARIES property is not applied to loose applications
PI49893 Allow certificate validation to be disabled
PI50137 The WebSphere session management database uses the LONG VARCHAR attribute which is not supported in DB2
PI50205 Apache LogFormat not working for %{WAS}e
PI50473 Error starting web server plugin on HP
PI50823 Improve plugin messages for file related errors
PI50984 NullPointerException while providing internationalization service
PI51301 OAuth may not honor Security Domain credentials
PI51327 Need warnining message when uninstalling running enterprise apps
PI52103 Vulnerability in Apache Commons collections used by WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2015-7420)
PI52434 In a clustered environment with M2M session replication, non-serialized session access can cause NullPointerException
PI52490 Improve the web server plugin logging to show ephemeral port on existing connections.
PI53803 iPlanet static contents returned 503 status code when it has plug-in configured.
PI54086 ESI caching errors
PI54212 Update one class in Apache Commons
PI54236 When stopping an application the administrative console shows extraneous error about a web server.
PI54362 Session manager error messages SESN0202E and SESN0201E need more details
PI54961 Extra information in trace with WCSUrlFilter
PI55853 OutOfMemoryError in the control region output after a failed WOLA reqeust.
PI56000 Exception logged with EJBQuery 2.0
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PI55394 Add install time to VersionInfo command
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI44894 DSRA0027W logged when standalone java client runs.
PI54850 The user is unable to remove the default search query for connections validation properties on the console.
Java Message Service (JMS) PI42523 Root not injected on URL containing query but omitted path
PI45698 Converting MDB listener ports without custom properties throws NullPointerException
PI47257 FFDC is produced for a NullPointerException in
PI48725 Initial TLSv1.0 application data packet read into the wrong buffer by SSL channel
PI48986 An FFDC is created if a request containing a content-encoding header does not have a body
PI50816 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA Resource Adapter to version
PI52845 SSL handshake fails due to a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
JSP PI35449 JspApplicationContext causes JSTL-EL expression issue
Object Request Broker (ORB) PI51932 SMF type120 Subtype 9 records may report the completion minor code (SMF1209CJ) in little-endian format
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI53378 Undeprecate collector.bat/.sh
Plug-in PI49538 V7.0 Plugin can not set AutoSecurity
PI55092 Plugin generation for a mixed environment can't generate the necessary newer property
PMI/Performance Tools PI48619 Excessive appendSetCustomSetString calls cause high CPU
Runtime (zSeries®) PI44409 Server takes a long time to start through the administrative console
Security PI42628 Local OS registry initialization error
PI44880 Improve serviceability for form-logout processing.
PI47190 Add simple ldapSearch function to help configure user registry.
PI48460 Failure to convert certificates when CMS keystore is present
PI52179 Add SAML web inbound TAI
PI53397 Outbound SSL with Two-way SSL handshake fails because WebSphere does not send client certificate to SSL server
PI53493 Local OS registry can not get members in group which contains a lot of members
PI54960 Provide property to set java security algorithm related properties
PI56190 Potential security vulnerability if FIPS140-2 is enabled
System Management/Repository PI51061 Corruption in administrative console. Application will not start, can not access console.
PI53399 Not able to delete a server or cluster
PI56357 error message need full path to temp location
Transaction Service PI43413 Deadlock in controller due to timing window in the recovery log service; servant times out
PI47909 Migration fails when one node name is a substring of another
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI49310 AdminTask "setBinding" fails to find installed applications when there are multiple security domains defined.
PI54925 Extra information in FFDC log files when customer has defined strings
Web Services Security PI45840 Allow PasswordDigest on UsernameToken in JAX-WS WS-Security with custom login module
PI48578 CWWSS8014E error in SAML Web SSO can be misleading
PI50119 More error info required on WSEC7074E when KeyInfo missing from SAML assertion
Workload Management (WLM) PI37801 Thread sleep in WLM RuleEtiquette.registerNotificationType causes thread hangs when cluster member descriptions not avail
Fix release date: 2 Nov, 2015
Last modified: 2 Nov, 2015
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 39
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI32917 The console does not indicate when a new user is being created when adding a primary admin user.
PI37045 Renewing a personal certificate in RSA token keystore does not update a certificate alias name in security.xml.
PI42083 NullPointerException when opening memory-to-memory replication page in administrative console.
PM72624 Server running DPManager will not shut down on z/OS
Data Replication Services PI33639 Message CWWDR0008E Runtime exception occured : Unable to locate replication domain does not include the name of the domain.
PI45227 Session data is returned after a full 5 second DRS timeout
Default Messaging Component PI18320 NullPointerException when service integration bus messaging engine is disabled and enabled,resulting in CWSIP0785W
PI31775 JMS messages buildup on the destination when topicSpace mapping is used across multiple buses
PI32705 Large number of TickRange instances under GuaranteedTargetStream consumes more memory and may create high CPU
PI33341 Service integration bus messaging engine fails to start with NullPointerException when PMI is enabled
Dynamic Cache PI34631 DYNA0044E: XML parsing warning: Document is invalid: No grammar filed., while parsing file xxxxxx.xsd
Federated Repositories PI30252 getUsersForGroup does not return members of subgroups when baseEntries and nameInRepository differs
PI31876 Add VMM api "clearIdMgrUserFromCache" to allow explicit clearing of VMM attribute cache
PI36794 VMM database schema missing city property definition
General PI28773 Informational message mergeMethodTarget could not locate an EJB reference for Interceptor [xxx] occurs during application start
PI29634 WebSphere OAuth TAI template cache has a synchronized lock and can block many threads.
PI30212 CWWSS8031E error when a request matches the acsUrl and filter definitions for the SAML Web SSO ACSTrustAssociationInterceptor
PI30332 WebSphere WOLA API calls failing with ABEND BBOX in CICS for CICS TS 5.2
PI31622 Privilege escalation with serveServlets CVE-2015-1927
PI32125 NullPointerException in Portlet Containner CacheHelper
PI32189 WebSphere transactions connecting to CICS via WOLA hang
PI32293 SAML Web SSO TAI is not working when IDP certificate renewed
PI32374 JAX-RPC application with large attachment may consume large memory for calculating the size of the attachment.
PI33795 Override session management settings on application fails to work when application state is changed from inactive to valid
PI34044 Improve the debug information for messaging engine to messaging engine communication problems
PI34088 Error in SAML Web SSO TAI with custom SP-initiated SSO
PI34326 Frequent WSOpaqueToken W SECJ5003W: errors in SystemOut.log when using OAuth TAI
PI34548 URL fragments may be removed when requests are processed by the SAML Web SSO TAI
PI34744 DB2 columns defined with "bit data" can cause OpenJPA exception.
PI35265 ECSA storage growth when resource managers (resmgr) are not deleted
PI36211 Potential privilege escalation with OAUTH2 CVE-2015-1885
PI37448 Native storage leak collecting SMF 120-9 records with IIOP work
PI38265 WS-Notification broker may fail to deliver notifications due to IllegalStateException issued by the IBM STAX Parser.
PI38811 -backupProfile runs even if there are clusters or managed webservers up and running.
PI39768 Vulnerability in Apache Batik used by WebSphere Application Server CVE-2015-0250
PI40002 Update the System SSL cipher list
PI41557 Change default certificate to be SHA26withRSA certificates
PI43096 Missing serverindex.xml throws NullPointerException
PI43144 Extra information in Mail Trace
PI43347 Overlapping context roots may result in an HTTP 404 error message.
PI44233 Update notices file for the new was.prereq.batik
PI44337 The error messages displayed when trying to manage an unmanageable server in a standalone environment are not helpful.
PI45900 Portlet API Version 2.1.0 update
PI46441 Double quotes are being seen in the|bat -listPackages and-cleanall commands on French and Italian.
PI47842 When doing IDP-initiated SSO, if a RelayState is not in the SAMLResponse, the authentication will fail.
High Availability (HA) PI40412 DCSV8030 message explanation should include a link to appropriate technical document
PI41276 Server fails to start when HA coregroup "transport memory size" is set more than 256 Mb
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI33656 Enhance statement cache multi-thread access detection
PM66550 Asynchronous bean threads are not setting the context data properly and causing NMSV0308W
PM97050 javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException is thrown due to java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError
Java Message Service (JMS) PI33453 Chunked request might fail to receive all responses caused by delayed last CRLF
PI35402 java.lang.NumberFormatException is thrown when expiry is set to "specified" for a v5 default messaging topic or queue
PI37454 BBOJ0099E: MDB problem: Internal stop issued for MDB listener
PI40241 A web service request using secure sockets fails
PI45266 HTTP response splitting vulnerability cve-2015-2017
JNDI/Naming PI29849 Naming exception cause is unclear
Migration PI45001 WASPreUpgrade giving NullPointerException when second positional parameter is missing
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI37095 0C2 ABEND 00C2 reason code: 00000002 during recovery from an 0C4ABEND
PI37108 Unexpected commit when websphere is cancelled
PI43063 Collector tool does not collect files in temp directory
Plug-in PI30385 Domino web server crashes when plugin Edge Side Include (ESI) enabled and ChunkedResponse set to True.
PI31899 Server may get stuck in marked down state
PI32632 Duplicate error page will be shown when 413 return code received
PI33182 The plug-in connection to the application server can fail if it is interrupted during the initial connect.
PI35178 Plugin to return REQ_ABORTED with rc=500 for Solaris
PI41367 Plugin does not honor IBM HTTP Server server-status request.
PI42490 Second connect fails when using same socket
PI46569 Plugin may crash if connect calls are interrupted
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PI32169 AsyncBeans logs error ASYN0066E and can lead to a slow memory leak due to timing issues related to work completion
Proxy Server PI38403 Potential Information Disclosure in On Demand Router CVE-2015-1932
Runtime PI38330 library.policy is not applied to non-isolated shared library but is applied to isolated shared library may see SECJ0314W
PI38446 NullPointerException when runtime is being started
PI42112 WSVR0322W emitted for empty classpath definition
Runtime (zSeries®) PI27374 CreateFailureException when application is re-deployed
Security PI30682 User runAs roles defaults to using the global/admin realm and there is no pulldown to select the realm.
PI32113 During Initialization of the WebSphere Application Server, there is a delay of 5 minutes or more.
PI35289 Remove the RC4 ciphers from the high list of ciphers that are generated by default CVE-2015-2808
PI35536 Global security realm and security domain realm is same then code is not allowing
PI35729 Issue different message if host and port number are not available.
PI36563 Remove the RSA_EXPORT Ciphers from the medium list of ciphers CVE-2015-0138
PI37396 Potential spoofing vulnerability in WebSphere Application Server CVE-2015-4938
PI37497 Application runtime failed with HTTP method PUT is not supported by this URL
PI38492 The did not work properly when running from command line.
PI38596 Hang in findNonNullKeyEntry() OF
PI39396 same value is set for LTPAToken and LTPAToken2 cookie in HTTP response
PI42153 Retrieve signers from port does not honor the enabled cipher suites setting.
PI43170 Display a better message when keystore file does not exist.
PI43727 Expiration monitor stopped working if the certificate is not generated by WebSphere Application Server
PI43768 Remove SSL_RSA_FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA from the strong cipher list.
PI48386 Extra information in trace
System Management/Repository PI38302 CVE-2015-1920 Security vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server
Transaction Service PI28635 WS-RM 1.0 synchronous application requests are constantly resent despite having been acknowledged
PI43890 Add additional information to CWRLS0030 message to aid startup trouble-shooting.
PI45319 NullPointerException appears during partner log recovery processing
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI35285 WSWS7027E and WSWS7054E errors (WSDL file could not be generated) may occur during web service deployment or startup
PI37874 A web service thread holding a synchronization lock may hang during application deployment
PI42135 Extra information is displayed in browser window
Web Services Security PI31799 A NullPointerException error may occur when a WS-Security Kerberos token generator is mis-configured and trace is enabled
PI32262 AuthenticationCache entries with SAML tokens getting large and causing OutOfMemory
PI32579 Allow the OnBehalfOf or ActAs elements in an STS request to contain a SAML token
PI33760 SHA-2 signature algorithm cannot be specified for SAML token in file or WS-Security bindings
PI38151 Throw exception if receive unsupported keyinfo in SAML
WebSphere Common Configuration Model (WCCM) PI29977 Excessive threads from com/ibm/icu/util/calendar code causes runtime delay
Workload Management (WLM) PM98613 Proxy server may not release resources when an endpoint is unavailable
Fix release date: 13 Mar, 2015
Last modified: 11 Mar, 2015
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 37
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI20805 Administrative console reports status of a running application as partial start after server restart.
PI20983 Update information returned from SOAP port
PI23174 Password field is blank in CSIv2 Outbound trusted identity
PI25136 Attempting to update an application from the administrative console returns error 500 and NumberFormatException
PI26128 From the console if you select everything under policy attachments it generates multiple entries in bindings.xml
PI26930 Mail validation is too strict for security notification emails
PI27152 WebSphere Application Server console clickjacking vulnerability
PI28879 "Generic Servers" might remain as "defunct" processes in the system after being stopped.
PM88241 Console provides a link to save the application even after it informed user they must discard the workspace.
Data Replication Services PI23397 Delay in replication message delivery
PI26233 The members of the replication domain contains excessive members
Default Messaging Component PI17533 JMS message producer and consumer applications fail to produce and consume messages from service integration bus destination
PI18511 When MQ server is a bus member and correllationID of the message is used, queue is browsed against all messages.
PI19322 Restrict long running locks warning messages logged even though the feature is not enabled
PI20317 IllegalMonitorStateException leads to corrupt destination in WebSphere Application Server service integration bus
PI22569 MQ RFH2 header is propagated even though it is disabled at the destination.
Dynamic Cache PI28016 NumberFormatException in extended cache monitor
PI28515 Dynacache CWWDY1064E or DYNA1064E is written for containsKeyDisk() operation
EJB Container PI23717 Deadlock in com/ibm/ejs/util/cache/Cache.findAndFault and com/ibm/ejs/container/HomeRecord.getHomeAndInitialize(
Federated Repositories PI20941 Server startup has SECJ0363E and SECJ0369E errors
PI21458 Support for login policy to change password after first login in federated repository with LDAP repository configured.
PI24253 Duplicate predicates in LDAP query is causing performance issues for client.
PI28542 NullPointerException while initializing the policy handler for openldap
PI30945 CWWIM4538E message improved to include repository IDs.
General PI15638 Follow-up to apar PM74190 for web services component
PI17894 WebSphere WOLA API calls failing with abend BBOX in BBOATRUE in a CICS TS 5.1
PI19266 SAML web single-sign on (sso) may corrupt HTTP Request Parameter bytes
PI19698 SAML web single-sign on (sso) may redirect client to the wrong url
PI20909 SAML web single-sign on (sso) is corrupting NL characters on various actions/logins
PI22912 NullPointerException thrown from session manager code even though the application server is up and running.
PI23547 When REU=Y some request to override a link succeed when all should fail
PI23819 Potential XSS vulnerability on session identifier handling when using url rewriting
PI24001 The JspWriterImpl is not properly cleaning up resources in memory after a request completes.
PI24246 HttpSessionBindingEvent.getValue() returns null
PI25221 A potential performance issue with ODR/Proxy on Microsoft Windows
PI25499 NullPointerException thrown when a session in memory was invalidated before the scheduled invalidation occured.
PI25716 Eclipse OSGi fails with exit code = 23.
PI25749 Include partition table information in logging.
PI26735 WSDL4J consumes excessive amounts of memory in the heap
PI26845 AdminTask.importSAMLIdPMetadata command generates invalid SAML Web SSO TAI properties
PI30400 Update the XML processing for portlet.xml during portlet application installation.
PI31061 Double quotes are being seen in the|bat -listPackages command on French and Italian.
PI32647 With Java2 security on, the SECJ0314W is thrown.
PM74190 Application update failure with SaveFailureException and error IWAE0017E
PM86697 Followup to PM73096. Handle additional cases of archive memory leaks.
High Availability (HA) PI15356 PYT tables compatible with CICS TS 5.1 are missing
PI18362 BBOA8782E during ola processing of transactions with CHAR containers.
PI31401 Add additional information for DCSV1115W
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM98850 Improve CWXRS0029E - NullPointerException loadVersionInfo during server start
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI15051 showPoolContents shows other datasource pool content information
PI17324 AdminControl.invoke fails for purgePoolContents immediate
PI27154 Gracefully handle the SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
PI28237 Error messages during testConnection need to include JNDI name of the datasource
PI30814 FFDC dumped with J2C exception does not contain the name of the datasource
PI30968 J2CA0112W message could occur due to duplicate JNDI names
PI30983 Print datasource name when printing JDBC driver info
Java Message Service (JMS) PI20299 Cache control header was updated by channel framework but updated incorrectly with quotes
PI26313 Jobs run with launch client intermittently fail with WSCL0912E component failed to initialize
Liberty PI17457 Javacore file is packaged into the server dump in an incorrect encoding.
Migration PI28359 Migration change to WCInbound transport name causes synch error
Object Request Broker (ORB) PI24231 IX90122 fails to work properly when security is not enabled.
PI24328 Same file names when using redirect_server_output_dir function on JES3 system
PI27448 Thread hang recovery not terminating a thread in DB2 type 2 driver env with WebSphere for z/OS.
PI31117 SSD blocks in ESQA associated with WebSphere control not freed
Other PI30745 When webcontainer begins disallowing serveServletsByClassname, console longer redirects from /admin to /ibm/console
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI27063 Need to add new operation in TraceService MBean , so that user can get the output after setting trace specification
Plug-in PI12590 Poor performance parsing multiple hostname qualified vhost in the web server plugin
PI23157 When running with PRIMEPSA enabled plugin transportSetServerAddress overlaid heap headers, causing abend
PI25302 Plug-in race condition can occur when multiple threads are trying to retrieve the partition table at the same time.
PI26971 Plug-in generation ignores cell custom property ignoreInternalApplicationsList
PI27204 Connection count may be incorrect when using embedded ESI caching
PI28074 WebSphere plug-in for the IBM HTTP Server will issue MVS console message if initialization fails.
PI28144 Provide inforation about client write failures in the WebSphere web server plugin log
PI30108 Message "ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to unset $WSRH header"
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PI24943 Asyncbeans logs the error ASYN0066E upon WorkTimeout
Runtime PI23501 NoClassDefFoundError when loading the StudioPervasiveServlet
PI24771 Potential loss of remote EJB binding if application is stopped and server is recycled.
Runtime (zSeries®) PI22382 Exception in thread ChannelFramework Threadpool : 0 java.lang.NullPointerException
PI27262 z/OS WebSphere public variable needed to disable FFDC logging of buffer overflow events.
Scheduler PI16842 Scheduler misses first time with cron string specification
Security PI13266 Node startup may fail when using custom registry
PI16641 Add a warning message if the realm name in the wimconfig.xml file does not match the global realm name in security.xml.
PI17564 Can not enable sp800-131a and FIPS concurrently.
PI17648 Samples needed to implement OAuth 2.0 are missing in V7
PI17997 Fix chkpii error in security.nlsprops
PI18305 Extra information in FFDC logs
PI22490 The application login page is repeatedly displayed after supplying userid and password.
PI23190 In WebSphere Process Server environment, LTPA token expiration error is thrown intermittently.
PI28207 SECJ0395E: Could not locate the security server host and port
PI28513 Server fails to start during initializing federated repository with
PI29000 High CPU utilization may be seen when security configuration change is made for a cell with many application servers
PI30137 Emit warning messsage only when realms differ between security.xml and wimconfig.xml.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PI25144 Enhance HTTPOnly to support wild card in cookie name
System Management/Repository PI24847 Nodeagent might not start application server after system reboot because of wrong PID info in monitor.state
PI26721 When updating a applictaion using JMX API , input with war modules does not work.
PI27378 AdminTask UpdateAppOnCluster is not pausing application server during rollout updates
PM82872 DocumentNotFoundException when checking application status to adminagent
Transaction Service PI12449 Server fails to start due to transaction recovery failure
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI09785 Exported WS-Security policy bindings with encrypted passwords may be unusable
PI23552 WSDL definition could not be generated for the implementation class
Web Services Security PI18059 A self-issued SAML token that includes an X.500 LDAP attribute cannot be created
PI32373 CredentialConfiguration class is missing from was_public.jar
Workload Management (WLM) PI20776 WSVR0605W hung thread in UnavailableManagerImpl
PI21685 OutOfMemoryError java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue owned by BBDescriptionManager$UpdateThread
Fix release date: 13 Oct, 2014
Last modified: 29 Sep, 2014
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 35

100% CPU Usage PI12571 WorkCompletedException occurs when importing transaction via JCA
PI13992 Deadlock between transaction and activity services when remote request times out
PI16613 NullPointerException in FFDC coming from RecoveryManager.preShutdown
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI14218 Not able to modify or select activation spec custom property
PI16095 Port assignment issues
PI17532 Admin page being cached locally
Default Messaging Component PM97695 RippleStart of WebSphere Application Server causes currently running transactions to fail
Federated Repositories PI15231 Add group search filter for LDAP user in login process
PI17239 Principal name for the users in local OS and domain in the format machineid\userid or domain\userid
PI17504 VMM throws NullPointerException while login if contextPool is disabled
PI18547 Version 6.1 fails to start in mixed cell enviroment after federation to Version 7.0 cell
PI19315 Context pool checkbox is disabled by default for custom LDAP repository type but traces shows that it is enabled.
PI21458 Support for login policy to change password after first login in federated repository with LDAP repository configured.
PI23929 Server fails to restart after enabling servlet caching.
General PI10275 java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError while running retrievesigners command on the application client
PI10792 OpenJPA FetchJoin does not always get the correct result.
PI11745 manageProfle -backupProfile repeats multiple times before completing
PI11849 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.FeatureNotFoundException: Feature 'xmlns' not found error
PI12923 NoClassdefFoundError may occur if resources file are invoked in WSFP bundle.
PI14280 In SAML Web SSO, user principal selection is different if you are using ID Assertion or not
PI15518 Notifications not sent to service integration bus clients when a messaging engine instance is stopped forcefully.
PI15819 LinkageError due to class loader is trying to define a class the second time.
PI15835 Server took a dump for an abend S0DC3 RC 0A120002
PI16829 WMQ connection factory test connection button fails with 2278 when using a CCDTURL containing a WebSphere variable.
PI16932 Close naming context before creating context wrapper
PI17768 Security vulnerability in portlet container
PI17987 The portlet container markup fragment caching feature incorrectly handles null values of URL parameters.
PI18069 NullPointerException when getting second connection to CICS using WOLA within single transaction
PI18177 Add additional check in session manager to remove incorrect cloneIds if HttpSessionCloneId property is set.
PI19429 Warning message that the is not found when applying a V7 fix pack
PI19830 Provide stack trace in FFDC when response already committed (SESN0066E) scenario occurs.
PI20803 Thread pool fails to detect interrupted tasks
PI20835 NumberFormatException returns to Administrative Console if server running with "-Dfile.encoding=Cp943".
PI21552 Provide required support to remove symlink dependencies to authorized modules when starting servers via scripting.
PI22641 Server JVM locks nodeagent's native_stderr.log
PI23055 Administrative console may be vulnerable to cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery
PI23059 The not honored in client programs
PI23817 NoSuchMethodError when initializing OLA 14/09/02 ptf pechange
PM84513 The first SAML Web SSO error page served to any client on a server remains the only error page ever served to subsequent clients
PM94648 The Session Manager may not able to access the session data due to "Stream Closed" error
High Availability (HA) PI22073 DCSV9421W (general network problem) messages should contain the node and server name member failing to connect.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PI24541 Add Update Installer installation support on RH7
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI12769 Exceptions can occur when using a database URL with an equal (=)sign.
PI12978 DB2 insert is rolled back for unknown reason
PI13428 Threads hang due to deadlock when stopping an application that includes a resource adapter
PI16660 ClassCastException during invocation of method "findByPrimaryKey" on a CMP 2.1 EJB
Java Message Service (JMS) PI11176 The HTTP channel could cause the operating system to send an RST packet when the connection is closed
PI21276 %U NCSA access logging directive does not record the URL path
JSP PI09596 NoClassdefFoundErrors for a particular JSP servlet. Causes permanent failure of loads
Migration PI09274 WASPreUpgrade tool reports success when there are no valid profiles to migrate.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PI08712 Under certain circumstances, SSL communications with the ORB would stop responding
PI18081 WebSphere control region adjunct (CRA) address space fails to start during server startup
PI22134 Product build process uses old ORB libraries for thin client jars
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI21768 Deadlock when using java logging framework
Plug-in PI13763 Applciation server stuck in markdown
PI23057 Unknown property UseInsecure
Proxy Server PI17268 WebSphere Application Server Compute Grid for z/OS can improperly re-dispatch a job a second time. 14/09/02 ptf pechange
Runtime (zSeries®) PI14978 An admin thread was running very late in server stop processing caused ABENDDC3 RC000C000B in deployment manager
PI20907 Administrative console ports do not open after maintenance upgrade.
Security PI08268 Information Disclosure in WebSphere Application Server
PI14178 Certificate monitor did not renew chained certificate (not IBM default chained certificate)
PI17147 From administrative console unable to view the certificates on remotely-managed keystore
PI20063 Failed to write security audit record during the server shutdown process.
PI21904 After SDK upgrade, IBMCMSProvider may create CMS keystores by default that ca not be used by native code on z/OS
PM98240 Single sign on might not work when multiple security domain is enabled.
System Management/Repository PI14351 Deploying oversized ear file fails to transfer to node configuration through FileTransfer service.
PI21139 NullPointerException while configuring StringNameSpaceBinding using properties file based configuration.
PI21163 Unable to delete a JVM custom property using property file based configuration
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI18036 MapsId class packaged with the feature pack for JPA is not located automatically by wsgen
Web Services Security PI20105 Cloning a SAMLToken object using SAMLTokenFactory.newSAMLToken(Token) returns null.
PI22741 New issuer lost from XML when re-signing SAML token
Fix release date: 23 Jun, 2014
Last modified: 23 Jun, 2014
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 33

100% CPU Usage PI06988 org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL in Activity Service
PI07168 Compensation scope log grows steadily until LogFullException following XAER_RMERR from CScope XAResource
PI11879 JAX-RPC request fails with SOAPFault with faultcode MustUnderstand
PM98522 Exception while importing activity may leave activity on thread
PM99381 WSAT transaction failed when using JDBC and JPA together
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PI04777 Cross-site scripting issues in the administrative console
PI04835 404 error should not display information
PI05216 BLA scoped resource not removed from authorization group after J2EE application or BLA is uninstalled
PI06916 The server port assignment during an application server creation was not based the server template provided.
PI08037 NullPointerException while trying to access datasource via administrative console
PI09388 DSRA3602E error when argument Duser.language set in administrative console when creating JDBC datasource
PI09758 Application deployment fails with "Websphere FileBrowser MBean not found. Node agent may not be running."
PI10741 #ERROR# is prefixed to IBM HTTP Server's ServerName directive when updated in the administrative console under global directives
PI11434 Information Disclosure in WebSphere Application Server
PI12639 Conflicting DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS port generated by wsadmin command when creating cluster members concurrently
PI12648 Administrative console affected by Apache commons fileupload vulnerability
PI12744 Connection timeout property of SOAP client ineffective in some cases
PI13887 Several console panels do not display correctly with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
PI14501 List of servers to map application modules to is an unsorted list and hard to navigate.
PM96561 Updating ear on cluster with configurator role user can see, but not run, rollout update option
Data Replication Services PI08991 High CPU using data replication
Default Messaging Component PI07806 JMFSchemaViolationException: schemaId=null when messages are sent over service integration bus link
PI15498 Change the path of migration scripts in V7
PM89729 FFDC shows ClassNotFoundException while loading
PM92447 The JVM for WebSphere Application server is not terminated when the connection to the database is lost.
Dynamic Cache PI09492 500 error occurs if serializing a cache object to persist to disk fails.
PI10209 ConcurrentModificationException by dynamic cache while multiple threads are creating the cache instances at the same time.
PI13004 Serviceability apar to enhance dynacache tracing.
PM98732 The "required" attribute of a web services cache policy component is dynamically changed to "true".
EJB Container PI05554 EJB timeout method runs in a separate transaction from the scheduler task
PI10351 LocalTransaction.RolledbackException occurs when EJB method is called in transaction started by TransactionManager interface
PI11816 ClassCastException, EJB stub cannot be cast.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PI11657 EJBDeploy process fails
Enterprise Edition (EE) PI05427 Web services XML parser may lose data returned from single byte reads
PI08415 OutOfMemoryError may occur in XML parser symbol map
PI10924 The JAXB Unmarshaller may throw a RuntimeException in the code generation process when handling a XMLJavaTypeAdapter.
PI14400 XMLStreamException may be thrown for a well-formed UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded XML document
Federated Repositories PI13001 Federated repository does not allow logins for users with referred group memberships when referrals=ignore
PI13172 getUniqueUserId not returning user when userSecurityName contains single quote
PM99486 getUsersForGroup does not return members of subgroups when searchBases set for entityTypes
General PI05256 SOC4 in BBOOWORK+125E
PI05371 Connection leak in WebSphere SIP proxy causes TCPC0004W error
PI05778 Reduce LOGREC entries when CICS WOLA runs but WebSphere is down
PI06431 Portlet container URL addressability feature performs invalid URL encoding
PI06467 Application server hangs during startup
PI06958 Servant process is terminated after a WLM Queue percent timer expired.
PI08563 Faultstring is "unknown" instead of a detailed message in JDK 7 or non-IBM JDK 6.
PI08923 Application installation fails with NullPointerException when an ear file contains nested jar files
PI09368 The protocol_bboc_log_response_failure code treats "0" response as error. Should only treat negative return code as error.
PI09799 Server JVM locks nodeagent's native_stderr.log
PI10314 AnnotativeMetadataManagerImpl ClassCastException generated during server startup
PI12915 NameID missing from subject in SAML WSSO needs better diagnostics
PI13041 Portlet container spurious log statement to the SystemOut.log
PI14816 PortletRequest.getProperties() does not treat property names as case insensitive
PI16001 Update installer installs Linux ppc_32 native libs on Linux ppc_64 system
PI16061 SIP proxy - uneven load balancing - sending appservers to overload
PI17190 WebSphere Application Server V7 affected by CVE-2014-0114(vulnerability of Apache struts1)
PM78682 Specifying xsi:nil="true" for the TerminationTime attribute of a WS-Notification renew operation fails
PM78861 XML lock contention may reduce web services performance
PM82011 A CannotInstantiateObjectException occurs while performing a JNDI lookup of an EJB interface.
PM90876 NMSV0609W messages on
PM94548 Default thread pool Mbean is not created
PM96969 High CPU problem caused by ras.lite code
PM98141 Marshall library transformation methods were modified to use JDK7 intrinsic methods, when appropriate, to improve performance
PM98306 Elevation of Privileges with embedded WebSphere Application Server Version 7
PM99067 Reading BLA composition unit fails due to lack of authority
High Availability (HA) PI16110 HMGR0152W messages are thrown with a delay of less than 20 seconds.
PI16117 Accumulation of subscriptions in the core group bridge subscription router causes out of memory errors.
PM95267 DCSV9415 messages are often caused by a port conflict. An update is needed to list a port conflict as a possible cause.
PM98719 Server fails to start DCSV9416E with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PI05689 Endpoint not activated for resource adapters.
PI07077 Format the FFDC data from J2C
PI11713 Dump connection pool data when J2CA0045E occurs
PM95559 DSRA1300E message being logged redundantly
PM99805 Failed to create RA configuration in a mixed cell environment with V5.1.1 node
Java Message Service (JMS) PI06627 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
PI07320 Connection information set in the trust manager is not quite right,it is showing proxy info instead of actual host/port.
PI07526 FFDC error when running Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) on Embedded WebSphere (eWAS). Invalid call toWsByteBuffer method
PI15453 AIO TCP channel could hang on Microsoft Windows operating systems
PM93728 Deadlock using listener ports or multiple JMS sessions from a single JMS connection
PM94455 Request fails when renegotiation is triggered
PM98412 Messge WMSG0902E issued when starting WebSphere Application Server z/OS in recovery mode.
PM98489 WebSphere Application Server starts open for e-business yet WMSG1623E was issued by MQ series
JSP PI12939 JSP gets re-compiled redundantly if the owner of the JSP class is different than server id that runs the server.
PM06023 Problem when commons-el and java stand tag library are used in conjunction
Liberty PI05661 Potential Cross-site scripting vulnerability on OAuth
Migration PI07544 Generated application migration script does not account for certain characters in application edition names.
PI08948 Migrating a library which points to the profile's config directory causes WASpost to fail.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PI16118 Warning message "Could not find matching export for import-package:" is displayed
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PI05410 Race condition on threads when pznLikemindsWorkManager requests LogManager on server start up
PI07534 IllegalArgumentException occurs when logger created is not an instance of WsLogger.
PI08137 Deadlock occurs at SIBJMSRAThreadPool thread
PI09736 FFDC entries written to application log when using java.util.logging.Logger.log() method
PI13635 startServer failed
Plug-in PI08892 Potential Denial of service with web server plug-in
PI10256 Cache Monitor displays incorrect IP address
PI10757 Allow plug-in custom property "UseInsecure"in a V7 Dmgr, for generating plugin-cfg.xml intended for a V8.5 runtime.
PMI/Performance Tools PM92568 The wsadmin script that turns on PMI custom settings for SIB service not updating pmi-config.xml
PM99345 GPF in SystemData.getCpuUtilization occurs on z/OS nodeagent
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PI05902 Work manager work.release() method is being called, even after the work item has exited the run() method.
Proxy Server PI06024 Enabling the proxy virtual host is not immediately recognized.
PI09786 Proxy server incorrectly caching response content
PM99658 Proxy server ConcurrentModificationException
Runtime (zSeries®) PI06031 java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid call to WsByteBuffer method. Buffer has already been released.
PI06323 Received C9C2128F when queueing with affinity during or just after startup
PI13281 Call name server locally in clustered environment in order to prefer local EJB call.
PI14413 Server health not updated from zero.
PM84850 f daemon_jobname,javacore brings down daemon
Security PI06951 When a keystore file is not placed under the node name directory, the deleteKeyStore command failed.
PI07503 Server identity is used to create the J2C connections while the user identity is expected.
PI08493 Duplicate entries in security audit log file when security auditing is enabled.
PI09544 The SAML TAI decoded the original URL before sending the redirect.
PI09741 Seeing many failed logins in security audit log after turning on the audit logging.
PI10357 Incorrect realm name was set when configuring standalone custom registry via Security Configuration Wizard.
PI10766 Users are unable to disable daemon SSL
PI10840 Redundant customer TAI objects when one should only be created.
PI17583 LtpaToken2 cookie might not be removed from the HTTP client when FormLogout process is completed.
PM85829 WebSphere Application Server will try to validate a null provider token.
PM89884 Dynamic SPNEGO configuration updates can result in excessive Kerberos token expiration.
PM95825 security.xml goes to 0 MB when configuring standalone LDAP
PM98395 The ACS application and scripts are missing from the embedded WebSphere Application Server package.
PM98406 Issues with JaasLoginModule in the same name.
PM99397 Provide TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocol support for daemon system SSL
PM99608 AdminTask.importSAMLIdpMetadata throws NullPointerException
Servlet Engine/Web Container PI08569 404 happens intermittently in Portal/WCM
PI09474 Default webapp error page is not provided
PI09594 Potential Information Disclosure with Exception handling
PM84305 OutOfMemoryError caused by memory leak in caching the wrapper for URIs
Sessions and Session Management PI04871 If there is a database problem, session manager will attempt to call getConnection() up to 3 times.
System Management/Repository PI11304 AdminAgent issues out of memory error after many application installs
PI12908 Trailing blank in userid value in soap.client.props file causes stopServer fails with ADMN0022E
PI16580 Messages in the console during full configuration sync are displayed in the wrong language locale.
PM89648 Admin agent or node agent might not restart application server after system reboot
PM98444 Fast track deployment method uses old jdkSourceLevel
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PI04891 Web service URL information is missing during generating webserver plugin-cfg.xml.
PI05855 Performance improvement on deploying/updating web services ear file
PI05895 SOAPMessageBodyBasedDispatcher fails to get operation from SOAP message when there is white space between tags
PI06869 Invoker for wsadmin command failed to handle spaces in the application path.
PI07385 Performance issue on JAX-WS client when security is enabled
PI08043 SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle is being ignored and wrapped is always selected
PI08274 Unable to set WS-Policy binding over admin agent on second application server profile.
PI09929 Unexpected directory is created and not deleted when deploying web service application.
PI10403 Setting the SCA endpoint address of a URL using the administration console fails.
PI11939 Wrong <xs:import> elements were generated when accessing WSDL
PI12167 Remove recursive exception in the web services trace when useing EJB module invoked by web services.
PI14101 Under heavy load JAX-WS web service outbound pool may leak connections.
PI15581 NullPointerException when starting multiple applications at the same time
PM91625 setting customized http header at client side doesn't support "Cache-Control"
PM94858 Start component as needed generates an exception when calling web services using a JAX-WSs client packaged as a utility jar.
Web Services Security PI07407 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException using SAMLIDAssertionCallbackHandler having 3 issuers
PI07877 Add SAML APIs to add attributes and re-sign the token
PI09988 LoginException error may occur in wssTokenPropagationInboundLoginModule
PI11135 JAX-WS UsernameToken consumer may still check the registry when disableUserRegistryCheck=true
PI16497 WS-Security SAML token generator may emit expired SAML 2.0 tokens
PM99786 Poor diagnostics when SAML token validation fails
Workload Management (WLM) PI05798 ConcurrentRequestCount PMI statistic shows negative value
PI08016 KeyRepositoryImpl contains HashMaps which grow over time
PM98972 z/OS servant hangs during initialization after abend
Fix release date: 13 Jan, 2014
Last modified: 13 Jan, 2014
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 31

PM92783 Compensation Service enablement of Highly Available IORs when HA enabled via System Property
PM91584 J2CA0008W custom property maxPoolDepth of Activation Spec
PM94323 Difficulty determining root cause of java.lang.Errors on Node Agents or Deployment Managers
PM96773 Nodesync command might fail when hotRestartSync JVM ARGUMENT IS IN USE
PM96838 Optionally disable port activity checking when a server is created.
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM90088 POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILTY CVE-2012-2098
PM97936 Unmarshalling of an XML document with the IBM JAXB runtime may result in an object with missing attribute data.
PM99450 Potential denial of service with XML parser
PM80930 Oracle UCP XA Datasource results in UniversalConnectionPoolException:All connections
PM87133 Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) ActiveCount may be inaccurate when a session is accessed by multiple threads.
PM91615 The thread pool is not actively cleared of completed work items
PM93884 OpenJPA MetaDataRepository preload doesn t load JAXB meta data which can result in NullPointerException
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
PM81105 LocalTransactionExceeption thrown during commit was wrapped as heuristic XAException
PM95457 CNTR0020E, AbstractMethodError exception is thrown by getJDBCMajorVersion() method
PM92313 Potential security vulnerability after Migration from Version 6.1 or later.
PM87430 When restarting in recovery mode, WAS server fails to bootstrap to the local hostname and terminates with ServiceUnavailableExce
PM85252 When launching WebService client using Java Web Start, NoClassDefFoundError was thrown for URLHandlerClass
PM87246 SSL connection fails when encoded password is set as AdminClient property programatically.
PM97338 Tivoli Access Manager Files need updates
PM98132 Potential Cross-site scripting vulnerability
PM90698 When @PostConstruct is defined on the base and overridden by the subclasses, the annotated subclass method is invoked twice.
PM93323 Potential Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
PM92206 Configuration transform fails after a JDK update.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM73799 NullPointerException during JAX-WS Web Service Invocation
PM82523 The SOAP engine used by System Management does not honor http.nonProxyHosts when https.nonProxyHost is not provided.
PM91060 no protocol: XMLSchema.dtd
PM92093 wsdeploy throws a ClassNotFoundException error
PM90949 Potential Vulnerability in WS-SECURITY with XML Digital Signature
PM88666 DMZ secure proxy, when under load, may continue returning 503 even if backend target server is restored from down status.

Fix release date: 21 Jun, 2013
Last modified: 20 Jun, 2013
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 29

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM75702 NullPointerException can occur in FFDC formatting of custom collections that introduce a null iterator.
PM75705 Deadlock encountered during server startup when attempting to process in-commit transactions
PM78819 Unable to adjust 3 sec makeconnection and 15 sec retry notification messages.
PM79030 WS-ReliableMessaging failures when concurrent work is processed
PM79890 WS-ReliableMessaging application causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError due to large heap space usage
PM79994 WS-ReliableMesaging may cause CWSIP0801E message to be generated during messaging engine startup due to race condition.
PM80326 WS-ReliableMessaging scaleability issue in a clustered environment.
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM73919 Cannot uncheck enable JCA based inbound message delivery check box once checked in administrative console
PM74096 The administrative console always runs slowly whenever the node screen or log and trace screen panel is selected
PM75082 Console view last action incorrect and Jython error message is not useful.
PM76691 Administrative console select all checkbox does not always work with Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
PM76830 Login to the administrative console using j_security_script
PM77288 Creating cluster members results in duplicate ports.
PM77444 Administrative console does not accept valid thread pool field changes after editing server.xml
PM77718 Ok overwrites apply in administrative console on J2C authentication data settings
PM78614 Administrative console URLs may be vulnerable to XSS attacks against logged-in users
PM78956 Extraneous test.jsp is shipped with the product.
PM79292 DB2 data source, automatic client reroute enabled, restart admin unsaved changes reported
PM79330 WebSphere Application Server. anonymous directories created by using the administrative console.
PM79992 Security vulnerability when accessing the administrative console
PM80264 Increase in field selection size in "share library mappings".
PM81846 XSS in console new web server panel
PM82468 Cross-site scripting in application deployment wizard
PM83535 Add filters to login conflict panel
PM83937 Change values in JSPs for administration console isclite panels
PM84410 Change to use a variable instead of hard coded path
PM84662 In the administrative console, the command for custom health action in the runtime task is wrong
PM85662 AdminConfig.list() generates a NullPointerException with security enabled
PM86483 500 error when adding WebSphere environment variables in the administrative console
PM88746 Link injection in administrative console
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM80400 Wsadmin may display wrong exception when terminated by an uncaught non-Application Server failure
PM82029 Improve wsadmin help messages
PM82538 Wsadmin gets wrong product id from connected server at startup
PM83407 Ws_ant sshexec target incorrectly closes output stream.
Classloader PM77351 Auto-started applications fail authorization tests due to missing subject
Default Messaging Component PM69045 When a SIB message engine is deleted, the proxy queues related to the deleted messaging engine are not cleaned up.
PM71087 More callbacks registered by service integration bus (sib) might introduce high CPU
PM72835 OutOfMemory SIB MDB failure to establish a connection to messaging engine could result in a leak of channel framework chains.
PM74709 Deadlock detected in WebSphere Application Server service integration bus messaging engine
PM77945 Negative value of active thread count for persistent dispatcher threads lead to hang.
PM79349 Provide an SPI for event sequencing logic
Dynamic Cache PM75050 Missing content from parent servlet with edge side include (esi) enabled.
PM76589 Unnecessary XMLReader objects population, leads to heap & CPU overhead
PM82643 Application classloader leak when an application using servlet caching is stopped.
EJB Container PM78360 createEJBStubs.bat with a long classpath causing error
PM79779 ConcurrentModificationException when starting applications if server started with start components as needed
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM85691 Update EJBDeploy, ejbdeploy-clear-cache script fails to run
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM78806 Unmarshalling of a JAXB class with unpaired getters/setters may result in an object with missing values
PM82559 A deadlock may occur during JAXB and xslt processing
Federated Repositories PM75085 The wsadmin addIdMgrLDAPAttrNotSupported CLI returns NullPointerException for VMM custom repository
PM78452 LDAP context pool timeout does not work to release expired connection in federated repository
PM83168 Virtual member manager may throw timestamp format error when updating property extension database
PM84207 GET API uniqueName value should be in normal case at the time of login.
PM84881 URBridge fails on RACF BBOO0222I,WTRN0006W transaction timed out
General PM62615 Messages build up on service integration bus topicspace
PM66889 PMI ActiveCount inaccurate when a session is accessed, invalidated, and created on the same request
PM69541 New PMI counter for retrieving threadPool percentage
PM69959 OutOfMemoryError in javamail MessagingException.toString() when sending a message with too many recipients
PM71600 SIP container returns null when invoke session.getCallid() method after failover
PM72328 CWSIK0022E errors after failback of WebSphere Application Server service integration bus messaging engine
PM72780 Application start is slower than V6.1 when many EJB-refs are present
PM73038 SIP container allows the application to create an un-subscribe request.
PM73096 Connector installation failing with out of memory error showing archive and class loader instances
PM73099 Null field values after calling EntityManager.remove()
PM73629 Enabling the trace "" string produces too much log output, interfering with problem diagnosis
PM74151 JSESSIONIDs shorter than the expected length should be processed by session manager
PM74270 OPENJPA=ALL TRACING CAUSES OpenJPA class transform/enhancement to fail
PM74368 Org.apache.commons.el.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl cache control missing
PM74568 Calling Response.encodeURL(myurl)after HttpSession is invalidated generates java.lang.NullPointerException
PM74646 0D6/AKEB abend happens in CICS startup from WebSphere bboc txn
PM74655 Read timeouts can cause a ClassCastException when using IPC as the local connector.
PM74682 Changes in system time can affect the functionality of the alarm manager.
PM74829 In some cases the SIP container opens a connection to the WebSphere SIP proxy server to send a response message.
PM74923 Servant output redirected to Unix systems services file system could collide when servants start at the same time.
PM75102 Threads unexpectedly exhaust the thread pool leading to permanent hang
PM76083 Creating a profile and a cluster with the starting port parameter creates ports outside the directive.
PM76175 Deserialization from session fail over
PM76181 Missing resource references when two EJBs extend the same base class during the deployment of the application.
PM76236 Issues with the SIP container going out of view
PM77512 Out of memory condition occurs when a user attempts to logout from administrative console
PM77840 NoClassdefFoundError caused by a ConcurrentModificationException
PM77854 Broken Information Center link in client sample welcome page.
PM77910 LooseConfigRegister needs to be synchronized
PM78101 Add SolidDB support on session database
PM78427 Deadlock in SIP container code.
PM78667 SipServletMessageImpl is not parsing the remote Ipv6 address correctly.
PM78745 Deployment fails with out of memory exception when a class inheritance loop is present
PM79938 WebSphere Application Server optimized local adapter (wola) drops registration with CICS after servant recycle.
PM80646 OAuth provider does not support reverse proxy configuration causing incorrect URL redirection
PM80786 A web server definition cannot be removed using the removeOs400WebServerDefinition script.
PM81058 Slow EJB 3.0 performance when an SQL query contains a parameter marker (?)
PM81173 Webapp tag containing deployment descriptor href incorrectly added to WebAppExtensions
PM81203 Log entries showing "tableAlias" appear in systemout.log for JPA applications after upgrade to v7.0.0.25
PM81363 Possible excessive CPU usage conditions occur with SIP
PM81653 After WASService detects that the service has already started it sets the state incorrectly to server_stopped
PM82550 Deadlock in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) container
PM82750 Slow portal logout processing during high volume stress usage
PM83001 Garbled value for hostname in the BBOO0325W message.
PM84372 The instructions generated by the profile management tool for z/OS do not correctly identify the required user privileges.
PM85303 PPT entry for WebSphere z/OS daemon missing priv and allowing a daemon to sec6 rsn=xxxxfd1d
PM85359 Log informational message when growable thread pool increases
PM85834 OAuth could allow a remote attacker to obtain someone else's credentials
PM86602 Add 64 bit installation manager support properties with Linux and Microsoft Windows 64bit parameters in the offering file
PM86780 Security update for Apache OpenJPA issue CVE-2013-1768
PM88332 SystemOut.log displays eventtype of Z instead of A
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM77439 ICH408I messages during WebSphere Application Server startup.
PM78812 Invalid class path entry seen with verbose logging on Java Virtual Machine startup
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM69245 Java.lang.NumberFormatException when using a data source defined under user-defined JDBC provider with queryTimeout property
PM71365 The default value for useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics is boolean and not interger.
PM73123 RRA should provide information about JDBC spec level
PM74937 J2CA0206W needs to explain you should also consider availability problems with Message Provider along with Database.
PM75183 PurgePoolContents may take down the database
PM78182 MCWrapper is holding onto ref called withinReserveTransactionID causing a memory leak
PM83813 jndiContextName property in datasource properties fails XAResourceInfo comparison which leads to LogFullException
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PM69154 Improve performance for Mbean query.
Java Message Service (JMS) PM69423 Host header not set in HTTP request
PM72763 Error when converting a listener port to an activation specification
PM72936 MQ RSS ConnectionFactory: Support for additional MQ properties, including TQP.
PM73229 Threads bottleneck in WMQJMSRAManagedConnectionFactory
PM74872 Using msgRetention with createWMQConnectionFactory doesn t take yes/no and true/false
PM75371 A response header displays unnecessary information
PM75429 NullPointerException is thrown when attempting to invoke the MigrateWMQMLP command
PM75743 The access/error logging service for the HTTP channel does not properly roll over
PM76316 JMSExceptions not related to connection errors cause rollback and connection cleanup
PM79328 Second defined activation specification will pause when the first activation specification sends a poison message
PM79660 MQ work with a selector defined as part of its classification fails to be classified by WLM on z/OS
PM80318 Message delay when running with multiple MQ listeners.
PM81277 Elapsed time of request not being logged when using the accessLogFormat custom property
PM81403 HTTP Channel NCSA Combined mode does not use the correct log output
JSP PM70267 Issue with JSP tag file compiled into invalid package/class name
Migration PM72607 Webserver plugin file location is changed after migration
PM78768 Datasource is missing the "RelationalResourceAdapter" in migration from v6.1
PM81231 Hit unresolved KeySet reference on WasPostUpgrade
PM82795 Unexpected HTTP admin condition for application following migration
PM83440 <enabledcomponents> tag adds ALL to pmirm.xml file after migration
PM84703 NoSuchMethodException thrown during WasPostUpgrade
PM85345 Overlay ports not created during migration to v8.5
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM83349 NullPointerException in SocketTimerThread due to improper initialization
Other PM73048 TIP 2.x. does not have an off autocomplete attribute for some fields
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM75203 WebSphere collector output for VMO and IOO lacks restricted tunable parameters list.
PM76045 WebSphere Application Server is not setting VRA correctly
PM79210 WebSphere collector tool under Linux does not collect network configuration as in AIX.
PM81463 WebSphere daemon process hung in dump processing
PM83801 Message from Resource Bundle was not printing in logs from FFDCJanitor class
Plug-in PM72899 Plug-in caching does not respond properly when entity headers are used
PM74660 Plugin random generator not checking all available server members when making loadbalance decisions
PM74721 Enhance plugin logging to show ephemeral port
PM75801 Plug-in deadlock between trying to read/load a new plugin configuration and starting an ESI monitor thread to a server
PM76057 IBM HTTP Server error document should handle "400" error from plug-in.
PM76364 Modify webserver plugin logging to show millisecond time
PM76420 Plugin may use stale sockets when sending a request to the Application Server
PM77269 Web server plug-in on HP-UX is unable to connect using SSL
PM79346 Ioctl32 errors in Linux system log
PM80348 Plugin's build version information reported in the log has "version 6.0"
PMI/Performance Tools PM66744 SIB PMI counter config level changes not saving
PM76641 Connection pool basic PMI counters not enabled when PMI level is set to "custom" at runtime.
Proxy Server PM45217 Job manager file transfer fails.
PM76405 WebSphere HTTP Proxy strips trailing "/" on request
PM76931 Two proxy servers with identical routing rule names causes the most recent rule to overlap the older rule.
PM77285 On demand router / proxy setting $WSSP header to incorrect value.
PM80713 Response Server: header sent by default
Runtime (zSeries®) PM73621 Java/lang/OutOfMemoryError due to huge allocation request of around 2gb of char[]
PM74563 Recovery mode start causes minimum servants to be started
PM83781 Message BBOT0003W is no longer issued as a WTO
Scheduler PM73139 Scheduler findTasksByName Mbean operation does not return all tasks
Security PM64941 Although the authentication is successful, 401 status code is set on the HTTP response.
PM70063 Abend s078 rsn=00000010 while running WebSphere caused by double release of storage.
PM70581 After migrating v6.1 deployment manager to v7.0, login to administrative console fails
PM71062 Audit not seen for the user with an incorrect password.
PM72659 WSMappingCallbackhandlerFactory not initialized exception is thrown
PM73750 User id which contains escaped character might fail to login.
PM74909 Potential denial of service attack with federated repository on Microsoft Windows
PM75115 Re-enabling security with wsadmin does not update password if the user already exists
PM75352 Message improvement for SECJ0371W: LTPA token expiration warning
PM75582 Potential security vulnerability with Solaris, HP and Linux local OS registries
PM75779 Security auditing throws a NullPointerException when trying to read incoming session data.
PM75782 Unable to set the custom properties of a JAAS login module when using a Jython list.
PM76425 Custom cipher suite lists for daemon not represented in adminstrative console Quality of protection (QoP) panel
PM76462 APPLDATA is being used even though the REALM class is not active
PM76816 Exceptions while running binaryAuditLogReader command. AuditReader failed to parse the date and causes the issue.
PM76920 NullPointerException in the trust association manager causes a connnection refused problem with application.
PM78276 Shared LTPA token always exported with realm as "default"
PM78381 Manual edits to wimconfig.xml are removed when new Ips are added to active directory repository.
PM78572 PM68915 does not work after upgrading Sun JVM, it throws SSLC0008E
PM78603 Heap exhaustion in security code due to NullPointerExceptions
PM78686 Retrieve from port should retrieve leaf certificate instead of the root certificate.
PM78931 SSL properties are not read from sas.client.props file when set using initialContext() environment
PM79076 SSL certificate monitor fails to renew a certificate when a keystore is missing
PM79708 NullPointerException in getCurrentNodeGroupScopeNames preventing server startup when SSL initializes
PM81264 createSelfSignedCertificate fails with IllegalArgumentException
PM83196 OAuth TAI throwing 403 exception instead of 401 response
PM83482 A delay may be experienced with system management operations for large topologies using global security and LDAP repositories
PM83723 Administrative commands that prompt for a userid and password thru a pop-up will hang
PM84259 Prevent adding WASReqURL cookie when login page is protected.
PM84969 WASReqURL cookie might no longer be deleted after login
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM74342 Suppress FileNotFoundException from being logged in the systemout.log
PM76886 Some HTTP requests are not served correctly.
PM76898 Add class level trace points for lightest webcontainer trace .
PM82876 Cannot access ***..pdf file
System Management/Repository PM72888 AdminTask changeHostName fails to regen certs on deployment manager
PM74551 Cluster state shows WebSphere.cluster.stopped while it is being started.
PM75926 Allow EJB 3.0 JNDIs and JNDI names for EJB references to be set through a custom default bindings strategy file
PM76048 An application is not stopped when uninstalled ADMN0006W
PM79233 Run wsadmin to map to two web servers but the wsadmin only maps to one of the two web servers
PM80137 Warning when deploying an application: ADMA0114W: Resource assignment with JNDI name not found
PM81558 Timing issue while disabling autosync during rollout update application deployment operation
PM84731 SyncResultImpl.class file is missing in file
PM86240 Toggle default behavior for apar PM72347.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM68534 Wsdeploy always returns zero even when an excption is thrown from
PM75938 Threads hanging in Web Services OutboundConnectionCache class due to NullPointerException when processing SOAP over HTTP
PM76124 JVM property to set timeout for SOAP Apache call during socket creation
PM78926 An object of type cannot be converted into the destination type of byte
PM79293 Invoking web service hosted in CICS results in exception UnsupportedEncodingException: UTF-8
PM79691 Option required for soapAction header HTTP header field-value to be quoted to increase interoperability
PM79959 NullPointerException during JAX-RPC web service invocation
PM79963 When using SOAP1.2 WS-ReliableMessaging generates SOAPFaults that are not compliant with the schema.
PM80602 IOException thrown during MTOM processing even if the webservices application works fine
PM80728 OutOfMemoryError due to classloader leak in JAX-WS runtime
PM81212 WSWS3163E: Error: The Web Services engine could not find a target service to invoke
PM81230 RuntimeException is thrown even though one-way message is delivered successfully.
PM82220 Null value returned when a JAX-WS web service retrieves the HTTP header value by header name
PM83299 JAXB context search cache should include packages without JAXB classed
Web Services Security PM71568 WS-Security NonceClockSkew property is always set to -1 in the UsernameToken consumer
PM76520 WS-Security does not emit EncodingType attribute on the Nonce elements
PM76582 Potential vulnerability when using JAX-WS WS-Security
PM77076 Need a WS-Security package for stack products
PM78275 PKIXCertPathBuilderImpl could not build a valid CertPath when validating SAML token
PM81191 Cannot retrieve all SAML attributes in a SAML token with multiple AttributeStatements
PM82810 Error occurs in the WS-Security OMStructureFactory.getOMStructure(String) SPI
PM84740 In JAX-WS WS-Security, when there is an LTPA token in a caller configuration, a memory leak may occur.
Workload Management (WLM) PM79020 Work load manager encounters out of memory or memory leaks when using the service integration bus
PM79579 CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT Forward time limit reached is thrown incorrectly if a preceding request on the same thread failed
Fix release date: 21 Jan, 2013
Last modified: 18 Jan, 2013
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 27

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM68687 Some entries in the XA partner log might not be eligible for recovery even though they should.
PM69734 Compensation scope (Cscope) serviceability enhancements
PM71356 MQ RA exception is not linked to the transaction manager exception
PM71736 CSCP0007E: An unexpected error occurred in method completeActivity in class CscopeRootImpl
PM73454 Print a warning message to the system out log when the HA manager is not available
PM74039 WS-Reliable messaging can not delete or terminate a sequence ID from the administrative console
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM67333 Logged in user shows not active on administrative console
PM67911 Namespace binding config objects containing special characters fail with ADMG0012E
PM67949 Performance improvement on the creation of cluster members
PM68521 Shared library mapping fails when mapping to non-shared library composition unit
PM70451 Scope.display.description error on variables panel on administrative console
PM71332 Unable to change diagnostic trace buffer size
PM71529 System property to decode all J2EEResourceProperty when accessing the property via wsadmin.
PM73349 Using admin agent console to create a JMS MQ Queue: No WMQQueueDefiner MBean found error occurs
PM73726 The administrative console is filtering out the primary administrative user in the CORBA naming users panel
PM75231 The execution command for a runtime task in task management is not correct.
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM67494 Application deploy process does not clean up the application from c:\Documents and Settings\user\local settings\temp.
PM70159 Deploy failure in CopyToTempDir gives insufficient error message
PM70934 AdminApplication.updateEntireAppToAnAppWithUpdateCommand fails due to incorrect mapping of default application to virtual host
PM71125 Enhance wsadmin startServer and stopServer commands on node agent queries
PM73437 Wsadmin running in connected mode accesses local repository not the connected to server's profile_root/config/temp/download/
PM74726 createJDBCProvider fails if scope name has double quotes
PM74727 AdminConfig.list() can generate NullPointerException for valid config types
Classloader PM69926 Per the Java 5 and 6 extension specifications, jars and directories are permitted in the manifest's class-path
Default Messaging Component PM60436 Messages are not distributed to load balanced service integration bus message engines
PM64875 ME failover may not succeed if connection to DB2 is determined bad.
PM67338 No proper description available for the AdminTask command createSIBWSEndpointListener
PM68797 Deadlock in JSMessageData.lazyCopy()
PM71430 PubSub messages stuck on WebSphere Application Server service integration bus publication point
PM71953 JMS application receives CWSIT0019E error though the service integration bus messaging engine is up and running
Dynamic Cache PM71965 The entrySet method from DistributedMap returns a set of keys instead of key/value pairs which causes ClassCastException
PM71992 Custom properties for the baseCache must be defined as JVM custom properties.
PM74847 Problem when cache tracing is enabled
EJB Container PM70163 Unable to inject <env-entry> into interceptor by @resource annotation
PM73223 FFDC logs may be generated for EJB timer functions even though they are performing normally.
PM73674 DSRA9110E: Statement is closed
PM75058 Resource annotation type is lost when a binding is specified
Federated Repositories PM60212 Concurrent update/create failing on shared LA/DB in VMM
PM66963 Federated repositories does not allow a user login with Turkish characters.
PM69810 VMM gives exception when we add user to application group
PM69910 VMM fetches groups when called for getUsersForGroup
PM72158 Federated repositories not returning domain\userName as principalName while login.
PM73727 The "ibm-primaryEmail" property not defined exception on addIdMgrLDAPAttr CLI
PM74431 Cross site Scripting vulnerability in Custom Adapters for VMM
General PM61861 Local comm does not honor the connection timeout value
PM62558 SchedulerNotAvailableException when EJBTimer task table created on derby database is compressed
PM63475 Early start-up of session invalidation can cause deadlock with application start-up thread in very rare situations
PM63580 SIBus links remain in DELETE_PENDING state along with CWSIP0065I message in the systemout.log
PM64973 When stopping the JVM an exception might occur: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in progress
PM66350 WsObjectInputStream uses incorrect class loader.
PM66727 Issues when adding WS handler to notification service
PM66749 Unexpected errors reported when using configuration validation
PM67046 Application deployment fails with ADMA0207E error message
PM67578 The SIP proxy may create unnecessary connections.
PM67588 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is thrown while accessing org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.DBIdentifier class
PM68247 When starting the WebSphere Application Server z/OS in recovery mode the adjunct region does not start.
PM68466 The content of temp folders on the dmgr server is not cleaned automatically, causing disk space problems. Out of disk space
PM68717 Container thread gets stuck during overload
PM69438 Can not find resource for bundle
PM69543 Updates needed to trace for*=all
PM69555 OpenJPA does not allow nullable columns in unique constraints OpenJPA-1387 and OpenJPA-1651
PM70271 NullPointerException received when using WS-Notification renew operation.
PM70559 Limit number of retries when timeout occurs at the web server plugin
PM70768 SIP container does not get out of overload due to exception.
PM70847 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
PM70890 Utilities to support PM65435 and other login module APARs
PM70911 {"integer type 0" != } returns true when it should return false
PM71282 Allow "throttling" hung alarm thread messages (UTLS0008), after the first n complete stack traces have been shown.
PM71531 WLM support for BBSON environments
PM71804 Portlet metrics not being displayed in Tivoli Performance Viewer after server restart
PM71919 Extra data in trace.log and wsadmin.traceout
PM72357 Session manager incorrectly appends null to session affinity context key.
PM73062 Insufficient information regarding which down stream server is related to a certain condition
PM73299 Portlet container throwing NotSerializableException.
PM74335 SIB needs to print a warning message to the system out log when the HA manager is not available
PM74489 Update by query fails on entities using Timestamped version field
PM74554 Reduce startup time for applications with EJB modules that use annotations.
PM74658 CICS has 0C4 AKEA Abend in task related user exit BBOATRUE
PM74725 Monitor component initializations, report "hung threads"
PM77544 Running installver.bat/, checksum is not matching for and scriptDeletePMTShortcut.txt
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM64358 CIM failed to update remote node using a domain account with UAC enabled on a Microsoft Windows target machine.
PM72324 Problems using administrative console on after being on and having run -restore
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM62594 The server emits J2CA0061W warning message continuously on recovery thread that engages generic JMS provider
PM64516 JCA not setting thread identity correctly in a mutliple security domain environment
PM66602 WebSphere server identity picked up for authentication instead of thread identity
Java Message Service (JMS) PM64807 WebSphere Application Server sends the 100 Continue response as soon as the request arrives.
PM71042 Increase AIX native queue size for better performance
JSP PM74090 Suppress the logging of Runtime Exception in the logs during service of servlet.
PM74932 An AccessControlException can occur when using the JSTL c:import tag library.
Migration PM64581 BBOWMPOS fails with /java/lib/ext/jzosekm.jar EDC5141I Read-only file system MIGR0215W
PM68142 Retrieve signers fails on remote federated node migration due to invalid ssl.client.props password.
PM70762 WASPostUpgrade hangs due to large number of files collected by WASPreUpgrade.
PM72453 XA type databases are not able to start after migration.
PM72746 Migration on i5/os resulting in wsadmin failure to run due to incorrect path left in the file
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM60417 ORB requests on a J2EE client fail when using HTTPS tunneling
PM65357 SR hung after stop issued, cancel of CR needs force to terminate SR
PM69213 Stop hangs, no other indications of stop processing
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM63229 FFDC files are not purged as expected
Plug-in PM69593 The plug-in does not connect to the Application Server if the Application Server is set to use TLS1.1 or 1.2.
PM70640 WebSphere web server plugin might retry request to the same server
PM72833 Plug-in generation should not add internal application URIs
PM72899 Plug-in caching does not respond properly when entity headers used
PMI/Performance Tools PM60540 PMI statistics of SIB service not retrieved by performance servlet.
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM62306 High CPU issue at HashSet.add in TimerManagerImpl
Proxy Server PM66595 When using custom remote error page handling in the proxy server you cannot disable "Handle errors gernated by the proxy"
PM70771 Requests larger than 32K can get truncated if AutoDecompression is enabled.
PM73628 Roll the proxy, cache, and local logs over with any newer log files created.
Runtime (zSeries®) PM65239 on z/OS not extracting CBE-XML formatted entries from logstream.
PM68651 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS stops accepting new TCP/IP connections
Security PM47054 Monitor role cannot view securtiy repository settings.
PM66060 Admin connection to managed node fails after a certificate for RSAToken is updated.
PM66503 Web security not compliant with Servlet 2.5 specification
PM66913 After restarting the LDAP server. application became inaccessible from the server and logs with error SECJ0129E
PM67608 Renew certificate fails when it is signed by a chained signer certificate
PM68019 JVM leak can occur when a SECJ0053E error occurs
PM68454 Memory leak in
PM69170 Provide a way to disable creating LTPAToken cookie when a target web resource is not protected
PM69401 Logout servlet fails to redirect a request to a url which is specified by logoutExitPage parameter.
PM69691 Add Secure and HttpOnly flag to cookies
PM69851 Trailing blank in certificate distinguished name causes certificate chaining error
PM71385 Deploying applications has performance issue in a multiple security domain environment
PM71985 Empty string of keystore system property causing SSL initialization failure with keystore "" does not exist
PM74544 Claims properties are not being read from the sas.client.props file
Service Data Objects (SDO) PM67711 ClassCastException may occur with JDBC mediator when a request contains objects with the same primary key value
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM71654 The getPathInfo() returns a null value when the request to context root is being handled by the cached wrapper
PM71901 The getPathInfo() gets overridden by HttpServletRequestWrapper which causes a custom error page not working properly
PM71991 SetAttribute will add the attribute in the map even if null
System Management/Repository PM69332 Failed to update an application
PM69957 An update to an application through the UpdateClusterTask API causes the cluster members to be setUnavailable
PM72171 WebSphere variables in the -Xdump option are not understood correctly
PM72347 Update SOAP response header to remove version
PM72963 Getting BLA status for a specified target cluster member takes an excessive amount of time.
PM73233 Enabling the "" setting throws an exception after edit of an application.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM62581 Timing issue may lead to NullPointerException reported in the SOAPRequestMonitorServiceContext class
PM64173 NullPointerException may occur in ConfigSSL.put() method.
PM64614 Native OutOfMemory caused by CCL leak involving com/ibm/ws/webservices/engine/client/ClientEngineFactory.engines
PM65270 A WSWS7254E ClassCastException may occur while starting a JAX-WS application.
PM67133 MTOM attachment data might be truncated.
PM67808 JAX-WS SoapHandler response processing might be slow
PM69495 WSWS0046E error was logged after migrating SOAP/JMS Web Services application from V6.0
PM72381 The bindingDefinition.xml and provider.txt files are missing after application update.
PM72479 Unexpected CRLF data in MTOM transmitted data.
PM72514 EJB thread context data (EJSDeployedSupport) memory leak error may occur.
PM72860 Optionally allow web services annotation scanning to occur if metadata-complete is set to true
PM72955 XmlSchemaException may occur when adding node to a dmgr profile
PM73091 Slow memory leak with WLM object when using JAX-RPC Web Services
Web Services Security PM30921 JAX-WS WS-Security clients without a BindingProvider cannot use SAML caching
PM65435 The WS-Security JAX-WS X509 token consumer is not accepting tokens through the sharedState.
PM68042 A SAML token cannot be created using a SAMLAttribute that was created using an XMLStructure.
PM69064 SAML web SSO does not recognize updates to centralized keystores
PM69070 newSAMLToken cannot create a SAML token that has an issuer with a format attribute
PM69334 WS-Security Kerberos token generator is not picking up Kerberos token from Microsoft Windows native ticket cache
PM69342 Cannot self-issue SAML token with Subject in AuthenticationStatement using callback handler
PM69969 Cannot self-issue a SAML token without an AudienceRestrictionCondition using a callback handler
PM70805 The WS-Security JAX-WS LTPA token generator does not allow customization through the shared state
PM70831 WS-Security SAMLConsumeLoginModule does not make the consumed SAML token available to downstream login modules
PM70833 Some WS-Security APIs require that base64 data be decoded, but does not provide a method to decode the data
PM70885 The WS-Security JAX-WS Kerberos token generator does not allow customization through the shared state
PM70894 The WS-Security JAX-WS UsernameToken generator does not accept tokens through the sharedState
Workload Management (WLM) PM73427 WLM - 503 error when using the custom advisor with WebSphere Virtual Enterprise.
Fix release date: 24 Sep, 2012
Last modified: 21 Sep, 2012
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 25
Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM56187 EJB requests fail with transaction rollbacks when sent from a z/OS client to a distributed cluster with peer recovery enabled
PM60030 NullPointerException occurs when peer recovery fails
PM61067 WebSphere job manager query does not return the correct output for "!=running, started" specific query
PM61079 Excessive threads on sync operation waiting for one blocked thread from active sync with SocketInputStream.socketRead0
PM62977 Allow for cleanup of XA partner logs
PM63754 WASAnnotationHelper prevents error.xhtml population
PM64521 A memory leak with leaking objects being$CoordinatorProxyWrapper.
PM65484 Incorrect values for the location of the compensation service recovery logs may be displayed in the console
PM66770 NullPointerException in WS-Addressing
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM50498 User should not be allowed to create was_install_root variable on administrative console
PM55296 Plugin gets 0 size on first connect from propogation via admin
PM56021 Application deployment does not display continuous messages after clicking on finish .
PM60251 | symbol cannot used for external provider URL when configuring a 3rd party JMS provider.
PM61524 After using administrative agent to create new base server and install an application, the application status is unknown
PM62280 Add description for alias when registering a deployment manager with a job manager.
PM63597 Receiving error SRVE0260E when editing proxy rule expressions for virtual host
PM63691 Node restart state does not work correctly in admin agent environment
PM63796 Missing message key for JVMSettings.heapSize.units on java virtual machine page
PM64772 Specifying an invalid WMQ name when creating JMS administered objects using the console results in NullPointerException
PM65508 Update data written to command assistance log
PM65592 Check box on "Allow EJB reference targets to resolve automatically " not saved.
PM65733 IBM service logs link for a proxy server leads to an empty page.
PM66055 FileBrowser Mbean not found error in console when browsing ear file on the node
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM55176 AdminApplication.configureWebModulesOfAnApplication unexpectedly creates SessionManager
PM56286 AdminApplication.startApplicationOnAllDeployedTargets command fails
PM59262 Connection to query appservers MBean from nodeagent is taking a long time when other times it returns in less than a second
PM60746 Multiple concurrent wsadmin sessions may incorrectly use same workspace.
PM61998 Application deploy getting ...ScriptingException: WASX7116E: Cannot copy file ..
PM66468 AdminConfig.list() can generate NullPointerException for valid types
Data Replication Services PM56886 Determining if an object exists in replication can be slow
PM63949 Log a message to indicate the internal DRS incoming message queue is growing.
PM65887 DRS does not provide indication replication is not working when the high availablility manager is not enabled.
Default Messaging Component PM52869 JMS applications which use connection pooling to a remote SIB messaging engine can leak network connections over time
PM53035 WebSphere Application Server v7.0.x hosting the service integration bus messaging engine throws CWSIT0120E errors
PM55934 InvalidArgumentException when flush method is invoked on WebSphere Service Integration Bus SIBPublicationPoint Mbean
PM56596 Messages build up on publication point and do not flow to subscriber messaging engine
PM61145 InvalidDestinationException when a JMS application attempts to connect to Service Integration Bus using Spring.
PM61615 Memory leak when Service Integration Bus messaging engine is configured to use a filestore as its messagestore
Dynamic Cache PM53882 StackOverflowError in webcontainer.servlet.ServletInstance.service when using cachespec.xml
PM59223 Servlet content is missing when ESI caching is enabled.
PM60033 Cache policy is not reloaded when an application is restarted.
PM60129 Performance improvement for disk cache id lookup
PM64800 NullPointerException in objectSizer.getSize() with cache replication.
PM65984 Dynacache classes that are used internally are not marked correctly
EJB Container PM63544 Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Task id not registered when using EJB timer service
PM63801 Transaction timeout occurs in an EJB method, the transaction is rolled back but no EJBTransactionRolledbackException
PM63933 java.sql.SQLException, cannot disable the default EJB timer database Derby
PM65856 Unable to use UserTransaction as argument to remote method
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM67396 EJBDeploy corrupts application.xml
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM58439 NullPointerException occurs in JAXB runtime when calling a custom adapter
PM58708 Web Services xml parser may throw a java.lang.NullPointerException.
PM62827 DOM element nodes returned from JAXB may not have a parent document node
PM67535 Data got lost when null values are written to the wrong field
Federated Repositories PM45321 VMM changing package being used for XML, XSD parsing
PM48799 VMM not allowing monitor to view configuration settings
PM51460 AdminTask addIdMgrLDAPServer does not work in IPV6 environment
PM54864 VMM throws java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date "20080222152928.122-0000z" for dates in custom LDAP
PM59885 Returning DN with spaces in getMembers for a group call
PM62313 Login failed with more than one single or double quote in users name
PM63012 getUsersForGroup does not return members of subgroups
PM63093 Local OS users with Cyrillic password can not login
PM64830 NullPointerException while retrieving dynamic groups by membership.
PM65240 VMM throws PropertyNotDefinedException in complex search expression
General PM48637 Include Jira OpenJPA code-2051
PM51216 SIB JFapChannel code calling getSegmentName is affecting performance.
PM51309 If the length is less than 0, input parameter length exception occurs.
PM53083 WebSphere Application Server SIBMQLinkSenderChanne and SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel Mbeans do not emit notifications
PM72952 WebSphere Migrations may fail for various reasons if the ulimit open files setting is too low.
PM53333 Specify maximum number of thread dumps when monitoring hung threads
PM53452 ReopenException during application update
PM54006 Received Error: failed to extract binaries to temporary location during application update
PM54923 Check for valid module before getting deployment descriptor
PM55338 Throw JspPropertyNotFoundException instead of JspPropertyNotWritableException.
PM56913 Service integration bus throws EntityNotFoundException exception when userName specified is in uppercase
PM56963 GetDeploymentDescriptor uses incorrect application path
PM56984 MDB on remote servant cannot consume any best effort non persistent messages in z/OS.
PM57497 Field level annotation information is missing from the deployment descriptor
PM57523 EJB application fails to start during server startup when CPU usage is high.
PM57724 JAX-WS handler unable to remove SOAP attachments
PM58660 OpenJPA does not find custom mappings with an applicable class loader.
PM59180 EventService application is migrated with the old binaries
PM59224 Redundant UDP record-route header added to messages.
PM59352 Abend S0C4 when running high workloads with WOLA; LSCB leak
PM59544 Incorrect SQL generated when an @VersionStrategy of RowChangeTimestampStrategy is used.
PM59844 SIP contact header transport changed on re-invite
PM59948 NullPointerException occurs when trying to install an application with .ear extension.
PM60166 Servant abend0c4 in bboosmf+0972
PM60403 ConcurrentModificationException during server start
PM60476 Filter order not maintained in non-metadata-complete web metadata.
PM60948 Errors when processing module classpath jars cause classpath processing to abort
PM61510 Webadmin gui can not stop the WebSphere Portal V8 profiles
PM61525 Webadmin gui can not stop the WebSphere Portal V8 profiles
PM61617 ConnectionResponseTimeout set from 3420 - 3597 seconds causes the requests in servant to timeout early.
PM61789 Saving xml config data can create lines over 2048 characters
PM61816 SIP container processing % in To tag as escape character
PM61907 NullPointerException from validation when no node agents are defined
PM62316 IBM extensions schema for Java Enterprise Edition applications missing shareable attribute for LocalTransaction objects
PM62480 After an application restart, DRS instance remains down.
PM62582 ConcurrentModificationException processing classes implementing annotated interfaces.
PM62842 Web Services security runtime update to support SHA-2 signature algorithms.
PM62998 Unhandled exception thrown from within an externalizer method causes incorrect/incomplete SQL to be generated/run
PM63290 DecimalFormat clone fails in multi-threaded scenarios
PM63584 Update installer throws out of memory error but reports success in gui
PM63832 ClassNotFoundException when validating dynamic clusters
PM64335 JPA error during persisting collection with cascade persist after flush
PM64400 Hung thread detection for alarm threads.
PM64433 Runtime tab for logs in console show incorrect information when using cluster level variables.
PM64489 When using JSE style EntityManagerFactories EMF instance leads to resource(memory) leak.
PM64540 Signature of signed jar files broken during application deployment
PM64858 org.apache.openjpa.persistence.InvalidStateException
PM65265 Recreation failure messages in native_stderr.log
PM65273 Some of URI was missing in plugin-cfg.xml generated during deploying the enterprise application
PM65293 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when uninstalling WS-Notification application.
PM65486 Add OAuth20 support to WebSphere Application Server
PM65587 Application Server hangs during startup when using launchClient
PM65886 Dates with hyphens processed incorrectly when using Arabic Egypt locale
PM66085 Enable large file support for IBM HTTP Server
PM66425 99SupdateProfileIvtApp.ant fails on invalid profile
PM66452 Error when creating a elliptical curve cert on the administrative console
PM66458 WOLA incorrectly removing waiters from the waiter list, causes CICS abend reporting bboatrue abend - bad data from was
PM66518 Custom configuration parameter sso_<id>.sp.acsurl does not support wildcards
PM66603 Improvement to XML hashing algorithms
PM66740 EJB 3.0 ClassCastException with code table when using an orm.xml
PM66803 AbendD22 RC08 in node agent when stopping a webserver using administrative console
PM67797 Error when installing fix packs with 64-bit Installation Manager
PM68960 PMT start menu shortcut is not deleted when PMT is removed.
PM69594 Logging level is set to severe instead of info
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM62783 Updateconfig log file overwritten by Installation Manager
PM64925 Improve the wording of "partial success" message in installation manager
PM64926 Updateconfig log file overwritten by Installation Manager
PM65837 is not run after service is applied
PM66809 A previous post install config action assumes the existence of the administrative console
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM58090 When cancelling a scheduled task which has corrupted/empty TASKINFO blob entries, ByteSerializeException may occur
PM58610 WebSphere scheduler poll daemon active in all servants for a server on z/OS
PM58892 Creating a new datasource, in the EnterDatabaseSpecificProperties panel, Oracle11gDataStoreHelper is not listed
PM59702 Getting “DSRA9110E Statement is closed” exception
PM63372 AdminTask.applyConfigProperties cmd failed because it was not able to create J2CConnectionFactory config object
PM68323 Temporary delay lasting the configured connection wait timeout value in getting connections from the connection pool.
Java Message Service (JMS) PM57400 HTTP 202 response is issued when first chunk is queued to WLM
PM57710 With SSL enabled, some times $wssp private request header gets corrupted results in webgroup/virtual host not defined
PM59178 After terminate downloading via TCPchannel, IOException occurs after TCP write timeout
PM60733 Deadlock happens when two separate threads attempting to clean up the managed connections
PM60994 IllegalArgumentException: Logger passed as argument to setAttribute must be a named logger
PM65206 JMS activation spec panel does not filter out activation specs that are not either WMQ or SIB JMS activation specs
PM65308 WebSphere Application Server hosting a messaging engine hangs during shutdown
PM66933 In non-ASF mode, any exception received by the listener port causes it to stop and rollback any other in flight transactions
PM67225 Service integration bus messaging engine fails to start with CWSOM1011E
Java SDK PM61211 JSF MyFaces 2.0 annotation providers do not work with MyFaces 2.0.8+
JNDI/Naming PM57139 Define a custom property or a namespace binding with value "p@$$w0rd" and if we retrieve this value code it gives p@$w0rd
PM61375 JVM processes cannot start (WSVR0244E and WSVR0100W) due to an undefined variable in namebindings.xml
PM62794 Local homes not cached in JNDI lookup so taking time more than expected.
JSP PK65936 OutOfMemory leak BeanInfoManager instance is not being removed from the hashmap
Migration PM53390 WASPostMigrate utility throws DocumentNotFound exception while attepmting to migrate a node with no servers defined in it
PM54559 Migration convertScriptCompatibilty tool generates keystores without name attribute; leads to issues such as addNode failure
PM57567 Unable to access the administrative console after migration
PM57747 WasPostUpgrade process ( migration from v6.1) fails with NoSuchMethodException
PM57859 Add instructions to zMMT on using environment variable _BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT in a multiple TCPIP stack environment
PM61307 Application migration with web module of version 2.5 or later result in errors during migration
PM62143 WebSphere migration fails for non-existant shared libraries
PM62173 Application migration with ear application.xml of version 5 result in errors during migration from WebSphere app server v6.1
PM63764 Migrating to v7 erroneously copies sslConfig property in to IPC connector config causing TCPC0813W warnings at startup
PM64722 DefaultApplication is installed when "deploy the default application" is not selected in the migration panels
PM66716 WAS40Datasource have invalid relationalResourceAdapter attribute added to it after migration.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM61309 Abend 0cc rsn=040e0001 in daemon when doing shutdown.
Other PM54356
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM53759 ClassNotFoundException on XMemConnectionContext when FFDC is invoked.
PM60457 Administrative console allows trace specification with hex control characters like carriage return and line feed
PM60795 Stderr log is rolled on server startup even though size and date based roll is disabled
PM63264 Abend233-10 issued due to BBORFRR using a bad parm list for sdump
PM64393 During record logging exceptions from thread stack conversion need better handling
PM65960 Enable shutoff of RAS notifications via java property
Plug-in PM56122 Can not open PDF with SBCS plugin
PM57804 Requests are retried to server during a rolling restart of the appservers
PM59476 Threads hang in SSL connections
PM59542 Losing session affinity when plugin is using over 2048 file descriptors
PM59751 16k header size is truncated by the plug-in and results in a missing message body
PM64374 IIS 7.5 will not send small chunked data from WebSphere plugin
PM64476 Enhance error message when SSL fails to intialize
PM64667 PluginCfgMerge incorrectly handles two uri groups that contain the same context root.
PM65026 Multi-line headers are removed from responses by web server 7.0 plug-in on HPUX and Solaris operating systems
PM65108 Plugin not correctly encoding request
PM67658 Plugin should stop an IBM HTTP Server start if there is a DNS failure and ignoreDNSFailures is set to false.
PM68250 Backport the functionality of PM46717 to V7
PMI/Performance Tools PM58584 WorkManager ThreadPool values incorrect when viewing from administrative console and ITCAM
PM60156 Tivoli Performance Viewer PercentMaxed of HAManager.thread.pool displays incorrect values.
PM60715 Running performance tuning script ( results in WASX7487E message.
PM62590 ClassCastException after clicking "view logs" on the administrative console
Proxy Server PM54872 ODC needs to be hardened to ensure stale membership and ODC data is not incorporated into the live ODC tree
PM57810 Enable Web Services support should be set to false for DMZ proxy
PM59183 302 responses are not being logged by the ODR or Proxy when the redirect is done in the ODR or Proxy
PM62328 Incorrect proxy server local content can be returned
PM62331 The DWLM client does not select the local cluster hosting the target web service when enableInProcessConnections set to true.
PM64028 Status code 500 is returned from the proxy server when compression is enabled
PM69244 WebSphere Proxy Server does not start on Solaris.
Runtime (zSeries®) PM54414 OutOfMemory caused by CCL leak in ORB z/OS because of residual references in com/ibm/ejs/container/util/bytearray
PM58572 NullPointerException when portable interceptor tries get_slot or set_slot...
Security PM57696 Increase limitation of handling large number of local OS security user registry groups.
PM58106 Propagation login not working properly when Kerberos token is present
PM58885 WASReqURL cookie might be overwritten if multiple login processes are performed.
PM60005 Getting org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF when using non-IBM ORB client
PM61371 SESN0008E error when user logs out
PM62154 Multipe NullPointerException may be thrown when client code uses component
PM64474 Escape character was not handled correctly when using racfid search filter
PM66092 Not able to login with a userid that starts with "server"
PM66752 Cannot enable FIPS 140-2, fails to validate valid SSL certificate.
PM67412 Invalid signature error due to a cached data in LtpaDigSignature
PM68915 Remove ECC ciphers from default cipher list
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM59297 A request to a default servlet with ;jsessionID in URL might not work correctly
PM62909 Load-on-startup servlet is initialized before filter
System Management/Repository PM50719 Node federation for v6.1 node to v7.0 dmgr with -includeApps option does not create BLAs/CUs directory
PM51301 Message destination references only lists J2C resources
PM58553 AdminTask validateConfigProperties does not handle {} correctly
PM59054 War file update through job manager failed.
PM59387 Validation error occurred in task mapping EJB references to enterprise beans .
PM60155 AdminTask.validateConfigPropertie reports a NullPointerException in application.
PM60919 Deployment manager process runs into high CPU intermittently
PM61221 MapModulesToServers should not cause application restart
PM61523 Application management should not allow a version 2.5 web module to be targeted in a 6.1 node
PM61843 Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext exceptions are thrown while restarting the nodeagents.
PM61995 PFBC: JavaProcessDef should use processType as key.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM56339 Settings in EJB-link element from webservices.xml deployment descriptor not working causing an incorrect endpoint to be used
PM58128 Manually created XML Elements in an XML-Soap can cause Namespace inconsistencies.
PM58524 Unified SOAP fault may not be sent back to client.
PM58980 Plugin generation slowed by webservice annotation scanning
PM59231 EJB postInvoke not being called during NotifyException
PM59793 SOAP message updates made in a JAX-WS handler might be lost.
PM60239 The enableTransaction=true option is not honored when present in the URL for JMS requests.
PM60401 Wrong web service could be invoked when multiple Web Services with similar names are deployed
PM60529 Socket leak on the SOAP port
PM60752 JVM properties for JAX-RPC Web Services time-out are not honored.
PM62927 JAX-RPC is not honoring the HTTP connection header
PM63537 Add share_dynamic_ports_across_services jvm property in v7
PM64832 Cached JAXBContexts cleared during soft reference cleanup
PM64874 Add disk cache for lists of JAXB classes
PM64894 Plugin generation slow due to unnecessary lookups of portlet.xml
Web Services Security PM51727 The SAML token should not be defined within a CustomToken element using an ibm proprietary namespace
PM56170 Improve performance of JAXBContext creation when a package list cannot be used.
PM59472 Support for use of the jaxb.index file during JAXBContext creation.
PM62194 Caller config added to WS-Security bindings with wsadmin won't work with blind trust
PM62535 WS-Security GenericIssuedTokenConsumeLoginModule cannot consume a token without validating it
PM63508 Trust client may apply wrong policy set and/or bindings
PM64062 SAML web SSO TAI (trust association interceptor) cannot redirect to if business application urls are set dynamically.
PM64086 A SAML holder of key token cannot be consumed if the key is not encrypted.
PM66441 The WS-Security timestamp related properties do not work with general bindings
Workload Management (WLM) PM59129 WLM start cluster may be slow when many Application Servers are involved
PM59731 WLM backup cluster support fails
PM63622 WLM thread deadlock in nodeagent on startup
Fix release date: 28 May, 2012
Last modified: 25 May, 2012
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 23

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM45080 ClassCastException in LoadAvailableSequences following restart of a WS-Reliable messaging application.
PM47065 Remote server fails to be enlisted in transaction after ORB retry
PM48489 WS-Reliable messaging fails when SOAP message is requested
PM48843 Text in trace.log from job manager environment that should not be there
PM50360 Transaction alarms not cancelled during rollback of JCA transaction
PM50450 Server hang with web container threads waiting on com/ibm/ws/http/HttpTransport.reinitialize(
PM50829 Recovery cannot be done and is being re-tried every 1 minute because not all applications are started.
PM51383 WAS reliable messaging stops forwarding requests after error
PM56600 NotOriginatorException occurs when accessing a WorkArea following a CORBA timeout.
PM59955 ClassCastException thrown attempting to read servlet request with servlet caching enabled.
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM46827 A memory leak is possible when using diagnostic providers due to providers not being de-registered.
PM47677 Unable to see some connection factory settings as monitor role
PM47857 Administrative console should throw a warning or error message during application start, if the application fails to expand.
PM47959 Configuration error message CHKW2517E after displaying dmgr web container transport chains
PM48977 A mapping issue occurs with the name of the floating point encoding for the WMQ queue advanced panel
PM49471 In the administrative console, the HTTP Server config file (httpd.conf) is shown as a blank page.
PM49506 Client policy set import fails on administrative console when authorization groups are defined
PM49844 Server_log_root variable in the updated cluster server template not honoring the user defined value.
PM49995 Binaries location field displayed incorrectly in the administrative console in some situations.
PM50649 Error message is displayed on the JMS providers administrative console page
PM50970 Administrative console issued JavaScript error when using Internet Explorer
PM50980 JavaScript error on Microsoft Internet Explorer when selecting "application binaries" in administrative console
PM51096 After making changes to JAAS login modules, disappeared
PM51658 Memory-to-Memory replication without any config changes, console will prompt you for save changes to master repository.
PM51902 Extraneous property written to the security.xml when updating SSL JSSE entry
PM51930 Exporting application policy sets and system policy sets fails on administrative console
PM52144 When using the deployer role, the check boxes for each web server aren't displayed.
PM55394 Cannot specify an environment variable that contains a dollar sign in the value string
PM55922 Nodeagent status and performance issue when stopping a group of Application Servers.
PM57256 The administrative console panel displays the incorrect policy set binding information
PM58062 Administrative console updates config file incorrectly when attempting to change SSL config for daemon
PM58377 Problems using administrative console after moving from fix pack to 12/03/05 ptf pechange
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM50941 Wsadmin initialization slow to connect to server
PM57669 AdminApplication.getAppDeployedNodes issues exceptions.NameError node
Classloader PM47528 Incorrect validation of an unset class loader mode
Data Replication Services PM55377 Hang in during Application Server restart
PM56317 DRS unnecessarily maintains WLM cluster information for the dynacache DRS instances.
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PM47486 A suspended global transaction is never resumed after an exception is thrown, thus exhausting the data source pool
Default Messaging Component PM49608 In a cluster environment with two adjunct regions when shutting one adjunct down, the second adjunct hangs.
PM49953 SIB messaging engine receives a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when inserting large messages into a DB2 data source on z/OS
Dynamic Cache PM47896 NullPointerException intermittetly occurs when invoking CacheableCommandImpl executeFromCache() command.
PM51209 Deadlock condition exists in dynacache
PM54521 filteredStatusCodes is not filtering servlet output with the specified response status code.
PM55534 Class changes for objects stored within a WXS dynacache grid can result in deserialization exceptions.
PM56267 Invalidating a dependency id does not invalidate associated cache entries.
PM57280 Dynacache does not invoke PreInvalidationListener shouldInvalidate method for LRU invaliations
PM59222 NullPointerException in dynacache when putting or getting items from the cache.
EJB Container PM50398 ZipException when running "createEJBStubs"
PM51230 Duplicate EJB bindings cause MDB to not process messages
PM51808 EJBs configured to initialize when the application starts may intermitently fail to start with CNTR0169E
PM53989 Support of AroundInvoke business method interceptors
PM54417 OutOfMemory caused by EJB container CCL leak
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM59686 Update EJBDeploy to fix EJBDeploy fails Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Embedded/Express PM45970 MDBListener needs to declare dependency on StartUpService
PM48558 Threadpool waiting thread count not updated on thread death
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM41292 Java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError may be thrown from the JAXB marshaller.
PM50217 Enumeration values might be skipped when using JAXB
PM51928 StAX XMLStreamWriter writes malformed Windows-1251 encoded documents
Federated Repositories PM40631 VMM does not log messages while switching LDAP server
PM44124 Problem with cache growing without bounds
PM45354 VMM gives wrong results when searching expressions and properties from LDAP and LA.
PM47250 LDAP with SDBM does not work in federated repositories
PM47892 VMM ignores changeSummary passed to update entries in DB
PM49205 CustomRegistryException is thrown if displayName is null
PM50128 VMM does not ignore Timestamp attributes while getting group members
PM50390 Login fails when VMM has multiple realm configurations
PM50487 VMM is enforcing Java 2 security on API calls.
PM50634 In rangeRetrieval VMM only queries for initial set of attribute values.
PM51981 VMM get () API does not return UID property of the user
PM52362 Add a custom property to support PrincipalName for LDAP authentication
PM52939 Allow mapping of single attribute to multiple properties in VMM using CLI.
PM53961 PersonAccount missed it's link with employeeType,city property.
PM54080 VMM does not handle overlapping searchbases sent in client for search() api call.
PM55588 Add a custom property to allow DN to be treated as literal
PM55970 Property values from active directory application mode not mapping correctly
PM56642 During authentication not all characters are taken as literals
PM57327 Exception while trying to get entity from virtual member manager using externalid
General PM34614 Running adminapp.install to install an application that contains multiple MDBs and data source resources results in ADMA0007E
PM38854 Potential deadlock in OpenJPA with object relational mapping (orm) processing
PM42239 Holiday.getHolidays returning an empty set
PM42643 Web module (war) file processing scans archives outside of web-inf/lib
PM44368 Invalid cases of multiple process definitions in server.xml are not detected by "$AdminConfig validate" or via administrative console
PM44700 Customer requested a value to be masked in the wsadmin command.
PM45446 Deadlock threads during invalidation with session tracing enabled.
PM46561 WS-Reliable messaging does not handle 2pc transactions
PM46948 NullPointerException occurs after message SESN0196W
PM47143 Call to GetAddressHeader fails when there are multiple values on a custom header.
PM47418 Outbound SIP message fails
PM47941 Customer is noticing EJPSD0024E java.lang.IllegalStateException in the logs.
PM48503 Module update generates "could not create temp file" warnings and runs slowly
PM48606 WMQ-WSAS integration code that exists in WSAS is causing a NullPointerException
PM48622 Error retrieving PMI data. java.lang.NullPointerException
PM48829 SIP proxy needs to remove rport parameter from VIA header for TCP/TLS connections
PM48884 Race condition in the container code is causing the container to stop sending UDP messages with SIP proxy.
PM48958 A service integration bus messaging engine hangs under high load
PM49243 generates error no customization jobs exist
PM49247 does not contain web-app_2.2.dtd
PM49316 Web.xml text values with embedded comments are corrupted
PM49349 SIP proxy does not work properly in a "floating ip" deployment configuration.
PM49421 Missing message for key "" error while using create publishers utility
PM49633 Deadlock on SIB JS-ReceiveListenerDispatcherthreads
PM49736 SIP proxy detecting an overload condition that could not be cleared
PM50090 UpdateInstaller v7.0 fails updating WebSphere due to NIFStack stanza is missing parameter param name="packagetype" value="NA"
PM50232 SIP proxy is not re-using TCP/TLs connections for outbound SIP requests
PM50554 OLA unregister API never complete successfully, resulting in ABEND 0C4/AKEA
PM50920 InstconfPartialSuccess due to 99SupdateProfileIvtApp
PM51121 Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) migration fails when empty node is present in topology
PM51310 In service integration bus, publish/subscribe messages remain in"pending acknowledgment mode" state on remote publication points
PM51699 Native memory leak caused by ExtJarClassLoader leak during transaction recovery
PM51722 WorkLoad Management NullPointerException in HTTPMonitorAdvisorImpl
PM51856 SIP proxy must respond with an error when sessions become unreachable
PM51899 HTTP channel generates a NoSuchElementException FFDC
PM51908 The education assistant for WebSphere software link in the first steps console is broken
PM51915 SIP proxy should use default port numbers rather than ephemeral ports for reconnect scenarios
PM51944 StringIndexOutOfBounds exception from XMLTypeUtil
PM52295 When creating a foreign bus, leaving the inbound user ID blank results in access denied errors
PM52359 SIP container discards the CANCEL in race condition
PM52489 SIP proxy needs to use maddr parameter in VIA header
PM52892 CWSJN5009E error thrown by WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Service Integration Bus when parsing a SOAP message
PM53124 WOLA ASRA abend in CICS with STGPROT=YES and BBOACLNK in userkey
PM53348 Certificate expiration missing data
PM53640 High CPU and hung on HashMap
PM53745 UserRegistry.getGroups(string, int) triggers an IllegalStateException that is logged to FFDC.
PM53787 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
PM53901 SIP proxy does not keep more than 1 historical SIPProxy log
PM53908 Error 500 when login to the console after a server restart
PM53942 Workspace leak when viewing portlet descriptor
PM54094 Application Server calling getBlob() function which is not supported by Sybase
PM54263 Marshall library performance
PM54465 Filestore log corruption can occur with small log files and single threaded message sending
PM54665 Provide additional diagnostic options for dealing with a JVM OutOfMemory condition on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.
PM55244 To support "IP forwarding" load balancers, the SIP proxy needs to communicate the LB IP address properly to the SIP container.
PM55495 App server is not restarted after issuing restartActiveNodes
PM55525 Support Jython import of packages in wsadmin
PM56209 Feature enhancement allowing configuration data to be stored outside default of was_home to accommodate Windows Vista/7/2008
PM56365 SimpConnectionUnavailableException when creating a connection in managed environment
PM56543 The proxy is routing HTTP requests to wrong application server
PM56632 SESN0182E: Unable to start local transaction DatabaseHashMap.suspendTransaction
PM56786 Org.apache.OpenJPA.persistence.ArgumentException you have supplied columns...but... mapping can't have columns...
PM57407 SIP proxy routing SIP message to wrong application server.
PM57590 request.isRequestedSessionIdValid() returns false even after previous thread successfully created session.
PM57624 Java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError occurs when deploying certain kinds of applications
PM57954 IPv6: can't handle ipv6 address with square brackets
PM58927 Add 64 bit PMT support
PM59584 Support and handle certificate login in file adapter based on user configuration
PM60147 More than 10% degradation in SCA binding
PM61980 NullPointerException during application start
PM62279 New hover help and warning message when changing Initial State of application server component
High Availability (HA) PM31740 Core group bridge problem causes servers to become unroutable
PM49926 Core group bridge on proxyServer in a DMZ with network address translation fails with CWRCB0207E
PM52610 HMGR1019W: messages filling up the systemout.log
PM56082 Thread race results in out-of-order isAlive callback and JVM stopped with panicJVM in HAManager.
PM56295 Coregroup bridge service partitioned after OutOfMemory conditionin Application Server
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM37742 Ensure correct order of fix pack installation and interim fix uninstallation
PM50455 Second 64-bit monitor install turns to 32-bit
PM51160 CIM installation incorrectly detects errors in startNode command in Windows 2008 R2
PM52066 CIM install fails with XCIM0155E due to RemoteIOException: Remote read error via Tectia SSH Server
PM53785 CIM to switch RXA to SFTP mode for file transfer
PM55023 NullPointerException should be avoided while using CIM to view instalation history due to corrupted work record files
PM60831 Improve the wording of "partial success" message in installation manager
PM62258 Make iscdeploy conditional to accomodate elimination of administrative console
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM44156 New namespace to application.xsl
PM44388 Oracle universal connection pool (ucp) support in WebSphere Application Server version 7
PM46393 Corrupted characters in Information Center for WSCallHelper class
PM48438 PMI is showing negative freepoolsize value of J2C
PM48849 JVM shutdown due to HMGR0130I that J2CResourceAdapter is not activated.
PM49034 Java.lang.IllegalStateException thrown after WBI FTP adapter upgrade
PM51700 "useRRASetEquals" enabled by default to avoid deadlock
PM52527 Threads hang when trying to log an FFDC after connection pool maxes out.
PM52881 Deadlock in J2C code
PM53583 Activation spec leaves HA group but doesn't stop working
PM54323 With errorDetectionModel set to ExceptionMapping connection pool does not get purged.
PM57566 Name and Value incorrectly picked up by J2CConnectionFactoryBinder leading to NullPointerException
Java Message Service (JMS) PM47034 Status code 503 is returned to the client during a SOAP request when the server is available.
PM48206 WebSphere channel code double free storage causing le heap overlaid
PM48286 TLS performance
PM48806 HTTP 4xx errors changed to 5xx errors on z/OS
PM55680 High number of ExceptionDelivery### threads in WebSphere App Server servant region
PM55985 Tivoli Performance Viewer output displaying connection factory name as null when using generic JMS provider
PM56238 NullPointerException in objectManager BTree can cause different problems
JNDI/Naming PM53514 Namestore.xml corruption may occur when deployment manager is stopped, preventing subsequent Application Server startup
PM56328 Indirect JNDI lookups make redundant attempts to connect to an unavailable endpoint.
JSP PM54544 Issue in JSP generator code with how square brackets are handled.
Migration PM42516 Incorrect node name used in migration to V7.0
PM48044 Migration troubles on SIB bus entries to MQ servers
PM48802 Migrating from v6.1, additional trustManager is added to the trustManager in security.xml
PM49123 ZMMT BBOMMINS insructions are confusing re UID and GID
PM50326 During migraiton, a variable was added at node scope and set to null even though the same varible was set already at cell scope
PM51480 Permission problem migrating externally referenced libraries.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM52844 Cancel of the daemon fails if dmgr is part way through the shutdown process
PM57797 When the ORB is creating a new outgoing connection, a SocketException "Network is unreachable" can occur.
Other PM55349 Response filter for CSRF not processing 302 redirect.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM45011 Application Server hang can occur if a thread logging an FFDC hangs
PM51742 Application Server hangs during startup when dynatrace is enabled.
PM53278 Collector didn't gather the was, debug and os directories Microsoft Windows2008 "r2" only
PM60557 Reported thread name is incorrect when ring buffer is dumped.
Plug-in PM46226 32-bit plugin for Apache 2.2 needs large file support
PM48820 ESI cacheid needs to be configurable to have hostName as part of the key
PM49236 HP-UX does not honor ConnectTimeout setting.
PM49625 IIS plugin causes thread crashes when using ARM
PM49729 Null StashfileLocation for z/OS displays ":": for the property instead of ""
PM51652 A post is always retried by the WebSphere plug-in if the content-length is 0.
PM52654 Plug-in should return 400 on incomplete requests received.
PM53359 pluginCfgMerge script gets a java invocation error on Solaris and HP
PM54367 Web server plug-in connection count is decremented twice when a 503 response is received
PM54584 WebSphere plugin on AIX won't start if armEnabled is true.
PM55375 File.serving.patterns.allow are ignored if disAllowAllFileServing is set
PM56259 Plug-in fails to convert all data to EBCDIC when header size is greater than 8k
PM56331 Plug-in requests a sync node on a managed web server node when file synchronization is disabled
PM56923 Do not route to servers removed from PrimaryServers set but continue to route if server in BackupServers set
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM48402 EJBQuery incorrectly allowed CLOB type in predicate
PM49195 ASYN0067I in log when using @resource to inject WorkManager
Proxy Server PM52964 PMI counter value for proxy goes negative
PM57278 Proxy does not check for invalid cache entry.
PM57966 Cache.internal.varient is returned by the WebSphere Proxy as a value to the vary header
Runtime (zSeries®) PM51506 Connection closed before outstanding I/O completed results in CR ABEND
PM55151 Not all properties are displayed properly by
Security PM43426 LSD related ORB calls fail with corba.no_permission when CSIv2 inbound authentication is set as required
PM48161 Incorrect CWPKI0013W message indicating IBMJCEFIPS provider is not active when is used
PM48805 Support new FIPS levels (NIST SP 800-131 and NSA Suite B)
PM49048 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExcpetion in securityDomain class
PM49222 Security custom property addHttpOnlyAttributeToCookies set at the security domain level is not being honored.
PM49223 mergeConfigDataOnDmgr error due to migrated JKS keystores lacking default dummyServer and dummyClient values
PM49308 If path for profile contains "cells" certs will not be visible from WebSphere Application Server administrative console
PM49396 Unable to create dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration using Jython script
PM49414 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error when audit is enabled with encryption and security tracing is enabled
PM49452 Turkish locale causes client to report JSAS1477W messages
PM49715 Users being sent to the error page instead of the login page
PM49919 Login faiulre when password contains some special characters
PM49974 Failure to create a profile when hostname can not be retrieved
PM50214 SingleSignonTokenImpl and AuthorizationTokenImpl do not honour the LTPA timeouts set in security domains
PM50399 LDAP group search is not processed properly when search or filter string contains backslash characters
PM53137 Weekday of next start date in key generation is not correct when auto key generation is enabled and repeat interval is > 56 weeks
PM53426 Mitigation of reducing heavy dynacache invocation upon FormLogout.
PM55047 While processing the ORB request security context holder is null in receive_request vmcid:0x49421000 minorcode:b4 completed:no
PM55131 Add a custom property to provide a way to enable/disable DRS bootstrap function.
PM55526 Attributes in wimconfig.xml might be overwritten when LDAP setting is updated.
PM56485 Management scope of webserver in security.xml is unexpectedly changed by AdminTask.importWasprofile command
PM57368 SSL endpoint topology hierarchy might be showing blank on administrative console
PM57383 Some SMF120.9 records might be missing a user name in the SM1209ES field
PM59359 MigrateEar fails when suffix has @realm defined
PM60022 User authentication by LDAP might fail if DN string contains an escaped number sign.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM47487 ServletContext.getContextPath() returns "/" instead of ""
PM50313 Response.setContentType(null) failed
PM54171 HttpServletRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.query_string") returns null
PM57418 Translate SRVE0325E and SRVE0326E messages.
PM58495 The server needs to respond faster when unexpected input is sent as form parameters.
System Management/Repository PM46855 Renaming java.exe can cause server start failure
PM48631 PFBC properties applyConfigProperties failure
PM49129 Unable to use properties based cofiguration to create an application scoped datasource
PM49641 Federation of a "management" profile fails but does not yield a good message describing the issue of the failure.
PM49821 Unstalling a process application fails and can't be started.
PM50949 Updates to administrative console trace logs
PM51254 SyncNode command should not run on deployment manager node
PM51621 Can not use<filename> unless that filename is soap.client.props.
PM51744 At node agent startup, the node agent starts the webserver when it should not
PM53217 Missing application in the installedApps directory during wsadmin ear update
PM54890 No error shown for corrupted partial application archive update
PM55982 Application deploy takes longer than expected to list BLAs
PM56484 Filter out notification registrations from JSR160 client
PM58599 Deletion of an unmanaged node leaves the web server target mappings in the application deployment.xml file
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM40936 A WSWS7054E may occur due to due to invalid entries in the classpath sent to wsgen
PM45750 Exception does not lead to a rollback.
PM47209 Truncated error message in trace dump for JAX-WS provider application.
PM47212 JAX-WS async clients can spawn an umlimited number of threads
PM47458 StopServer operation hang
PM48098 Outbound SSL connection may fail when different SSL configs are used for Web Services connections.
PM49292 Client policy sets not applied when clients span multiple jar files
PM49800 Application deployment fails with a "IWAE0017E Unable to replace or archive" error.
PM51215 When using javax.activation.dataHandler objects for SOAP attachments, incorrect attachment data could be used.
PM52125 SOAP message with header is corrupted when going through SCA mediation.
PM53027 JAX-RPC read and socket timeouts cannot be set below 300 seconds
PM54235 Delays caused by searching for cached objects in a synchronized block
PM54474 Inherited web service methods cannot be invoked
PM55781 Request timeout is set to the same value as timeToLive property for a SOAP/JMS web service client
PM58544 Attachment part may be missing in outbound SOAP request.
Web Services Security PM33382 WS-Security configuration of a certificate revocation list is not possible for SAML tokens
PM45259 NullPointerException when WS-Security attempts to generate an LTPA token from runAs subject
PM45775 NotOnOrAfter attribute should be optional in a SAML token
PM46406 A digest value mismatch error may occur when using the enveloped-signature transform
PM46863 JAXBException JAX-WS client in a shared library
PM51464 A class that is present is not known to the JAXBContext for a JAX-WS application.
PM51996 SAML web SSO Post profile for V7.0.0.23
PM53387 CWWSS5620E: Web service security signing fails with two certificates associated to x.509 token consumer.
PM56009 NullPointerException in DocLitWrappedMethodMarshaller.demarshalResponse
Workload Management (WLM) PM42959 WLM external client data propagation incomplete
PM46408 WLM client fails to connect
PM48578 WLM external client data propagation incomplete
PM50225 WLM OutOfMemory or memory leak on Proxy server

Fix release date: 16 Jan, 2012
Last modified: 12 Jan, 2012
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 21

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM39075 WSAS application with embedded resource adapter cannot be uninstalled
PM39304 ClassCastException using WSIFf and calling getAllTypesElements()
PM39333 Heuristic completion not logged during recovery processing
PM40551 BBOT0004E: RRS service ATREND failed with return code=931 also, BBO0006E, REASON=C9C2120C
PM41284 Some adapter events will be lost due to problems during transaction completion.
PM43712 NullPointerException thrown during processing of XA resource information
PM48261 NullPointerException at node agent startup in UserDirOverride
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM37497 Creating more than 20 repositories under federated repositories in V7 will disappear.
PM39345 Admin configservice does not give good diagnostic output for an object name creation with a bad formatted input
PM39794 When changing the bit mode of a server the jvm options are not checked for compatibility. This can cause failure at start up.
PM41773 Search order in search order tab of ClassLoader view is incorrect.
PM42335 Anonymousxxxx directories created in wstemp when clicking foreign bus connections in administrative console
PM42575 Duplicated session/workspace IDs are created during concurrent Application Server start-ups
PM42762 Cannot sort or get to other pages when adding a BLA to a BLA
PM44186 Datasource cannot be deleted via the administrative console
PM44284 JAX-RPC stack throws exception for InternalizationContexts with name space entry
PM45072 WebSphere variables are not created on save after clicking apply if the variables.xml file does not exist for the server
PM45501 Console tree elements not working in some browsers.
PM45592 When large topology is administered with an admin agent console the console is slow to display all servers.
PM46370 Administrative console does not show the application status correctly
PM46642 Choosing job manager administrative console jobs - node resources logs NoSuchMethodException
PM47048 The monitor role is not able to see the list of modules and the servers they are mapped to with a configured security domain.
PM47089 CWWMH0142E error due to problem in was.webui.common.application component.
PM48719 CSRF warning messages in the administartive console
PM48918 VE objects in the topology tree do not have good links.
PM49198 The "next page" on the "runtime tasks" does not work
PM50097 Cannot change the number of maximum rows in the logs and trace panel in the administrative console
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM32980 Jython import failures during processing of wsadmin script libraries are not displayed when tracing is not enabled.
PM38888 Wsadmin create shared library unexpected results when classpath directory contains multiple spaces.
PM47064 Admin script libaries for J2C has syntax errors
PM48655 AdminApp.install() fails deploying an application larger than 2Gb, with a java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
Default Messaging Component PM38672 JMS application connected to WSAS v7.0.x service integration bus messaging engine terminates with CWSIC8007E exception
PM38708 CWSJN5006E: Error in NotificationMessageHolderTypeBinder
PM39049 CWSID0029E message when WSAS service integration bus messaging engine failsover after a network outage
PM43456 CWSIK0027E: Destination becomes corrupted after upgrading from WebSphere Application Server v6.1 to v7.0.
PM44028 An attempt to re-enable a disabled messaging engine causes the JVM to panic
PM44165 Add new options to SIBDDLGENERATOR for tablespaces
Dynamic Cache PM39164 Extend filter timeout invalidation to filter inactivity timeouts
PM43012 Dynacache hang in CacheEntry.setValue computing hashcode
PM43705 Dynacache cross-cell invalidations do not work for custom cache instances.
PM47462 Incorrect context root obtained when using dynamic cache to cache static files from an application.
PM48946 Dynamnic cache access performance improvements.
EJB Container PM45328 Getting using Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA)
PM46698 Stubs and ties generated for EJB 3.0 are not compatible with stubs and ties generated by RMIC
PM48850 Interceptor class associated with EJB not called during EJB request.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM45802 Deploy enterprise beans checkbox is checked when EJB 1.1 project is already deployed
PM49416 Update EJBDeploy to fix LogConfigurationException
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM42465 Excessive memory usage by XMLStreamReader pool may lead to OutOfMemoryError.
PM43561 NullPointerException occurs in JAXB runtime while marshalling a document
PM45450 Unmarshalling of an XML document with the IBM JAXB runtime may result in an object with missing data.
Federated Repositories PM23448 Certificate authentication fails because of space in distinguished name.
PM31737 Deleting an entry by the uniqueid and reposid may fail"
PM33575 When UniqueUserId is mapped to externalName, VMM calls fail with javax.naming.NamingException.
PM35093 VMM does not handle date/timestamp values reliably.
PM37925 Changing userDisplayNameMapping in wimconfig.xml does not work
PM38223 VMM throws a EntityNotFoundException if the property extension repository contains obsolete entries
PM40214 Dynamic cache & VMM race condition
PM40802 VMM fetching properties from LDAP which were marked as notSupported.
PM42365 Manage users and panels getting displayed in Simplified Chinese.
PM42368 VMM logging NoSuchAttributeException in the traces even though the exception was ignored.
PM42874 When the ObjectClass is not defined the wimconfig file is overwritten
PM43304 VMM returns a user record while searching for a group in localOS registry
PM43353 Users defined in the BPM custom registry failed to show up in a search using VMM api via VMM UR bridge.
PM43657 VMM ignores default boolean values while making an API call.
PM43729 VMM not escaping back slash character for all data types
PM44359 VMM should provide SAF mapping module with debug capability shipped with VMM classes
PM45289 VMM produces different results for semantically identical search expressions
PM46133 jpegPhoto is not returned while retrieving with * in property list
PM47036 VMM fetching nested groups which are outside the scope of configured LDAP base entry.
PM47114 VMM does not handle root base entries from LDAP properly.
PM47637 InvalidPropertyValueException if the million second is 000
PM47666 WIM API isRACFUser() does not handle internal server id
General PM36144 Application install takes a long time with web client in war. War annotation scans include non-lib jars
PM37821 OpenJPA does not find ValueHandler and/or FieldStrategy class with an applicable class loader
PM38052 Accumulation of service integration bus published messages to a durable subscription results in "out of memory" exceptions.
PM38395 BaseLifecycleMergeAction mergeMethodTarget Could not locate Stateful Session Bean in Deployment Descriptor
PM38723 Application client files are not merged by default, causing EJB reference mismatches during deployment
PM38853 Modify commands may not produce console output if java trace is off or warning or above. e.g: daemonregs, display,threads
PM39070 WebSphere adjunct and servant regions leak memory when any XAResouce fails to recover
PM39347 Annotations exception AnnotativeMetadataManagerImpl at server start up.
PM39559 Errors CWSIP0003E, CWSIT0029I & CWSIT0028I appear in the systemout.log when the server hosting messaging engine restarts.
PM39876 SIP container fails to handle invalid cancel
PM39926 WebSphere Application Server hosting a messaging engine runs out of file descriptors
PM40051 Cannot insert null into primary key field when adding 2 JPA entities.
PM40175 Customer can not update shared library with business level application. Application Server needs to be restarted.
PM40261 OutOfMemoryError occurs for messaging application connecting to service integration bus messaging engine
PM40705 During shutdown abend00c RSN060B0000 and RSN060B0001 converted to abend0c4
PM40769 Mapping of user in the "User RunAs Roles" affects the mapping of the user in "Security role to user/group mapping"
PM40926 HFS violations when sync-to-OS thread is enabled, and application attempts to load native dll.
PM41056 A NumberFormatException is thrown from the EL code.
PM41088 JIRA OpenJPA-1376 defect backported to V7 OpenJPA 1.2.x
PM41128 JIRA OpenJPA-1691 defect backported to V7 OpenJPA 1.2.x
PM41306 During stress test, CWPSB1027 is output into systemout.
PM41495 Getting
PM41530 controller region abends with ab/s0dc3 prcs/03080002 after servant abend s0ec3 rsn04130007
PM41961 NullPointerException issues when working with WebSphere Extreme Scale session interfaces in administrative console/wsadmin
PM42033 Messages on MQ server not consumed due to deadlock
PM42438 JMS client connected to WebSphere Application Server v7.0 service integration bus messaging engine hangs
PM42582 SIP ignores valid messages that follow an invalid message
PM42739 CEI - exception when using Microsoft Sql Server JDBC driver "sqljdbc.jar" with JRE 1.6
PM42847 The iveCount counter for servlet session manager displays negative value in TPV
PM42957 Enhance Update Installer to prevent pak file extracted from Installation Manager interim fix for Business Process Managerment
PM43146 Starting ear file shows many IWAE0034E messages
PM43364 When using PMT to create or augment profiles, configuration actions from other installs may incorrectly be run.
PM43373 Performance tuning text in PMT needs to be more clear.
PM43492 The upper limit should be 1,280,000 for maximum number of TCP connections.
PM43617 NullPointerException when calls starts to come down.
PM43714 .ser files prevent use of descriptorless EJB jar files
PM43846 Modify the supported product list since v6.0.2 is out of service.
PM43864 OutOfMemory under heavy load with servlet caching enabled and FRCA disabled
PM43897 NullPointerException thrown in FilteredExtensionPointProxy.getExtension() when trace is enabled
PM43988 OutOfMemoryError in SIP container.
PM44240 Application Server crash in wasservice when stopping server
PM44272 Service integration bus application hangs attempting to connect following a handshake failure
PM44430 Application bindings must escape ampersand characters
PM44500 Java.version property when running enableJVM command
PM44512 SIP container failed to replicate SipServletRequests
PM44958 NullPointerException when converting a server, having Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) application installed, to a cluster
PM44991 Console needs to be modfied to allow load balance weight for cluster meembers to be set to 100 to match what wsadmin allows
PM45089 Collector output should capture nifhistory.xml, nifstack.xml and update.status.xml
PM45175 Program statements to get client hostname and port may be slow if the network is not performing entirely normally
PM45252 IllegalStateException after failover
PM45352 SIP proxy issues reverse DNS lookup on new client connections
PM45369 WOLA service BBOA1REG returns rc=4 rsn=4 when registering from CICS TS version 4.2
PM45676 SIP container performs reverse DNS lookups when the trusted IP list is configured
PM46193 Object with a nested embeddable throws org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException
PM46270 When using MVS logstreams for WebSphere app server error logs servant may connect to logstream multiple times and use high SQA
PM46898 SIP container can not open connection, times out
PM47107 Java.lang.IllegalStateException is thrown when WebSphere Application Server is stopped and no SIP application is installed
PM47194 SIP proxy error messages do not contain text in the systemout log.
PM47339 Loop in BBOCLSCR
PM47390 IllegalStateException after failover
PM47575 "No matching ref for name" serialization error thrown when using @Resource annotation
PM48376 Removing replication domains makes SIP application not distributable.
PM48569 JSF select one menus broken for BigDecimal values
PM48945 Remove "jitc_de" from the default value of the property "java.compiler" from code
PM49256 enableJVM fails on federated nodes in IBM i 7.1
PM49398 Backup method to determine WebSphere process id may not work if service name contains numeric values
PM50916 Missing server startup notifications after servant region failover
PM50932 In certain excution sequences, the audit message ADMN0007I may show up which may be interpreted as an error
PM51508 NullPointerException is thrown from CrossRealmUtil class
PM51523 Login faiure due to realm mismatch when realm is set by SAML token
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM47097 Improve the wording of "partial success" message in Installation Manager
PM48318 Postinstaller loads 31-bit library in 64-bit environment
PM49961 For WebSphere Application Server OEM for z/OS V7.0, should not be run during postinstall
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM31444 The J2CA0206W message refers to Diagnose Connection Usage option but the actual property is Enable multithreaded access detection
PM35301 Connection is always renewed when client affinity is enabled and it impacts performance.
PM38864 Provide ability to set a default timeout value for sql statements.
PM39702 Inbound recovery fails continuously with NullPointerException, when the embedded RA is not started during server startup
PM39845 ClassNotFoundException for Oracle11gDataStoreHelper
PM40146 Illegal state after reconnect with JMS resource adapter
PM40596 Deprecated property propagateClientIdentityUsingTrustedContext in "IBM JCC Driver - Datasource" template causes DSRA7029W
PM41069 Datasource custom property fullyMaterializeLobData description needs enhancement
PM42263 Pretest connection optimization is on all the time for failing connections when FailingConnectionsOnly is set.
PM44675 Deadlock during server stop in code com/ibm/ejs/j2c/RALifeCycleManagerImpl.getResourceAdapterInstance
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PM46557 Hang creating a socket during the creation of a new server if requested port is larger than 65535.
Java Message Service (JMS) PM40442 WMQ messages not processed by listener port MDB on z/OS
PM41418 WebSphere Application Server messaging engine hangs and WSVR0605W messages reported in systemout.log
PM43639 EJB 3.0 MDB fails to rollback a message when a RuntimeException occurs
PM43812 ADMG0302E error occurs and WMQ resource can not be created on version 5 node
PM45452 Incoming SOAP request is truncated when uncompressed data is larger than 16384 bytes.
PM46219 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
Java Transaction Service (JTS) PM44349 Controller region terminates with abend code 9C6
JNDI/Naming PM49619 Sensitive information in naming trace
JSP PM41476 The xmlns attributes showing up in the HTML source code.
PM43415 Registering tag library in JSPx with default XML namespace causes a NullPointerException
PM43852 Render JSF uiview with wrong order under certain conditions
PM46428 Problem with compiler creating a repository from runtime code
PM47661 Setting = true not returning empty string... it is returning a null
PM47772 JSP files are being compiled on each request after partial deploy and causing outtage
Migration PM42120 Missing SIB JMS properties on migration
PM42174 After migrating to V7, error message SRVE0255E when accessing the administrative console.
PM44024 StackOverflowError during syncNode operation of WASPostUpgrade when transforming the JAVA_HOME variable
PM47904 Certain XMI ID cross references are not being updated correctly during migration
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM37976 Abend 0c4 pic 11 occurred in BBOOWRK+07E8 when the server was terminated.
PM43050 Modify server command to change min/max not working as expected when z/OS custom property server_use_wlm_to_queue_work is set
Other PM38224 Portlettntities.xml is not found in the file repository
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM41930 Deadlock can occur in FFDC when a component invokes FFDC within a logging call
PM44407 Thread name field can be missing in advanced format
Plug-in PM38369 Plugin merge tool is not generating valid plugin-cfg.xml
PM39676 When plugin is set to manual, propagation to a remote node does not work after PM20866
PM43770 Plugin does not check backup cloneids when using partition table
PM44710 Plugin not encoding DBCS characters properly
PM50367 Plugin merge tool may put non designated servers into the BackupServers group
PMI/Performance Tools PM35726 Changes to the way PMI calculates the CPU % of a process
PM41287 Runtime performance advisor causing a NullPointerException
PM42073 Running ManagerProfile with isDeveloperServer is causing applyPerfTuning with developer profile to run.
PM43581 Slow memory leak occurs when using PMI request metrics configured in "debug" mode
PM44795 Invalid tag name error when running perfServlet with version=5 parameter
PM46206 SDO repository performance enhancement.
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM35661 Com/ibm/ws/runtime/component/JavaCompContextMgrImpl.ecmdMap caused CCL leak
Proxy Server PM41314 Proxy server local file content negotiation fails at the server scope.
PM43429 The "not equal" operator does not work in some proxy rule expressions
PM43455 The admin agent is not saving the start-up permissions for config only DMZ proxy
PM44593 CR hangs when client side connection is aborted when uploading large payload.
PM44867 Proxy throws SOAP message parsing exceptions and returns 503 for some webservice requests.
PM45320 Proxy could not handle http error code greater than 505.
PM46331 Abendec3 due to a thread hung in doPushService()
PM46846 If more than 1 proxy starts in a cell, the second started proxy routing rules could corrupt the first proxy routing rules.
Runtime (zSeries®) PM41693 WebSphere for z/OS stops accepting new TCP/IP connections
PM43077 Abend s0c4 rc=38 in the CR preceeded by NullPointerException
PM46444 Provide facility to enable keepalive for outbound RMI-IIOP connections.
Scheduler PM34547 Creating/verifying scheduler tables on admin agent fails
PM38501 Daylight Savings Time causes missed scheduler task
Security PM34191 Node synchronization fails due to TokenExpiredException
PM35404 Propagation login with kerberos token always constructs subject with kerberos principal.
PM36700 Serialized form of WSCredential object is expired, even though the field value was refreshed.
PM37107 SECJ6024E: AuditServiceProvider failure logging audit event.
PM37315 Realm value in security.xml is changed when updates are made to this file through administrative console
PM37947 Subject may not be constructed properly when login is done by hashtable login.
PM38019 SECJ0343E during single sign on with SPNEGO
PM39363 High cpu due to garbage collection caused by excessive instances of java object
PM39549 Two part HTTP response is returned
PM41532 Unable to login into administrative console with security custom property
PM41620 Configuring TAM fails with TAM not being able to create or add the admin user to a group
PM42314 EJB timers using @Timeout annotation do not pass on RunAs roles
PM42755 Not able to generate each audit log of deployment manager and application server into arbitrary directory path.
PM43079 CSIv2 server session entries may not be removed upon session removal.
PM43953 While server stops, SECJ6032E: Failure writing audit record out to the binary log occurred
PM44025 New SSL config created using administrative console has no trust store defined.
PM44052 Login with LTPAToken might fail due to GssEncodedEcodeException
PM44303 LTPA cookie not returned on client request that successfully authenticates, but fails authorization to a web request.
PM44950 Using WebSphere variable for kerberos config path. error during console display :
PM45263 LTPA cookies not always returned when a TAI is used, performTAIForUnprotectedURI and an unprotected URL is requested.
PM46452 Non-ASCII characters in spnegoNotSupportedPage might be garbled.
PM46554 GetRemoteUser name truncated when using | (pipe) delimeter
PM46742 Invoking AdminTask.getCurrentWizardSettings command returning incorrect boolean value for "secureLocalResources" attribute.
PM46834 Realm names are not logged when login failed due to realms mismatch error
PM47008 Administrative console unable to show certificate under truststore due to alogarithm problem.
PM47513 SPNEGO TAI with multiple SPNs "filter" properties configured only uses the last SPN defined in a server.
PM47560 Invalid session when trying to log into WSRR console with security auditing is enabled.
PM48600 Looping in hashmap
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM44112 ServletOutputStream print method gets into infinite loop if the response buffer is set to a zero value
PM44136 ARD not enabled request on HttpQueueInboundDefaultSecure chain not supported
System Management/Repository PM35890 Necessary java mail classes in from server side are missing in
PM38283 Updates needed to add node or remove node from administrative console
PM40079 Updates needed to deployment manager and server1 logs when doing addNode through administrative console.
PM40943 PFBC extract does not include J2CConnectionFactories
PM41028 In the wsadmin.traceout receiving a java.lang.NullPointerException
PM41799 Application status reported as unknown after running the status job from the job manager.
PM42234 The parameter "-Xdump:tool:events=user+abort,exec=gcore %pid" works in Microsoft Windows, but fails in Linux.
PM42533 AdminApp.isAppReady returns "true" even when the expansion really fails.
PM43228 sas.admin.process: Admin Agent restarting server when server stopped normally.
PM43666 PFBC updates to J2EEResourceProperty are not applied.
PM43805 isVerbose() method can not query SR(s)
PM44032 Hang threads during nodeagentr startup due to concurrent access to the hashmap.
PM44243 $AdminApp export required appname and filename
PM44579 createJ2CConnectionFactory command failed with NullPointerException
PM45170 Implementing support for encoded password in properties file base configuration (PFBC)
PM45256 Cannot install an enhanced EAR file.
PM45697 Insufficient error data returned from BLA commands.
PM46180 NullPointerException on manage modules using the administrative console
PM48036 Wsadmin sessions started at the same time may receive the same workspace id
PM48297 Configuration file not fully loaded during deployment process
PM49395 Unnecessary FFDC classloading logs are generated.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM34178 Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurred after redeploying JAX-RPC applications
PM37886 After upgrading to or applying PM24347, WSWS7054 WSDL generation errors could occur for JAX-WS services at deployment.
PM38181 WSWS3163E error: is still received after applying PM27844
PM39817 Changes to SOAP message made by JAX-WS handler not propagated to endpoint.
PM40220 A SOAP message with attachment may not be marshalled in MTOM format if a JAX-WS SOAP handler intercepts it.
PM42155 A JAX-WS client might invoke an unexpected web service endpoint due to improper caching of connection objects
PM43832 Username and password in the JMS transport policy set are not included in the SOAP response message
PM44084 SOAP fault modified by JAX-RPC application handler is not correctly processed.
PM44515 Async IO operation failed (1), reason: RC: 76
PM44743 A javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException might occur when inbound SOAP messages are demarshalled.
PM44793 Webservice client exception occurs after receiving HTTP 302
PM45006 When an HTTP status code is returned on webservice request, the parameter should be set.
PM45018 Local exception is not caught when "jaxws.response.throwExceptionIfSOAPFault" is set to false.
PM46493 OutOfMemory due to CleanupTask and ShutdownThread objects tied to DefaultClassLoader.
PM47553 JAX-RPC web service provider might return incorrect XML when return element contains an XML comment.
PM55786 Inbound HTTP SOAP response message is not in web services traces
PM47956 Provide XOP-aware serialization of service data object to support MTOM/XOP in stack product's JAX-WS binding
Web Services Security PM30683 WSEC5007E error when loading classes with JAX-RPC WS-Security
PM38651 WSS APIs do not provide access to the recipient attribute of a SAML token
PM41338 JAXBWrapperException occurs when marshalling a user defined exception
PM42448$Worker retains reference to appliocation classloader
PM45125 CWWSS5007E error when loading classes with JAX-WS WS-Security
PM45816 JAX-WS generic login module does not recongnize a binary security token with a TAM credential value type in RunAs subject as valid
Fix release date: 12 Sep, 2011
Last modified: 8 Sep 2011
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 19

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM29586 CSCP0007E ActivityPendingException
PM30478 Provide expanded explanation of WTRN0122W message
PM32191 Remote activities stop functioning after org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT exception
PM37247 Deadlock causes server hang lockhierarchy.obtainlock TransactionCoordinatorImpl.rollback_only TransactionSynchronizer
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM19644 Performance issue
PM27261 Administrative console reporting listener port in the stopped state
PM30834 When LTPA token and session times out, user has to login twice to log in to the administrative console.
PM33297 When registering managed nodes with job manager, change pre sets fields
PM34329 All replication domains are not displayed if the configuration is inccorrect.
PM34374 Enabling admin security thru administrative console in eWAS does not work
PM35587 JVM properties specified for a servant region during template creation using the administrative console are saved to the control region
PM36622 Output of AdminConfig.list( webserver ) only displays name of IBM HTTP Servers, other web servers will not display the name.
PM37589 When configuring generic JMS provider, some authentication properties are not set properly
PM37842 Unable to set multiple -xdump parms using administrative console
PM38627 Starting deployment manager intermittently receives in getAttribute method.
PM39910 When runtime trace is set, the console does not display the tracespec correctly from the runtime tab.
Data Replication Services PM38550 OutOfMemory during failover with memory-to-memory session replication
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PM31082 The setClientInfo() method unexpectedly reset the value which was previously set on same connection by application.
Default Messaging Component PM31431 Service Integration Bus transaction remains indoubt after messaging engine database outage
PM31826 CWSIJ0044E messages fill systemout log
PM32771 WMQ messages sent to non-existing Service Intergration Bus destination via MQLink are not forwarded to exception destination
PM32792 Service Integration Bus messaging engine fails to acquire its data store lock due to SQLException "ORA-30006: Resource busy"
PM33312 OutOfMemory during startup of default messaging provider messaging engine
PM33781 WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Service Integration Bus policy assistance wizard creates policies incorrectly
PM36111 SIB support for new JDBC rowid sql type and DB2 v10 on z/OS added
PM44987 After viewing the detail of a wsn service pointer, selecting the "ok" button displays an error 500 code.
EJB Container PM34114 Unable to locate target for generic EJB bridge method
PM37960 Deadlock occurs during deferred EJB initialization under rare circumstances.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM35158 needs to be set error while EJBdeploying using the administrative console
PM40868 Update EJBDeploy
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM40381 java.lang.RuntimeException: FCG BCEL feature is unimplemented
Federated Repositories PM21689 WMM to VMM migration does not migrate realm stanza
PM22019 File adapter should ignore certificate login request
PM22482 Application GroupMemberShip will be deleted if group members does not exist rather than throwing EntityNotFoundException
PM24181 Unable to load vmm_jdbc_classpath variable
PM26370 Incorrect values of external IDs in domino LDAP
PM27062 VMM unable to read properties of type boolean
PM29822 Nested groups are not displayed
PM29846 VMM rolls back global transaction if VMM operation fails.
PM31401 Unable to return GroupMembership control for a user on 2nd call when caches are enabled.
PM32212 ISC/CLI config update conflict.
PM32466 Search bases are not being honored when searching for group membership.
PM33076 VMM throws NoSuchAttributeException while searching
PM33488 NullPointerException thrown on trying to update multi valued attributes in property extension repository
PM34097 Exception message for invalid user name not propogated from VMM to Application Server
PM35508 VMM throws NullPointerException in getMembersByMember() when dynamic member attribute does not have anything in LDAP entry.
PM35509 VMM not able to list dynamic group members.
PM35712 Principal name for the users located in local OS registry were returned in the format machineid\userid
PM35725 Wrong exception thrown for incorrect password
PM36009 NullPointerException is thrown on getting nested group members
PM37404 WIMUserRegistry does not display group when DN of the group is passed as input.
PM37824 VMM throws NoSuchAttributeException
PM38569 Cache distribution policy of VMM cache is not being honored when the cache is initialized.
General PM22226 FileNotFoundException when tracing is enabled during EJB 3.0 deployment with Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 installed.
PM22498 EJB 30 annotation for JCA ConnectionFactory not recognized no resource-ref element in ejb-jar_merged.xml
PM24830 The "Launch application before server completes startup" function does not work
PM25143 Webapp migrated with Rational Application Developer fails to validate ibm-web-ext.xml file with connection-management-policy.
PM29067 CWSIK0022E exception seen when creating a connection in a managed environment
PM29185 SLF4J: class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings
PM29204 The generated web.xml for a web module is saved during extract/save.
PM30105 InvalidStateException when running OpenJPA application
PM30175 NMSV0609W and ClassCastException were issued
PM30781 WebSphere Application Server v7.0 fix pack install using java.version=1.4 defined in
PM30801 Deleting WS-Notification service causes CWSJN1001E messages
PM31101 SIP "connection reuse" conflicts with SIP "outbound"
PM31147 SMF 120.9 user records are incorrectly overwritten when created via MDB
PM31742 Deadlock in SIP container code.
PM31933 Deadlock in service integration bus client causes apparent hang
PM32110 On z/OS WebSphere, Japanese DBCS characters written to joblog were not correct.
PM32132 SIP does not parse the Via branch correctly.
PM32318 EntityExistsException when using auto incrementing columns that start at zero
PM32320 Server startup exceptions with uninitialized variables used for session custom properties
PM32342 When tracing is enabled at a SIP proxy, a reverse DNS lookup occurs
PM32957 NoSuchMethodError occurs for BigDecimal.toBigDecimal()
PM32958 NullPointerException in AnnotativeMetadataManagerImpl
PM33020 CWSIJ0064E occurs closing a conversation and a socket leak ensues
PM33237 Resource serving fails if portlet-fragment-cache is enabled
PM33245 A value starting with a numeric char can not be set for the system name during WCT/ZPMT profile customization.
PM33490 Missing install path validation
PM33811 An entity that is trying to persist that has an ArrayList<throwable>.when trying to access db getting an exception
PM33874 When using WOLAa for IMS, calling setOTMASyncLevel(1) keeps OTMA sync level = cm1/none (0) instead of cm1/confirm (1).
PM33913 Annotation data is not added to the deployment descriptor when "metadata-complete attribute" is enabled
PM33929 UPDI does not block update when prereq relation is not met.
PM34003 Messages continue to accumulate for a subscriber that has disconnected
PM34074 Publish/subscribe message buildup occurs when more than one service intergration bus link is defined in a messaging engine.
PM34189 SIP outbound call fails.
PM34241 An exception is thrown when the JSTL tries to parse the date and time that fall in the first hour of DST.
PM34414 Successive re-invites on the same call leg are not blocked by the SIP container.
PM34450 Excess memory utilization on threadlocal in XMLTypeUtil can cause servant region to abend.
PM34665 JSF output text that calls createValueExpression eventually goes to infinite loop
PM34709 Deadlock in the SIP container
PM34867 Lazy fetching of the objects returns multiple objects
PM34920 SIP fails to send a request with a custom "sent-by" host name.
PM34957 Cancel is not sent out from same local port as invite
PM35068 Lookup of stateful EJB returns previously destroyed instance. Lookup, use, then remove and lookup gives destroyed instance.
PM35193 PEV recovery causes thread and MQ connection leak
PM35348 SIP stack passed SipServletRequest object to application even though it responds 481 response to UAC
PM35523 Session manager incorrectly identifies an Informix db as DB2 when a DB2 driver is used in the datasource.
PM35549 Update Installer has issues with mutex pre-req checking for APARs
PM35730 Support multiple dmz proxies in SIP cluster environment
PM35734 AdminApplication.startApplicationOnSingleServer cannot operate on server with same name.
PM35809 Average CPU time in 120.x records is not computed correctly
PM35951 Unnecessary flow token in the record-route
PM36035 SIP re-sends cancel when receiving 2nd provisional response
PM36215 Clone on p-asserted-identity strips the tag value incorrectly
PM36231 JSR 116 derived sessions feature is not fully supported
PM36297 WebSphere Application Server JVM may be unresponsive or hang during the rollback of messages from MDB to MQ
PM36469 Service Integration Bus destination in delete_pending state due to NullPointerException
PM36510 Exception in ArchiveUtil.toLocalURLs on non-valid classpath.
PM36598 When using IMS in batch mode, an abend 0C4 may occur in BBGAIMSS
PM36650 Add sha1 checksum value into UPDI log
PM36651 Backup nifstack.xml and nifhistory.xml before UPDI modifies them
PM36702 UPDI needs a more friendly mechanism to deal with locked files
PM36704 If NIFStack.xml and .pak information do not match, it causes a NullPointerException
PM36705 Fix pack or Interim fix is grayed out in UPDI gui
PM36863 Updating WebSphere Application Server may fail while updating ivtapp.ear in profiles.
PM36930 Application deployment to allow skipping of zip archives
PM36949 Session attribute value is returned after removing in request
PM36985 AMM is not reading package level annotations
PM37139 Session manager creating new index on every restart causing performance problem.
PM37225 @resource annotation fails to set the environment entry description
PM37234 export required in
PM37323 Deploying embeded console from eWAS toolkit fails with java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError
PM37452 Significant delays are seen when sending messages over an SIBus link to a bus in a different WebSphere Application Server cell
PM37859 Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) fails when server locale is Turkish.
PM37942 Runtime processing of application files will list more files in v7.0 than in v6.1 or earlier releases.
PM37996 Deadlock in SIP container code..
PM38344 Web 2.0 and mobile support needed for UPDI
PM38436 During some EJB 3.0 deployment, ValidationException occurs
PM39074 Missing server startup notifications after servant region failover or failed JNDI bindings after failed application start.
PM39265 OSGi temp files are not getting cleaned up
PM39436 Can install or uninstall an interim fix while server process has started.
PM39518 SIP proxy takes a long time to shutdown
PM39613 Out of memory when SIP servlet container stuck on multiple TCP connections during SIP load
PM39644 NullPointerException when timers expire when application is invalidating SIP application session
PM39685 UPDI wizard panel is outdated and needs to be updated to include WebSphere Extreme Scale and WebSphere Virtual Enterprise.
PM39718 Servant times out with EC3/04130007 when connection is not released by channel framework code
PM39795 Update.bat of UPDI will reset env var path on Microsoft Windows to cause failure of some config actions
PM39870 Improved classloader leak detection.
PM39882 Wrong jar file mentioned in startupbean javadoc
PM40158 Poor performance on requests without affinity during heavy load
PM40667 Excess DependencyUtil processNode warnings
PM40720 templatePath value in response file ends with an unrecognized template directory name.
PM40985 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from AnnotativeMetadataManagerImpl
PM41240 ClassCastException when base entity class has InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE base with multiple entity subclasses
PM41374 Application deployment file transfer buffer optimization
PM41522 Improve client JMX notification performance
PM42458 NullPointerException thrown from process detection bundle when installing a product and interim fix together.
PM43144 Sample optional feature for is not installed when installing fix pack and Business Monitor together.
PM43391 Application deployment fails with adma0092e upgrading to v7.0.0.17
PM45269 The offering bundle fails to detect the bit architecture of the Network Deployment edition installation
High Availability (HA) PM29179 HAManager bulletin board post is dropped during a rebuild of ODC tree
PM37276 The CGB tunnel does not properly reset the connection state when a connecting dmz proxy is re-started.
PM38774 Native OutOfMemory can occur due to inflators and deflators not being closed.
PM39538 Prerequisite HA manager fix for WebSphere Extreme Scale fix PM38880
PM40170 Missing bulletin board updates from high availability manager
PM40749 The heartbeat time out drops a server from the view. HA Manager then tries to recover, recovery abnormal
HTTP Transport PM08491 Improve performance of outbound channels on UDP channel framework
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM32955 Installation factory displays graphics slowly or hangs under some circumstances on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris
PM36760 Installer should give more informative message on prompt
PM36761 Enhance versionInfo to report incomplete maintenance status
PM38583 UPDI linux s39064 rhel30 cannot be downloaded from WebSphere Application Server v7 CIM
PM41005 Add new consistent parameters for disabling disk space check for installing UPDI and maintenance.
PM41033 Enhance installRegistryUtils to regenerate entries for current WebSphere Application Server to NIFREgistry file
PM43663 Changing log detail levels results in ADMN0022E Access is denied for listAllRegisteredGroups
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM25209 Microsoft SQL Server return codes 6005, 6001, 6006 should be mapped to a StaleConnectionException.
PM26010 WTRN0006W due to transaction timeout occurs using tightly coupled TXs with DB2 due to lock timeout; can't set tmlcs
PM26796 java.lang.NullPointerException is coming on
PM30396 Thread identity not propogated to CICS when user registry is LDAP
PM32330 Oracle error ORA-30006 is not mapped to the
PM32461 DSRA7028E: You cannot use the TrustedConnectionMapping login configuration when the ThreadIdentity property is enabled.
PM33222 The custom property containing the password is not decrypted at runtime when populating the resource adapter instance.
PM33493 StaleConnectionException not available in builds in the Assembly Toolkit
PM34087 NullPointerException in FreePool.createOrWaitForConnection. This happens only when J2C trace enabled.
PM34365 Java.lang.AbstractMethodError: java/sql/wrapper.isWrapperFor on Oracle data source after upgrade to fix pack v7.0.0.15/pm20797
PM38487 Improve upon the DataSourceCfgHelper.reload() documentation
PM40232 NullPointerException thrown at
PM40751 Hung threads noticed with Sybase JConnect JDBC Driver
Java Message Service (JMS) PM26779 Maximum headers default value is not consistent
PM30714 Some WMQ JMS resource fields in the administrative console cannot accept WebSphere Application Server variables
PM34869 The cookie does not get set in the browser
PM35555 A persistent IOException accessing the store file does not cause the messaging engine to stop
PM35902 An InvalidLogRecordPartTypeException is thrown during startup of a messaging engine using filestore
PM37079 HTTP channel returns empty response to proxy when server sends chunked data under some senarios.
PM38448 When the http channel is marshalling the response and there is bad data it will send a malformed response back to the client
PM41741 Upgrade WMQ resource adapter to
Java SDK PM32305 The valueUnbound() and valueBound() methods of a session-scoped JSF managed bean invoked multiple times navigating between pages
PM37169 An IllegalArgumentException can occur when JSF tracing is enabled
PM40949 MyFaces 2.0 injection providers for V7
JNDI/Naming PM33867 JNDI cache is retaining the SCA classloader after BLA stops.
PM36540 Updates to naming trace
JSP PM32704 The JSP is getting compiled with 1.5 SDK instead of 1.2, even after specifying the jdkSourceLevel="15"
PM36719 Error loading shared library from BLA in web module start.
PM38186 JSPG0240E: Attempt to redefine the prefix when it was already defined in current scope
PM38747 Repeatedly starting and stopping a specific application can deplete a system's memory.
PM40654 Custom property provided by PM10362 if applied on z/OS WebSphere Application Server can cause a problem serving a JSP.
Migration PM30993 Migration wizard does not allow changing of the default trace, the trace can get very large and use up disk space
PM34539 WasPreUpgrade is failing when trying to migrate Derby database which is not found.
PM34662 Deployment manager getting WSVR0100W: An error occurred initalizing filetransferSecured
PM39461 The JVM maximumHeapSize is set to zero after migrating a profile.
PM39468 There is a 30 minute delay during WASPostUpgrade. It is waiting for a userid and password, but no prompt is displayed.
PM40085 Improve error message received during migration failure when profileregistry.xml is missing, corrupt, or profile absent
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM33650 SMF1209cx field is negative under certain conditions.
PM34529 Abend0C4 in IGVCPOOL occurred occasionally on server termination.
PM41934 Unhandled exception attempting RMI connection with RMI client running in a 64-bit JVM
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM33469 BBORBLOG job to handle logger return and reason codes 8/847
PM39875 FFDC exception in logs are not updated in some multi-threading.
Plug-in PM29438 The HTTP server plugin does not retry a marked down appserver under some circumstances.
PM32939 Failed to get a socket, OS err=3452 causing WebSphere application performance issues through plugin
PM33330 QueryString conversion problem when job CCSID is not 37
PM35018 Plugin issue when using DefaultFsCCSID and DefaultNetCCSID http directives of v7r1
PM35264 serverIOTimeout set to a non zero value causes the esiInvalidator to timeout in the plug-in.
PM37373 Plug-in does not mark server back up after receiving a 503 response from the appserver
PM38866 Plugin does not retrieve client cert data from apache http server correctly
PMI/Performance Tools PM34156 Tivoli Performance Viewer shows wrong value for web cointainer ActiveCount
PM34413 Slow memory leak occurs when using PMI request metrics configured in "debug" mode
PM35646 Ignoring ODR in the check made for proxy server MBean required by health policy of XD is not shown
PM37592 NullPointerException thrown when TPV monitoring is enabled
PM40618 Re-enable provisioning in development tuning script
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM32618 Deadlock in com/ibm/ws/asynchbeans/services/wlm/enclaveManager
PM33522 Java.lang.NullPointerException when sending smtp mail using WebSphere Commerce
PM35145 J2CA0061 warning when connecting to a remote WebSphere MQ java message service (jms)
PM35291 BBOO0220E: J2CA0074E: Unable to enlist connection from resource exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException
Proxy Server PM31568 Create FFDC log and return 400 error code when content type mismatch.
PM32105 Proxy PluginInstallRoot custom property is missing.
PM35804 WebSphere java proxy server requires a custom property for a connection level retry.
PM37248 Java proxy server sends identical requests to be processed.
PM37735 ODC service does not function properly when runtime provisioning is enabled
Runtime (zSeries®) PM26672 Requests are routed to the wrong servant when the cookie name is changed from JSESSIONID at the application level.
PM38306 NullPointerException in and possible hang:
PM40860 Attempted double-release of the WsByteBuffer
Scheduler PM31502 SCHD0130W: Failed to verify the scheduler tables because of an error occurs with Oracle OCI JDBC driver after PM13659
Security PM25277 Cipher settings not posted in was.env from com_ibm_DAEMON_claimSecurityCipherSuiteList
PM28122 Users not seeing proper error page when their ID does not exist in LDAP
PM30025 Custom credential or kerberos token might be lost when a subject is refreshed
PM30134 Standalone LDAP configuration failover ignores connect timeout com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout
PM30332 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException error when validating LTPA token
PM31700 APAR for common criteria defects
PM31904 WebSphere Security Monitor is not notfying if the chained certificate is expired
PM32424 No server log messages to indicate when the server is operating under a security domain.
PM32636 SECJ4060W messeages filling up logs.
PM33256 SECJ0373E cannot create credential for the user <null> failed validation of LTPS StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. SECJ0305I
PM33471 Userid not passed to IMS when using IMS local connect option in a server running in 64 bit mode
PM33545 JVM problem due to DynamicSSLCacheMissComparator
PM33787 CSIV2 "SSL required" and "Client certificate authentication required" not effective for local client on z/OS
PM34254 When creating 200 plus web servers the response slows
PM34787 PropFilePasswordEncoder needs more debug statements
PM35288 Java.lang.NullPointerException when adding signer certificate
PM35355 CWPKI0735I, "There is no certificate expiration information to report" function.
PM35701 Unexpected behavior with logoutExitPage parameter
PM35743 Multiple threads are running in hashmap, which called SecurityConfigImpl.getPropertyBool method causing high CPU
PM36025 Custom properties of the "SSL configurations" disappear.
PM36556 Similar node name causes dmgr ssl config to be removed
PM36593 NullPointerException when invoking a web service call using java client
PM36909 ServiceUnavailableException with LDAP error code 52 when UID contains an equal character at the end of string.
PM37108 When hashtable login is used, a server fails to start due to SECJ0270E error after PM14768
PM37650 Concurrent deployment of applicaitons via the administrative console by users causes save conflict
PM37795 retrieveSignerFromPort should retrieve the root of the certificate chain.
PM37969 ${user_install_root}/etc/dummyserverkeyfile.jks created during addNode
PM39018 JSAS0803E intermittently adminagent cannot control appservers
PM39276 Add admin task to import and export lightweight third party authentication (ltpa) keys.
PM39296 After fixpack installed certain WebSphere applications receive msgich409i a78-00c abend during i 11/05/16 ptf pechange
PM41181 The server will lock up and consume large amounts of CPU stuck in a loop.
PM41831 Trusted realms are not inherited by WebSphere security domains
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM30543 Duplicate HTTP channel buffers cause high CPU
PM33520 Resource injection fails when metadata-complete is true
PM34028 When using contenttypecompatibility=true all file types and extensions are not reverting to default content setting
PM35450 Webcontainer returns null value for parameter with no "=" in uri query string
PM36303 Problems accessing the WLM files under z/OSMF after moving to level 11/05/11 ptf pechange
PM36341 Webcontainer returns 200 response for a requst with if-modified-since header which is newer than date of target file
PM37645 Plugin thinks Application Server is down when using ExtendedHandshake to true in the plugin-cfg.xml
PM38045 The filter or servlet mappings are not created successfully on one of the servers due to wrong version
PM41591 URI that contains j_security_check keyword should not always trigger the login process.
System Management/Repository PM26178 Update to RoutingTable code to handle making the dmgr mobile on z/OS
PM26423 An empty classloader object is not created for a war that was defined in the deployment.xml file of the enhanced ear.
PM27013 The ARS_NAME variable is never defined in the servers VariableMap instance.
PM30383 Generated script start_server.bat cannot be run from drive other than the drive where <profile_home>/bin is located.
PM30431 Command assist provides wrong null value for AdminApp.install with "- MapInitParamForServlet" option
PM32928 Not able to start generic server, giving classpath in JVM panel
PM33631 AdminTask.applyConfigProperties fails with an error message: 'java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""'
PM34434 The application binaryurl gets deleted after save
PM34501 SecurityEnabled set to false for IPC connector info
PM35691 Commenting out propertiest for loging in soap.client.props causes server not to stop
PM35849 The ADMA0073W message wording is incorrect
PM35851 RenameNode command with security enabled causes the server not to start due to missing from node level
PM36615 setVerbose function of JVM MBeans does not turn on verbose GC
PM37029 Generated start_<servername>.bat using startServer "-script" parameter fails to start the server.
PM38547 EJB 2.x CMP connection factories created after deployment causing IllegalResourceIn2PCTransactionException
PM38629 The -Djava.library.path=C:\test option does not work properly as a JVM argument on an application server
PM39543 Work space leak occurs when adding a new cluster node.
PM39656 Concurrent running of commands returns incorrect results
PM39690 Application update on a single file fails with NullPointerException
PM41131 Can not access the MBean attributes when logged in
PM41133 ProcessOpException might be thrown when terminating a process
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM21170 Error processing ?wsdl requests for proxy gateway virtual services
PM29002 The UDDI publication services are published at UDDI node initialisation with the incorrect UDDI v3 binding.
PM30634 A JAX-RPC redirect request is sent to remote server directly when a proxy is configured.
PM31987 A NullPointerException error may occur while invoking a JAX-WS web service
PM32695 SOAP header added by JAX-RPC handler is not sent with attachment
PM32779 java.lang.ClassCastException: incompatible with javax.jms.Queue
PM32865 javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class nor any of its super class is known to this context.
PM33547 The getMessage() method of an exception from a JAX-RPC web service is returning a null value.
PM33949 Detail element of SOAPFaultException from an EJB is not sent back to the JAX-WS client when a provider dispatch is used.
PM35471 AdminException with ADMA5055E due to validation error with CWSAD0055E when using newly created server in appl mapping
PM36257 The performance of a Process Sserver JAX-WS might degrade when invoked
PM36594 ConfigurationContext in the ListenerMananger leads to SCAClassLoaders being retained in memory.
PM36696 An absolute path--not the same as an absolute URL--should be allowed in a JAX-WS SEI's wsdlLocation element
PM36842 The org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory retaining a reference to SCAClassLoader causing an out of memory error.
PM37820 Webservice-calls result in NullPointerException after PM19534
PM38308 App migration from v61 to v7 fails with CWSAD0016W message when a JAX-RPC client is misidentified as a JAX-WS client
PM40861 It will take a very long time to stop a server on HP-UX when the DNS server is not available.
PM44429 Application failure with javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
Web Services Security PM28883 JAX-WS WS-Security runtime does not accept securitytokenreference of standalone security token
PM30700 SAML token factory does not give original error information
PM31409 JAX-WS client might stop working when a new operation was added to the JAX-WS provider
PM31673 JAX-WS exceptions not sent to handleFault() method
PM31678 KeyStoreConfigImpl class not available to application programmers
PM31862 PrincipalName_n and groupName_n are not recognized when processing the caller for a SAML token.
PM32691 JAX-WS may emit mustUnderstand="0" in Security header when it should not
PM37205 JAX-WS WS-Security error message issued when no SOAP header in message is not usable
PM37900 The body element in the outbound SOAP message may appear within header element.
PM38679 JAX-RPC WS-Security error message issued when no SOAP header in message is not usable
PM38681 JAX-RPC SignatureGenerator emits SAML 2.0 ValueType for a SAML 1.1 token in the SecurityTokenReference/KeyIdentifier element
PM43254 Signature wrapping attack against SAML tokens in SOAP messages
Workload Management (WLM) PM35395 WLM incorrect routing with PreferLocal enabled
PM35764 WLM infinite loop in hasmap
PM37851 WLM to allow permanent LSD retry
Fix release date: 16 May, 2011
Last modified: 12 May 2011
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 17

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM22090 Compensation service fails with PropertyGroupUnknownException
PM23497 Activity incorrectly propagated on web service request
PM24502 Hang in in preInvoke status leads to possible HTTP request timeout and EC3 abend
PM24601 A HeuristicMixedException thrown when a one-phase resource fails does not contain the rootcause of the failure
PM25461 Global TX commit failed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transaction associated with this thread
PM30207 Activity Service throws ActivityPendingException after receiving SAXParseException while processing a Web Service response.
PM30271 Java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException in DistributedActivityContext
PM30808 The namestore.xml is removed from the node after the install of fixpack
PM32527 Job manager fails on 2nd and later restarts, if email notification was also configured
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM24306 Relax the restriction on some special characters in a J2EEResourceProperty config object name value.
PM25494 An invalid cluster type can be chosen as the default target for installing an application.
PM25637 NullPointerException happens when changing process logs settings from the administrative console
PM25744 The "new" button does not appear on some transport chain administrative console pages when the page is first loaded.
PM25755 Unable to enable response compression for ODRcluster via administrative console
PM26073 Anonymous wstemp workspace directories created by administrative console.
PM27496 Sorting queues by queue depth produces incorrect sort result. Queue depths remain in apparent random order.
PM27878 SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /ibm/images/attend.gif has not been defined.
PM27924 Editing CU in administrative console generates a JspException.
PM28729 Monitor role has access to test connection button on security panel
PM30703 Administrative console users and groups filter reflects incorrect filtered total
PM31075 Updating the address exclude list or the address include list for server transports causes an exception.
PM31282 Admin ConfigService does not give good diagnostic output with a malformed configuration object name.
PM31508 DefaultDatasource from ibm-EJB-bnd.xml fails with java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Classloader PM29490 When processing shared libraries the Application Server runtime processes directories with a .jar extension as jar files.
Data Replication Services PM29893 DRS instances fail to initialize during a ripple start of the cluster.
Default Messaging Component PM22089 The deferred time in the BBOO0311I message is incorrect
PM25272 Messages successfully consumed from a service integration bus destination are not removed from the sib001 database table.
PM27294 Message expiration stops and messages build up on destinations
PM31552 Messaging engine is automatically stopped when an application is deployed or updated on the Application Server.
PM32130 ClassNotFoundException when starting jmsmessagelistener service in Websphere Application Server EmbeddedExpress
Dynamic Cache PM28293 Unable to obtain custom servlet cache instance
PM29178 Cache lookup fails after NameAlreadyBoundException occurs
PM30625 Application classloader leak in cache could cause OutOfMemoryError.
PM31557 Hung thread and NullPointerExceptions on ESIProcessor.listen
PM32725 Cache id does not contain portlet request attribute when defined in cachespec.xml.
EJB Container PM25511 SRVE0068E and StringIndexOutOfBoundsException occur during the processing of a servlet request
PM27840 Persistence manager relies on value equality (.hashCode() and .equals()) of local entity wrappers.
PM28563 WebSphere registers its "jit stub" plugin with module class loaders has a flaw in its logic.
PM31649 ejbRemove() may be called before start method of an EJB has completed and throw an IllegalArgumentException
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM33018 Update EJBDeploy
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM28389 Unmarshalling of an XML document with the IBM JAXB runtime may result in an object with missing data.
PM30371 The attribute created for a default namespace declaration using XMLStreamWriter is sometimes named "xmlns:"
Federated Repositories PM19315 VMM fails to update property "ibm-jobTitle"
PM21321 VMM performance issue - redundant calls to LDAP
PM23316 When the login id contains a single quote, login may fail with the VMM exception
PM25785 javax.Naming.SizeLimitExceededException occurs when disabling the search cache in wimconfig
PM27121 Certificate authentication fails with NullPointerException
PM28984 NullPointerException while reading empty datetime values
PM29063 Data loss during LA migration from WMM to VMM
PM29582 SchemaViolation exception is thrown
General PM21318 SIP proxy is publishing the wrong cluster address to the SIP container.
PM21539 Modify eventbucket.jacl to work with a cluster environment
PM21583 Org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException using an XMLTYPE in a query used by JPA.
PM21779 With " property to true,unable to access administrative console without security.
PM22200 Improve logging in StartServer.log in the case where OS imposes max filesize limit preventing allocation of native_stdout.log
PM23875 Java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.get(
PM25154 z/OS SIP traffic thru proxy is failing
PM25773 Portlet-container needs to preserve isSecure() information.
PM26249 Profile creation with Microsoft Windows service failing for domain users intermittently.
PM26377 WebSphere Application Server on z/OS needs to report the active shared lib region size
PM26746 A work class failed to be created while installing an application with a name ending with ".ear".
PM27178 Resource loads from OSGi bundles are inefficient
PM27213 While starting an application, runtime generating the java.lang.ClassCastException.
PM27215 Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid session state.
PM27226 There is no option to configure two secure SIP proxy instances
PM27235 SIP message queue size is growing.
PM27244 No warning message when node synchronization reaches its max retry iteration limit.
PM27417 CWSCT0334E: Failed to deserialize replication.
PM27724 Daemon abend U4091 during initialization
PM27768 Migration of CEI from version 6.1 to version 7.0 fails
PM28048 SIP proxy sends health-check response from wrong UDP interface
PM28401 Duplicate server certificate generated by DATA(BBODBRAC) when daemon and server defined with same userid using WCT tool.
PM28429 BufferOverflowException when WebSphere Service Integration Bus v7.0 attempts to send messages to WebSphere MQ
PM28508 Service Integration Bus intra messaging engine connection retry logic may stall if an exception occurs at a critical point
PM28708 Memory leack in application restart in WebSphere Commerce
PM28820 Exception occurs when OpenJPA process a persistence unit where the provider is not OpenJPA
PM28896 Notifications are generated with "PO" header instead of "IBM-PO"
PM29091 JPA/OpenJPA throws an unexpected InvalidStateException during persistence of an entity with LOB column
PM29150 xml:lang attribute missing from env:Text element in SOAP 1.2 fault response
PM30324 RMF reports from v6.1 contain inflated queue delay
PM30517 WSVR0244E when creating a server in a default profile using wsadmin
PM30633 Portlet container request attribute missing
PM30865 Unable to locate enterprise bean message during serializtion of EjbextSAXXMLHandler setAttribValue with ibm-EJB-jar-ext.xml
PM31067 WebSphere Application Server v7 SIBus CWSIP0002E exception is reported on cluster startup
PM31135 verboseModeGarbageCollection should be "false" in dev profile.
PM31170 BLA shared library assets can be started after the application that depends on it at server startup.
PM31307 When using IM to uninstall a cumulative interim fix (one that supersedes another ifix), the dependency checker bundle blocks it.
PM32369 WASService is unable to read the pid when Microsoft Windows service is started
PM32906 Adding AIX 7.1 support to os prereq checker
PM33472 EJB container does not close class files in directories when scanning for annotation metadata.
PM33510 Incorrect log messages in install logs, reported success instead of failure when profile creation failed.
PM36146 On FDCC Microsoft Windows XP machine, the installation manager operating system prereq check failed.
PM36733 SAXException "FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing" during SCA composition unit startup
High Availability (HA) PM26064 The active session is not being passed to the GetTCPEndPoint command.
PM27262 OutOfMemory error caused by
PM27892 Server fails to start with CWRLS0030W due to out of memory condition in another process in cell
HTTP Transport PM31810 UDP channel is not using the configured thread pool.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM28746 Password field is pre-populated when doing mutiple CIM tasks.
PM29956 IIP installation fails when single quotes are used to enclose a path but the path contains no space characters.
PM31522 generated incorrectly when directory paths contain spaces
PM32436 UPDI for i5os cannot be downloaded from WebSphere Application Server v7 CIM
PM34576 Fix pack install fails on eWAS
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK97044 J2CA0061 warning when using a 3rd party messaging provider to connect to a remote 3rd party JMS server
PM26175 Duplicate custom properties are created when a resource adapter (rar) file is updated
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PM32551 Anonymous* subdirectories left in wstemp directory on z/OS
Java Message Service (JMS) PM14498 The access log for the HTTP channel will not recognize history files
PM21645 HTTP channel does not honor the chunked transfer-encoding if there is only one chunk
PM24564 Web Services socket timeout for JAX-RPC/JAX-WS Web Services clients might not be honored.
PM27224 The HTTP channel can return an incorrect Charset when parsing it from the Content-Type header
PM28289 High CPU usage on a cluster node.
PM29501 NullPointerException is printed in systemerr.log when a request is received without version id.
PM31880 Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
Java SDK PM25955 J_id suffix improperly added to component id when including files when using MyFaces for JSF
JNDI/Naming PM30701 Trivial authentication, twice in succession, fails unless JNDI cache is cleared first.
PM30783 When looking up a topic connection factory NoClassDefFoundError occurs in thin client using EJB and JMS thin client libs
JSP PM23597 JSP compilation error when using duplicate script variables with nested scope.
PM24787 Nested JSP tags do not retain parent attribute
PM25595 ClassCastException when trying to login to an application
PM26777 JSP attribute useThreadTagPool=true causes compilation error
PM30435 When extended document root is enabled, FFDC is generated with
Migration PM20942 During post migration, hostname is changed in serverindex.xml
PM31278 WebSphere Process Server migration failes with a java.lang. NoSuchMethodException while running the migration wizard.
PM31299 WASPostUpgrade hangs on a ssl signer exchange prompt
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM24445 RMF queued wait time measurements are inconsistent for IIOP, MDB and internal work requests.
PM29466 Intermittent SOC4 in 64-bit WebSphere Application Server for z/OS control region
PM32622 z/OS launcher to set default umask to 007 if not already set in was.env.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM33176 Improve calculation of size of SRQE queue limit for default messaging provider.
Plug-in PM22107 Some values are not updated when using cell wide generation
PM25128 Two independent cell plugins do not merge correctly if each cell contains duplicate URI sets
PM26466 IIS plug-in causes heap corruption and crash when armEnabled="true"
PM30500 Modify the name of pluginMerge to pluginCfgMerge to provide unique naming convention
PM30968 Parition table is not checked for affinity under certain conditions
PM31754 Plugin crashes with ESI enabled when invalid headers are received
PMI/Performance Tools PM20181 NullPointerException when using perormance fservlet with version=5
PM21455 Messages indicating that the push and pop methods were not initialized in RepositoryCache.initializePushAndPopMethods
PM26155 WebAppModule aggregation is disabled in basic level.
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM21262 Performing lookup of same ObjectPoolManager from multiple threads, CWPMI0023W was issued
PM25457 Leak in and a way to unregister this class when application is stopped
Proxy Server PM27877 Proxy server - duplicate request detection revalidation support causes long delay on normal requests
PM28768 ODC may create an incorrect cloneid value for use with session affinity.
PM30141 The importProxyProfile administrative command incorrectly updates serverindex.xml with proxy hostname.
PM34361 SIP only DMZ proxy does not work
Runtime (zSeries®) PM23423 Using causes recursive stack trace, StackOverflowError, and CORBA::INTERNAL with error code C9C25808
PM25806 System.out.checkError() always returns false
PM30090 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when writing to a Logstream with an empty byte array and specifying zero length.
Scheduler PM23846 Unable to cancel scheduler tasks due to the TASKINFO field being empty
Security PK54565 Applications can invoke a login module in a non-standard fashion
PM23482 Server slowdown caused by many threads stuck waiting for SOAP response
PM24003 Ping method gets CORBA.NO_PERMISSION on nodeagent when authentication is set as required
PM24472 Exporting signer certificate via administrative console fails with CWPKI0663E
PM25268 Usability issue in CSIv2Outbound communication panel
PM25695 With java 2 security on and norethrow set to true, an AccessControlException occurs
PM26104 A user that has configurator role define in integrated solution console cannot modify an existing J2C alias
PM26317 Concurrent logons sometimes cause incorrect AuthCache data
PM26642 Security domains may not be listed in role map when multiple servers are assigned as a deployment target.
PM27092 validateLDAPConnection wsadmin command fails with NullPointerException in local mode
PM27948 With integrated session security and auditing enabled, a logout event will not contain the sessionid.
PM28082 Codebase of utility classes is not constructed properly.
PM28205 During heavy load CORBA.NO_PERMISSION error occurs on session state
PM28365 LTPAToken2 attributes is not preserved after propagation login
PM29952 Error when deleting SSL config
PM30108 Cannot forward. Response already committed on SPNEGO system
PM30762 Token expired message when server id is used for AsyncBean
PM30958 NullPointerException when running AdminTask.createAuthDataEntry after PM09762, PM26104
PM35478 Potential security exposure with IBM WebSphere Application Server on z/os running Local OS user registry
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM25421 A call to add or set the Content-Language header is not honored.
PM28343 The JSP files defined under welcome files list as extended document root does not work.
Sessions and Session Management PM27191 Manual creation of sessions table with a different user causes issues with database persistence
System Management/Repository PM18253 Prevent annotation processing for web context root checks against applications with no deployment descriptor
PM18437 Mapping shared library during application update will only add new mappings but not remove original mappings
PM22829 ADMN1101I message says that a node is being federated, in fact the node was being removed
PM22862 Filetransfer servlet does not handle " SRVE0080E: Invalid content length" condition well.
PM23331 Performance improvement for adding cluster members.
PM23567 Application fails to map or deploy, when the Application Server is created using a cluster template.
PM26320 Creating a new StringNameSpaceBinding with a name attribute thatcontaines a special character fails with ADMG0012E
PM28929 Enterprise apps deployed through BLA interfaces are distributed asynchronously.
PM29405 When a J2EE application failed to deploy with a bad bindings file, the temporary directory created during deployment was not cleaned up.
PM29702 The application JSP options are incorrect on the administrative console
PM32261 Using a generic server to launch an executable file under process definition fails to launch executable file correctly
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM21239 TCP "no delay" flag may not get set in Apache SOAP code used by Application Server, causing communication delays.
PM25144 Idle JAX-WS client connections are not cleaned up in a timely manner.
PM25697 A "WSWS3031E: Error: Serialization cannot occur for ..." error may occur for a JAX-RPC client.
PM26061 Allow two-dimensional XML arrays to be serialized as a series of arrays for JAX-RPC applications.
PM26342 Lock contention may occur with a JAX-RPC application when the BaseSerializerFactory uses Class.forName.
PM26469 JAX-RPC SOAP system applications using wsa:ReplyTo for the response may fail with an IOException.
PM26530 A JAX-RPC web service from WebSphere V5.1 may fail when deployed in later versions due to xsd:datetime and xsd:date
PM26583 An @WebService annotation prevents application's ability to write to systemerr.log after initial JAX-WS application deployment
PM26593 JAX-WS Web Services engine does not propagate exceptions for application using SOAP/JMS one-way operation
PM26773 A JAX-WS or JAX-RPC Web Service that has a CONTENT-TYPE of "application/dime" may fail with a WSWS4115E error.
PM26784 Lock contention may occur with a JAX-RPC application when the BeanSerializerFactory uses FilePermissionCollection.
PM26838 Detail element of SOAPFaultException thrown from an EJB is not propagated back to the JAX-WS client.
PM27844 WSWS3163E: Error: The Web Services engine could not find a target service to invoke! TargetService is xxxxxx after PM08816
PM28195 The fault details do not contain the root cause for JAX-WS applications.
PM28686 A "javax.ejb.EJBException: Unable to find EJB component" error may occur when invoking a JAX-WS service.
PM28964 Changing WSWS4121E from a warning to a debug message
PM31195 Allow a JAX-RPC one-way service to send back a 202 http status code.
PM31633 A JAX-RPC application cannot process a SOAP attachment whose Content-Id header is missing a part name.
PM34290 The elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault attributes are not set in the WSDL when using APIs.
PM36607 Specifying "0" for SOAP requestTimeOut parameter causes WCBD deploy script to fail with SOAP TimeOut
Web Services Security PM12971 JAX-RPC WS-Security STR-Transform processing is incorrect
PM24289 Excessive object locking in the JAX-RPC runtime during heavy load may cause a performance degradation or hang
PM25126 The message edited by a JAX-WS outbound client handler disappears if one of the JAX-WS handlers returns false.
PM25324 Self issued SAML v2.0 bearer token specifies incorrect issuer element
PM25325 NameFormat attribute is not being set correctly
PM26939 JAX-WS WS-Security is rejecting SAML 2.0 tokens referenced by SecurityTokenReference/Reference
PM26989 There is no public interface to pass a SAML token to SAMLGenerateLoginModule
PM27388 Duplicate OneTimeUse and DoNotCacheCondition XML entries created
PM28027 JAX-RPC WS-Security runtime may not consume LTPA_PROPAGATION tokens
PM29584 WSEC0121E error may occur when an EncodingType attribute is included on the wsse:Nonce element (JAX-RPC)
PM34128 Web Services security error may occur when SAML token contains an issuer's certificate not contained in truststore
Workload Management (WLM) PM20204 WLM SIP DMZ proxy fixes
PM27960 WLM compressor fix and enhancements
PM33598 WLM SIBus messaging engine startup and shutdown performance enhancement

Fix release date: 28 Feb 2011
Last modified: 28 Feb 2011
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 15

Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM21432 NullPointerException in TransactionServiceDetailActionGen
PM21727 On administrative console with V7 Dmgr, the value for transaction_maximumTimout for v5.1 servers can not be modified.
PM22245 A WS-Notification message throws WSWS3227E: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The namespace prefix was not declared.
PM24132 For null collections sent to or discovered by FFDC, if it is properly typed, it can get through and cause a later NullPointerException
PM24684 Log application deployment.xml URL in trace.log.
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK88606 Administrator role members on the administrative console can modify the primary administrative id.
PM18731 Webserver_admin_address port missing on unmanaged web server detail panel.
PM19443 Unresponsive console on security domain panels
PM20254 Cannot modify trusted proxy settings for an ODR static cluster.
PM20587 ADMG0007E baseProductVersion=5.1.0 & nodeOperatingSystem=os390 are not valid in administrative console ORB service transport chains
PM20844 Changing the temp folder used when installing resource adapters causes error in the file transfer.
PM21039 Console user monitor unable to read the datasource helper class.
PM21368 Cannot edit either of the two name space binding with the same name at different scopes
PM21834 Unable to uninstall ear file
PM21870 Task management tasks cannot correctly be sorted by date.
PM22126 Command assistant in the console is not enabled against was.webui.proxy
PM22172 The message "Use an isolated class loader for this shared library" translated incorrectly in Japanese administrative console.
PM22243 Conflicts have been found when trying to save workspace changes to master repository when two users modify different files
PM22519 Error with display of object names
PM23201 The console code does not allow the generic server cluster member weight value to be set to zero
PM24578 Administrative console fails to create a JDBC provider when the browser has javascript disabled.
PM24920 Diagnostic trace service "enable log" check box display is incorrect
PM25902 NullPointerException: during logout.
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM18736 Sensitive information from wsadmin commands appear in trace
PM22940 Wsadmin scripting memory leak on workspace creation
PM23039 Using ant.tasks.jspc to compile JSPs may result in an exception
PM24501 ServerStatus ant api caused java class is not found
PM24579 Creating a new shared library results in some garbage characters in the classpath value of library.xml file.
PM26816 The is incorrectly using the StringTokenizer constructors
Classloader PM13589 Customer experience deadlocks during server startup in classloader
Default Messaging Component PM21308 CWSIT0034E and CWSIT0110E caused by SECJ9314E exception in WebSphere Application Server v7 and Service Integration Bus
PM21857 WebSphere Application Server throws workspace errors
PM21935 SIB message driven beans stop processing messages due to a deadlock between threads when a full set of MDBs are active
PM23655 IBM WebSphere Service Integration Bus messaging engine fails to start after a network connection is lost and re-established
PM23971 WebSphere Application Server v7 wsadmin scripting command AdminTask.mapResourceToSecurityDomain fails with SECJ7718E
Dynamic Cache PM20492 Recently added cache entries are evicted from the cache before older entries
PM21043 Potential hang when dynamic cache diskoffload is enabled
PM21179 Cache entry cannot be cleared locally
PM22896 Fails to configure dynacache via admin agent.
PM24624 setHeader coming from servlet caching
EJB Container PM21512 Multi-thread usage may result in EJB initialization failure WSVR0068E CNTR0169E java.lang.NullPointerException
PM22076 When smf120 subtype 9 records are enabled and an application encounters a transaction rollback, a memory leak occurs.
PM23592 CreateEJBstubs -updatefile command fails with error CNTR9258E if ear contains a war file already.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM25561 EJB 2.1 generates invalid SQL like with VARCHAR(32672)
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM20826 StAX XMLStreamWriter is outputting the wrong value
PM21145 NullPointerException in SAX parser while handling a JAX-RPC request.
PM21702 IBM STAX parser might hang while parsing a large XML document.
PM22438 A NullPointerException error may occur when running an SCA application
Federated Repositories PM08744 NullPointerException when calling SDOHelper methods
PM12918 Dynacache 'WIMInitCache' gets offloaded to disk
PM15395 NullPointerException occurs when getting groups for user
PM16941 User with hexchar in DN cannot be deleted, InvalidNameException
PM18034 Updating an entry by the unique id and repository id may fail.
PM18594 Incorrect unique name returned during search when using federated repositories with local registry
PM19665 Limit the number of search results fetched from repository
PM21967 Unhandled exception when search API is called with principalName= DN
PM22375 Unparsable date exception for Tivoli Directory Server
General PM04639 OutOfMemory error caused by java indexing referencing ClassLoader from threadLocal
PM11252 Incorrect error message displayed when server runs as nonroot
PM13147 Add informational message when maximum thread pool size increases
PM14623 Profile management tool displays graphics slowly or hangs under some circumstances on AIX.
PM14970 Ecutils schemas not collected into eWAS
PM15080 OpenJPA generates incorrect sequence string for DB2 on z/OS
PM16383 Abend 0C4 in CR handling SMF subtype 9 record RSN=00000011.
PM17170 S0C4 in methods such as ORB_Request::getACRWorkElementPtr() due to double free of BBOOORBR
PM18528 Add Romanian language support
PM18530 Loading a file as input stream failed
PM18661 NullPointerException processing cross-platform application manifest class path
PM18760 Updateinstaller may incorrectly alter data for a different installation instance if you use the wizard's back button
PM19153 MSL offering bundle in IM-based v7 fix packs needs to be updated
PM19375 javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException is seen when connecting to mail store or transport
PM19535 Timing window at initialization causes CWXGB0001E error
PM19576 Fix error text for out-of-sync iFixes in iFix Check Bundle
PM19599 SIP proxy: Proxy fails to reuse TCP connection to remote SIP server.
PM19834 Service Integration Bus: a serious bottleneck occurs when processing messages during a high load test. Appears hung
PM19970 Excessive addAnnotationInfo concurrent modification messages
PM20182 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in JPA framework while updating/retrieving data from the database.
PM20212 Attempting to edit a web server configuration file with the administrative console results in an error
PM20224 Messages stop flowing after a Service Integration Bus link is deleted and then recreated.
PM20319 SIP proxy is responding to an ACK packet when it should drop it.
PM20402 LTPA token is not being read from SIP messages
PM20476 A message of UTLS0005W outputs systemout.log in the system when server starts.
PM20480 Using administrator role in an administrative authorization group is not honored when starting appserver
PM20625 Applications using hibernate may experience performance issues during application start on WebSphere Application Server V7
PM20800 zPMT did not block or at least provide warning to the users when values for NodeName in the cell creation were the same.
PM20805 Messages not delivered to MDB after the WMQ channel intitator is restarted, and CWSJP0002E errors are logged by the bus
PM20870 Java API for z/OS system logger
PM20877 SIP proxy is not handling the Max-Forwards header properly
PM20978 Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundException during servant region shutdown
PM21207 OSGi code shows deadlock at server startup
PM21313 SIP container & enable.system.headers.modify variable
PM21407 OLA samples OLAPL01, OLAPL02, PSBOLA2, OTMAINIT, STAGE1, OLASample2.ear are not available in the product HFS
PM21457 AdminTask.extractConfigProperties command is not returning the environment variables defined on the server.
PM21459 SIP proxy needs to send same address in startup message and subsequent IBM-Client-Address header
PM21515 initCtxLoader' error prevents the CompoundClassLoader from being unloaded
PM21638 Memory leak in javax.el.BeanELResolver caused by application restarts
PM21842 ProtectionMetaData creating unnecessary ExtClassLoader
PM21966 javax.ejb.EJBException using OpenJPA @VersionStrategy
PM21978 JMS messages intended for WebSphere Service Integration Bus v7.0 destination are sent to _SYSTEM.Exception.Destination
PM21994 When Service Integration Bus connects to MQ, error 2025 (mqrc_max_conns_limit_reached) occurs upon restarting channel initiator.
PM22017 CurrentSQLID does not work properly when the datasource uses IBM Data Server Driver. CEIDS0058E
PM22130 Web applications using JPA with OSGi Feature Pack will fail when persistence units are defined in web-inf/classes/meta-inf.
PM22224 A StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the "for" attribute of the hx:panelDialog component is an empty string
PM22471 SIP container starts handling SIP messages before siplet mapping has completed.
PM22483 WCT/zPMT rejects underscore character in RACFf certificate definitions.
PM22501 Portlet JSP not able to set content type within a request dispatcher forward during resource serving
PM22587 WebSphere Application Server controller hang
PM22674 AdminApp.view new-line characters re-introduced
PM22690 Considerable delays observed while processing messages on WebSphere v6.1 Service Integration Bus destination
PM22778 Contact header field is not set correctly when Application Server is configured with multiple virtual hosts.
PM22937 When WebSphere Application Server is started via Windows service and Windows is shutdown, it may not wait for application server to stop
PM22959 BBODMN WebSphere daemon has abend 018a/rc ff080111 from routine BBODRGS
PM23131 Portlet container holds on to the compoundclassloader after adminapp.stopApplication caused hot-code replacement failure
PM23363 External entities in portlet.xml do not work
PM23524 JPQL not processing having clause properly
PM23626 A memory leak when performing asynchronous receives within a global transaction that returns no message
PM23770 Ensure that plugin generator component is started
PM23837 Messages sent to a SIB alias which points to a WebSphere MQ Server bus member queue can be lost after a connection drops
PM23951 Portletcontainer cannot handle action-scoped request attributes
PM24233 Operating system check fails when installing Update Installer on HP IA64
PM24246 ACK for retransmittion is sent to the application
PM24251 A few changes are needed for performance tuning scripts and PMT.
PM24498 WasService timed out getting pid from file, service status is stopped.
PM24674 WebSphere optimized local adapter functions BBOA1INV and BBOA1SRQ return RC=8 and RSN=44 with multiple security domains
PM24790 Unable to redirect with actionResponse.sendRedirect() when actionScopedRequestAttributes is true
PM24953 Proxy applications are not sending retransmissions 200 OK for invite messages upstream
PM25013 IMonly - unable to import version spanning interim fixes for version and up into installation manager
PM25078 Attempts to install the standalone SIB resource adapter in the Embedded Express version of WebSphere Application Server
PM25174 WKSP0006E with during stress testing
PM25503 Error message "collectFilesFromBnaries failed to extract binaries to temporary location:" received
PM25855 Importing or updating a large asset takes significantly more time than it should.
PM26080 IM only: Adopt IBM Installation Manager 1.4.2
PM26314 SIP support for RFC 5626 ("outbound")
PM30752 Java web start fails to start with a class not found exception.
HTTP Transport PM23115 Under heavy load, the SIP proxy may stop processing UDP messages.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM20002 Scheduler sample JCL BBOCRRRS is vague on some assumptions
PM25483 Remove dynamic linking of new java/java64 parts
PM26912 Silent install fails if there are spaces in the path for the response file
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PM14084 SQL state: 08s01 is not mapped to StaleConnectionException
PM19904 Database connection to an Oracle database that is accessing a stored procedure will hang when connection.close is called
PM20598 java.lang.IllegalAccessError when using executeBatch() with SQLJ
PM20797 Transaction rollback does not occur after an exception is thrown when an Oracle proxy session is opened on the JDBC connection
Java Message Service (JMS) PM19301 Handshake renegotiation not processed correctly in many scenarios
PM21176 SIB errors CWSIC8002E, CWSIC8007E, CWSIC1007E, CWSIC1008E, CWSIC2059E and CWSIK0016E issued while handling XA transactions
PM21227 The maxHeader setting is not working as expected.
PM22584 WebSphere Service Integration Bus: WSVR0605W warnings written to JVM log when attempts are made to access message store.
PM22630 BBOO0168W surfaces in control region job output with protocol_bboc_log_response_failure is set to false
PM22923 Error in "test connection" when creating an IBM WebSphere MQ connection factory.
Java SDK PM20405 Embedded WebSphere Application Server missing jsf-nls.jar
PM21875 AJAX request nested in the <hx:dataIterator> tag does not render properly with JSF 1.2
JNDI/Naming PM17751 The CORBA.NO_RESPONSE is seen in the nodeagent and servers due to "WsnOptimised", "AdminAuthoriz", "AppServerStat" code in deployment manager.
PM20539 Classloader memory leak.
JSP PM19500 OutOfMemory occurs due to leak of
PM21395 WebSphere fix for not to set " to the value attribute of the custom tag
PM22082 The <include-prelude> and <include-coda> tags in the web.xml are not handled correctly
PM22919 JSP compilation error does not pass error back to the application
PM23029 CompoundClassLoader leak in org/apache/jasper/runtime/JspWriterimpl.response
PM23092 More than two tags with the same name and different value in if/else block fails.
Migration PM19240 During WASPostUpgrade the new profile is disabled when the target host and source are identical
PM21574 WASPostUpgrade: The generated application install scripts do not handle server targets.
PM23246 V7 migration: an old RelationalResourceAdapter property picked up from v6.1 to v7 causes WSVR0017E / null value
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM21181 Abend SDC2 in control region during stress test.
PM23489 Running WPSwps, a main process calls a sub-process. this sub- process should show up on the BPC explorer my to-do's panel
Other PM22666 Integrated Solutions Console accessibility compliance failure
PM27830 Debug messages are being logged to systemout.log
Plug-in PM20866 Syncronization does not honor manual plugin propagation choice.
PM22254 Failover always indicated if backup server selected
PM22407 Domino8 config script for plugin may terminate prematurely.
PM22848 The connectTimeout is ignored for some instances of the z/OS plugin.
PM24073 IHS collocated with the deployment manager does not support plugin propagation via IHS admin service or node agent
PM25849 The plugin may fail to load on Solaris with a message that the setenv variable not found
PMI/Performance Tools PM15200 CPUUsageSinceLastMeasurement value in Tivoli Performance Viewer is not accurately being reported on WebSphere Application Server z/OS
PM20600 ThreadPool-PercentMaxed showed only 0 or 100
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM17412 Naming context is not properly updated after an application has been redeployed
PM19954 Async bean causes work manager to create an enclave that ends up getting hung
Proxy Server PM18683 Application Server Proxy does not forward client authentication header $wssc
PM22077 Routing rule for local content on Proxy Server works then starts to return a HTTP 500 error
PM22901 Proxy does not properly handle port numbers when matching requests to virtual hosts
Runtime (zSeries®) PM19568 Abend EC3 reason=04060034 in control region when >10mb msg
PM24633 Running WebSphere Application Server in 64 bit mode, need to be able to set number of worker threads per servant region to >100
PM25162 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS client received OutOfMemory in native storage.
Security PK91792 User registry lookups being done repeatedly even before authentication cache timeout occurs
PM11947 CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: "within cushion window, fail sso" exception when calling a remote EJB
PM14427 This fix is for removing the hardcoded dependencies on the hardware cryptos cards.
PM14864 SECJ0252E WSLoginFailedException: Userid and/or password is invalid during V7 to V6.1 remote login
PM17222 The -localAlias argument is not being honored when using the retrieveSigner script.
PM18254 Security data of SMF 120 subtype 9 records missing if self contained web module (.war file not packaged within .ear file)
PM18644 Memory handling improvement for LTPA token data
PM19569 NullPointerException from SSLConfigManager
PM19690 SSL initialization failure when truststore password is incorrect
PM19692 Deploying applications in a multiple security domain environment takes longer than expected
PM19949 Realm name is not set properly in UserRegistryImpl class
PM20000 Unable to view certificates using administrative console for a keyring created for the servant region userid only
PM20186 Single sign on may fail because authcache removes a cache entry which has a custom cache key
PM20781 Authentication fails for users with error "not in a valid group"in HP-UX environment when group is very large
PM21010 SSubject.getRootLoginException() returns null instead of an exception even if wrong username/password is entered.
PM21536 User credential remains in the cache when the user is logged out.
PM21838 IBMJSSE2 is always selected when JSSE provider is not on the top of the provider list
PM22579 After running addNode, new nodeagent abends during startup. CWPKI0007I: SSL service failed to start successfully
PM23475 CSIV2 inbound transport and outbound transport field helps are wrong.
PM24104 Apar for common criteria defects
PM24313 A client code does not resend an ORB request upon receiving SESSION_DOES_NOT_EXIST error.
PM24368 A main process calls a sub-process in WPS. The sub-process shows up on the BPC explorer my to-do's panel as unauthenticated orign
PM24499 No proper exception messages passed over to the application client while connected to WebSphere Application Server securely.
PM24668 Unable to purge a user in the authcache.
PM25398 z/OSMF with WAS OEM & SynchToOsthread enabled causes perforamance degradation
PM25455 Incorrect security role mapping could happen for J2EE 1.4 application
PM25548 Some attributes and elements in various template XML files contain duplicate XMI:ID values which can cause incorrect data retrieval
PM27079 Make WebSphere Application Server compatible with IZ85955 (JDK6 SR9)
PM27673 Incorrect description message displayed for the newModule and modifyModule command parameters of configureLoginModule command
PM29118 SECJ0055E message does not distinguish between bad userid / password and having to access to appl class
Service Data Objects (SDO) PM24066 OCCException resulting from multi-table update with the JDBC mediator
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM17845 The JSP files defined under welcome files from an extended document root does not work.
PM18453 Small responses (<32k) are not sent to client until request completes
PM20484 Customer application is not working properly with DBCS input. However, there is no error or exception in the logs.
PM21451 ServletContext.getRealPath does not work for files in the extended document root.
PM25931 HttpServletResponse.addDateHeader method should not use jvm locale
Sessions and Session Management PM16861 Deadlocked threads with session tracing active
PM18755 PMI HTTPSession ActiveCount shows negative value.
System Management/Repository PM15589 Due to a security sslConfig code change the renameNode command must be updated.
PM18152 Clear or disable system apps install directory for filetransfer ear
PM18331 CommandNotFoundException: ADMF0005E: command or command group clusterConfig is not found when creating a cluster.
PM19558 A new SOAPServer instance is registered everytime an SSLConfigChange event is triggered
PM20642 Failed application deployment does not leave the workspace cleaned properly
PM21354 Message ADMN0022E displayed for wrong standard MBean attribute
PM21680 Relax the restriction on the J2EEResourceProperty name
PM24560 NullPointerException in command framework when deployment manager starts up in a multi-cell environment
PM24861 Filetransfer upload operation may fail
PM25117 Improve the performance of WebSphere Application Server version 7 application update.
PM26337 SIBTransportChannelServiceNotFoundException thrown using importWasprofile with mulitple server and mixed server types
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PM14495 A JAX-RPC application sends a soapenc:Array to a web service hosted on a non-IBM application server, which causes a failure.
PM18738 JAX-RPC web service handler is not invoked.
PM18807 During JAX-WS or JAX-RPC application deployment an OutOfMemoryerror error may occur.
PM19223 A classcastexception may occur if two different JAX-RPC web service clients are running in the same jvm.
PM19534 An OutOfMemoryError error occurs due to excessive SOAPElement objects while using Spri
PM19940 OutOfMemoryerror error occurs while invoking a JAX-RPC web service.
PM20042 A WSWS7027E error might occur when a JAX-WS service application starts.
PM20485 The javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection call method may throw an exception if the response SOAPMessage contains a SOAPFault
PM20594 JAX-RPC clients may slow down due to outbound one-way connections not being reset correctly
PM20820 An exception thrown within a JAX-WS handler during inbound message processing does not have its root cause in the FFDC
PM20957 A memory leak occurs in a long-running JAX-RPC client
PM20987 A classcastexception may occur if two different JAX-RPC web service clients are running in the same jvm.
PM21151 A customer s JAX-WS handler causes high memory usage and slower performance when logging a message.
PM21274 JAX-WS Web Services connection failure could cause future connection errors
PM21336 A JAX-WS application update may fail with a java.lang.NullPointerException error.
PM21772 The JAX-RPC WSDL2Java tool generates an incorrect method signature for an element that has maxOccurs="unbounded".
PM21787 org.apache.axis2.jaxws.lifecycle.LifecycleException may occur when creating JAX-WS handler instance
PM21839 A WSVR0501E with ClassNotFoundException error occurs when a Log4JLogger is used with JAX-WS
PM21841 Error generated from WSDL4J test suite.
PM21892 Server stops responding to requests after making an outbound JAX-RPC call.
PM22088 A JAX-RPC web service invoked via WebSphere Process Server fails with error message WSWS3277E.
PM22160 The JAX-RPC runtime might not send a request to the target URL given with javax.xml.rpc.Call.setTargetEndpointAddress()
PM22277 When a JAX-WS web service is called, extra messages may be output to the console or display window.
PM22364 A MarshalException may occur if a JAX-WS @RequestWrapper or @ResponseWrapper references a bean that lacks @XmlRootElement
PM22424 A JAX-RPC web service sends a message containing a SOAP fault, which may not inter-operate with old versions of .net
PM22533 There is no way to specify a timeout in SSLUtils.buildSSLSocket which can result in a hang.
PM22957 A JAX-WS Web service with WS-Security returns a SOAP Fault contain the text "can not get output stream"
PM23103 Conformance Issue MustUnderstand Inconsistent
PM23136 A SWA style attachment is missing from a message sent by a JAX-WS application.
PM23234 targetService is not required in a JMS response URI and targetService should not be included in "SOAPJMS_requestURI"
PM23372 WSA:FaultTo is not honored when JMSReplyTo is presen
PM23652 Enhancements to Web Services transport properties
PM23677 A jaxws.xml.bind.MarshalException occurs while invoking a JAX-WS Web service.
PM23695 A NullPointerException error within MarshalUtils error may occur while invoking a JAX-WS Web service.
PM23998 Web Services deployment of a JAX-RPC application may fail with compilation errors.
PM24106 When ?xsd is used to access the schema files of a JAX-WS web service, the schema files may be truncated.
PM24172 Redirected URL for ?wsdl request may include backslash characters.
PM24272 A derived JAXB bean may not be marshaled (sent) correctly to a JAX-WS Web service.
PM24330 A DOMException "NOT_FOUND" error may occur while using the SAAJ SOAPElement.removeChild method.
PM24347 WSWS7054E and WSWS7027E errors logged while deploying JAX-WS web service application
PM24359 Restrict JAX-WS implicit SEI from exposing static java method.
PM25270 The JAX-RPC Java2WSDL tool may produce a WSDL file with incorrect ArrayOf elements.
PM25445 URL mapping is not working for a JAX-WS Web Services request over SOAP
PM27682 Access violation in WSClassFinder
Web Services Security PM10442 SAMLGenerateCallbackHandler does not allow adjusting life time of self-issued SAML tokens to tolerate clock skew
PM12970 JAX-WS WS-Security does not tolerate newlines in Base64 encoded text
PM13063 Centralized key stores cannot be used to process SAML tokens
PM20455 A MarshalXxception error occurs when a null object is used as an argument to a java.util.list parameter on a JAX-WS web
PM20796 JAX-WS WS-Security intermediate provider outbound token exchange may not occur
PM21088 WS-Security emits SOAP 1.1 fault codes in response to SOAPsoap 1.2 messages
PM21946 The JAX-WS runtime must tolerate a HTTP Content-Type charset that does not match the ?xml processing instruction
PM22905 A UTF-16 SOAP message from a JAX-WS application or Web service may have a stray byte order mark embedded in the SOAP
PM25998 A JAX-WS Web service may fail with error: JAXBException: class my.Data nor any of its super class is known to this context.
Workload Management (WLM) PM13232 WLM feedback mechanism fails to reset weights properly
PM16868 Workload management OutOfMemory on Proxy server

Fix release date: 25 October 2010
Last modified: 25 October 2010
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 13
Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM07874 XA recovery serviceability deficiency
PM08291 This APAR to provide a method of removing recovery log entries from the transaction service partner logs.
PM09568 Transaction(TX) timeout does not occur for ExtendedJTATRansaction
PM12040 Invalid RegisterResponse SOAP header
PM12067 Corrupt activity context causes problems when distributing workareas
PM12850 Partner log recovery resource entry removed in error during server shut down
PM12920 NullPointerException occurs during node synchronization when only an assets xml files are being updated.
PM14310 LogIncompatibleException during the recovery log service startup process.
PM14708 on node overwritten by older deployment manager copy.
PM14760 Administrative console is not displaying the correct command assistance for the changes to the serverindex.xml
PM15539 Could not find service services/WSATFaultPort when sending SOAP fault
PM15644 NullPointerException when compensation service(cs) is disabled. BBOO0220E: CSCP0007E:
PM15863 NullPointerException in CSope peer recovery termination
PM16377 NoClassdefFound error on class
PM16378 Long server name breaks object adapter name-length size restriction
PM16395 Transactions cannot be propagated from WebSphere to CICS using optimized local adapters (wola)
PM17974 HTTP 500 internal server error seen when accessing v5 Application Server transaction service in v7 administrative console
PM18033 FFDC incorrectly shows global transaction timed out after 0 seconds
PM20036 FFDC exception occurred during server startup
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PM03403 Not able to search groups when "trust all realms (including those external to this cell)" is set.
PM09237 Memory leak in workspace resulting from administrative console activity leads to OutOfMemory on deployment manager.
PM09376 Save configuration encounters HTTP 500 exception in the administrative console
PM10137 Slow performance on the WebSphere variables panel
PM10273 Config file name too long for webserver can cause an abend
PM11212 When adding a NamedEndPoint a endPointRefs is not created in the serverindex.xml file
PM11425 Admin console command assistance gives wrong commands to list proxy cluster and proxy cluster members
PM11858 Administrative console delete datasource operation deletes the wrong datasource element ; The selected datasource element is not removed
PM12057 A user with target-deployer role can not uninstall applications via administrative console.
PM13178 Duplicate managed node exception while registering with job manger from administrative console
PM13238 OutOfMemory issue in distributed activity context following loop back
PM13939 Administrative agents do not enforce requirements on registered nodes.
PM14067 Property for ActivationSpecTemplateProps does not get encoded .
PM14489 Plugin "manage keys and certificates" button does not work if a keystore location does not use "config_root"
PM14552 configureWebserverDefinition script fails with ADMG0250E CommandValidationException
PM14897 Remove the port validations on the SIP proxy panel of the administrative console.
PM15353 Template server with capital letters, but with same name of the original server causes issues while selecting the JDBC providers
PM16164 JspException: No getter method for property ServerLevel of bean when creating a new servlet cache instance
PM16253 Editing SCA panel uri for binding.atom does not save the data that is entered.
PM16321 Unable to import personal certificate via console when alias name contains quotes
PM16599 AbstractStatusCache contributes to native memory leak
PM17956 Application function is not working in Solaris, getting ClassNotFoundException
PM18010 SECJ0305I role based authorization failures against CosNaming roles for console id that does not require CosNaming access.
PM18055 Issue with setting "Set multiple JNDI names" WebSphere version
PM18417 Interceptor and Keystore console panels broken on EWAS console
PM19185 Command assistance does not include all the options under session management, specifically the use of multi row schema
PM19217 MetadataNotAvailableException when starting a second appserver registered to adminagent.
PM19308 The Edition value of an application is not saved when adding a J2EE asset to a BLA.
PM21366 configureWebserverDefinition.jacl fails with connType NONE
PM21534 Command assistance missing from the Application Servers panel
PM21671 Portlet container settings twistie missing from the cluster member detail panel
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PM18415 ws_ant command ServerStatus loads a JVM argument that causes CWPKI0033E
Classloader PM05315 Allow the application class loader to tolerate IllegalArgumentException
PM17321 Resource fails to load if mapped drive is in classpath
Data Replication Services PM11279 DRS does not have code to send renounces on the other channel
PM16027 DRS threads come from the default thread pool, instead of from an amed thread pool specific to DRS.
PM18363 Incorrect partition table is being built due to NullPointerException in the DRS java.util.LinkedList.remove code
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PM19268 Embedded Derby failure during SQL delete processing
Default Messaging Component PM11700 DB2 releases not listed as a SDO repository backend id when using the installSdoRepository.jacl script
PM11814 Using a synonym for the schema name in the data store setting fails to resolve the the actual name
PM12339 WebSphere Application Server takes a long time to stop when multiple message driven beans have inflight work to complete
PM12643 Message on a service integration bus queue point is stuck in a committing state
PM13219 DB2 versions 9.5 & 9.7 missing from sibDDLGenerator
PM13911 IllegalStateException attempting to start a messaging engine against an SQL Server 2008 database with a JDBC 2.0 driver
PM14633 WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus messaging engine throws CWSIS1500E errors after database failover
PM18086 Java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException sending messages to a destination with a name containing non-ASCII characters
Dynamic Cache PM03636 Loop in dynacache after 404 response is cached under certain conditions.
PM07147 Dynacache does not handle caching of nested <c:import url, var> tags
PM11340 Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when derserializing objects from cache replication
PM15824 Exceptions occur under stress when command caching is enabled
PM16358 ClassCastException in CacheProcessor
PM17521 Contentions in cache after servant restarted causing slow down in performance
PM18266 The preinvalidationlistener is not invoked on the remote SR, causing invalidations to fail in other servants
EJB Container PM11047 Using MDB based on EJB3.0 inheritance not working as expected.
PM11105 Deadlock occurs during deferred EJB initialization. results in EJB method invocation failure.
PM12927 Open JPA memory leak
PM13146 BBOO0221W: NMSV0605W: A javax.naming.Reference object, Exception. AsynchBeans Service not initialized
PM15627 NullPointerException when an application contains an EJB class that resides outside of the EJB jar file
PM16610 Improve JVM log entries to print the MessageEndpoint proxies when the limit is reached
PM18280 Wrong data source authentication alias is used during lookup
PM18313 The behavior of "throws Exception" is not clearly defined by the specification and causes debatable results.
PM18583 Resource references for EJBs defined via java annotations only will not use extension values defined within ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml
PM19029 Resource reference JNDI lookups may become very slow (several seconds) under heavy load.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PM01051 Incremental prepare for deployment does not detect change of supplier of EJB-ref in other ear
PM19237 Update Rational Application Developer based EJBDeploy in WebSphere Application Server
Enterprise Edition (EE) PM10895 JAXB: xs:anyURI is bound at runtime to instead of java.lang.String.
PM14537 IllegalArgumentException occurs in JAXB runtime while unmarshalling a document containing elements
PM15844 JAXB unmarshaller may fail to parse some hexBinary values
Federated Repositories PM06544 LDAP multiple-valued attribute case-sensitive update failure.
PM10657 Hex character login issue
PM11190 Performance issues when using federated repositories with RACF registry cWWIM4506E
PM11221 Sockets remain open to LDAP server when context pooling
PM12043 Login issues with wildcards
PM12345 When using federated repository (vmm), sql error: sqlcode=-302 is seen when adding a user to a group.
PM12488 Parse exception on Sun operating system
PM13181 VMM throws date parsing exception when LDAP server of type "custom" is used.
PM13511 LDAP searches are not realm sensitive
PM13588 VMM plugin model needs to allow for the exception to include additional message text from the plugin.
PM14231 Members of groups not listed correctly
PM14758 Adding LaProperty with type "AnySimpleType" to entities into schema fails.
PM15258 VMM config allows duplicate group members in wimconfig.xml
PM15600 DB can not delete entity's properties from database record permanently when trying to unset the properties of a DB entity.
PM16108 NullPointerException may occur in the LdapHelper module
PM17998 Not able to add LA property of type "AnyURI"
PM19342 VMM throws a NameAlreadyBoundException, while changing the password of a user residing in Domino LDAP.
PM20517 After 8 hours threads are hung on VMM code
General PM03363 UDDI registry not retrieved in WebSphere Application Server v7.0
PM04692 SynchronizeMappings fails for same table in multiple schemas
PM06615 Dynacache does not support the accept-encoding request-header field.
PM06925 A JPQL query which contains a compound primary key only uses one of the primary keys
PM07309 Performance and memory problems caused by redundant load of application metadata during internal close steps.
PM08774 Error when trying to associate a deployment manager profile to a web server using the IBM web administration for i
PM09494 Portlet-container request-private parameter handling fails
PM09660 CEI event lookup issue from external WebSphere Application Server client
PM09761 Missing parameters when batchLimit=-1
PM10120 SIP container fails to send the SIP message to SIP proxy when the client - 408 request timeout
PM10283 Controller region terminates with minor code c9c21a4d
PM10302 Method names in message bboo0325w are unprintable garbage characters.
PM10487 With runtime provisioning enabled, axis2 service fails to start
PM10827 Portlet container ignores the response character set
PM11298 Incorrect format in date header in SIP request
PM11421 Install script exits with exit code 0 always even with failure.
PM11478 Message SystemOut o ArchiveUtil.toLocalURLs occurs excessively in the systemout.log file
PM11497 Software symptom record abend s0e0 rsn=00000028 asid1 when using IEAINITREGSTASK DIAG tool. AR regs not setup prior to being used
PM11625 Memory leak in SIP container due to exceptions thrown while sessions are invalidating
PM11627 SIP retransmission changes requestURI header during advance routing process
PM11652 Using EJB tag, after deployment, EJB-jar.xml is missing some of the references.
PM11727 Marking metadata-complete causes loss of namespace from web.xml
PM11754 Eclipse modelling framework (EMF) global validator registry memory leak
PM11808 SIP container not passing the ACK to the application.
PM11871 Large number of WTRN0078E error messages written to the WebSphere Application Server systemout.log
PM12048 Message "exceeded allocated glue work area - nnnnn - bbgqcast in CR region log.
PM12065 ceiDbPasswordDefaulter is posting information in the log file <was_home>/logs/managedprofiles/*_create.log.
PM12309 WCT generated instruction changes
PM12356 Uncaught NullPointerException prevents further message processing by MDBs running on WebSphere Application Server
PM12460 High memory use when annotations are used in relation to an array type.
PM12500 Loading "modeling for communication applications" breaks JSR116 applications if they implement some JSR289 classes
PM13083 CCPP attribute's toString() method returns null
PM13128 The wsadmin createSIBMQLink command has the wrong default value of the adoptable property
PM13404 Better diagnostics to determine if the SIP proxy is in a locked state.
PM13565 A NullPointerException occurs during annotation merge processing.
PM13797 Abend s0c4-4 in bboboa+171a8c
PM13846 Descriptorless Web 2.5 modules not recognized properly
PM13895 SIP container does not support IPv6 that transferred from SIP proxy.
PM13903 Container is not ACKing response retransmissions that arrive after sending a re-invite.
PM13932 Java.lang.NullPointerException at
PM14013 PortletApplicationCollaborator may incorrectly deregister portlet MBeans.
PM14031 Prepared statement parameter values are printed in exception messages when a JPA error occurs.
PM14098 Remove componentAuthAlias parameter from the script.
PM14114 Wsadminlistener.log contains information not needed
PM14146 The JAX-WS runtime might return a response with an incorrect content-type when dynamic cache service is enabled.
PM14203 Method level runAs (WebSphere Application Server extension) not working for EJB3
PM14424 CWSCT0315E with NullPointerExceptions fills systemout.log
PM14459 Update Installer fails on Windows 2000 Server psapi.dll
PM14512 Directions within migration jobs bbommins and bbomdins should match the directions in the Information Center for WebSphere
PM14692 0c4 abend in node agent when a local application server is being stopped
PM14752 JMS client connecting to Service Integration Bus intermittently throws error CWSIA0067E followed by CWSIJ0046E.
PM15004 fails when updating existing service
PM15106 Portal Server upgrades failing on Unix platforms AIX and Linux with ExceptionIninitializerError.
PM15133 SIP container does not recover from exceptions thrown by the application
PM15294 UIData.getClientId method fails to increment when nested in dataIterator component.
PM15312 Problem when we convert a value with Jasper in WebSphere Application Server v7.
PM15466 WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus messaging engine throws JMFUninitializedAccessException
PM15591 CPU architecture (em64t) is not supported in current Update Installer, v7.0, gives warning message
PM15739 SIP proxy tracing does not support hiding specific field headers
PM15945 WKSP0006E with during stress testing
PM16012 Potential deadlock in portlet container WebAppInitializationCollaborator
PM16176 Unable to start application after removing last login config property
PM16238 High CPU in deployment manager when navigating in the administrative console.
PM16270 Applications using JPA entity beans may encounter java.lang.IllegalStateExceptions under heavy load
PM16433 No messages are consumed once max concerrency is reached
PM16481 Web Services cache cannot be disabled for JAX-WS application returning a SOAPFault response
PM16525 Native OutOfMemory after serveral application restarts
PM16583 Extraneous message ANR not supported seen when calling
PM16650 CEI hardcodes the database file location for SQL server config
PM16890 NullPointerException thrown when printing WSDL files
PM17012 Program exception 0c4 in WOLA initialization BBGARR
PM17354 NAPTR library performance issues
PM17433 In pf files in the java/lib/cmm or java64/lib/cmm cannot be accessed via a call that does not supply the absolute path
PM17659 JVM custom properties connectionKeepAlive and requestResendEnabled do not work properly for JAX-WS Web Services
PM17856 Deadlock detected between WebSphere Application Server v7 Service Integration Bus threads
PM17865 NullPointerException from digest TAI during dispachting of a new SIP requests with security enabled
PM18002 NullPointerException in EclipsePolicy assuming non-null codesource
PM18049 NullPointerException when defaultPorts and validatePorts options are used together during profile creation.
PM18278 Cannot create ActivationSpec using properties file.
PM18535 SAX parsers used to read WebSphere configuration data are created for each file, leading to performance inefficiency.
PM18537 Can not select a JNDI name for work manager on scope cluster
PM18543 Unable to serialize an entity with a version field, and a date field when openjpa.DetachState=(DetachedStateField=true)
PM18545 Constructor BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) not present in class
PM18624 Retrieve all children of parent context only when contextType is null in RootObjectDelegator.getChildren() method
PM18678 Memory leak within default messaging provider MSSIXAResourceProvidingConnectionProxy objects
PM18782 Support equivalent to ListenerPort initialState=stopped when using activation specs
PM19119 FeP stack create disk-space check causes problems on z/OS
PM19151 Problems with apar dependency checks for installation manager-based WebSphere Application Server v7 Feature Packs
PM19152 Archive classloading does not fully traverse dependent archives
PM19154 The @override annotation causes deployment error "must override superclass method"
PM19155 WebSphere optimized local adapters registration API, BBOA1REG error RC12 RSN24 after many repeated register/unregister calls.
PM19323 Repeated SIConnectionDroppedException CWSIJ0047E: an operation on was attempted on a connection that is already closed
PM00138 Intermittent EDC8128I connection refused errors when using FastCGI
PM14028 Invalid etag with mod_deflate.
PM15623 Nested group failures with mod_LDAP
PM16366 Mod_proxy_http timeout detection error
PM17269 When SSLUnknownRevocationStatus is not explicitly configured, a debug message was logged at notice level
PM18904 Fix handling of the URI structure for mod_dav
PM19495 informix on Linux fails first time
PM19536 PK93206 masks addition classpath in ibm-web-ext.xmi or ibm-web-ext.xml.
PM20025 Performance issue with applications which use expressions (unified EL) in WebSphere v7.0.
PM20477 WSADIE transformation users will encounter a WSIFException when invoking a map
PM20498 Implement security extension point for marshall.jar
PM22294 HMGR0107E - NullPointerException
PM22524 After upgrade to the apply.ptf step in dmgr gets error BBOO0251E
PM13119 Delays when installing or editing a JAX-WS or JAX-RPCapplication.
PM19324 A NullPointerException can occur on a proxy GZipped response
PM23707 Add custom property to allow configuring the number of history files for Proxy log.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM06955 Post installer fails with return code from the multi-product ptf installer was: 1
PM11477 Update Installer 7 fails to install when path is greater than 93 characters on Windows 2008, appcrash Windows message seen
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK82854 FindByPrimaryKey for a newly deleted Entity object returns the deleted Entity, not ObjectNotFoundException.
PM07473 When attempting to use the JDBC 4.0 wrapper pattern to access an Oracle connection in order to retrieve a CLOB getting DSRA9130E
PM07993 Java.lang.NullPointerException when using CTG logon module.
PM08812 Test connection fails when a WebSphere variable is used in the data source URL value
PM08945 If prepared statement is created but no queries are run, cleanup of it may result in SQLException: No active result after PK85473
PM09429 Under stress testing PMI metric reports an incorrect value after PK82153
PM09549 WSCallHelper modified to obtain connection using Oracle datasource.
PM10447 Using DB2 JCC driver,on fatal error notification prepared statement cache clears child wrappers. This is incorrect behavior
PM11539 Issue with the JNDI configuration failing with NullPointerException when setting a property.
PM11768 Ear file removed from installedApps when sync issued between v7 dmgr and v5.1 nodes
PM11925 NoInitialContextException during Application Server startup prevents server from starting
PM12463 Workscheduler gets java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError during server shutdown
PM12735 The application encounters IllegalStateException at setManagedConnection
PM13659 Problem creating defaultEJBTimerService
PM14659 Adding custom property on V4 datasource that has DeclaredPropertyType = short throws IllegalArgumentException
PM15069 IllegalStateTransitionException: The transition from state failed to state stopped is not allowed
PM15719 The transaction manager fails to get an XAResource to rollback the transaction.
PM16870 DSRA8020E: Warning: The property 'useRRASetEquals' does not exist on the datasource class
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PM09821 Concurrent application deployment using wsadmin fails with ConfigserviceException when security is enabled.
Java Message Service (JMS) PM07950 acknowledgeMode value on a message driven bean not honored in WebSphere Application Server v7.0
PM08583 Response delay noticed between plugin and appserver with secured communication
PM10591 Filestore never recovers from ObjectStoreFullException CWSOM1042E
PM10845 ObjectManager used by SIBUSus filestore and Lotus Expeditor hangs under load
PM11439 IllegalStateException seen when using JBoss as an generic messaging provider with a non XASession.
PM11735 Using the WebSphere MQ V7 64-bit JMS provider native libraries in WebSphere Application Server fails
PM12905 Custom property for not adding the protection against a null cookie value.
PM12992 An error exists within an internal component of WebSphere Application Server, used by the default messaging provider
PM13445 Logs show SSLException: Bad record mac while decrypting message
PM15053 Filestore store file can become corrupt on certain filesystems and low performance disks
PM15148 Listener service takes several retries to start when using V5 messaging within WebSphere Application Server V7
PM16654 The HTTP channel will return a quoted value when the cookie value is retrieved on a particular code path.
PM17193 Space leak within
PM17756 CWMSR0017E: The value "{0}" is not valid for the qmgrPortNumber attribute in the administrative console.
PM18675 The interface described in APAR PM10926 is missing from the Information Center
PM19290 FlushHelper thread consumes all CPU on platforms with no thread priority boost
PM19399 Update WebSphere MQ messaging provider to fix pack
PM19507 If the clear method is not called on a BNFHeader object than an unexpected error and/or FFDC can be seen on the HTTP channel
Java SDK PM12657 With JSF 1.2 on V7.0, rendering is done after forward which commits the response and results in IllegalStateException
PM17553 JSF is incorrectly parsing data containing a comma ","
PM18447 A warning message for FacesMessage is incorrectly logged in the systemout.log file
PM18563 Application restarts cause classloader leak, introduced by MyFaces
JSP PM07608 Java.lang.NullPointerException from JSP components.
PM10362 DBCS url request fails with 404 error for Korean file on AIX en_us locale
PM12137 NullPointerException from JSP component org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl component.
PM12658 Java.lang.IllegalStateException occurs with debugging service enabled
PM12828 NullPointerException when compiling a JSP
PM14833 New classloader/JSP function to support OSGi feature pack
PM16142 Service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet.
Migration PM07722 WCT migration tool on z/OS places an extraneous slash character ( / ) at the end of all the classpath fields
PM11131 Javax.mail.MessagingException after migration
PM12368 V7 migration - the deployment.xml appends a parent_first classloader mode when migrating from v6.1 to v7.0
PM12768 WebSphere migration created deployment scripts have a problem with web app name with a single quote therein
PM13704 Migration jobs bbowmg3* and bbow*pos can timeout when migrating large data amounts
PM13934 Migration of V6.1 cell to V7 results in default value for DAEMON_ras_trace_ctraceParms at cell level variables.xml
PM15244 URI group and generic server clusters not migrated
PM15531 Errors occur during WASPreUpgrade from V5.1 to V7.0.0.9 in iSeries v5.4
PM16359 Migration from v6.0.2 to v7.0 results with in DummyServerKeyFile.jks being mapped to both keystore & truststor
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM11492 ESQA subpool 239 storage growth with SSD eyecatcher caused by WebSphere z/OS allocating pause elements that are not freed.
PM15904 Error in dispatch transaction name of MDB Plan C requests
PM19206 Receiving CNLC102E, CNLC157E, and CNLC173W messages when MMS files in SBBOMSG are compiled
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM10959 Application Server hang can occur if a thread logging an FFDC hangs.
PM13368 Enable LogManager to reset when ConfigureByLoggingProperties file is set.
Plug-in PM06262 IHS collocated with the deployment manager does not support plugin propagation via IHS admin service or node agent
PM10353 WebSphere plugin will retry posts when PostBufferSize is set to zero
PM12112 Change how plug-in finds another server if the affinity server was already marked down when the request arrives.
PM12410 Plugin generation for a JAX-WS application, with fileserving disabled, fails to generate expected uris in plugin-cfg.xml
PM13817 Customer needs to modify plugin parameters "maximum size of request content" via administrative console
PM14319 Plugin will not work with SSL
PM15363 Unable to update global plug-in from administrative console using certain security roles which should have access
PM16591 IBMi error 3450, bad file descriptor, when file descriptor exceeds job limit
PM16855 If a server is removed from the primaryserver of the plugin configuration, affinity requests continue to go to the server
PM17668 Plug-in retries the request to the same server in a single server configuration
PM17981 Incorporate a tool ( pluginMerge ) which can be used to merge 2 or more plugin-cfg.xml configuration files into a single file.
PMI/Performance Tools PM07214 TPV stops logging if user gets logged out.
PM14450 PMI is enabled when VE is not active
PM15766 PMI logging not resumed when deployment manager got stopped
PM16566 ThreadPool-PercentMaxed showed only 0 or 100
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM13578 NullPointerException when stopping an application that uses TimerManager
Proxy Server PM05685 HTTP response not flushed on z/OS and the HTTP proxy has stopped read on the connection
PM10111 Proxy service context does not provide io exceptions for XD filters
PM11618 Update methods available in the On Demand Configuration interfaces
PM11980 NullPointerException fired from proxy junction rewrite filter
PM12030 Duplicate request detection (DRD) is not working if cached objects need revalidation with backend server.
PM12804 Dynamic workload manager does not match URIs which have trailing backslashes.
PM15951 ODC is making excessive getTree calls.
PM17322 Multiple plugin-cfg.xml files get populated to the remote IBM HTTP Servers.
PM18629 Proxy server: Cache version of a 301 request is returned as 200
PM20487 Proxy throws ClassCastException when under stress test
Runtime (zSeries®) PM11120 Object_not_exist minor code c9c213e1
PM17126 During Control Region startup a possible loop or hang can occur.
Samples PM08861 Samples user information visible in logs
Security PK86285 Missing realm attribute causes failure to register servers with with the location service.
PK96624 JSAS1477W when client WebSphere RMI-IIOP call with CSIv2 basic auth required outbound, and z/OS basic auth required inbound
PM02636 NullPointerException caught in security debug code
PM02845 The methods getUserPrincipal() and getRemoteUser() returns full LDAP structures instead of user name
PM04278 When 64 bits is used, the previously found machine type information is cached locally.
PM05195 Standalone LDAP registry hover over box for userid and password for "Server identity that is stored in the repository" incorrect
PM06414 WebSphere Application Server performance issue with JACC enabled
PM07626 Application installation fails due to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
PM08743 URL information after "," will be truncated in redirect after successful login.
PM09503 There are misspellings in error message in security code.
PM09762 Unable to create J2C authentication data using configurator role user
PM10424 Slow memory build up in com/ibm/ws/security/util/LRUCache
PM11135 Application secured by SSL in the web.xml is redirected to the incorrect SSL port specified in the virtual host alias
PM11464 PropFilePasswordEncoder script does not properly encode custom passwords in properties files
PM11842 Security caching the old EJB roles causing SECJ0053E authorization failed with old EJB roles
PM12409 Multiple module class names with same value not allowed in a single JAAS login module in was v7.0.
PM12484 WebSphere for z/OS does not pass a seclabel when interfacing with SAF
PM12914 Incorrect process name in certification expiration notification email subject
PM13251 Provide a more detailed message when SSL handshake error occurs when a server is acting as a client.
PM13298 Validation failed: ADMF0002E: Required parameter certificateAlias is not found for command createSSLConfigGroup
PM13384 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION error minor code: 308 during invocation of an EJB with a stateful CSIv2 session
PM13475 Dynamic SSL configuration update not happening when SSL config groups are modified.
PM14425 SSLSocketFactory.createSocket NullPointerException error message misleading information
PM14768 Hashmap login must verify realm assertion against trusted realms
PM14989 NullPointerExceptions from
PM15658 Security identity on a mediation flow, the RunAs does not function as expected.
PM15818 Starting an Extreme Scale server in stand-alone mode with security enabled fails.
PM15850 Add TAM support APAR IZ75301
PM16198 High CPU caused by DynamicSSLCacheMissComparator
PM16362 Attempt to write more data to an SMF record than the limit of 20480 bytes resulting in SECJ6022E error
PM16396 Optimized local adapters (wola) cannot be used to communicate with IMS
PM16589 Performance improvement for LTPA2 token sign()
PM17024 User registry configured in security domain may not be used as expected.
PM17028 JavaDoc for interface does not accuratly describe which exceptions are to be thrown
PM17037 Certificate Expiration Monitor unconditionally flags deleted.p12and root-key.p12 files as modified
PM17054 Webservice call to a remote client using SSLl failing with asynch operation failed RC: 76 on second connection attempt
PM17057 SyncToOSThread not working with AsynchBeans
PM17130 The CWPKI0201E and CWPKI0033E generates when changing password using $AdminTask task with changeMultipleKeyStorePasswords
PM17173 Additional debug messages added when "secure" flag is enabled in SSO settings.
PM18080 After deploying an ear file, received SECJ0409E: invalid prefix pattern in URLPatternList
PM18121 Unable to view personal certificates from administrative console when read only checkbox is unchecked.
PM18125 z/OS Portal Servant regions getting hung due to Tivoli thread being non-daemon
PM18294 LDAP server validation fails during security domain creation in WebSphere Application Server v7.0
PM18511 An extra or | in the search filter added by the security component is not accepted by LDAP and throws SECJ0270E
PM18634 NullPointerException from ContextManagerImpl.setFirstAuthUser when calling WSSubject.setRunAsSubject with SMF enabled
PM19011 Get authorization failure with user-specified realm name for a security domain with local os on z/OS.
PM19319 SAF authorization may fail when a security domain is used and MapPlatformSubject login module is installed.
PM19604 SPNEGO web authentication always interacts with SPNEGO interceptor even though URLs are not protected.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PM12765 NoWorkArea exceptions
PM16078 A security AccessControlException will be thrown if a dispatched servlet's initialization fails
PM17019 NullPointerException generated after refreshing static files with mime filtering enabled
Sessions and Session Management PM03375 The IBMSession listener method sessionRemovedFromCache is not fired.
PM04304 SESN0008E: sessionContext errors due to case sensitiveness in user principle.
PM16393 Session affinity request.getSession() - and - jsessionid is routing the request to inapp 10/06/24 ptf pechange
System Management/Repository PM09138 Automatic synchronization is displaying enabled message in logs even though it is not.
PM09172 Support/enable replace option in properties file for creating and deleting WebSphere objects of type AdminConfig, AdminApp
PM09744 Server startup reads configuration files of all JVMs unnecessarily to determine Enterprise applications.
PM10308 Updating the WMQ resource adapter causes binaries deletetion in installedConnectors dir., thereby not working for other profiles
PM11101 exportServer fails to remove cluster attribute from server that is member of cluster.
PM11786 ADMA7024E message indicating application error can occur when the node agent is restarted during application expansion.
PM12392 _bpx_batch_umask default of 022 not set on z/OS
PM13373 Unable to generate certs using regenDefaultCert option using wsadmin AdminTask.changeHostName command
PM13387 Application edit treats all deployment tasks as edited.
PM13877 Application synchronization tasks are run twice
PM14271 Pk74363 improves app deploy in v61 for .wsdl files but slowed deployment for Commerce apps
PM14482 Properties file based configuration (pfbc) fails to map module in a JDBC datasource
PM14986 Log remote SOAP clients host & port information.
PM15416 Exception thrown in RequiredModelMbean while trying to invoke operation getName
PM15665 Edit application logs ADMA9006E message on WASOEM system
PM15949 AdminTask.createEmptyBLA sporadically returns a null result.
PM16860 AdminTask applyConfigProperties command failed with a Library configuration object.
PM16873 Application deployment failed at MapEJBRefToEJB
PM18001 Cannot stop Composition Unit of Business-Level application Z/OS.
PM18277 Cannot use properties file to create MQ connection factory when provider property is present in properties file.
PM18300 AdminTask.applyConfigProperties fails with WASX7015E: Exception
PM18548 Excessive time spent deploying applications to Application Servers, analysis points to ValidateAppTask.validateMultiDomain
PM18827 High CPU in java/util/jar/JarFile.getEntry when idle
PM19053 The IPC connector's retry logic currently is not excluding client timeout IOException among the retry conditions
PM19203 FileTransferClient does not properly handle a file name with a $ symbol in the file name
PM19346 No Busines-level Application validation occurs when new node is added to a cluster.
PM19353 Performance improvement in writing large ear file to disk during application deployment
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK95530 WSDL DefinitionImpl objects contribute to high memory usage within a JAX-RPC application.
PM02938 For JAX-WS applications, custom HTTP prefix not reflected in SOAP address of WSDL obtained from ?WSDL request
PM06833 A may occur during a JAX-RPC web service invocation.
PM08816 Thread locks may be observed for the EngineConfigurationFactoryFinder class when JAX-RPC
PM10450 WSWS3173E: error: did not understand "MustUnderstand" header(s) error might occur on a JAX-RPC client
PM10871 A message sent from a JAX-RPC application may have an element named arg0, which does match the element defined in the WSDL
PM11083 A JAX-RPC application sends a SOAP message that contains an invalid prefix (example p-12341234)
PM11171 In a JAX-WS ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file, the componentNameLink attribute may refer to an incorrect bean
PM12035 A NullPointerException may occur when accessing WSDL for a JAX-WS web service
PM12574 A JAX-RPC generated file may not compile.
PM12785 Org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Must Understand check failed for header(s) error might occur on a JAX-WS client
PM12818 An unnecessary java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error may occur in the FFDC log while using a JAX-WS web service
PM12932 An attachment part in a JAX-RPC web services outbound message is truncated.
PM13432 Duplicate SOAP element may appear in the SOAP message when using a JAX-RPC web service application
PM13574 A java.lang.ClassCastException with class java.lang.threadLocal may occur when using JAX-RPC
PM13701 A NullPointerException error may occur when using the Web Services thin client.
PM13840 An internal hostname exists in WS-Security SAML sample bindings
PM14502 HTTP policy sets may not take effect for one-way JAX-WS web service requests
PM14619 A NullPointerException error occurs when processing a SOAP/JMS web service message whose url does not have a query string.
PM15201 A "javax.ejb.EJBException: unable to find EJB component: ..." error might occur when a JAX-WS service is invoked.
PM15985 The timeToLive JMS URL value is sometimes set to the request timeout value
PM16015 Enable a JAX-WS web service provider to behave like a one-way operation when the provider returns null
PM16071 A NullPointerException error may occur when calling an asynchronous JAX-WS web service.
PM16392 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest accessed in a JAX-WS application might omit headers
PM16420 Locked threads may occur while CompoundClassLoader constructs a SAAJMetaFactory for a JAX-WS application.
PM16935 Spurious WSWS7058E error occurs during successful JAX-WS web service invocation.
PM16948 OutOfMemory error may occur when Web Services engine processes big XML documents after PM08833
PM17067 UnmarshalException error may occur if a JAX-WS Web service has an @ResponseWrapper class that is not an @XmlRootElement.
PM17708 BindException (socket in use) may occur in a JAX-WS application.
PM17730 A "MarshalException: JAXBException: is not known to this context" occurred while invoking a JAX-WS client
PM17836 In-process connections incorrectly used for Web Service requests
PM17876 The JAX-RPC request may be rejected with a HTTP 501 error.
PM18014 While invoking a JAX-WS application, a javax.xml.bind.MarshalException error may occur.
PM18083 A WSWS3250E error may occur when a JAX-RPC application tries to deserialize a message with an Axis-style attachment.
PM18531 Application installation takes longer than expected
PM18637 The types section of a WSDL file is missing when a ?WSDL query is issued for a JAX-WS Web Service
PM18662 A JAX-WS web service responds with a message containing illegal xml characters
PM18694 A JAX-RPC application might receive a null javax.activation.DataHandler parameter.
PM18729 If a JAX-WS or JAX-RPC application is restarted, there may be a memory leak that causes the memory footprint to increase
PM18902 NullPointerException may occur if a JAX-RPC web service recieves a message that does not contain a SOAP header.
PM19573 Fatal error occurs during JAX-RPC application deployment
PM19590 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: may occur
Web Services Security PM07663 WS-Security JAX-WS general custom property hierarchy does not always work as expected
PM12908 A javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException "Unexpected element" error may occur when a JAX-WS web service receives a message.
PM12961 A may occur when invoking a JAX-WS Web service
PM12973 JAX-WS WS-Security does not allow a trust store to be reloaded during runtime
PM13468 CWWSS5620E error may occur when using JAX-WS WS-Security xml digital signature and Datapower
PM13708 The JAX-WS runtime may unmarshal data into incorrect JAXB java objects. This apar may also reduce response time in some cases.
PM14266 While calling a JAX-WS doc/literal style web service, a rpc/literal style error may occur
PM15869 JAX-WS WS-Security UsernameToken may be lost during subject de-serialization
PM16477 JAX-WS WS-Security does not allow a mechanism for applications using Usernametokens to not use the registry
Workload Management (WLM) PM06705 WLM PassiveAffinity routing in WebSphere Application Server proxy not honored
PM08450 WLM callback timeout infinite wait.
PM10161 WLM NullPointer in cluster MBean

<Fixes go here>

Fix release date: 18 June 2010
Last modified: 9 July 2010
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 11
Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PM01099 Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for
PM02805 CNTR0020E: exception occurs with root exception as org.omg.corba.internal
PM03224 CWRLS0030W: waiting for HAmanager to activate recovery processing caused by hang in CScope recovery
PM04318 BBOO0222I: WTRN0108I: ATREINT5 error seen in Application Server,transaction hangs and cancel is needed to release the DB2 locks.
PM04949 NullPointerException when logging data to the PartnerLog
PM05240 NullPointerException is thrown on shared local transaction containment check
PM07250 Application Server fails to start due to problems in transaction recovery processing
PM07820 When distributing transactions using Web Services atomic transactions, deadlock may occur.
PM08550 Non compliant WSDLLOCATION namespace on EndPointReferences
PM09082 In an HA enabled cluster, one server does not ever join the HA group for the transaction log for the other cluster members
PM09210 J2CA0061W: error creating XA connection and resource java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs on appserver startup
PM09800 Some transactional work does not get recorded in SMF when enabled.
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK99732 Missing servers section in secure proxy registered admin agent.
PK99810 Browser error and a NullPointerException is thrown when navigating the console to http inbound channel (http2)
PM02566 WebSphere Application Server 7.0 console must specify valid port for virtualhost, this is inconsistent with httpd.conf file
PM03222 UI for create multiple Application Server route actions may contain invalid server data.
PM03421 PerfServlet application is returning the wrong statistic for lastSampleTime for the BoundedRangeStatistic.
PM04834 User with operator role able to view the security configuration of the cell.
PM05217 VerifyTimestamp and verifyNonce properties are not being correctly read from wssecurity config file
PM05928 Failed to update resource adapter with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
PM06997 The administrative console link for proxy admin service web server plug-in config does not work
PM07743 Changes in plugin keystore file name greys out the panel.
PM07962 JAX-RPC panels in administrative console not accessible for users with deployer role.
PM08460 Installing/uninstalling application hangs after restarting adminagent WebSphere Application Server z/OS.
PM08519 Duplicate referenceable entries possible for a Resource Environment Provider
PM09622 Administrative console is corrupted when there are multiple entries for the same shared library
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PK99536 When running ws_ant command, the -lib option returns an error, and cannot be implemented
PM04475 Incomplete error message while running JACL script
PM05653 Ws_ant.bat script shows error "was unexpected at this time" on Microsoft Windows when product is installed in "program files (x86)"
PM09956 Possible REUSASID=YES issues interacting with other products after running
Data Replication Services PM01579 Deadlock seen between HAManager and DRS calling HttpSessClusterObserver.
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PM02932 NullPointerException during server start with Derby database
Default Messaging Component PM04281 / character replaced with %2f in port location name of published WSDL files
PM05389 Configuring an incorrect resource adapter for the SIBUS causes a memory leak
PM07259 The service integration bus createSIBDestination command does not honor all parameters set
PM07867 MismatchedMessageStoreException after WebSphere Application Server v7.0 restart
Dynamic Cache PK97573 incompatible with javax.portlet.PortletRequest
PK99587 Cache entries referenced by wrong alias
PM01066 Dynacache data corruption under high concurrency conditions when disk caching is enabled.
PM01156 Dynacache adds a new cached_response header to the response
PM06078 Application Server stack overflow caused by infinite call of com/ibm/ws/cache/Cache.getFreeLruEntry
PM06279 Linked list of ConcurrentLinkedQueue objects called by DRS exhausts heap
PM06555 Improvements to DRS scalability
PM09935 High CPU usage with dynacache disk offload
PM10016 Add javadoc to interface sizeable.
EJB Container PK98076 EJB container large transactions not garbage collected, can cause out of memory
PM11713 Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError following a high volume of EJB calls processed by an appserver
Federated Repositories PM00632 Unable to view members of large group when clicking on it via manage users/groups portlet.
PM02245 Administrative console should do general escaping of html control characters
PM03734 Virtual member manager incorrectly throws CertificateMapNotSupportedException when certificate authentication fails
PM04206 VMM change polling does not update/invalidate attribute cache
PM04215 ibm-primaryEmail or ibm-jobTitle stored in property extension repository can not be searched correctly
PM05772 Search() failed with exception although allowOperationIfReposDown set as true.
PM08217 VMM did not cache null-valued LDAP attributes in the cache, which may bring extra LDAP calls each time they are requested
PM08293 Login failure with mail address when realm delimiter is @.
General PK93206 Jar files may be missing from the classpath of JavaEE 5 applications
PK94558 Application manifest classpath entry with leading forward slash incorrectly resolved on non-Microsoft Windows operating systems
PK95952 Only web module should need to be recycled when web module metadata portion of application is updated.
PK97560 Java EE5 annotations are not supported when using alternate deployment descriptors.
PK98658 NullPointerException in LibraryMgrImpl in runtime code.
PK99821 WebSphere WOLA using reu=n, receives bboa8797e rc=8 / rsn=36, bboa879e rc=8 / rsn=38, and bboa8802e rc=8 / rsn=38.
PM01244 CWSIP0181W messages are written to the systemout.log when using sibus and WebSphere Business Monitor
PM01685 SAXParseException from EJBDeploy: misordering of library-name for versions of WebSphere 7.0
PM01997 When using SDK 64-bit fix pack 5 and 7, the Application Server's jvm may crash upon startup when configured to run in debug mode
PM02318 Ifinite loop during application startup while accessing application bindings and extension metadata
PM02494 Issue on @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY in JPA
PM02781 Session manager handling routing information in session cookie when a cluster is used but persistence is disabled.
PM02847 Openjpa schema and reversemapping tools truncate aliased column names with Sybase.
PM02935 The portlet container does not correctly handle response content type information
PM03048 SIP proxy needs custom property to disable max-forwards checking
PM03151 Injection fails with @Resource annotated methods that do not specify names.
PM03204 NullPointerException preventing the messages on a service integration bus destination from being consumed
PM03299 Error 404 when trying to access a portlet resource URL
PM03647 Need custom property to disable identity assertion header
PM03656 Meta-inf resource lookup fails without trailing slash.
PM03660 Error when setting record-route header field for a non-dialog request.
PM03702 Processing a MDB that has a timeout callback and does not define a @TransactionAttribute annotation, a ValidationException will occur
PM03938 CWSIJ0053E causes JFapConnectionBrokenException when serialized message size is about 2MB
PM04018 WebSphere WOLA receives message BBOA8804E rc=12 rsn=524334 in bboout file, running with txn=n sec=n and reu=y
PM04129 SIP container getRemoteUser() method always returns the fully qualified name
PM04292 Add directory storage for early FFDC incidents as an option for the generic FFDC
PM04429 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occured when trying to add the application/element at the end of an arrayList
PM04484 The ZMMT on a regen reverts to the default value for installing applications
PM04497 WASService has a default timeout value of 20 minutes.
PM04860 Entity aliases are not properly registered before use
PM04885 Synchronization problem while starting applications
PM05051 Macro resolver cannot resolve path with parentheses
PM05067 z/OS WCT the wrong userid is being pulled in for the bbowbrac when configuring an adjunct.
PM05227 ConcurrentModificationException from AnnotationScannerImpl
PM05300 Portlet container does not allow to set response headers in server resource
PM05390 Hang in WebSphere appserver after client closes browser in the middle of a response
PM05744 WCT/ZPMT tool did not generate some properties and values needed for a managed node.
PM05979 Removed IP sprayer prevents SIP proxy from working in NAT environment.
PM06245 Deploying a application with a Java EE 5 application.xml, it fails if access-id is defined in ibm-application-bnd.xml.
PM06357 Add getModuleName to DeployedModule
PM06623 Applications take longer to start up running on v7 than v6.
PM06725 SIP network outage detection packets stop transmitting from proxy
PM06749 If a SIP proxy is in a startup delay, the SIP container may send messages to it before it is ready.
PM06870 SIB only delivers a maximum of 50 messages to Web 2.0 client
PM07007 Large timestamps in SIP request cause failed requests.
PM07099 Portlet-container shares request attributes between action and render phases
PM07371 FFDC with probeid 00130001 from messaging engine, followed by repeated CWSIJ0044E exceptions thrown to an application
PM07429 Feature Pack for Web 2.0 v1.0.1 web messaging service jar update.
PM07634 AppManagement.ListApplications(workspaceid=null) on admin agent returns no applications
PM07823 Portlet container does not use the correct classloader to load portlet metadata
PM07974 JMS application fails to reconnect after WebSphere v7.0 Service Integration Bus messaging engine failover
PM07975 CNTR0063W message being shown for a previously removed function
PM08238 A @resource annotation with authenticationType and shareable attributes causes a ValidationException
PM08428 Portlet-container aggregation tag lib fails with multi-part context roots
PM08502 The global security > SIP digest authentication panel has multiple misspelled words in the panel description.
PM08892 SIP logging does not support hiding specific header fields
PM09019 An ear project in Rational Application Developer workspace is replaced by a single .ear file during publishing
PM09504 Enable reference compression for the Java SE 64 bit jvm
PM09579 ADMA0091E message shown for a previously removed function datastore EJB
PM09716 CWSIC2059E message incorrectly returned to a WebSphere v7.0 Service Integration Bus client application
PM09796 A NullPointerException occurs during deployment and startup of a J2EE 5 application
PM10454 Sensitive information in default_create.log file if using WebSphere Application Server (non-saf) managed security
PM10631 Memory consumption/garbage collection issue in the Unified EL packaged in WebSphere Application Server v
PM10732 Intermittent deadlock on startup using Java2 security
PM10814 AccessControlException thrown when doing a JMS receive call using SIBUS with bus security on.
PM11422 Application Server hangs after shutdown of server on z/OS
PM12734 Fix pack did not uninstall correctly
PM07976 Apachectl start or stop can fail in some locales
PM12836 Permissions problems with on iSeries
High Availability (HA) PM05931 Unable to configure the transport buffer size for the core group belonging to the core group bridge.
PM10894 Core group bridge service inefficiently caches subjects and can cause OutOfMemory in extreme cases.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PM08530 Enhance CIM to handle remote iSeries machine login password near to expiration
PM09567 Installation Factory is not handling interim fix install for trial version (if_v 7.0.07)
PM10684 Admin console sensitive information might appear in addNode.log when -trace option enabled
PM14387 The postinstaller fails to update directories because the directories do not have group write permission enabled.
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK98171 Inconsistent behavior when was.clientinfo=all is set
PM06658 Trigger creation of RRS native LTC for unsharable conn in BMT
PM06697 XAException error code:xaer_nota during xa recovery if two instances of the adapter installed on the appserver
PM09890 SQLException from DB2 universal JDBC driver not properly mapped to StaleConnectionException in some cases
PM10082 Null pointer exception when using CMX
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PM06386 PidWaiter$Contact thread attempts to get an admin client to connect to the managed process after SOAP connector closes.
Java Message Service (JMS) PK89020 GZipped compressed responses become uncompressed when going through proxy server and sent back to client.
PK98948 SSL connection from WebSphere Application Server client to WebSphere MQ fails with a SECJ0314W access denied warning
PM04586 Hanging write in WebSphere Application Server leads to a possible ec3 abend
PM06032 ClassCastException when clicking on MQ config property for a queue
PM06091 SSL configuration enable for connection-factory degrades performance of createQueueConnection call.
PM08333 An OutOfMemoryError may occur while using a JAX-WS application.
PM08894 Possible NullPointerException when handling large chunked gzip encoded(compressed) data
PM08978 Queue full(2053) returned from qmgr is thrown as a JMSException, causing the connection to the queue manager to end invalidly.
PM09742 Update WebSphere MQ messaging provider to fix pack
PM09939 JMS session sharing control introduced by PK59605 in WebSphere applciation 6.1 does not work in 7.0
PM10926 Introduce a new programming interface to allow third party frameworks to dynamically register message driven applications
PM11632 Transaction service partner log fills up leading to after PK92871
PM12049 When two or more "set-cookie" headers are present, an attribute may not be passed with the cookie to the client
Java SDK PM03236 logServletError SRVE0293E occurs when invoking 4 or 5 functionalities simutaneously within a short time frame.
PM05659 If the datatable var attribute is not specified then the setProperty() method of the component will set it to null.
JSP PM00031 Class loader used by jJSP batch compiler is not properly disposed, sometimes resulting in IWAE0017E after PK72252
PM03123 The JSP engine fails to resolve TLD import statements
PM03928 Character code specified by the last setCharacterEncoding is wrong in certain situations
PM04610 No option for SDK 6.0 for jdkSourceLevel in WebSphere Application Server v7.0
PM04838 ClassNotFoundException can occur when using the RichFaces component library.
PM05903 JspApplicationContext.addELResolver() in a servlet is allowing to add an ELResolver instead of throwing IllegalStateException.
PM06063 Provide a JSP attribute to disable certain new v7 features
PM06503 JspBatchCompiler does not accept addtional.classpath when ear.path
PM07560 Custom property to allow JSP mapping migration
PM08060 EL expression not evaluated in the tag file
Migration PM01717 V7 migration: the batch jobs created with zmmt tooling can not be ftp'd to the target z/OS LPAR.
PM05400 Failure to migrate coregroup access points
PM06217 and and CRPROF exit with return code 0 even if failure occurs in migration code.
PM06775 Migration of coregroupservers ( coregroup.xml files ) in the PreferredCoordinatorServers list does not preserve the order
PM07273 Migration from v6.1 to v7.0, failed to migrate shared libraries under cluster level(scope).
PM07512 Invalid proc names found in the z/os was.env file after WASPostUpgrade completes.
PM08384 The dmgr is added to the DefaultCoreGroup on migration from 6.1 to 7.0 when it is not in the DefaultCoreGroup
PM09810 Migration: when migrating from v5.1 to v7.0 on IBM i, post-migration fails, referencing missing "etc" directory
Object Request Broker (ORB) PM02082 Deployment manager and nodeagent may fail to start with IGVDGNPP active on z/OS. An 0C4 is seen on the WebSphere TCB.
PM02469 DCSV9421W errors after upgrading a node in a mixed cell to
PM04551 Abend a78 rc=10 in nodeagent or abend0c4 in app server SR when in mixed cell environment
PM04835 Incorrect ASID being reported in messages BBOO0311I and BBOO0312I
PM05648 Abend0c4/abends0c4/sigsegv under orb.init on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.
Other PK96968 Allow redirect functionality on logout
PK98471 Migration from V5.1.1 to V7.0.0.5 fails when WASPreUpgrade tries to capture isclite data from V5.1.1.
PM00795 Message "cell wide monitor role is minimally required" seen erroneously.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PM02821 JVM hang at startup with dynatrace in use.
PM04576 Collector tool does not gather "was" and "os" directories.
Plug-in PM03232 Plugin returns response code 500 when using URL rewrite for session affinity. $WSFO set premature based on JSESSIONID
PM04138 Warning message in plugin trace when the last chunk of 0 is read
PM04650 Http plug-in incorrectly marks server down when it receives keepalive timeout from WebSphere Application Server
PM05226 MaxConnections = -1 causes plugin to record false ws_server: serverHasReachedMaxConnections message
PM06468 Plugin reports MaxConnectionsLimit reached MaxConnections="-1".
PM06469 The plug-in does not allow a TLS only handshake with the Application Server.
PM07191 Response code 404 error returned for requests that do not have host header in a request specified
PM07569 If there is content in the body of a get request, the plug-in does not send the data to the WebSphere Application Server.
PM07580 Webserver crash or bad response
PM07822 Plugin-key.kdb, plugin-key.sth and plugin-cfg.xml is not propagated immediately after create web server definition.
PMI/Performance Tools PK45334 Add instrumentation to PMI for monitoring MDB-initiated local EJB calls
PK98389 PMI tried to load an OS/390 module, bboosmf.dll, when running on Microsoft Windows
PM01212 ICH408I EDC5111I permission denied errno2=0x5b400002 on node.xml when application sync to OS thread is enabled
PM02024 ClassCastException when PMI invokes getStats on the servant JVM that is not available.
PM02292 PMI for thread pool returns wrong values, PercentMaxed always returns 100% even if no clients access and ActiveCount as 2
PM15034 ZPMT support for performance tuning
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PM10321 OBPL0006E issued if ObjectPool lookup is done in StartupBean
Proxy Server PK99722 SOAP message filter throws NullPointerException when it receives SOAP requests on DMZ proxy server.
PM02353 Excessive treerequest/response dialog messages overload HA manager bulletin board
PM05832 The proxy configuration parser is incorrectly handling the content mapping
PM07711 Allow the initialization of the On Demand Configuration component to be bypassed.
PM10332 Prevent scheduling of duplicate ODC tree requests
Runtime (zSeries®) PM06930 Org.omg.corba.bad_operation: vmcid:0xc9c25000 minor code:757 completed: maybe
Samples PM08861 Samples user information visible in logs
Security PK96400 Information in SECJ0314W message might not be accurate
PK98600 FFDC log generated for servant indicating WASKeyring.SY1.Signers can not be found when creating a new web server in administrative console
PK98916 JSSEHelper API method reinitializeClientDefaultSSLProperties() is not completely reinitializing the configured properties
PK99779 A NullPointerException is encountered when deploying an EJB application without class-name in deployment descriptor
PM00028 Using local OS api in Solaris hangs when there are multiple threads attempting to get groups for users.
PM00341 Access to local EJB might be granted even if a subject had been expired.
PM00811 SAF delegation fix using RACF UR bridge
PM01276 Asyncbeans see corba no_permission minor code 0x49424307
PM01300 Inconsistent user groups reported by the UserRegistry using local OS in Linux.
PM01860 AddNode causes certificate to be resigned by default rootca
PM02361 Servant region does not use domain-specific SAF profile prefix. The default value from security.xml is used instead.
PM03101 Restore WASReqURL value after login processes other than form login
PM03161 Excessive SECJ0353E messages when user registry bridge is configured.
PM03180 SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA cipher cannot be seen in SSLconfiguration/qop cipher suite group in admin console
PM03703 Error passing empty string when opening hardware crypto keystore.
PM04694 SECJ0207E: failed to load security.xml resource from cell. Value JCECCARACFKS is not a valid enumerator or KeyFileFormatKind
PM05750 TokenExpiredException is thrown for LTPA token from asyncbean that is created before feature enablement pack install
PM06077 NullPointerException caused when a null username is returned from TAIResult.getAuthenticatedPrincipal()
PM07016 Certificate expiration monitor reports on a keystore even if the file is not present.
PM07098 User subject remains in auth cache after logout, causes java.util.NoSuchElementException on subsequent login attempts
PM07511 Some CSIV2 settings security domain are not being properly detected.
PM07687 resetLdapBindInfo method not updating password in security.xml
PM08635 Improve the performance of authorization checks when using SAF authorization.
PM08713 SSLHandshakeException trying to save after setting specific SSL alias for Standalone LDAP Repository in a security
PM08754 NullPointerException thrown in console when attempting to map runAs roles
Security (zSeries®) PK97400 With identity assertion, CORBA::TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK occurs when V6.1 server invokes EJB in V6.0.2 server under a global transaction
Servlet Engine/Web Container PK99400 Restoring behavior previous to PK70152 in SMF records.
PM01682 Servlet filters are initialized more than once
PM02985 Welcome files from the extended document root are not available.
PM03788 WebSphere encodes message from sendError(int, msg) method
PM04383 Call to sendRedirect causes the response to be comitted and completed.
PM06899 FileNotFoundException when the response is already committed for empty include.
PM07656 During server shutdown, requests accepted into a server result in a 503 error.
PM09674 Class not found during application initialization:
PM11134 Unexpected FFDC in the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0
Sessions and Session Management PK97340 Session crossover message when SSL IS tracking is enabled
PK99859 Session timeout on a thread results in NameNotFoundException.
PM02068 Custom property name correction for cloneId separator
System Management/Repository PM00292 UpdateAppOnCluster throws truncated message "ADMA8009I: server" on stopping the server.
PM00741 BLA status is displayed incorrectly after a composition unit is removed.
PM01843 Failure for report file generated using applyConfigProperties command.
PM02567 Cannot configure env entry values in EJB modules
PM04352 Promoted properties are missing when installing exported ear
PM04846 AdminControl.stopServer command takes more time in a Network Deployment edition set up.
PM04947 RMI connectors RMIConnectorClient#isAlive() calls Thread.interrupt() on whatever thread initiates the request
PM05075 AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName <filename>] ) returns incorrect HostAlias values
PM05452 AdminException ADMA5055E: errors in validating application received in 7.0 migration while running the post bbowdpos job
PM05521 An MXBean which adheres to the default naming convention should be registerable as a standard MBean
PM05723 z/OS using the MonitoringPolicy and stopImmediate for stopping the appserver.
PM06839 Sensitive information in trace output when option "-trace" is used
PM06948 Message "download not to ..." seen in systemout.log.
PM07438 NullPointerException invoking SecurityAuditingHelper class.
PM08224 Configuration operation on a business-level application related object hangs.
PM08500 Removing a cluster member recycles application on other cluster member servers.
PM09133 ADMA0097E application management is being initialized without a full product installation.
PM09178 Request to enable war and jar applications deployment through properties file based configuration tool.
PM10056 From administrative console launching eclipse-based help, when clicking the ? icon returns blank page.
PM10352 Embedded shared resources are only added to one server when targeting more than one server
PM10663 Variable in startCommandArgs not resolved.
PM10885 Config service might emit NullPointerException stacktrace to standard error, when getting attribute, even when operation succeeds
PM10893 Business-level application processing after saving configuration changes does not delete work space.
PM10896 Promotion of server to cluster does not remove all resources from server.xml.
PM12598 Unable to modify target of a web module inside an enterpise business-level application
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK99574 WSWS7055E may occur during Application Server startup
PM01124 User-friendly message needed for WSWS3066E SAXException
PM01369 An extra xmlns:soapenv=""
PM01453 A JAX-RPC client using dynamic invocation interface (dii) might fail with FileNotFoundException and serialization errors
PM01612 Performance degradation during JAX-RPC stub creation
PM02621 Expect: 100-continue header not sent when it is enabled in http transport policy.
PM02905 WSWS3037E: error: serialization cannot occur for bean occurs while running a JAX-RPC application
PM02938 For JAX-WS applications, custom http prefix not reflected in SOAP address of WSDL obtained from ?wsdl request
PM03728 Performance degradation when migrating a JAX-RPC DII application from v5.1
PM03820 SAXParseException "namespace prefix "xsi" was not declared" error occurs while using a JAX-RPC web service
PM04577 NullPointerException may occur when stopping and starting a JAX-RPC Web Services application
PM05176 For JAX-RPC applications installed with binary configuration option, ?wsdl requests might fail
PM05245 While running JAX-WS applications, all connections are consumed.
PM05356 An http ?wsdl request for a JAX-WS service might generate a WSDL without its wsdl:types section
PM05787 A cookie without attributes may be missing for JAX-RPC SOAP requests.
PM05963 NullPointerException error may occur after a JAX-RPC handler is deleted.
PM06606 A JAX-WS application may fail to start if it contains org.apache.commons.logging classes.
PM06800 Thread deadlock may occur on "finalizer" thread when a JAX-RPC application is invoked after PK84543
PM06810 In ejb-jar_merged.xml file the <service-ref> element appears twice for @webserviceref annotation.
PM06884 When running a JAX-WS client application that contain SAML policy sets exceptions may occur.
PM07068 Wsdl4j users using the feature_parse_schema feature
PM07101 Setting enable chunked transfer encoding in the http policy set for a JAX-WS client may cause time-outs or hangs.
PM07249 NullPointerException error may occur when a JAX-RPC application receives a response from a web service.
PM07507 WSDL generation hindered by "could not find class file" error
PM08202 The JAX-RPC wsdl2java tool generates code that cannot be compiled when the local language is German.
PM08283 Asynchronous JAX-WS applications may fail after migrating from v6.1 to a later release
PM08610 Java 2 security errors may occur when running JAX-WS application
PM08833 NullPointerException occurred when using JAX-WS SOAP handler
PM08957 While running a JAX-RPC application, a NotSerializableException error occurs for a CookieValueList
PM09215 A WSWS3227E error occurred while running a JAX-RPC application that was migrated from WebSphere Application Server v5.1
PM09339 The JAX-WS runtime issues a confusing error when it receives an invalid SOAP message
PM09697 Trace statement "error occured while generating trace" occurs while running a JAX-WS application
PM09877 An org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException error occurs while installing, starting or using a JAX-WS application
PM09905 If a JAX-WS application has an SSL binding attached to it, the JAX-WS code incorrectly uses the system default SSL settings.
PM10081 A NullPointerException error may occur while running a JAX-WS application.
PM10115 While starting a JAX-WS application a NullPointerException error may occur in the PolicyEngine class.
PM10292 A JAX-WS client may fail with "IOException: async io operation failed" error if its host header contains a port
PM10783 While running a JAX-WS application an IllegalAnnotationsException occurred indicating a problem
Web Services Security PK96427
PM04520 Incorrect callback handler panel is displayed for an x.509 authentication token in the administrative console
PM04725 Expires element is not being created on the timestamp when configured in WS-Security general bindings
PM05081 WS-Security runtime does not honor the verifyTimestamp and verifyNonce properties as written out by the console
PM05104 CWWSS0121E error may occur when an EncodingType attribute is included on the wsse:Nonce element
PM05435 JAX-WS asynchronous client call may hang and issue a NullPointerException when receiving an invalid SOAP response
PM05882 A WSWS3382E error occurs when a JAX-WS client receives a SOAP fault.
PM08513 Web Services links for Application Server templates not supported.
PM09018 Tivoli Federated Identity Manager (TFIM) 6.2 will not install on WebSphere applicaiton server after PK93866
PM11018 General bindings panel controller has unnecessary call to configuration task.
PM11050 Allow customers to use an STS to issue or validate security tokens using WS-Security login modules

Fix release date: 29 March 2010
Last modified: 26 May 2010
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 9
Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PK86020 A reporting problem with the RMF workload activity report with respect to the trans-time
PK92135 WS-Addressing 2005/08/addressing is not understood by 3rd party network providers.
PK95429 IllegalArgumentException when generating a web service with a WS-Addressing handler
PK95969 ConcurrentModificationException during long running BPEL process
PK96105 Extra namespace declaration / header in JAX-RPC response
PK96860 Server does not come down after stop was issued. Controller is waiting for unowned lock
PK99345 Corba::object_not_exist minor code: c9c25758 corba::unknown minor code:c9c2579f
PM00446 Z/OS performance: startup regression 2% increase in su & cputime
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK91652 A user newly granted the administrator role does not have the the same role on nodeagent until restarting the nodeagent.
PK93132 Unable to change driver type of existing datasource.
PK93284 Application install and save takes more time in large scale environment where there are more servers.
PK93901 Virtual host under host_aliases hostname field in administrative console does not accept a dash
PK94002 Slow load time for Application Server panel with large topology
PK95043 The cell and node names contain "application" which the console does not interpret in the correct context.
PK95057 Incorrect wsadmin command generated via command assistance in the administrative console for session replication options.
PK95089 Wsadmin does not encrypt KeyRingPassword stored as J2EEResourceProperty
PK95233 Cluster detail panel load time is very slow
PK95241 Classnotfound exception while loading mbean proxy
PK95333 Modification to trace settings from a server template of dynamic cluster results in NullPointerException
PK95419 Error when trace log view page is refreshed with invalid value
PK95714 Configuration settings in diagnostic trace service panel lost after switching from runtime tab to configuration tab
PK96279 Abend sa03 / sdc3 during nodeagent termination
PK97376 Various security vulnerabilities in WebSphere Application Server administrative console
PK97394 Web server properties applicable to V6.0 appear in V6.1 deployment manager for web server with V5.0 plugin-cfg.xml
PK97658 When invalid SCA composite is added as a composition unit to a business level application a blank console page is displayed.
PK98591 In administrative console the change logger level performs incorrect optimization on logger levels
PK99174 Environment variables with a cluster scope will not affect server
PK99191 Unable to programatically add links to the asset detail panel.
PK99195 Synchronization missing command handling for addCompUnit and importAsset for the administrative console.
PK99218 Enabling the class loader viewer on a server when running in 64 bit mode on z/OS can cause the servant to fail on start-up
PK99666 Mixed environment with v6.1 and v6.0.2 dynacache setting in v6.1 deployment manager then V6.0.2 server will not start.
PM00335 Java.util.ConcurrentModificationException caused by concurrent thread access to a hashmap
PM01105 When configuring the HTTPS transport for proxy the generic server cluster gui page does not display the changes.
PM01129 Administrative console proxy transport chain creation filters ports
PM01130 Administrative console Korean font size is too small
PM01928 AccessControlException in console with Java 2 security
PM03239 Job manager admin console screen shows additional installed products
PM03438 Saving passwords in Firefox causes console fields to be prefilled
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PK94807 The ws_ant task may fail to load <classpath> for Java2WSDL task.
PK95992 Wrong MBean signature flagged as deprecated
PK96847 On Microsoft Windows ws-ant.bat will not correctly set the %ERRORLEVEL% environment variable on completion
PK97079 Java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when input data is a space for java.util.Properties AdminTask.tklmKeyList (-interactive)
Classloader PK93952 Java.lang.NullPointerException in CompoundClassLoader
PK96275 NullPointerException during class or resource loading
Default Messaging Component PK93154 NullPointerException received when using the XMS client against WebSphere Application Server version 7.
PK93592 Application running inside a third party Application Server fails to reconnect if a messaging engine is restarted
PK95559 Message expiration is not honored for a message sent from WebSphere MQ to the Service Integration Bus
PK96706 It is not possible to create a service integration bus link to a remote bus behind a network address translation layer
PK97778 WebSphere Application Server V7 does not honor the value for sequential failed message threshold correctly
PK97997 CWSIT0110E bus link exception when security attribute propagation is disabled
PK98846 Messages are left in a locked state following a service integration bus message engine failover
PK99026 JMS client connection to WebSphere Application Server V6.1 fails with a CWSIC8007E ObjectStoreFullException
Dynamic Cache PK91245 Required attribute ignored in cachespec.xml and cache ID is not generated.
PK95731 Dynamic cache alias methods produce unexpected results
PK95743 NullPointerException in dynamic cache code.
PK95917 InvalidationTask objects are not reset and result in a buildup of application objects in the heap.
PK96517 Setting JVM custom property will trigger invalidations.
PK97780 EDGESTATISTICS resets to 0 during heavy load
PK98441 Adding function to allow dynacache invalidations to be propagated between cells and core groups
PK99787 Dynacache clear causes dead lock
PM02163 High number of invalidation requests can cause a deadlock in the server.
EJB Container PK89732 Requirement to suppress benign NMSV0307E exceptions for thin clients from within EJB container code.
PK95986 WebSphere Process Server applications that use EJB bindings may see a NullPointerException when starting.
PK98504 SQL optimization for enterprise java beans timers.
PK98746 Failed to lookup with an InjectionException
PK99294 Applications that follow EJB 3.0 spec and use WebSphere startup beans fail to start in a multiple servant region environment.
PM01799 Stateful session bean timeout cannot be set globally
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PK85033 Class files located at the root of a war file are not restored accordingly when imported.
PK98539 If you accidently delete or EJBDeploy does not work properly
Federated Repositories PK93243 VMM search with properties that are not defined did not cause search failure.
PK93786 VMM may not parse LDAP timestamp attribute value correctly
PK95361 Virtual member manager plugin framework extensions
PK95940 Although there was no operational attribute in changeSummary VMM update API threw UpdateOperationalPropertyException
PK96429 Updating failure for property ibm-jobTitle and ibm-primaryEmail if propertyExtension repository is configured.
PK96499 ExternalId mapping fails for more than 1 entity type
PK96554 Custom complex property type defined as ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE was changed to String after VMM deepClone.
PK96559 Performance enhancement when getting group members from LDAP
PK96785 Update entity with identifiter type property didn't work if property extension repository is also configured.
PK97238 Performance issues when using federated repositories with RACF registry
PK97345 Duplicated value for ibm-jobTitle was displayed although there was only one value.
PK97717 Javax.naming.NamingException when getting nested group on IBM Directory Server if there is no parent
PK98302 VMM_JDBC_CLASSPATH has to contain \ on Micosoft Windows and / on Unix operating systems
PK98589 Creation of property extension tables fails on z/OS
PK99295 LDAP primary/secondary server failover behavior does not work as expected
PM00173 VMM_jdbc_classpath not read on z/OS managed node
PM00692 Thread hangs in java.util.hashmap.findNonNullKeyEntry()
PM01649 Using multiple database repositories causes virtual member manager (vmm) failures
PM01700 CLI to manage addition deletion and listing of VMM properties to LDAP attribute mapping
PM03074 There may be login failure if more than one searchbases are configured for an LDAP repository after PK93426
PM04297 Change user password failed with exception
PM05011 Login fails when one or more repositories are down.
General PK86698 Error 404 when servlet-mapping preceeds servlet in web.xml
PK87463 Exceptions thrown very early in application server initialization may not be properly written to the server log
PK88962 NoClassDefFoundError warning during application update
PK89310 The class receives ClassNotFoundException
PK89434 Recently installed applications not appearing in ISC enterprise applications list
PK89912 WebSphere SMF 120 subtype 9 records have an incorrect process ID
PK91914 SIP container responds to ACK. This contradicts RFC 3261.
PK91931 Container forwards ACK for non-2xx response to the application.
PK92032 SaveFailureException message should include the full file path for the failure.
PK92033 Number of connections from the sametime gateway server to an external SIP server continues to grow until server crashes.
PK92087 Injection targets from annotations not recognized when deploying an application
PK92260 Public render parameters are not deleted in action phase when parameter map reset directly afterwards
PK92500 When using XPathUtil in conjunction with session="false" seeing "java.lang.IllegalStateException:".
PK92548 Administrative console does not allow a null value for the CCSID field on a WebSphere MQ queue definition
PK92710 Performance improvement for portlet container on application startup
PK92788 Problem is in the SIP container sending a message with Chinese letters un-encoded in the "user" part of the URI.
PK92867 Metadata for WebSphere Process Server profile is not getting updated.
PK92975 The SIP container does not forward a request upstream (over UDP) when it is configured with multiple transport chains
PK93079 CEI configures oracle9i helper by default
PK93081 When the enableassertions flag set on the JVM a NullPointerException is thrown
PK93083 Invalid ChainGroupException for the SIP channel in deployment manager and nodeagents on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
PK93110 JACL ws-ant script copy has wrong owner
PK93187 CHKW2108E: the working directory of a process definition is absent errors thrown for a unmanaged webserver node .
PK93192 Application composition is activated for subsequent requests when it was not triggered for the initial request
PK93364 A listener port configured against a connection factory using a CCDT is not migrated correctly to an activation specification
PK93527 Whitespace in SOAP message causes CWSJN5006E when deserializing a SOAP message with WS-Notification parameters
PK93614 IOException in portlet when servlet caching is enabled
PK93637 Profile mangement tool for Z/OS does not correctly set a default uid value for a managed node.
PK93643 Roles and attributes of EJB 3.0 application not being processed correctly
PK93723 Failed to merge EJB module bindings during update
PK94001 The SIP container should send a response from the same port the request was received on.
PK94103 Unable to edit web server from deployment manager integrated console.
PK94104 SIP container caches DNS entries forever
PK94216 The "use custom login configuration" option does not allow any option chosen to be updated in the master configuration.
PK94256 Managed bean cyclic detection is not working.
PK94368 Setting character encoding in ServerResource has no impact when caching is enabled
PK94648 A SOAP fault response is sent to ReplyTo address instead of the FaultTo address when using a JAX-WS provider
PK94663 Input dd statements in the generated bbomsgc jcl did not containdataset information for dsn parameter.
PK94821 WASService does not recognize server started when running Japanese locale
PK94946 Java.lang.ClassCastException: in Rational Application Developer in debug mode
PK95146 FileNotFoundException occurs when generating web server plugin via administrative console.
PK95149 **** Javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES parameter can not be handled correctly when the parameter contains a comma as a delimiter.
PK95321 Some SQL generated by static generator are not put in the right packages.
PK95338 Unknown property TrustedProxyEnabled
PK95344 Issues with the CANCEL message during the tel: to SIP: call. The CANCEL mesage is never sent.
PK95504 WASServiceTrace.log shows sensitive information
PK95659 Service integration bus reports CWSIA0067E and CWSIK0027E (corrupt topic) at messaging engine startup.
PK95790 i5/OS - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError :
PK95864 The SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) container fails to parse a message that arrives over TCP.
PK95911 Config Service SAXParserFactory usage results in ClassCastExceptions
PK95931 The SIP container opens multiple connections to the same destination.
PK95962 Class pmi* and receive NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException in mode restrict
PK96043 Senstive information might appear in properties files
PK96059 Portlet container must restrict content types provided by portal info provider according to portlet definition
PK96150 Message delivery for JMS consumers using readahead stops intermittently.
PK96181 SIP container fails to map a register request to the SIP register application.
PK96304 Unable to configure dataserver on CEI
PK96430 ConcurrentModificationException at at
PK96703 Error message: BBOO0049E Local comm call bboclsur(CF_CANCELALL_IO) failed
PK96765 Senstive information might appear in properties files
PK97186 Unable to configure Informix with DB2/JCC driver on CEI
PK97227 Type reference is unresolved messages occur during application install.
PK97265 IllegalArgumentException when using WebSphere Extended Deployment to throttle message-driven beans using service integration bus
PK97370 Transaction qualifiers missing on EventServer app
PK97427 Intermittent exceptions on JMS connection with multiple sessions
PK97560 Java EE annotations are not supported when using alternate deployment descriptors.
PK97581 Errors in the smf120 macro in bbo.sbbomac(bboos120).
PK97645 Web container should reset a stale converged cookie
PK97764 Wct v7 zpmt generates was v6.1 daemon proc in 64-bit instead of default 31-bit
PK97811 Entities with relationships as primary keys can fail metadata initialization
PK97944 SIP proxy needs synchronization of MD5 hashing
PK98206 NullPointerException at load of pluginxml on startup
PK98366 The application detectprocess.exe does not work when the path contains brackets "()".
PK98385 When running with java 2 security enabled and getting trace an AccessControlException may be thrown in certain cases.
PK98388 Using a WMQ messaging provider activation spec with a QSG on z/OS with a destination which also specifies a QSG name breaks.
PK98437 When starting Application Server as root with runAsUser the appserver process is not setting secondary groups.
PK98449 The SIP DMZ Proxy needs to retry the TCP and TLS connections that it establishes to the SIP containers.
PK98562 StackOverflowError in the SIP container.
PK98587 SIBus clients asynchronously consuming messages can deadlock with a thread stuck in AsynchConsumerProxyQueueImpl.stopping()
PK98624 Profile management tool for Z/OS version 7.0 generates incorrect member names when uploading jobs using secure ftp.
PK98660 EventService.ear app is not completly installed
PK98741 WebSphere Portal is seeing an AccessControlException during the creation of a classloader when J2EE security is enabled
PK98758 BBOOSCHD leaks its dynamic area when it abends ECSA eyecatcher is *srbf dynamic are*
PK98802 Creating publish/subscribe bridge broker profiles to make use of the WMQ 7.0 pub/sub engine can result in a CWSIL0018E message
PK98925 During start up getting Ljava.lang.String incompatible with [Ljava.lang.Class]
PK98978 No error message displayed when trying to remove a running service.
PK98999 Replacing a module using fine grained application update fails.
PK99225 During a failover that involves a converged application the HTTP Proxy may send HTTP requests to servers that do not own them
PK99233 Resource references not found when loading a J2EE 5 module using an alternate deployment descriptor resulting in CWNEN0044E
PK99235 PMT performance issue when using template with large prereq graph
PK99551 Resource adapter install fails when java security is enabled.
PK99556 Can not create profile with samples in non standard cell scenario via PMT
PK99846 Incorrect -Xshareclasses property values for j964bit and j932bit files
PM00104 Consumers connecting to a messaging engine over a network are not delivered messages threads within ME have specific
PM00408 When clicking on the start monitoring received error message - An error occurred while starting monitoring for server.
PM00431 Unnecessary cast when calling upper and lower functions in JPA queries
PM00447 Application update filenotfoundexception on jar inside war.
PM00465 HTTP session manager in WebSphere Application Server v7 should use the application classloader during invalidation processing.
PM00536 Memory leak at the SIP proxy when TCP and tls transports are used.
PM00610 SSO LTPA token is processed incorrectly when "Requires SSL" is enabled
PM00622 SIP container messages that cannot be processed need to be logged.
PM00856 CEI configuration fails on remote DB2 z/OS profile with null template
PM00892 Appdepl* wstemp directories are not being cleaned up/ deleted
PM00982 ClassNotFoundException occurs when using a custom DBDictionary class for JPA
PM00994 CwSIP0002e error showing Nullpointerexception from mpalarmmanager.fireinternalalarm followed by memory leak
PM01119 soap:header in mime:part not recognised
PM01123 After stopping a BPC application that has a running process instance the application gets in an unstoppable state.
PM01367 NullPointerException thrown by wsjpa static generator.
PM01461 A NullPointerException in can occur during installation of the RA application.
PM01482 MBD not processing messages due to control region adjunct not fully up and connected with the servant region.
PM01489 NullPointerException getting UDP SipProxyConnection for interface
PM01492 I5/os: could not lock user prefs.Lock file access denied
PM01501 EJB injection target missing when MetadataCompleteForModules option is used.
PM01504 enableJVM issues truncated message when -jvm value not valid
PM01518 JDBC providers created wrong for event/event_catalog.
PM01553 ConcurrentModicationException seen under load of the default messaging provider
PM01671 Migration fails with includeApps:false 06i starting the migration of Common Event Infrastructure
PM01732 Wsdb2gen -package truncates name
PM01854 Server fails to start from administrative console and the nodeagent crashes when using WebSphere BPM
PM01891 Using two back slashes in the display name of a SIP message causes error code 400
PM01912 WebSphere 7 envokes Microsoft Windows services code when starting a server when no Windows service has been created
PM01926 SIP container uses a wrong listening point to send requests.
PM02103 Update installer has poor blocking message for uninstall CEA maintenanance
PM02177 Migration fails in postUpgrade during CEI migration when HTTP server named dmgr
PM02219 Sensitive information displayed in configcei.and.wsadmincmd.log
PM02389 Messasges not processed after failure of datastore
PM02529 An ENQ exception can occur during session affinity deregistration.
PM03132 Servant OutOfMemory when running asynchronous request dispatcher
PM03142 ARD creates timers incorrectly on z/OS
PM03146 PK79219 not fixed in v7- read of greater than 2gb of post data is not possible.
PM03184 JPA performance improvements
PM03448 High memory use during application deployment due to large EJB metadata
PM03462 Updating and editing application fails with adma0147e when the application was installed using the zero ear copy option
PM03512 Cannot query entities with a null value in a compound PK.
PM03611 Messages remain in pending acknowledgment state on a remote queue point for a deleted destination
PM03670 Merging a new bi-directional one-to-many relationship does not cascade
PM04764 Invalid header in SIP proxy logs
PM04765 SIP router stops UDP SIP request retransmissions
PM04774 SIP proxy needs to set attribute SIPProxyStartupComplete after the startup delay to tell SIP containers they can use send data
PM04819 SIP proxy is not correctly parsing IPV6 addresses.
PM04869 SIP router should allow the SIP proxies startup message to flow to the SIP containers in the servant region
PM05052 Svt: update.exe requested for windows 7 + windows server 2008
PM05885 WebSphere Application Server sample installation jobs need to be updated to reflect the proper dataset allocations needed
PM06932 SaveFailureException when removing then adding modules for a deployed application for Rational Application Developer
PM06946 NullPointerException from InjectionEngingImpl.processXML
High Availability (HA) PK94831 DCSV8030I messages logged continuously in systemout.log for more than 60 seconds.
PK95297 Application Server startup failure with CWRLS0030W message when the HAManager global state rebuild failed due to OutOfMemory
PK98997 HMGR0107E: IllegalStateException due to self-loop call where server sending message gets called again
PM00813 HAManager encountered panic in v7.0.0.0 and v7.0.0.1 (or higher) mixed environment
PM02342 The core group bridge does not properly resend subscriptions under certain scenarios.
PM03343 The core group bridge subscription listener stores data unnecesarrily when bridges are not used.
HTTP Transport PM00962 UDP channel unable to configure thread pool name
PM01312 UDP channel throws CancelledKeyException to application
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
PK95497 IBM HTTP Server may fail to ignore some cache related headers even when CacheIgnoreHeaders is configured.
PK96410 Intermittent error reading status line with HTTP Proxy
PK96500 IBM HTTP Server: mod_mem_cache should not cache incomplete responses
PK96858 CVE-2009-3094: mod_proxy_ftp null pointer dereference
PK97740 The IBM HTTP Server does not log 408 to the access log when an HTTP request is not sent within the timeout period.
PK98225 Cache responses with s-maxage set
PK99128 IBM HTTP Server won't start after install_ihs creates symlinks to version root
PM00101 GSKit crash on Microsoft Windows 32 or AIX plus purify
PM00136 Apachectl stop fails if the resolver is down
PM00675 CVE-2009-3555: TLS/SSL protocol vulnerability
Install PK90884 WSVM1001E issued as a result of a ClassNotFoundException for .impl.IValidationHelper
PK95751 The central installation manager is not able to detect the processor family of the remote Solaris host.
PK96031 fails when performing installextension operation on an sca install that contains sdo
PK96141 does not display component detail data
PK97431 No way for administrator to disable the minimum service level check performed by the update installer when invoked via CIM
PK98463 Incorrect warning message during CIM installation. "XCIM0199W: Installation completed but errors were detected"
PM00973 Internet download url change to new hostname
PM02541 Sensitive information may be stored in properties file
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK85473 ERRORCODE=-4471 sSetCursorName() called when there are open ResultSet's on the statement
PK86376 Negative J2C connection pool size after a J2CA connection error.
PK89274 Ims db resource adapter needs j2cconnectionfactory mbean
PK93000 JCA adapters that are started during server startup on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS may not have their end points activated
PK96599 IllegalStateException at
PK96814 ConcurentModificationException when destroy is called on a JMSMangedConnection
PK98735 Security warning SECJ0314E is logged for DSConfigurationHelper.isRecoveryMode()
PM00531 $ character can not be parsed correctly in activation spec
PM00993 InstanceNotFoundException occurs when stopping an application hosting message endpoints.
PM01015 FeatureNotFoundException on an application after starting a migrated deployment manager
PM01272 Wrong RA HA setting cause adapter inbound start in all nodes
PM01942 The "client affinity" feature does not work
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PK93815 PMI fails to refresh the jvm configuration: TUNE0408E TUNE0407E
Java Message Service (JMS) PK84832 Cannot start WebSphere Application Server in mixed cell environment after adding new port.
PK89856 WMQ JMS destination message expiry specified in the administrative console does not have the desired effect
PK92871 Mqexception mqrc 2012 using wmq on 64 bit jvms
PK94588 SIB mediation on MQ Server stops working after application reinstall
PK97182 Functionality of messageSelector for activation specifications changed to meet specification
PK98170 Ceiat0014e exception thrown to custom profile creation code that creates a bus
PK98423 WebSphere Application Server v7.0 does not allow a wildcard character for the queue manager name when configuring a QCF
PK98482 RuntimeException when processing SOAP request due to NoClassDefFoundError loading DeserializationStub
PK98544 MDB with bean managed transaction and using message listener service in non-ASF mode does not requeue backout messages.
PK99022 Certain WMQ messaging provider configuration properties are allowed to end with a character but a can't be set.
PM00131 NullPointerException in WebSphere Application Server generated by ObjectManager when using a SIB file store.
PM00498 Servant routing support for SIP soap messages
PM02308 WMSG0046E error attempting to start an application deployed against a newly created listener port
PM03760 A cookie attribute is not passed to the client
PM05204 Update WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version
Java SDK PK90451 Generated JSP tags are final with actual version of JSF-RI 1.2.
PK95482 Cannot see status for BP (lotus forms ui)
PK98900 ArrayStoreException occurs with the h:selectManyListBox tag.
Java Transaction Service (JTS) PM00054 Eis recovery after a eis failure while processing jca inbound transactions may not be able to complete in-doubt transactions.
JNDI/Naming PK97995 Need to prevent NMSV0310E messages in the systemout.log file
PM00950 FFDC for javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException written when configured name space binding is deleted.
PM03894 Add an option to disable the hostname normalizer caching.
JSP PK93886 If display-name attribute of tag file is different from its filename precompile jsp option fails
PK94316 Template text is not trimmed in WebSphere Application Server version 7.0
PK95332 Large character arrays from BodyContentImpl are consuming the heap causing OutOfMemory.
PK97121 Application layout problem due to incorrect JSP served.
PM00731 Evaluation of an EL expression fails with JspTranslationException
PM01539 After migrating from v5.1 to v7.0 JSP throws error: JSPG0049E
Migration PK93326 A Microsoft Windows machine with a floppy drive gets prompted "there is no disk in the drive. please insert a disk" during migration
PK94863 Migration fails with SAXParseException when xml contains Unicode chars not supported by the machine's default encoding
PK95774 The SMP/E HFS file ownership is changed during the migration process when the SMP/E HFS is mounted in R/W mode.
PK95879 ISeries v7r1 does not support classic JVM. Migration tools need to reflect that change.
PK96413 Migration from V6.1 to V7.0 deamon directory permissions incorrect
PK96996 When migrating a cluster to version 7 the Application Server attempts to start the system applications.
PK97217 Migration fails to deploy apps if the backup directory contains a space in its name.
PK97220 Migration of Solaris for WebSphere Process Server needs to have max PermSize increased.
PK98210 WASPreUpgrade is failing when trying to migrate Derby databases with exception MIGR0496E: Derby database lock file detected.
PK98399 Need to add message for usage information for new parameter -requireEmbeddedDBMigration on the WASPreUpgrade command.
PM00079 SchedulerCalendars can not be installed during migration if it was installed as a user application.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PK93653 ORB thread hangs trying to do SSL handshake with remote client
PK96704 Bboo0333e product ... failed to register with ifausage service.
PM02524 CORBA::INTERNAL Exception with minor code 0xC9C20DA5
Other PK87571 Session is not destroyed inside web application having JSR 168 portlets.
PK98938 Lang attribute missing in console
PM01969 Incorrect Arabic mirroring for administrative console
PM05216 Migration utility failing to migrate My Tasks on stand-alone profile.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PK85438 TRASs0024I did not get printed in joblog when the error message was larger than logstream's MAXBUFSIZE
PK97521 Fffdc logs are not being purged as scheduled.
PK97752 Setting property to allow for null loggers from log manager causes error
PK99266 NullPointerException thrown when not able to open up a file output stream associated with an invalid parameter passed in.
Plug-in PK93135 The plug-in incorrectly logs an error message for a read failiedf ollowing a 302 redirect with a "connection: close" header.
PK93300 Web server plug-in incorrectly handles nested ESI includes when content-length is larger than available space in ESI cache
PK93826 NullPointerException thrown in the console when clicking on web server-plug-in properties.
PK93857 HTTP Server abends with a protection exception (0c4) in the plug-in due to an overlay in heap storage
PK95033 Plugin needs support for plugin logs greater than 2Gb on non-Linux operating systems
PK96006 If file.serving.patterns.allow is defined plugin generation will add that and all other dynamic patterns in plugin-cfg.xml
PK96110 Plugin uses deprecated non-PKCS11 API call instead of Modern PKCS11 for crypto-card SSL accelerationÿ
PK99719 Detail log level instead of error when removeSpecialHeaders = TRUE
PK99869 Plugin does not try all servers when retrying a request.
PM01219 500 error returned by WebSphere plugin when web server receives asignal
PM01718 Plugin configuration generator does not read custom property HttpSessionCloneId if it is created under session management.
PM01722 Plugin configuration generator does not export cloneId and server weight to plugin-cfg.xml for single server configurations
PM02250 Plugin fails to write large post request with Microsoft Windows error 10035 when ServerIOTimeout>0
PM02357 Plugin gen does not honor the property
PM03385 Plugin configuration generator might write sensitive information when tracing enabled.
PMI/Performance Tools PK93497 ADMG0003E on deployment manager due to pmi-config.xmi file being nulled out.
PK93749 Tivoli Performance Viewer reports heapsize for the controller only and not aggregated for controller server and adjunct.
PK95996 ARM transaction not ending for JAX-WS webservice request-response
PK98396 BBOO0220E: TUNE0409E: could not get node.xml resource from config root.
PK99283 WSSessionManagementStats .NAME is not available when monitoring session statistics
PM00247 Java.lang.NullPointerException with "PMI request metrics collection" enabled
PM03811 Integrating performance tuning scripts with WebSphere Application Server
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PK98313 Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in FFDC after server shutdown
PM01511 WebSphere Process Server/SCA is not able to use the work area service in some of their scenarios
Proxy Server PK90340 Proxy's cache variant table overflows in long runs and causes an OutOfMemory error.
PK93703 Proxy server does not honor the error code set by ODR and causes a different error code to be returned to the browser
PK94053 DMZ Secure Proxy Server routing rules do not work as expected due to DWLM component.
PK94366 3 cache related statistics values are not incremented correctly
PK94925 Secure Proxy Server for DMZ - NullPointerException when proxy tries to serve error page from its local disk
PK95302 ODCF0002E: exception: java.lang.NullPointerException during loosely configured application deployment.
PK95736 ODR/proxy does not automatically rewrite 302 response location header for GSC routing rules.
PK95803 ODR could not correctly log the bytes sent to the client if the client side connection is broken.
PK95857 The Proxy Server proxy cache instance does not implement a sizeable interface. This disables the memory cache size limit.
PK96299 SIP messages routed to wrong servant
PK99700 Proxy rule expression matching engine maps requests to wrong ODC node
PM00156 Webpshere Proxy Server: cache filter exceptions may cause thread deadlock in LRU cache table
PM02789 WebSphere Proxy marks servers down when 503 error received from backend
Scheduler PK89979 Scheduler query of a DB2 database results in tablespace scans
PK91198 Duplicate key expection occurs while acquiring lease for schedulers created at cluster scope.
PM00483 SCHEDTS not dropping datafiles in dropTablespace.sql
Security PK88256 Thread deadlock within TAM code.
PK88661 Incorrect CSIV2 service context is sent
PK89438 Global security custom property does not work
PK91308 Java.lang.NullPointerException error is seen when trying to set a security custom property.
PK91378 A NullPointerException occurs in the security WebAuthenticator code during runtime of the TrustAssociationInterceptor classes.
PK92544 Client certificate authentication fails with corba.no_permissionwhen attempting rmi-iiop call to nodeagent
PK92628 Problem replicating WSSecureMap cache
PK92995 SessionID missing from security auditing report.
PK93018 JAAS subject from TAI is missing on request to the LDAP
PK93716 Administrative console login fails after enabling "Authenticate when any URI is protected"
PK94187 Personal certificates are not displayed in the personal certificate panel.
PK94189 WebSphere Application Server administrative console displays the last failover LDAP host list but it should display the first
PK94758 Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException invalid URLPatternSpec
PK94779 If the scope of keystore or truststore is set to cluster the keystore or truststore may not be initialized properly.
PK94875 "Use Specific SSL alias" is not remembered.
PK95008 User lockout with one login failure during incorrect or one time failure or usage of bind password.
PK95629 Installing new SSL certificate via console generating the system error "unknown property"
PK95991 Servlet form logouts fail with integrated session security and auditing enabled
PK96229 Sensitive information printed in FFDC log
PK96506 Org.omg.corba.no_permission: jsas0202e: [{0}] credential token expired is thrown.
PK96640 Client authentication required error is thrown during ORB callback
PK97386 Error running JAX-WS thin client in OSGI on a pure Sun JVM
PK97450 NullPointerException when SSL properties missing.
PK97491 TokenExpiredException on WebSphere Application Server v7
PK97743 SECJ0363E error when a user name contains an equal sign
PK98178 RequestTimeout and its value were displayed incorrectly on administrative console for properties: SOAPConnector and IPCConnector.
PK98428 A Nullpointerexception is reported when starting a server. this applies to zos environments only.
PK98470 AddNode fails when security is enabled in deployment manager version
PK98703 Excessive ORB log files are generated when a client is accessing a remote EJB via SSL HTTP tunneling
PK99323 Unable to replace certificate using scripting
PK99773 The IPV6 address might be truncated resulting in
PM00155 AdminControl checkPassword commands incorrectly invokes local OS registry instead of active user registry.
PM00163 A server will not start if there are inconsistencies in security.xml
PM00553 Administrative console returns error 500 after changing trusted realms of CSIv2 outbound communications.
PM00803 Intermittent problems using the correct certificate when specific certificate is selected at connection end point
PM00882 Expired tokens not always refreshed during asynchronous logins.
PM00960 When EJB server start up an error is seen in systemerr Parser Err: header mismatch
PM00997 Unable to start Application Server after registering to a admin agent
PM01343 LocalOS user registry on HP-UX may fail to access the user information
PM01386 Group searchBase is being ignored. Browsing of LDAP is affected.
PM01835 WebSphere versions on hybrid JDK has a missing entry in the file
PM02588 during logout when using LDAP registry and using custom webcontainer filters.
PM02709 Null realm name causes login failure.
PM02961*=all tracing causes asynch bean apps not to start
PM02965 Administrative console is not displaying certificates for a keystore JCECCARACFKS. "Get certificate aliases" returns null list.
Security (zSeries®) PK84247 Authentication of userid connected to a large group may receive:SECJ0347E could not get the name of the group whose uniqueId is
PK97553 If customized SAF profile mapper class is used SAF role to profile mapper is initilized using default role mapper.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PK97815 Do not put servlet in service after injection failure.
PK98436 HTTOnly attribute is not supported in a WebSphere Application Server session cookie
PM01373 Servlet init method is not called in the second request when UnavailbleException occurs in init method in the first request.
PM03287 CWWEB0040W message written to systemout.log during server start.
PM03333 Enable post data to be read multiple times.
Sessions and Session Management PK86131 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if cache ID contains a colon (:)
PK90548 Session manager issue with high value of timeout
System Management/Repository PK85857 Null or zero values in JAX-WS web services PMI statistics.
PK88476 Not able to create server with name adminagent in the AdminAgent profile type on iSeries
PK91038 Applications with parentheses in the name cannot be edited with CWWMH0159E error.
PK91837 Application editions are not restarted after they are updated.
PK92898 ClassNotFound exception for when using standalone admin thin client.
PK93408 Incorrect userid and/or password causes user account lockout in LDAP user registry during addNode process.
PK93557 Unable to start server as a root when having a non-root user as the run as user for server process using a non_ibm jvm
PK93617 MapEnvEntryForWebMod task does not handle env entries defined in an alt-DD
PK93766 listSystemApplications on AppManagement MBean does not correctly return the list of system applications
PK93963 Env-entry changes lost when metadata-complete is set during deployment
PK95760 Enable thin client support for Feature Pack for CEA
PK95779 Change email runtime task behavior.
PK95892 Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
PK96354 JVM custom property http.nonProxyHosts not honored when hostname is used.
PK96610 SOAP and node discovery ports going into Close_wait status
PK97675 Cluster member creation using another cluster member as a template does not carry over the template member resources.
PK97881 EditionInfo class missing from published javadoc
PK98420 Console displays dynamic clusters and deployment manager as Application Servers
PK99578 SECJ5010E TokenExpiredException in RMI-IIOP call to remote EJB in valueUnbound method.
PM00974 When specifying a remote interface in during application deployment ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml is not updated with the interface
PM01045 ConcurrentModificationException during application deployment from ExtensionHelper.processAppRemovedSyncExtensions
PM02348 Properties file based configuration new features make properties file portable and support more config types
PM02567 Cannot configure env entry values in EJB modules
PM05003 Edit application fails with message ADMA9006E on WebSphere Application Server OEM for z/OS version 7
PM05060 An application which is autostarted when an adjunct region is active will not start after bein 10/01/25 ptf pechange
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK89340 The overriddenEndpointURI property should be ignored for unmanaged JAX-WS clients
PK91481 Processing child elements from missing SOAP header might cause NullPointerException
PK91497 JAX-WS Web Services runtime does not delete cached copies of attachments
PK91563 JAX-WS runtime does not preserve SOAPAction header created as a MIME header using SAAJ
PK91918 Web Services may not process the http request header value for the attribute "charset" as expected
PK92275 A JAX-RPC web-service with a dynacache handler returns an unexpected response.
PK92713 Users should be able to specify classpath with the endptEnabler tool.
PK92796 WSWS3259E error reading data stream MIME start boundry not found
PK92915 ClassNotFoundException when "access to internal server classes" general property for the server is set to restrict
PK93016 ClassNotFoundException when "access to internal server classes" general property for the server is set to restrict
PK93058 The endptEnabler tool may not find a JAX-WS webservice when a bean class is located in an external EJB jar.
PK93265 Javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: [lmy.bean; is not known to this context] error occurs while invoking a JAX-WS web service
PK93296 Slight performance improvement of JAX-WS marshaling of outbound messages
PK93507 The JAX-RPC web service client may not honor the redirection of an http response with status code 307
PK93531 A web service client using the javax.xml.rpc.Call API might fail with a NullPointerException.
PK94271 Error message WSWS7254E is issued during server start up because of a ClassCastException.
PK94494 Intermittent slow Web Services performance when invoking JAX-RPC or JAX-WS Web Services from WebSphere Application Server
PK94565 Publishing WSDL files might result in a WSDL file being published for the client web module if one exists in an application
PK94760 Running wsadmin to install a JMS application may result in error ADMA0014E: validation failed.
PK94829 Application deployment failed with CWSAD0071W error for a EJB module prior to version 3.0 that has a JAX-WS client.
PK94866 When using SOAP/JMS as a one way interface the Web Services engine does not propagate exceptions.
PK94899 Imported WSDL/XSD files sometimes cannot be found during JAX-WS application startup.
PK95012 A memory leak occurs with an JAX-WS webservice that uses @resource WebServiceContext
PK95016 Unnecessary web service ClassLoader.loadclass calls may degrade performance
PK95199 SOAP message are not canonically the same on the first and second invocation when using JAX-WS SOAPHandler
PK95568 A WSWS3701E error occurs while running a JAX-RPC application. Trace indicates a NullPointerException in BeanDeserializer.
PK95980 An SCA web service binding fails with a SOAPException containing the text "Failed to resolve element".
PK96521 SOAPHandler's handleMessage consumes high percentage of CPU
PK96567 CWWSS7200E: unable to create AxisService from ServiceEndpointAddress when context root is "/"
PK96687 Allow user to set attachment size threshold used by the JAX-WS engine to determine whether file is cached to disk
PK96716 NullPointerException error occurs while running a JAX-RPC application.
PK96999 A java.lang.StackOverflowError in LockableHashtable.get() may occur when a JAX-RPC web service is invoked
PK97002 High load may cause synchronous lock problem in XMLUtils while using JAX-RPC Web Services
PK97310 Locking contention on CompoundClassLoader due to JAX-RPC web service runtime configuration
PK97321 "The _AbsoluteImportResolver was not found due to " warning messages might appear in the JVM log
PK97663 A JAX-RPC web service is unable to parse a JMS text message that contains double byte characters
PK97665 Under heavy stress a Web Services application might hang
PK97682 JAX-WS throws SOAPFaultException instead of expected application exception
PK97869 Performance degradation during JAX-WS application modification in WebSphere administrative console
PK97994 NullPointerException error occurred when a JAX-RPC application received a response containing a SOAP fault
PK98081 OutOfMemoryError could occur during long runs if web service applications are run under heavy load
PK98454 A user may be allowed to delete a policy set or binding that is referenced by a trust client attachment.
PK98777 RSP conformance issue mustUnderstand inconsistent
PK98813 A SOAP 1.2 fault might contain incorrect values for role and node
PK98818 The WebSphere Application Server deployment from client JMX code fails with a NullPointerException error.
PK98961 JAX-WS engine must allow wild-cards in url patterns. This is a requirement for SCA applications
PK99098 Application deployment fails with web services NullPointerException.
PK99402 JAX-WS is not reusing JAXBContext objects which may result in slow performance
PK99420 JAX-WS related problems occur when an application with the same name replaces an older application
PK99682 Parser incorrectly complains about missing prefix or duplicate attributes on the SOAP message
PK99751 The deployment of a JAX-WS application requires more time than expected if the application contains many services.
PK99805 An XMLStreamReader remains open after a JAX-WS invocation concludes which causes a performance degradation.
PM00109 A web service request without a SOAPAction header will receive a "WSWS3147E: error: no SOAPAction header!" fault
PM00352 Wsadmin AdminTask.importPolicySet fails with a CWPST0055E error on Unix operating systems
PM00353 If a JAX-WS application has an SSL binding attached to it the JAX-WS code incorrectly uses the system default SSL settings
PM00729 Performance degradation due to excessive garbage collection of CustomProvider objects
PM01014 ClassCastException OMSourcedElementImpl error occurs when a SOAPFault is received by a JAX-WS or SCA application
PM01452 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException may occur while running the WSDL2Java tool
PM01785 Performance degradation if JAX-WS application has javax.ejb.session beans.
PM01807 SOAP 1.2 messages should not contain SOAPAction HTTP headers
PM01826 AIO issue caused by webservices cleanup task scheduled too soon.
PM01915 Error "WSWS3080Ee:error: could not convert ArrayDeserializer$ArrayListExtension..." occurs while running
PM02926 urn:anonOutInOp. is incorrectly sent as the SOAPAction from a JAX-WS application
PM03050 Performance improvement for JAX-WS applications invoking JAX-WS Web Services on a WebSphere Application Server
PK96928 Singleton attribute causes sync failure between v7 dmgr and v5.1 nodes.
PM03457 A performance improvement for marshaling of JAX-WS WebSphere ESB and WebSphere Process Server web service messages.
Web Services Security PK87133 Message context is cached on web container threads by WS-Security client
PK94345 Using JAX-WS export there is an error reading incoming SOAP messages that have xsi:type declarations in the body elements
PK94492 Using JAX-WS export there is an error reading incoming SOAP messages that have xsi:type declarations in the body elements
PK97223 A ClassCastException may occur in during JAX-WS message decryption
PK98750 WS-Security runtime may incorrectly retrieve cached keystore information
PK98926 The "endpoint reference not found" message produced by the JAX-WS runtime should be more user friendly
PM00095 SAML 2.0 self-issued SAML bearer token is not interoperable with WCF 3.5 service
PM00126 WebSphere Process Server performance improvement for JAX-WS binding on the client
PM01180 when JAX-WS consumer sends a SOAP request via a forward http proxy
PM01282 JAX-WS WS-Security cannot process ReferenceList outside the EncryptedKey element
PM01393 WS-Security JAX-WS runtime must reject some SAML tokens with sender-vouches confirmation
PM01493 Content-type header's boundary parameter is not quoted
PM02079 javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException occurs while invoking a JAX-WS application
PM02374 Error may occur when using implicit derived key tokens
PM02375 Automatically encode SAML custom properties that contain passwords
PM02676 urn:anonOutInOp. is incorrectly sent as the SOAPAction from a JAX-WS application
PM02810 Signing SAML token using STR-Transform does not work
PM02921 ConcurrentModificationException error may occur during JAX-WS handler processing
PM02960 There is no auditing for SAML login modules
PM03127 Add properties field to SSL transport bindings panel(s)
Workload Management (WLM) PK92213 Workload management cluster state remains partial.start after all members are started
PK95983 Workload management NullPointerException in UCFHttpRouterFilter
PK96602 WLM NullPointerException and 500 errors on Proxy with non-default cookies enabled

Fix release date: 13 November 2009
Last modified: 17 December 2009
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 7
Component APAR Description
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK84296 ConcurrentModificationException during concurrent deployment
PK87045 Two new fields are added to the administrative console.
PK87379 ADMN022E access denied error occurs when displaying configuration tab of java virtual machine in administrative console.
PK87608 The job status page displays an exception instead of an error message when the admin task returns no status.
PK88027 Java management extension management beans registered to an adjunct region are incorrectly unregistered by the z/OS proxy
PK88126 Administrative console hangs displaying the message listener port
PK88364 NullPointerException seen in ffdc log from
PK88594 Adminagent failed to start when controlling 60+ nodes
PK89108 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when enableServletCaching is set to false
PK89468 JWLLib is not displayed in the shared libraries of administrative console
PK89570 WebSphere MQ resource adapter incorrectly shown on resource adapters panel. Should only be available on JMS provider panel
PK90628 Using the administrative console to change server scoped WMQ messaging provider properties on z/OS disables the CRA
PK91023 Secure proxy fires "file not found" error when secure proxy profile is imported.
PK91039 Unable to edit SCA composite properties
PK91408 NullPointerException occurs when clicking a data source name which does not have a JNDI name in administrative console
PK91576 The WebSphere Portal Server abends during startup.
PK92234 Queue manager / broker queue manager name cannot be reset to defaults for WMQ activation specification / connection factory
PK95680 V5.1 node in a mixed cell fails to start after sync. 09/09/21 ptf pechange
PK95764 When viewing a composition unit detail that contains SCA artifacts, the SCA help page is not displayed.
PK98417 Nullpointerexception on job manager console - node collection screen.
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PK85280 If application name contains space, it may be considered as more than one application, this occurs in instances when scripting
PK95858 ("UNSETATTRIBUTES") Message has circular definition.
Classloader PK86109 findResources incorrectly delegated in application classloader
Data Replication Services PK91355 SIP replication data is not being deleted from the recovery log after a failover
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PK84816 EJB invoked through a scheduler is timing out based on transaction service parameter instead of setExpectedDuration
PK92714 Derby database corruption with compress during checkpoint
PK97076 Reduce memory footprint of StoredRecordHeader for Derby 10.3
Default Messaging Component PK81848 SIB messaging engine fails to start with message CWSIS0002E showing a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
PK82910 Insufficient information available to diagnose applications blocked because the maximum number of messages have been locked
PK85227 A messaging engine that is using DB2 v9 for z/OS fails to start and produces a CWSIS1530E error.
PK85404 Deadlock while closing multiple JMS connections from within an exception listener onException method.
PK88897 Removing a node from a cluster results in webservice destinations being incorrectly deleted
PK91093 Sib_* ports do not honour the startingPort value
PK91232 . characters are incorrectly converted to : characters when creating an inter-bus link
PK92347 Deployment manager incorrectly listed as an option when adding a member to a bus
PK92707 Admin panel shows incorrectly translated error.
PK93080 Unexpected number of threads used to consume messages for a message driven bean
PK93697 An FFDC logged when a message driven bean marks a transaction rollback-only may contain sensitive information.
PK94849 Unable to bus destinations on v6.1 nodes administered by a v7.0 deployment manager
Dynamic Cache PK88824 Excessive concurrency in dynacache
PK89987 There are no published APIs for setting doNotCache attribute on the fragment.
PK90450 ESI caching issues with JSF
PK91456 Dynacahe not correctly returning the list of dependencies
Edge Component PK86182 504 error messages are returned from the proxy server sporadically for post requests with zero request length.
PK88452 New proxy custom property
PK88465 Administrative console server type validation throws CHKW2522W message when proxy server or ODR server are installed
PK89409 Proxy custom error page handler could not be enabled dynamically.
PK89935 ODC update timeout blocks other channel to initialize in the main thread, routing information could not be populated into ODC
PK89991 Proxy incorrectly invokes retry filters for post requests and returns 500 errors.
PK91127 DMZ proxy trace service is disbled at runtime
PK91131 DMZ proxy could not reload its cell scope environment settings.
EJB Container PK87857 Allow root cause of TransactionRollbackException to be returned to an EJB client.
EJBDeploy (WSAD) PK87711 Validation of binary modules should not happen
Federated Repositories PK85226 Created to have corresponding WebSphere Application Server apar for Tivoli Access Manager apar PK85139
PK86487 Group searchs ignore searchbases defined in winconfig.xml
PK91698 Incorrect behavior storing and retrieving date values
PK93426 Federated repositories cannot poll for the updates in the repositories
PK93427 CLIs for extending schema, listing the existing extended schema details and cleanup property extension repository data
PK93431 Property extension repository cannot be created while the server is down
General PK78917
PK81647 Starting and stopping an application on z/OS may result in an inconsistent application state between the servants & adjunct
PK81954 ORA-01424 for Oracle database using open JPA and \ as an escape character
PK81985 Deadlocking caused by OSGI protocol handler handling.
PK83346 Some messages sent to a destination in a transaction are lost, after an individual MDB application has been restarted
PK85011 No error or warning message displayed when application export fails
PK85080 Intelligent load distribution feature currently requires a reboot of server to retreive ODC information for static information
PK85346 Running V7.0 scripts results in exception in WsSwapProc essor.preInvoke()
PK85523 Using jython script in wsadmin to get PMI stats for the SIB communications group under the SIB service returns none
PK85579 Application class path resolution fails when the working directory name is empty.
PK85616 Application fails to send messages to a bus destination with SIMPLimitExceededException, CWSIP0008E messages logged
PK85869 Adding asterisks to short hostname in virtual hosts results in UnknownHostException from SIP container
PK86161 Performance degradation over time for an application polling a queue with receive calls with a 1second timeout
PK86211 Ambiguous time stamp in ADMS0207I message
PK86299 Entities extending from a MappedSuperclass declaring PK-ID fields have unintended inheritance relationships.
PK86404 No support in zPMT, to securely upload customization jobs from from Microsoft Windows or Linux workstations to target z/OS systems.
PK86574 Messages on a subscription are delivered ahead of recovered messages
PK86779 SIB message locked with XID indefinitely
PK86949 Files in the _dynacache directory are not cleaned up
PK87146 Trace for the WebSphere MQ JMS classes does not integrate into WebSphere Application Server client trace
PK87449 Classact command for CBIND missing from zPMT generated RACF jobs when no security is selected
PK87497 Dbconfigurecr.bat cannot run
PK87596 The v7.0 SDK fix pack metadata recognizes the architecture of the surrounding product instead of the JRE sub-product.
PK87600 When a servant region terminates while messages are inflight, the inflight messages are not consumed when the servant restarts
PK87699 Profile creation fails when using a host name that contains a dash
PK87776 Unexpected error from CEI configuration
PK87984 ClassCastException on wsadmin list( DPDevice )
PK88479 Issue with the SIP stack - interpretation of escape character % in the branch token.
PK88548 CEI change of Derby provider in v7.0 throwing exceptions
PK88747 Abend 0c4 in control region preceded by reason=c9c20020
PK88854 IllegalStateException was thrown when a delayed transaction user was invalidated as a result of transaction completion
PK88867 addNode with the -includeapps option may replace an installed application
PK88900 org.omg.corba.bad_param received in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
PK88923 CEI database not created during config
PK89010 SIP container service methods are locking the SIP session as long as the SIP thread is running in the application.
PK89273 When attempting to deploy an application processing time is slow.
PK89478 Wrong contact header on a resubscribe request, so the other side sends the notify via TCP instead of TLS
PK89576 Network derby DB wrongly created in CEI datasource
PK89992 Transfer of query parameters via the portlet request dispatcher to a servlet filter during the action phase may not work correctly
PK90336 ClassCastException when using Tel URI scheme for SIP
PK90343 A deadlock may occur during servant startup when writing an ffdc due to the classloader s inspection of jar 09/08/31 ptf pechange
PK90488 has too coarse grained filter entry
PK90588 HREF element in IBM specific extension file for web module contains reference to web-inf/web_merged deployment descriptor
PK90892 Profile management tool for z/OS instructions missing a step when augmenting with WebSphere Extended Deployment features.
PK90928 Issue with duplicated database primary key violations.
PK90938 PrePersist and PreUpdate annotations do not work with version columns
PK91317 Java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during performance testing
PK91526 Removing wrong API methods
PK91583 ClassNotFoundException when installing an enterprise application with SIP application archive (sar) files
PK91589 SIP proxy fixes necessary for SIP failover
PK91746 Messages not consumed after a server is terminated and restarted, when consuming messages from a bus destination
PK92047 Extension registry is not destroying classloader
PK92109 Memory leak occurs when stopping and starting WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specifications.
PK92233 Message consumer created with a selector waits indefinitely for a message, even though one is available
PK92326 The post installation configuration action PK76692 fails with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
PK92380 SR to CRA connectivity might not be re-established if it fails when using the WMQ messaging provider on z/OS.
PK92423 Large cost creating XMLCalendar object with webservices
PK92792 NullPointerException occurs while loading EJB deployment descriptor in rare circumstances
PK92847 JDBC provider description to be changed
PK92902 NullPointerException when openJPA mapped-superclass is used in conjunction with an entity that uses an id-class.
PK92906 SQLServerDictionary exception is thrown when using Microsoft SQLServer JDBC driver v1.2 or 2.0.
PK93140 When using WMQ server functionality, with SSL and Java 2 security enabled, an AccessControlException might be thrown.
PK93291 Excessive exception volume generated by SIP container
PK93395 New workload distribution algorithm for assigning work to servant regions: Hot Robin.
PK93626 Certain topologies of profile pre-req templates using <or> connectives result in a processing loop during create or augment
PK93696 Clicking on any link from a WMQ messaging provider connection factory panel and then clicking ok resets all check boxes.
PK93747 In some environments (notably HP-UX PA-RISC) the WebSphere Application Server fixpack reports partial success
PK93756 Enable use of third party JAX-WS Web Services engine in WebSphere
PK93814 NullPointerException during failover using WebSphere Extended Deployment
PK93844 A module installed via Rational Application Developer does not appear in the list on the administrative console
PK93866 Support for SAML and WS-Trust Client
PK94207 When Java 2 security is enabled, creating a JMS connection to WMQ can result in an AccessControlException
PK94209 Improve application deployment performance by expanding nested archives
PK94646 WebSphere Process Server performance improvement for JAX-WS binding
PK95275 Possible deadlock using WebSphere MQ server members of a service integration bus
PK96089 Public render parameters are not passed between portlets via the aggregation tag lib.
PK96644 For Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) failover on z/OS, if all servant regions fail, the logstreams need to be re-created
PK96800 Class Not Found Exception when using Object Grid with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for failover
PK97068 Deferred alarms might not run on z/OS. An OutOfMemory exeception may occur if the EJBcontainer alarms are not firing.
PK97312 getResources on the ClassLoaderGateway returns JDK resources if they are a special case.
PK97339 MSL error when installing interim fixes with upgrade
PK97531 NullPointerException encountered when accessing an ARD JSP for the second time
PK97577 Objectgrid jpa plugin fails to initialize.
PK98732 Performance degradation when browsing jax-ws appication in WebSphere Administration console.
PK91622 When dbm file contains diagram data, ejbdeploy encounters packagentnotfound error.
PK99168 PK86028 exposes chnages in z/os default behavoiur in version 7 with respect to user dir system property.
High Availability (HA) PK92404 In a large topology, the core group bridge may get messages out of order when stopping or starting multiple bridges.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PK88241 MAXBUFSIZE should not have a limit value of 4096 (4k) as the sample for the log record in BBOERRLC/BBOERRLD of SBBOJCL
PK92000 Profile creation uses the wrong profile path when centralized installation manager was used to install product on IBMi.
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK82801 Work done after transaction time out in EJB does not rollback
PK83888 Migrated from V5.1.1.10 to V6.1.0.21,upon initial startup receives various java NullPointerExceptions in the log
PK84990 WTRN0047W during transaction recovery due to a NullPointerException; this causes rollback and XAER_RMERR
PK85473 ERRORCODE=-4471 setCursorName() called when there are open resultSet's on the statement
PK86552 Getting java.lang.NullPointerException followed by DSRA9110E: connection is closed exception
PK87059 J2C code only refreshes for new JNDI names
PK89135 The WebSphere Application Server version information is not displayed in the DB2 end to end monitoring display
PK90045 When connection pool max connection value is changed dynamically, this value is not updated or repushed to CMX
PK92118 OutOfMemory during stress run of SCA applications with J2C security enabled
PK97579 OutOfMemory during stress run of SCA applications with J2C and JMS adapter
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PK86340 The isAppReady command returns false, when the application is mapped to webserver.
PK89038 Performing administrative tasks with JMX client using third party JDK need additional classes and jars files.
Java Message Service (JMS) PK77430 It is not possible to pass some custom properties, such as PVER,through to the WebSphere MQ v7.0 JMS client
PK85081 The modify command to display MDBSTATS in Application Server for z/OS does not display all the information it should
PK87205 Messages can be left uncommitted on a WebSphere MQ queue
PK87206 Custom channel factory properties can not be set via server.xml
PK88213 Shutting down an Application Server with a large number of listener ports creates excessive threads
PK88316 Accommodate legacy use of com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper in V7.0.
PK88455 Compatability issues with IBM AIO libraries and Sun Solaris
PK89650 NullPointerException will occur if activation-configuration info in the deployment descriptor is not present in an MDB
PK89699 Update the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter for the WebSphere MQ Messaging Provider.
PK90481 There is a possibility that buffers within the http channel could become corrupted with "compression" enabled
PK91242 MDB listener port on z/OS connects with insufficient authority when a component managed authentication alias is used
PK91375 Administrative console server type validation throws TCPC0814W message
PK91465 Deadlock in JMSConnectionHandle.markManagedConnectionAsStale
PK92941 If a filestore grows past 2gb it might become corrupt, resulting in lost messages or an inability to restart messaging engine
PK93947 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError may be thrown from the JAXB unmarshaller.
PK95276 Update to the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter shipped with WebSphere Application Server.
PK95820 With Java 2 security enabled, an AccessControlException is thrown creating a JMS connection with message driven bean
PK95855 AccessControlException performing messaging with Java 2 security enabled, using a file store as a message store
PK96239 Webcontainer not accepting inbound request after stopTransports and startTransports wsadmin commands are run after PK85953
PK96876 ClassCastException occurs in JAXB runtime while unmarshalling a document
PK97638 Nullpointerexceptions occur in SOAPCONNECTIONLINK class on z/os under stress.
PK97736 On z/OS, WebSphere MQ messaging provider connection factories will not get pooled correctly in certain cases.
Java SDK PK89383 FacesServlet loaded with ext lib classloader cannot load the error handler, throws ClassNotFoundException
Java Transaction Service (JTS) PK86696 The administrative console displays the default maximum transaction timeout value as 0. The log shows the correct value (300).
PK87126 A transaction is lost when XAER_RMERR is thrown due to an exception in reconnectrm
PK88032 wsa:IsReferenceParameter="1" is not accepted as "true"
PK88059 Application Server hangs with WTRN0040W while recovering transactions after killing normal running Application Server.
PK89517 Use of UOW_TYPE_ACTIVITYSESSION when activity service is not started in the server.
PK89634 class is missing from WebSphere application client.
PK90295 ClassCastException occurred when handling a SOAP message
PK90497 Servant region does *not* abend on a transaction timeout WTRN0006W / SEC3 / 04130005
PK90570 Performance improvement for messages sent from within an MDB
PK92897 Server to server workload hangs when running near capacity and both servers join a distributed global transaction.
PK93210 Application Server may hang under load when joining global transactions as a subordinate to another Application Server
JNDI/Naming PK87848 Naming exception message NMSV0610 in the systemout.log
PK93934 Intermittent concurrentmodificationexception from naming during SCA composition unit star.
JSP PK86095 Problem compiling tags with nested single quotes in double quoted string for the directive's value attribute.
PK87901 NullPointerException with JSP pre-touch at application start up
PK90190 breaks when using servlet caching.
Migration PK86236 The instructions generated by the zPMT tool do not include BBOSCHED and BPXBATA2
PK89426 Non-archive formatted libraries are not being migrated
PK89902 BBOWMG3F fails in BBOWMPRO step when run with user without UID=0
PK92147 WASPostUpgrade fails to prompt for UID password when automatically generated server id is enabled.
PK92876 Sensitive information might appear in the migration gui log
PK92880 App deploy property for disabling migration task is ignored
PK92983 When using a Derby database and performing migration, *.lck files still exist, and migration will migrate them.
PK93330 IPC_CONNECTOR_ADDRES uses default port number for each custom profile migrated to release v7
PK95020 Add support to the migration tools for WebSphere Extended Deployment's application edition support
PK95770 The cloudscape databases were not migrated from the version 6 installation to the version 7 installation.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PK87560 Debug statements were displayed in the daemon log.
PK90873 BBOO0220E: WSVR0501E: error creating component null caused by:
PK91010 BBORBLOG has rc=8 and errors BBOO0088E BBOO0089E on DD:BBOLOG when using option NOFORMAT & trying to write record > lrecl 4096
PK91571 The orb service request timeout(rmi/iiop) on WebSphere z/OS does not time out an outbound request to a non-z/OS object.
PK93234 Abenddc3/abendsdc3 rc=000c000b during stop processing of a WebSphere Application Server for Z/OS controller.
PK94693 ABEND052/ABENDS052, RSNCODE=00000613 in client localcomm unbind (BBOOUBND) when server is abended.
Other PK79525 After setting " property to true, unable to access administrative console.
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PK83521 BBORBLOG ends with cc=8
PK86345 FFDC historical information is missing after server starts
PK87937 Native OutOfMemory with ABEND=S092A,reason=00000018
PK90579 Deadlock occurs involving wsNoTemplateContentHandlerImpl relative to localizing strings
PK92318 In the collector tool, using the JarOutName option causes a null to appear in the paths within the output jar
PK97195 Usage of weak references is causing multiple invocations on the classloaders to get resources.
Plug-in PK68126 Plug-in failed to read "503 service unavailable" response headers.
PK82147 Intermittent delay returning response to a client request when ServerIOTimeout is set to non-zero value
PK84528 Improve the plug-in logic for requesting parition tables when GetDWLMTable property=true and a session cookie is detected
PK86316 Plugin generation does not update server parameters for non-clustered servers correctly
PK86318 ConfigureWebserverDefinition does not correctly create webserver definition when Web Server hostname is IP address
PK86489 Http plug-in post end of headers fails
PK87071 WebSphere plug-in log file displays raw build level instead of fix pack level.for example, 6.1.0.cf2510.342 instead of
PK90452 Session affinity fails when using url rewrite and http plug-in
PK92670 Repackage the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 plugin on IBM i
PK94230 Propogatekeyring method is not defined within the plugincfggeneratorsecurity.xml filr for the deployer role.
PK95422 Plugin generation does not honor multiple uri-patterns
PMI/Performance Tools PK87287 New PMI api for enabling statistics
PK88451 TUNE0221W messages for TPV on administrative console
PK92580 PerfServlet60 throws NullPointerException and the cause is not known without enabling trace
Proxy server PK85166 Excessive deployment manager start-up time due to ODC validity checks
PK85183 does not correctly handle ODC integer type properties.
PK88735 ODC incorrectly handles process restarts which take less than 2 minutes.
PK89258 ODC receives stale data in initial broadcast from newly started processes
PK92506 TargetTreeMbean throws an MBeanException when invoking the exportTargetTree method
Runtime (zSeries®) PK85463 Maximum pool size for orb.thread.pool in thread work space is displayed in error.
PK89898 Control region hang during startup when VMM code tries to make a JNDI call. FFDC exception:
PK92424 RuntimeException by invalid call to WsByteBuffer
Scheduler PK89964 SCHD0130W: failed to drop the scheduler tables because of error.
Security PK79614 RMI/IIOP client gets 0x49424000 minor 300 corba.no_permission where a more specific code could be returned
PK83065 Fails to create a new personal certificate by administrative console if common name includes comma.
PK85888 An ffdc entry is generated during startup of ObjectGrid server.
PK86308 Unable to access administrative console when using a .kdb keystore with private CA certificate
PK87321 Suppress JSAS1479W warning messages during server startup
PK87356 A newly built domain by copying global security function cannot be used
PK87411 Incorrect syntax in several security messages cause the messages not to be included in the nlsprops files.
PK87542 Under load testing for Lotus Sametime 8.5, LRUCache exception isseen along with http 500 responses.
PK87906 JSSEProviderFactory returns incorrect JSSE provider
PK89265 SURROGAT class requires being RACLISTED when using sync-to-os thread facility when it should not.
PK89879 NullPointerException in AppContextManagerImpl.getJ2EEName duringheavy load
PK90348 migrateEAR script does not work for WebSphere Application Server version 7
PK91012 Audit records with http header information on z/OS using the SMF emitter, may result in failure to write with SECJ6022E
PK91115 Need to error if audit signing is configured with a certificate that is not in both control and servent regions.
PK91165 WebSphere Application Server security performance improvements.
PK91938 Keystores are not getting copied from workspace on the middleware agent.
PK92161 Realm not getting updated when the LDAP host and port are changed.
PK92625 NullPointerException deregistering dmgr from a job manager
PK93077 AddNode command fails with ADMU0005E error message.
PK93524 Exceeding the PlatformCredentialManager cache size of 5000 results in a SECJ0430W message and the eviction of entries.
PK93709 Configuration procedure modification for trust association intercepter of Tivoli Access Manager
PK95038 Create JAAS auth data entries such that it can process input alias of the form "nodeName/aliasName"
PK97989 Error in FFDC during admin agent registration when using saf keyrings.
Servlet Engine/Web Container PK82794 Zero byte chunk was sent and chunk transfer ends successfully, even when the application happens to error out.
PK85685 The error message SRVE0255E returns to a client browser if the application is down
PK86553 Init() method of the filter is not called at application startup but when the first valid servlet request comes in.
PK89213 Session is invoked even for the static file requests if filter mapping is defined in web.xml
PK89374 Increasing memory allocation when using WASAnnotationHelper
PK89810 The response takes almost 2 minutes after the servlet is destroyed.
PK90207 ClassCastException when accessing static files in a zip or jar file using ExtendedDocumentRoot
PK91120 Servlet listeners not getting fired with servlet filters
PK93207 TAI can't obtain the SSL endpoint information including certificate information
PK93292 Allow the use of WebSphere variables in extendedDocumentRoot.
PK95461 ITCAM login results in new empty login screen after PK79894
Sessions and Session Management PK80539 False session crossover messages in administrative console application
PK85415 Timing sequence ( race condition) could produce a deadlock in session manager.
PK85530 WebSphere Application Server version 7.0 HttpSessionListeners, sessionCreated is called.
PK86373 If starting multiple Application Servers concurrently, a deadlock is detected for the session database
System Management/Repository PK50921 The java 2 connector (j2c) connection factory information for an embedded j2c resource adapter is not applied correctly
PK71800 Need to be able to allow file transfer client to use basic authentication
PK81301 The directories under installedAssets directory are not deleted if they are empty.
PK85018 Application does not get installed when running "importWasProfile" command after successfully exporting a car file.
PK85447 Operations performed on applications installed with zeroEarCopy option can fail with "can not instantiate earfile".
PK85941 The isAppReady command shows incorrect results for an application with editions
PK87614 Wrong admin thinclient version causes some application management tasks to be unavailable.
PK88363 Runtime task notification email does not contain useful information.
PK88889 Workspace leak calling AppManagement listSystemApplications MBean operation with null workspaceid
PK89881 Node agent incorrectly restarts appserver during a cluster stop
PK90016 Messages WSVR0071W and WSVR0072W cause confusion
PK90049 Classpath defined as genric jvm arguments can not be retrieved correctly when launching a server process.
PK91442 Nodeagent restart causes two nodeagents to start up
PK91578 ConfigService attribute name can not include special characters
PK91808 FileTransfer client may share the credential left over by the last client
PK91835 User with node administrator role but not cell adminstrator role is unable to stopNode using administrative console
PK92304 CU name changes does not reflect later in the CreateAuxCuOptions
PK92545 Erroneous ffdc entry: app edition support is enabled and a non-default edition of base was specified.
PK93224 Infinite classloader recursion when installing a rar file
PK94350 On z/OS, the IPC client side should also use zaiotcpchannel, as the server side already does
PK94467 EntryNotFoundException seen in FFDC in z/OS cell profiles configured with VMM security
PK96121 Installing an ear with a module that has an alternate deployment description fails validation with a nullpointerexception.
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK82730 The HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS property is not being honored when setting a cookie.
PK84703 NullPointerException occurs while obtaining the WSDL file for a deployed web service
PK85315 WSWS3047E due to SAXException when processing a SOAP request for a webservice migrated from V5.1 to V6.1
PK85490 Allow property and type descriptors to be obtained from WSADIE-generated bean.
PK85804 A JAX-WS web service may fail with a NullPointerException if the JAXB classes are not in the application
PK85876 WSDL2java may incorrectly issue a warning when validating a wsdl file that is WS-I BP 1.1 compliant
PK86030 The JAX-RPC client is not handling the 301 http return status
PK86465 StackOverflowError may occur in LockableHashtable.get()
PK86641 Slow startup of web application archive with many files
PK86971 Application update behavior changed for zeroEarCopy
PK87149 Allow configuration of the location of Web Services cached attachments
PK87799 Web Services consumer cannot retrieve multiple set-cookie headers on the response from Web Services producer.
PK88513 Application Server performance can degrade if a web service provider application processes many date/time objects concurrently.
PK88910 Custom binding mapping is incorrectly taking precedence over the mapping defined in the mapping file.
PK89779 Web Services client might not be able to set the connection http request header
PK89895 NullPointerException in the UDDI client code scalable volume groups
PK90236 Verbose Web Services messages are excessive in the systemout.log
PK90799 Auto generated ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi does not have portQnameBindings element
PK90885 Web service provider secured with basic auth may fail when thinclient consumer prompts for login credentials
PK90983 SICommandInvocationFailedException during application startup
PK91080 Web Services reliable messaging corrections following extended testing.
PK91237 Enable JAX-WS annotation scanning performance by filtering jars/packages.
PK91263 AccessControlException when running my xml catalog with an EJB-based web service and security enabled.
PK91364 The web service will not be found if the context root is contained within the host name
PK91568 The error "java.lang.IllegalStateException:The prefix xs is not bound." while installing or deploying a JAX-WS application
PK91703 javax.wsdl.WSDLException: may occur when a JAX-WS client tries to obtain the proxy
PK91773 SOAP/JMS applications will not function if only JMS 1.1 is used
PK91797 The explanation and user action for messages WSWS3441W and WSWS0061W are missing
PK91904 Spurious xmlns attribute in SOAP xml
PK91951 Wrong WSDL file is returned if there are multiple applications deployed with the same display-name
PK92022 A "root element is required" error occurs when a gateway LoggingInterceptor is being used.
PK92025 An UnknownHostException error occurs when a JAX-WS thinclient accesses the WSDL using xml catalog
PK92166 Lock contention when running JAX-WS application under load
PK92414 ClassNotFoundException: com/ibm/ws/management/profileregistry/ProfileRegistry
PK92479 Interop issue with WebSphere client interoperating with a WCF service using RSP
PK92489 While using http get, the null value for a dispatch invocation using the xml/http binding should be acceptable.
PK92522 WSDL generation hindered by unmappable content
PK92706 Error message CWP0l0105E needs additional information
PK92731 WS-Policy java 2 security violation
PK92732 Endpoint not found for JAX-RPC web service application
PK92745 NoClassDefFoundError when*=all trace is enabled
PK92747 After upgrading to JDK6 SR6, client receives errors invoking new operations.
PK93269 Web Services application deployment may experience performance degradation.
PK93454 After porting a JAX-RPC application to JAX-WS, the endpoint is not found
PK94109 JAX-WS with JAXB Web Services performance improvement
PK95311 JAX-WS Server is sending an incorrect VersionMismatch fault
PK95350 Configuring WS-Security binding that contains keyInfo element failed with CWPST0052E error.
PK96733 JAX-WS dispatch throws a SOAPFaultException when a SOAP fault envelope is received
PK96899 Incorrect validations performed on @resource annotations involving primitive datatypes.
PK97296 Server-side ploicysets are not loaded properly after application is uninstalled or re-installed.
PK98240 During Migration from WebSphere Application Server v6.1 to V7.0, UpdateARSConfig issues a error.
Web Services Security PK83565 UsernameTokens are cached on web container threads by WS-Security client token generation
PK85043 WSEC5403E occurs when using default bindings, but signing is not configured
PK85910 The Ws-Security runtime does not skipp an unrecognized SAML token when mustUnderstand= 0 in the soap security header
PK92003 Using custom tokens with JAX-WS WS-Security fails with the message CWWSS5371E
PK92922 Unable to validate cancel token from .net client
PK96514 While running a JAX-WS application, a NullPointerException occurred in the java.lang.string.getBytes method

Fix release date: 27 July 2009
Last modified: 25 August 2009
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 5
Component APAR Description
100% CPU Usage PK85204 Cannot export Web Services Reliable Messaging ( WS-RM ) messages
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK67471 Unable to disable class preloading through the administrative console
PK71351 Provide warning message for StackOverflow
PK74054 ConfigService APIs do not encode and decode resource environment providers.
PK75672 In the adminstrative subsystem initialization processi
PK77010 Console should redirect to HTTPS (SSL) when secure login page is accessed directly from HTTP
PK77359 When performing test connection on an empty clust
PK77582 Applications incorrectly display with a status of "stopped" when WLM starts and then stops a servant region on z/OS
PK78968 Classloader Viewer shows no classloader tree if using shared lib and enabling "Use an isolated classloader shared library" optio
PK79123 Workspace threads deadlock in large topology
PK79281 Proxy actions link displays a blank page
PK79306 Slow response from administrative console panel : map resource references to resources screen to return the JNDI names / data sources
PK79875 Setting runtime messages to error (or to any thing) overwrites the existing JVM system properties.
PK80166 Unable to view the alternate deployment descriptor [j2ee_module_with_alt-dd] from administrative console
PK80171 Node names with multi-byte characters are not displayed properly in the deployment manager's panel to register with the jobmgr.
PK80568 Cannot change dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configurations in administrative console.
PK80642 Successfully enabled "perform a nested group search" via the conso
PK80654 Node resources could report a non-translated "running" status on non-English system
PK81114 Unable to disable dynamic cache replication from the administrative console.
PK81160 Title and description when creating a composition unit are incorrect.
PK81403 ConfigService allows creation of IPCConnector and JSR160RMIConnector objects on backlevel nodes.
PK81423 Mapping an LDAP user to administrative roles does not work if the user name contains a comma.
PK81617 Adminconsole always checks for duplicate JNDI names even when no JNDI name has been changed.
PK82148 Added help for register and unregister with job manager panels
PK82315 Wstemp not being cleaned up of 23 random character files.
PK82426 SSL configuration displays an incorrect value in the administrative console.
PK82658 OutOfMemoryError uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet action in application isclite
PK82838 Web Services properties link in administrative console not displayed for user logged in with "monitor" rol
PK83530 Respository exception when deleting webserver with script
PK83903 Large topology memory increase using console full sync
PK84336 Server failed to start after changing HTTP channel settings
PK84440 queryNames causing slow performance when querying the nodeagent from the dmgr console
PK84940 The application target cluster list is empty when WebSphere Application Server Community Edition dynamic clusters are created
PK85078 Help image (?) missing from federated console
PK85238 Monitoring policy link missing from admin agent Application Server console panel
PK85389 Can not update WMQ resource adapter from administrative console when accessing console with a non-English browser
PK85434 The provide web serviced enpoint URL information for SOAP/JMS and EJB bindings panel throws an error during installation.
PK85811 Security enabled with custom user registry. Look up for the groups in the administrative console resulting ClassCastException.
PK86144 Cannot reset to default after attempting to enable FIPS
PK87672 MetadatNotAvailableException when resgistering a profile to the administrative agent.
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PK77017 Special characters are corrupted in ant output.
PK78563 The editioned application update hangs when using wsadmin
PK78804 WebSphere Application Server InstallApplication Ant task should use {} instead of "" to enclose wsadmin command arguments
PK79678 Console command assist does not include the context root of war file without details page
PK81451 Script library functions do not document return value
PK82959 AdminApp.install does not properly save the file path name for sysApps applications if ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT} is part of the path
PK87329 Provide additional script library functions to enhance script library feature
Classloader PK75434 Classloader deadlock is caused by SinglePathClassProvider use of FFDCFilter.
PK84650 URLConnection returns incorrect last modified timestamp for resources in application jars.
Data Replication Services PK77234 Memory leak in DRSGroups.
PK79310 A03 code from address spaces when Application Servers are stopped.
PK89034 Recovery logs are filling up at minimal class per second and target calls per second and can be achieved.
DB Connections/ Connection Pooling PK78513 If a preparedstatement fails with an SQLExcepti
PK82590 CreateTables does not create the scheduler tables because it believes the tables already exist
PK84173 java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet not op
PK84853 The errorCode for the XAException is 0
Default Messaging Component PK73709 IBM products which require use of JMS in the deployment manager of a cell fail with CWSIT0100E errors
PK74207 If stats update request is called on the messaging engine while the messaging engine is stopp
PK74673 During failover an incorrect common mode error is reported.
PK75539 A service integration bus link between two buses fails if you do not specify bootstrap endpoints on the SIB link definition.
PK75865 Concurrent deploys affecting messaging objects result in SIErrorException with CWSIP0006E message
PK76306 wsadmin script allows two or more bus links to be defined for one foreign bus. Only one link is allowed.
PK76800 The maximum value for the maximum message length property of a WebSphere MQ link is incorrect
PK77424 After startup of a z/OS Application Server with MDBs consuming from a destinati
PK77970 Messaging engine startup fails if user manually starts a messaging engine when it is already starting
PK79883 Version migration of DB2 for z/OS cannot occur while a messaging engine is running and holding a lock in the database
PK80246 JMS session creation can fail with CWSIK0022E
PK81434 Fixes to the service integration bus runtime
PK83435 Improvements to service integration bus behavior in recovery scenarios within complex topologies
PK83856 Mediations stop processing messages after an FFDC with probeid 145 from MediationThreadPool.execute
PK83875 Firewall connection timeouts cause listener ports to stop with WMSG0036E messag
PK85222 SECJ0344E errors when Trade 6 application attempts to publish events to SIBUS
Dynamic Cache PK70576 EdgeStatistics test fails on z/OS
PK73069 Static content invalidated at the appserver gets cached at proxyserver so customers see old content.
PK77428 DynamicCacheAccessor.getDistributedMap method issues invalidations to default cac
PK79324 WebSphere Application Server cache monitor does not load.
PK83120 Synchronization logic is slowing down the dynacache code in v7 compared to v6.1.
PK85622 Problems with the SPI exposed by WebSphere dynacache for cache providers
Edge Component PK77298 Proxy forwards incorrect server port information to the backend server if the front-end load balancer port mapping is used.
PK78446 Proxy buffers heartbeat responses from Application Servers and causes client side timeout.
PK79131 Junction rewrite filter incorrectly modifies the location header for 302 responses.
PK80646 Proxy server does not accept "ULIMITED" value for http.log.maxSize custom propert
PK80744 Proxy does not retry other servers and returns 504 errors when pooled connection is dead.
PK81734 The WebSphere proxy server only uses the url path to generate a cache key. A query value appended to the path is ignored.
PK83064 ODR hangs when debug tracing is enabled.
PK83659 Under certain circumstances not all of the WebSphere private HTTP headers are removed or reset by the proxy server.
PK85783 WebSphere proxy goes to 100% cpu under load
EJB Container PK76079 value of * (all applications)
PK76467 Memory leak due to HandleList objects not being removed for entity beans
PK83186 Leak in com/ibm/ws/runtime/component/EJBContainerImpl_threadLocal
PK84191 Application fails to start due to duplicate EJB reference
PK84675 OptimisticUpdateFailureException occurring even though an update did not occur
PK84729 FFDC log generated from TimerHandle.getTimer() call when the task id for the timer is no longer available
PK86233 Extension point for WebSphere Feature Packs.
Federated Repositories Federated LDAP repository with SSL does not pick up a specific SSL alias
Primary administrative user name fails when implementing multiple VMM custom adapters. SECJ7339E is thrown.
Failure of ConfigEngine wp-add-property task in WebSphere Portal
Update failed although LDAP repository was configured as read-only.
Null Pointer from VMM code during server startup with security enabled with federated repository.
When cross group repository membership is configur
Getting a group attribute with only nsuniqueid failed with EntityNotFoundException on SunOne LDAP
Search person accounts while sorting by a non-mandatory multi-value-attribute fails
Wstemp not being cleaned up of anonymous1234702863157 type files
Different realm delimiters not working in VMM
NamingException when updating group membership.
DN & uniqueName of group not returned from LDAP when getting group by extid in SunOne LDAP with NSROLE
Experiencing generic exceptions in the conso
The wimdatagraph.xsd should be the default for configmodel during the WMM to VMM migration.
When using standalone LDAP user regist
General WebSphere Web Services engine can't handle SOAPAction element with "urn:anonOutInop" value
Usability issue processing audit records with large individual field entries
Access to some remoteCommandMgr Mbean methods is not properly handled
Slow running of module update operation.
If Application Servers are joined to a clust
A FeatureNotFoundException occurs when parsing XML which utilizes namespace prefixes.
The maximum failed deliveries setting is not being enforced when using a WebSphere MQ server on z/OS as a bus member
NullPointerException during extract/apply config properties
Update customization dialogue instructions to indicate region constraints can limit region size of customization scripts
Fall back from TCP to UDP in case of TCP failover.
AddNode fails with
Long deployment time of an application with many .wsdl files
z/OS migration does not create profiles with a symlinked install directory
Japanese telnet session with ja_jp and sift-jis corrupts error message when running WebSphere command
The PMT for z/OS version 7.0 fails to display instructions on some Linux systems.
Updated emf jar is required to address the eclipse bug#:131151
Deadlock detected in NotificationService.handleNotification with "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError":"Failed to fork OS thread"
IBm client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server does not work if OSGI boot delegation is disabled
ADMS0204E user message is not cle
SIP container contacts the remote UAS directly instead of going through the SIP proxy.
IllegalStateException was thrown when SIP returned 6xx response.
SIP container does not respond with correct error responses on subsequent request failures.
Save of resources documents creates extra display-name elements
Memory leak at the proxy when the proxy is idling
Abend1c5 rc=804 in WebSphere controller followed by abendec3 rc=160d000d when logstream is used for XA partner log
While generating a heapdump using the wsadmin script or jython the memory dump fails throwing java.lang.NullPointerException
Java.lang.IllegalStateException: no active transaction
NullPointerException generated when SIP application session timer is cancelled and DRS is enabled.
Many BBODPCRT module entries in LPA
SIP proxy deadlock on startup between the load balancer filter and the SIP container monitor.
Java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: occurs when invoking ServletImpl.getServletClass() for a JSP type servlet.
Exceptions transaction cannot be found.
A mediation containing an XSLT transform cannot be debugged in WebSphere Integration Developer v6.2.
Fix for double ORB initialization with in the WebSphere classpath
ThreadPool is not creating enough threads in high load situation
Namespace binding that include
Incorrect NLS key for updateRAR
OpenJPA throws exception for non-select query instead of treating as a stored procedure in accordance with doc/spec
The proxy outbound TCP connection to a client fails with out a retry.
I5/os:Webadmin GUI failed to associate one HTTP server to a federated WebSphere Application Server.
Empty javacore through wsadmin
Application code running in a servant region cannot access an application custom MBean with security enabled
NullPointerException when querying tasks from TaskManagementMBean when a task is missing a reason message.
Deployment fails to properly handle passwords in webservices client modules. For more details:
In debug mode ajava.lang.RuntimeException is thrown by the XSLT Debugger
XAException while trying to enlist resources with the transaction manager when using WebSphere WMQ servers in a SIBUS
Deployments will occasionaly hang and not complete due to a call of redeployApplication when using AppManagement API
IndexOutOfBoundsException in the OpenJPA code when trying to retrieve an entity.
An MQLink receiver channel fails to start because of a sequence number error (CWSIC3015E)
Node synchronization deletes entire node configuration when there is a file system error.
The use of scripting does not supply javacore dump of the control region.
EJPEj0066E: The portlet could not be rendered. java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
If a SIP proxy outbound TCP connection to a client fails quick
OutOfMemory errors when using converged application
When you generate deployment code for EJ
Ws adapter migration wizard in admin console for WebSphere Process Server 6.0.2 overwrites names / JNDI names of artifacts
Failure in event/catalog database creation in WebSphere Process Server v6.2
Add ability to use pattern x.x.x.x instead of the IPS list.
Environment setting decimal=comma on z/OS DB2 causes query failure
Abend0C1 in DFSDDUI0 returning from routine VERDDLST
All cluster members do not start when the cluster is started
Creating datasource takes too long to validate duplicate JNDI names.
NullpointerException in TWSS code caused by Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) container because DRS_SASAttrMg is null in a cluster. generates NullPointerException when invoked concurrently
Web messaging service does not function with Dojo version 1.2 and above.
NullPointerException thrown when a wildcard character is passed to the method createUDPRequestContext
Fix Application Server runtime framework issues.
SIP proxy must reset overload conditions in SIP container upon restart of SIP container
Cell profile uses wrong product path for appserver node
NullPointerException in the StartUpService
SIP proxy error response needs to be configurable
WAService command doesn t work when using -replacelog parameterwith -startArgs or -stopArgs
No SIP request validation when container passes the SIP reQuest from request's queue to Presence Server
Resources do not get created when BPC applications are installed by user with deployer role
The encoding of any document used in a transformation is ignored by the debugger
After failover SIP container is not increasing cseq number.
Wsadmin using wrong default port in cell profile.
When a message-driven bean consumes from a destination in a bus using read-ahead a deadlock might be seen
Work timeout parameter value range is not properly document
NullPointerException in ArchiveWrapperClassLoader
The wsdb2gen tool produces an excessive number of warnings while analyzing entity persistent fields.
AdminTask.applyConfigProperties change needed to extract JMS related configuration
More than one PidWaiter thread for the same appserver process
Session Initiation Protocol quoted parameter value is omitted
ecureClassLoaderToRegistryMap causing issues due to private modifier.
Deadlock detected when a send operation is performed against a destination that is being deleted by another thread
i5/OS: java.lang.SecurityException: Could not lock User prefs.Lock file access denied.
The SIP container throws a NullPointerException during stress test
zPMT download option downloads incorrect managed node and federate response files.
SIP container does not recognize an outgoing initial request as an initial.
Fixes to the service integration bus for
Provide a facility to specify logstream and CTRACE names in the z/OS Profile Management Tool
Centralized Installation Manager not able to download files from ftp server.
Resubscribe to extreg is not working after failover.
NullPointerException occurs when stopping WebSphere Application Server with active SIP session
Add Multiple Binding Type support for JAX-WS Provider Endpoint.
Unable to update an application as an application-deployer. No permission was granted.
RFC non-compliance in copying route headers and contact headers in dialogs
CWSIT0039E entries are logged in the JVM logs of a server hosting a messaging engine
Centralized Installation Manager console action button not disabled for users with non-administrator role
Can't create CMS keyfile with IHS 7.0 from 64-bit Supplemental media on z/Linux
Configuration files are synced to the wrong node.
Customization file BBOSCHED needs an update
After attempting to delete a subscription containing indoubt messag
On iSeri
Adjunct region abends EC3 rsn 000c0001 after TDUMP with 0C4 during the run of native ntv_fireWorkWithoutDispatcher
Add the launchClient API to the product documentation
When using the URL addressability portal framewo
SIP - failover - only master listens to broadcasts when using Feature Pack for EJB3.0 with open JPA
Premature termination of SIP sessions
zPMT issues a validation error message for valid RACF keyring names
Running installver after applying WebSphere Application Server fix pack v7.0.0.3 results in errors.
Flexible management performance enhancements
Public render parameters are not working
A NullPointerException is thrown on a diagnostic providers administrative console panel when a filter is used.
I5/OS: LaunchWSAdminListener must adopt userprofile QEJBSVR permission authorities
AbstractResultList.subList throws UnsupportedOperationException when using OpenJPA
REGR: Entity level configuration of map-based L2 caching is not functioning via persistence.xml
200 OK response to invite sent via T
Rare NullPointerException when using ObjectGrid ( ExtremeScale) as SIP session replication service.
Can not emit event because of java2 security issue.
Application sending early response message on inbound request for Application Server on z/OS may cause hang condition
Due to an update to the JDBC driver for DB2 an exception is thrown if setQueryTimeout() is called when using z/OS.
Unable to perform migration of MyTasks panel.
MalformedURLException for SOAP/JMS after WSDL publish
Addition of support for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Feature Pack and stack products
When the appserver JVM terminates with -1 error code wasservice does not retry starting the appserver in a base install.
DB2scripts on z/OS to be fixed
Java Enterprise Edition version 5 applications take a long time to deploy.
Dynamically start inbound chains when bus added to cell
V7 Application Server WebSphere MQ common services thread pool (wmqcommonservices) when max'
WebSphere Process Server: Cannot create profile when configuring with DB2 V9 on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 platform
Activator does not register default FFDC service
SIP proxy incorrectly informs the SIP container its interface it is using to connect to them
SIP calls fail with cluster not initalized
ABENDS13C Reason code 10 was received in a WebSphere for z/OS client using RMI over IIOP to a local Server
Java.scurity.accesscontrol exception thrown inspite of
Application Server profiles on SLES10 may startup before networking is available
Abend occurs during messaging channel startup.
High Availability (HA) DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS port conflict results in HMGR002
In some cases the CoreGroupPolicyManagement AdminTasks do not save the preferred servers lists correctly.
With the core group protocol and under certain timing conditio
DCSV1151W messages being logged
Admintask function listEligibleBridgeInterfaces does not work for new servers created if the configuration has not been saved.
DCSV8030I with reason code of not all members are connected is logged continuously
WS-AT failed due to serilization problem between v7 and v6.1
Incorrect updates of high availability manager cross core group state data under rare timing conditions after bridge rebuilds.
DCSV8030 inconsistent defined set on a DCS datastack and ViewId not current.
HMGR0143E message indicating an IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs while stopping Application Server
HTTP Transport UDP write packet to unroutable host results in closed port
NullPointerException at high data rates causes loss of data.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PK77290 Error when user backs out PTF to a level older than the cold start level.
PK77594 Silent install of WebSphere Application Server v7.0 on AIX does not create ODM entries
PK80864 Simplified Chinese missing many wsadmin messages
PK80918 Lib directory permission bits changed from 775 to 750 causing an "access denied" error
PK82122 VersionInfo does not show architecture information running on WebSphere plugins on Solaris and Linux 64 bit operating systems
PK84379 Unable to install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.1 using Centralized Installation Manager
PK84779 If the DMgr job is stopped before icsdeploy complet
PK85448 Incorrect steps shown in interactive mode for commands with dynamic steps.
PK86399 Cluster creation fails on WebSphere Application Server
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK70930 SQL statements causing old cursor name values to be executed.
PK74962 Always push msg 100 during ds init even if monitoring not enable
PK75422 J2CA0079E: method markInUse has detected an internal illegal state and is throwing an IllegalStateException
PK78806 Blocked finalizer thread causing OutOfMemory.
PK79133 JCA adapter stops polling when high availability is enabled because messaging endpoint is not activated
PK79569 SQLServer exception "shutdown is in progress. Log off." is not mapped to a StaleConnectionExceptio
PK80671 HomeDisabledException seen during fail over tests in WebSphere Process Server because of which transactions are not successful
PK81289 Orphaned handle list grows causing out of memory exception
PK81438 Invalid DataSource property "toolboxTraceCategory"
PK81673 SECJ0306E when WebSphere RA is discarding configobject during tx recovery for flatfile. This causes J2CA0154E and WTRN0005W
PK81749 The was.database trace for JDBC does not work on XA recovery path
PK82153 Pool size going to zero "0" or negative while decrementing the counter incorrectly
PK82539 Operation getStatus() of J2C Message Endpoint MBean throws a NullPointerException with tracing enabled
PK83160 NullPointerException in WSRelationalRAAdapter.executeCreate
PK83902 Connection stack trace information for long-running connections cannot be obtained without enabling was.j2c tracing.
PK84190 Application Server start with -recovery option can hang when using Derby database and multiple transactions to recover
PK84900 ClassCastException causes unnessary performance overhead
PK84901 Unresolved reference for builtin resource adapter
PK85855 creating new JCC connection
PK86174 Null pointer exception in J2C task timer.
PK86219 NoClassDefFoundError running Kerberos with DB2
PK88475 A rar update causes an exception when rar cicseci_1.5.rar is used
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PK78743 Invoking an MBean that does not have type key-property results in a NullPointerException.
PK81630 Timing issue with PidWaiter thread may create hang and make PidWaiter detect unreachable app servers later than expected.
PK86028 Reseting the user.dir property to user.install.root.
Java Message Service (JMS) PK73987 WebSphere MQ topic connection factory cannot be bound into JNDI on z/OS if the broker queue manager property is left blank
PK74485 Increase the maximum HTTP transport channel custom property limitNumHeaders from 500 to 3000
PK74945 An UnsatisfiedLinkError error is thrown on startup when using WebSphere MQ on either a Solaris or HPUX 32-bit JVM
PK78291 Memory leak occurs caused by JMSManagedConnection objects
PK78532 Incorrect pooling used for wsadmin-created MQQueueConnectionFactory
PK79498 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException from JMSSessionHandle.deactivate
PK79872 Default messaging provider became unresponsive for many seconds under heavy lo
PK80674 NullPointeEexception occurs during unmarshal when using the JAX-WS thin client
PK83484 CWSIS0002E exception due to filestore recovery issue on server re-start
PK84308 Topics do not delegate certain properties to CFS
PK84441 PMI statistic MessageBackoutCount is not incremented when a non-transactional MDB is used against a listener port
PK84663 Server may run out of sockets on failed outbound connections
PK84748 WMSG0031E exception processing JMS message for MDB; a rollback (WLTC0032W) may be seen during cleanup of the local transaction
PK85110 Unmarshall fails with NullPointerException after 1st request received for one of two operations defined in a WSDL
PK85959 The administrative console may show incorrect display of the server status if the server was started after the node agent.
PK86005 EJB 3.0 message-driven beans cannot be used with listener ports
PK86534 StAX serialization is changed to improve performance
PK86594 Receive parser error while running application on Solaris
PK87050 A failure may occur during JAXB unmarshaling in a multi-thread environment
Java SDK PK85182 The view state hidden fields are rendered with the name and id attributes.
Java Transaction Service (JTS) PK76761 Log output "recovering x transactions" does not provide enough information
PK78066 Enable user to override WS-Addressing action header on response messages.
PK80005 ClassCastException while trying to stop outstanding transaction from administrative console.
PK81814 Message "Open for e-business" is not being printed in systemout.lo
PK82717 A distribtued transaction using Web Services atomic transactions ( WS-AT ) failed to rollback.
PK82721 Invalid xid/recoveryid prevents server restart with message WTRN0000E produced
PK82724 Invalid state errors when using Web Service Business Activity and remote resources vote readOnly or rollback
PK82727 TerminatorImpl does its own authorization and therefore needs to emit audit records consistent with the security service. .
PK83525 When a user of WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus turns on WS-AT in the Feature Pack then transactions are never committed
PK84801 WS-ReliableMessaging default class cast exception
PK84987 Address problems with Web Services addressing ( WS-Addressing ) functionality.
PK84994 WTRN0001E and WTRN0025E logged at Application Server startup cause the Application Server to fail to start with WSVR0009E.
PK85212 Hang during extended Web Services Business Activity ( WS-BA ) testing when running under high availability( HA )
PK85327 HA transaction recovery on z/OS does not complete on the peer server due to rc=8 rs=8 return code from RRS' ATRSRV macro.
PK86119 NullPointerException in WSTXConsumerHandler.invoke during recovery
PK86196 NullPointerException at$ when using WebSphere Vitrual Enterprise
PK86213 TransactionRolledbackException when a client made a request to a server.
PK87845 Web Services Notification returns incorrect sub response EPR in cluster
JSP PK70031 JSP translation problem with auto-increment variable in in a JSP expression
PK71207 LinkageError if JSP container attempts to call the classloader's defined class method.
PK75617 Option to filter IllegalArgumentExceptions on bad URLs
PK76503 Race condition in JSP runtime compilation leading to blank pages
PK76583 The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) in the commented area is failing.
PK76810 Multiple requests to JSPs in different applications but with same na
PK79754 JSPs with deferred expression fail to compile in a 2.3 or 2.4 spec level application
PK80353 Webcontainer sets HTTP 500 instead of 404 with throwMissingJspException and invokeFiltersCompatibility
PK81147 NullPointerException when using JSP attribute "extends"
PK82657 Webcontainer does not allow unload of JSP forwards or includes
PK83043 No login page is triggered on accessing a non-existent JSP under a protected URI.
PK84568 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when <fmt:formatNumber>is used.
Migration PK73141 Migration code is creating a server as generic_server instead of application_server and the template doesn't incl sib-service.xml
PK75326 During migrati
PK76728 WebSphere Process Server migration failes with a java.lang. NoSuchMethodException while running the migration wizard.
PK78775 Security files are not properly migrated foreward during appclient migration.
PK78815 When migrating from one operating system to a different operating syst
PK79903 Appclient on iSeries fails with a NullPointerException
PK79946 Federated node migration changing OSs from Microsoft Windows to Unix or Linux fails to connect to the deployment manager
PK80310 Server level security not converted to security domain during migration with scriptCompatibility=false
PK80342 After migrati
PK80555 A symlink in the config directory causes WASPreUpgrade to fail with a StackOverflowError.
PK81420 When using a Derby database and performing migrati
PK85780 Keystore loading error during migration
PK86050 Migration fails for pathnames which have multiple occurances of the "/config" pattern in its name
PK86152 WASPreUpgrade Step fails in BBOWM3GD job due to NotFoundException on
PK86593 Unable to start the V6.0.2 NodeAgent after migrating the deployment manager to V7.0. The NodeAgent fails trying to sync.
PK87763 Server starts with a rar not found exception after migration
PK88081 An invalid cell level shared library for a node in the cell will prevent the processing of subsequent valid libraries.
Object Request Broker (ORB) PK75575 not honored when SSL connection is being used for outbound ORB connection
PK75778 CNLC117I and CNLC157E messages are seen when MMS utility is run against WebSphere Japanese message skeletons.
PK77665 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS version 7.0 callstack storage overlay.
PK78133 RMF reports from v7.0 load tests contain inconsistent data.
PK84753 Performance problem with too many native channel framework alarms
PK85069 WebSphere server abends when SMF enabled at startup with BBOO015
PK85223 Abend 0C4 may occur with start of 20+ servers
PK88447 Upon killing the C
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PK75151 When changing the collecter tool default location the process logs and historical files are not captured in the collector jar
PK76816 RAS collector removes subdirectories that can contain crucial data
PK77189 Introduction of security-headers in systemerr causing tooling issues.
PK77425 FFDC security for Sync2OsThread can cause some FFDC incidents not to be created
PK80262 Update command output in for AIX operating systems
Plug-in PK71753 The deployer role in WebSphere Application Server does not have authority to generate and propogate the http plug-in.
PK77443 -1 and 0 both have the same effect for both timeouts
PK78097 WebSphere plug-in does not pass empty headers to WebSphere container correctly
PK78301 When reloading or changing the plugin file the plugin does not automaticlly state it was reloaded.
PK78752 Genplugincfg script does not ignore ODR (non-appserver) clusters while generating plugin.
PK80453 IBM HTTP Server core dumping with sigsegv with moderate load
PK81522 HTTP plug-in returns wrong status value to HTTP server when full response to client can not be transmitted.
PK81958 REGR: Plugin is not encoding requests with embedded XML content
PK83737 On HP-
PK83788 Incorrect handling of partition tables by plugin.
PK85105 High cpu usage after network error
PMI/Performance Tools PK74124 Not all the PMI classes are found when using launchclient resulting in ClassNotFoundException for PmiRmCorrelator
PK75020 Unable to invoke the methods on PmiRmJmxService MBean from within Application Server
PK76061 PMI metrics for SIB are not saved from configuration tab
PK77543 Tivoli Performance Viewer lost status after server re-start
PK79532 MessageDrivenBeanStatistics are not available
PK79867 Incorrect message type for PMON0007W
PK80147 Tivoli Performance Viewer is incorrectly displaying SIBUS service metrics
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PK79197 EJBDeploy does not run after updating WebSphere Commerce to
Proxy server PK77209 ODCListener transaction time not reported.
PK80184 Excessive WSDL messages are being written to the systemout.log file as application servers are starting.
PK80484 HTTP request is not maintaining partition affinity.
PK81377 ODC can miss tree change messages during startup resulting in out of synch trees.
PK82564 ODC fails to instantiate if WebSphere Virtual Enterprise libraries exist in an environment containing no augmented profiles
Runtime (zSeries®) PK86138 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS server receives java.lang.NullPointerException invoking an object over IIOP
PK88950 Nullpointer exception occurs in delegate class lookup servant method.
Samples PK85265 Receive error when running Web Services samples on Linux
Scheduler PK78101 When the scheduler tries to commit a transaction that does not exist results in CWSIA0053E exception and a transaction rollback
PK82971 Optimize scheduler SQL query to avoid database deadlocks
PK83733 Scheduled tasks are not run when the worktimeout of the work manager is set to a low value.
Security PK72447 If MutualAuthCBindCheck=true it is not enforced if clientauth QOP is not in use (protocol_https_mutual_auth_cbind_check)
PK73552 Problems with node synchronization after LTPAa keys are generated via script.
PK76448 SSSL connection information is not honored upon socket creation
PK77015 The IssuerDN and SubjectDN fields in the SECJ6220I message are incorrect and should be reversed
PK77288 Need to suppress JACC provider security exceptions that get thrown during syncNode operation .
PK77390 Configuration errors of security.xml are displayed in administrative console.
PK77754 Unable to add a certificate to a hardware crypto card
PK77884 Cannot set non-IBM provider when properties are used with a non-IBM JRE
PK78005 Dynamic outbound SSL is not working if the remoteHost is in a different case
PK78243 SPNEGO authentication to WebSphere 6.1 applications fails when using a upper-cased aliased host name.
PK78401 PROXY_HTTPS_ADDRESS is not displayed in security endpoint configuration in administrative console
PK78623 FFDC attempts to write logs to FFDC directory under (wsguest) unauthenticated id when connection manager RunAs is enabled
PK79766 Unable to use multiple group attribute:member attribute pairs delimited by a semicolon (;) for the group member id map
PK79847 CORBA.NO_PERMISSION exception is caught when passwords in sas.client.props are encoded.
PK79895 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError oom errors due to a large hashmap in com/ibm/ws/sm/workspace/impl/WorkSpaceImpl
PK80730 WebSphere Application Server and java client to support cross Kerberos realms
PK80942 Common criteria requires that the enablement and disablement of the audit subsystem be audited.
PK81335 Even if CSIv2Outbound Basic Authentication is set to Nev
PK81356 PKCS11 KeyStore creation fails with invalid password exception.
PK81458 CMS keystores are getting created with too many signer certificates
PK81460 Node certificates in a cell need to be signed with the cell's root certificate on an addNode.
PK82109 Passwords are not truncated after 8 characters
PK82324 SECJ0363E when the x500 distinguished name contains oid: and + (plus) characters
PK82390 Custom JAAS login module authentication fails in v7.0.0.1
PK82927 LTPAToken is not generated properly when attribute is used.
PK83526 StartCertificateExpMonitor performance is very poor gathering information on a SAF keyring
PK84184 Dynamic mapping of alias hostname to real hostname for SPNEGO SSO.
PK84188 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION (4942430D) vmcid: 0x49424000 minor code: 30D when CSIv2 is being used with RMI / IIOP request
PK84189 FFFDC error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: hardware err
PK84281 Can not view a security repository using WebSphere Application Server administrative console
PK84448 listTrustedRealms lists current realm when the includeCurrentRealm flag set to false
PK84563 Identity assertion fails with JSAS063
PK84743 WebSphere Application Server V7 does not validate custom user registry custom properties correctly.
PK84902 With integrated session security enabl
PK85007 Unable to create remote keystores
PK85071 NullPointerException in WSDefaultPrincipalMapping.getSubject() when security is disabl
PK85086 Error when calling listRegistryUsers specifing the option to return access IDs and the registry has duplicate entries
PK85146 SECJ0129E error message does not include user's realm information. Cleanup misleading realm mistmatch message
PK85239 First login wor
PK85620 Improve the performance of auditing authorization event types
PK85744 Error importing LTPA key in a mixed cell environment
PK86031 AdminTask.modifySSLConfig unable to modify newly added cert data in workspace te
PK86227 Custom subject failover does not work across security domains.
PK86230 Creating a self signed certificate for audit signing configuration fails on z/OS with a writeable SAF keyring.
PK86238 Fails to honor LDAP property: security.registry.ldap.compoundRDNParsingEnabled
PK87424 In adminagent systemout.log message SECJ5010E: Could not create default AuthenticationToken during propagation login.
PK87484 In job manager systemout.log JSAS0802E: The received admin RSA token has a nonce value that has been used recently
PK87629 An extreme scale server in stand-alone mode fails to start when security is enabled.
PK87691 Security authentication audit records not correctly having program name data field updated.
PK87694 Error when setting the protocol to SSL on an outbound connection
PK88124 Auditing fails to start if signing is enabled during server startup.
PK88492 Naming exceptions in systemout.log when using Secure Proxy Server with security enabled.
PK88647 wsadmin command with conntype RMI or JSR160RMI WASX7023E: error creating "RMI" connection ConnectorNotAvailableExceptio
PK88816 wsadmin command WASX7023E: error creating "RMI" connection to host "localhost"; exception information: java.rmi.AccessExceptio
Security (zSeries®) PK72451 No ICH408I messages issued for EJBRole check failures for admin users when
Servlet Engine/Web Container PK74518 URLs containing a current context "." fail with 404 erro
PK75844 Threading issue in EncodingUtils class resulting in garbled output
PK76114 Dynamic cache is not properly caching the charset in Content-Type header
PK76117 If a servlet does not handle an unavailable exception from a dispatched request the servlet will be made unavailable.
PK76656 prevents securityPreinvoke from being called properly.
PK77176 Webcontainer fails to map request proper
PK78371 The query string is not included during the dispatcher forward to a welcome file
PK79143 When response has no body byt
PK79219 Request data is getting terminated when it exceeds 2GB
PK79464 Dispatcher not propagating exceptions in forwarded servlets or JSPs
PK79550 A runtime exception can occur while starting an application when a large number of applications have already been started.
PK79894 REGR: If j_security_check is mapped to filt
PK80333 Cannot display a certain gif file
PK80340 The request path elements are not set properly for a default servlet.
PK80362 Suppress $ws headers from the request to the application
PK81452 Java.util.ConcurrentModificationException from webapp
PK83235 Response headers may be removed when using ARDrd transfer state and blocking insert.
PK83345 Resource injection issue for load-on-startup servlets
PK83668 Native memory is exhausted when stressing the remote request dispatcher (RRD)
PK85015 404 FileNotFound error if the response is less then 4096 bytes
PK85953 REGR: If channel accepts a connection while webcontainer has stopped processing while server is stopping it causes 500 error
PK86423 NullPointerException while accessing a HTTPS request when webcontainer trace is enabled.
PK87049 Allow use of symbolic links after PK81387
Sessions and Session Management PK68691 HTTP session manager will use new flag added by plugin to determine if a request is failed over
PK71265 Reduce access to the database during invalidation if using multi-schema rows
PK77100 LOB data not stored in session table in some instances when using session persistence to DB2
PK77510 ClassCastException using the data replication service (DRS)
PK78174 Database (i5/OS) session persistence
PK80439 When HTTP session manager is configured for Db persisten
System Management/Repository PK70353 Deployment of enhanced ear file causes corruption of Application Server profile.
PK71942 CWPKI0022E in soap.client.props not honor
PK74323 Some explanatory message text is missing for the importWasprofile and exportWasprofile commands.
PK76250 Multicall through a spec MBean does not work.
PK76892 NullPointerException in FFDC: when registering an Application Server to an admin agent for the first time.
PK76950 Avoid extraneous stack trace when z/OS MBean proxy not a notification handler
PK78515 Application deployment error generating in console with ADMA0207E
PK78685 Properties based config files containing variables are not applied correctly
PK78762 Prevent registration of managed node with JobManager if the clock is not synchronized within 5 minutes of each other.
PK78875 Application Server list population in console takes a long time to display
PK79118 Mixed dmgr-node environment has confusing message when creating server on lower level node
PK79323 NullPointerException occurs when configuring shared library by administrative console.
PK79495 ADMA5003I message is displayed when JSPs have compilation errors
PK80412 Application sync failures are not logged properly.
PK81934 Application binaries were not cleaned up after uninstall
PK82030 attempting to start ListenerPort JMX MBean in adjunct region.
PK82062 The properties file based configuration commands display encoded passwords in component traces.
PK82259 Add ibm proprietary JVM option -xmaxt0.5 to nodeagent start program.
PK82342 The -nodeName argument is required when using the setJVMProperties command.
PK82526 Cannot add service component architecture contribution to business-level application
PK82529 Application Servers in an imported profile fail to start with $AdminTask importWasprofile command.
PK82683 ZeroBinaryCopy scenario to automatically create library references based on installed optional packages
PK82902 Nod esync incorrectly deletes application binaries from installedApps
PK83486 SOAPException: premature end of stream. data is truncated. On Microsoft Windows operating system using local host from wsadmin.
PK83488 When using RAD and using JSR160RMI stopping the system will take 2-3 mins.
PK84245 Messages filling up systemerr when job manager is stopped.
PK84475 Default target server for composition unit on base Application Server should be of Application Server type
PK84602 High memory usage due to administrative management workspace memory leak
PK84669 The properties based configuration files need to have UTF8 encoding instead of the system default character set.
PK85772 JSR88 distribution fails to base Application Server on z/OS
PK86247 Running createEmptyBLA more then once from admin thinclient environment causes a hang.
PK86626 Cluster not included in the console panel as deployable targets
PK86955 Cannot set application target when using fine-grained admin security.
PK87051 File handle leak in EditionHelper.getApplicationEditions method
PK87294 File handle leak on ibm-edition-metadata.props temp files.
PK87693 Workspace leak (directory under wstemp) when appmanagement stopApplication operation invoked without a workspace ID
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK68122 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when 401 status is returned during a web service call
PK71392 Synchronization lock contention causes webservices slow performance on webservices calls.
PK71577 JAX-WS client utility jar files embedded within JAX-WS applications are not showing up as service clients in the console
PK75788 Threads hanging in Web Services OutboundConnectionCache class; this causes webservices to hang or run slowly.
PK77138 NullPointerException occurs when wsu:Id is missing when using XML Digital Signature
PK77273 Add additional debug trace code to the OutboundConnectionCache algorithm
PK77815 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri '' not found.
PK78050 User-defined exceptions extending javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException will not be recognized as user-defined.
PK78146 RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY value is documented in "seconds" instead of "milliseconds"
PK78444 Update the explanation for message CWSAD0016W
PK78654 DualMetaDataLoaderimpl reads incorrect server.xml. Results in loadWebContainerPorts could not find any HTTP or HTTPS ports.
PK78725 The custom JVM property WSRMRetransmissionInterval is not propagated into the WS-ReliableMessaing runtime correctly
PK78774 A classCastException occurs when a stub timeout property is a string object.
PK78840 JAX-RPC one-way operation fails if webservice request is via WebSphere Process Server.
PK79712 Webservices client code is sending an RPC/encoded message without multirefs
PK79855 JAX-WS invoke boundary servicability/consistency
PK79942 Client side must understand processing is not considering JAX-WS handlers.
PK80535 A ConcurrentModificationException might occur during JAX-RPC attachment temporary file removal
PK80722 Configure multiple HTTP transport properties using adminapp.edit script command fail
PK80836 Java.lang.string[] objects may be serialized incorrectly by JAX-RPC Web Services
PK81500 Slow connections on JAX-WS Web Services client
PK81635 The endptEnabler command does not use a custom defined URL pattern
PK81676 Application update does not update policy set attachment files.
PK81677 A NullPointerException occurs in call.sortOutputs() while calling a JAX-RPC webservice
PK82021 UTF-16 mtom web service client connected to a WebSphere Application Server 7.0 endpoint hangs
PK82033 org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl incompatible with some_class error message in logs
PK82039 WSDL2Java may lock a custom provider jar file preventing Rational Application Developer project delete
PK82117 Web Services temporary attachment file is not deleted
PK82446 Occasional out of memory error when running WS-N and WS-RM with multiple messages
PK82547 WSDL:message elements not found in an imported WSDL
PK82768 JAX-WS thinclient OSGi not loading properly
PK82952 Performance improvement to reduce unnecessary transformations in JAX-WS.
PK83198 WSWS3034E: "Error: the OperationDesc for invoke was not matched to a method" error occurs with a webservice on Process Serve
PK83371 java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError exception with open source "Jaxen" library
PK83433 Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException message in FFDC log file from class
PK83463 Client receives NullPointerException when running web service with a null field
PK83557 ClassCastException may occur when using rpc/literal wsdl with a java byte[].
PK84090 NullPointerException webservices engine HttpOutboundChannelConnection release method
PK84170 New JAX-WS properties to allow faster access to SOAPHeader elements.
PK84181 Receive NoClassDefFoundError exception on a MTOM service endpoint with a handler
PK84206 Webservice runtime is not using _AbsoluteImportResolver generated by WSDL2Java tool
PK84417 There are some functional issues with WS-ReliableMessaging
PK84543 Memory leak in Web Services handler pool.
PK84622 A long-running JAX-WS client might encounter "AxisFault: two services cannot have same name" erro
PK84659 NoClassDefFoundError when running tcpmon from a JAX-WS Web Services thin client.
PK84750 Web Services LogFactory isn't being imported properly
PK84953 JAX-WS application handlers are not run when using fixpack
PK85092 RPC-LIT web service fails with WS-Addressing applied
PK85184 Web service client receives unexpected error when sending a message with an invalid envelope namespace
PK85268 HandlerChain annotation on JAX-WS web service cannot be overriden
PK85344 JAX-WS web modules with RM policy set applied are unable to send messages
PK85713 Document error received when performing node sync after application uninstall
PK85717 Receive error when running web service with WS-RM applied
PK85745 A NullPointerException in MessageImpl.getAsSOAPMessage() prevents WS-Notifications from being delivered
PK85799 Async time out on Web Services for large post messages with 202 acknowledge message.
PK85979 WS-N application with WS-RM enabled cannot send messages after server restart
PK86120 Compiling JAX-RPC code against websphere_apis.jar may result in errors
PK86352 updateARSconfig throwing BSFException
PK86517 OutOfMemory error in JAX-WS clients when they use HTTP cookies
PK86608 Accept message contains incorrect Content-Type
PK86860 The policy set bindings in the original ear file are missing after application update.
PK87418 While using WS-ReliableMessagi
PK87466 While migrating to V7.0 FileNotFoundException is thrown for ibmasyncrsp.war
PK87771 Web Services-Policy exception not always fully populated
PK87877 Exception while running installarsapp*.jacl during migration
PK88265 Introduction of support for text messages when using soap/jms.
PK88797 Unable to create jax-ws client due to axisfault; two services cannot have the same name
PK89421 Intermitent exception from reliable messaging saying a particular service does not belong to a service group.
Web Services Security PK42833 Web service client invoking web service using WS-Security receives exception when global security is disabled.
PK69062 WS-Security is not handling managed keystores properly for JAX-WS applications and causes CWWSS5417E error.
PK78578 NullPointerException occurs when wsu:Id is missing when using XML Digital signature
PK78648 Administrative console does not remove request token policies after message level protection is disabled
PK79214 Specifying a URL for a CRL for JAX-RPC WS-Security does not work
PK79617 The WebServices-Security UNTGUIPROMPTCALLBACKHANDLER is not adding NONCE or TIMESTAMP which causes authentication failure
PK79898 AccessControlException may occur when using JAX-WS Web Services
PK80182 JAX-WS runtime is not able to detect handler configuration file
PK83440 instructions are incorrect
PK84515 Not possible to add required second sign part with administrative console
PK84629 JAX-WS WS-Security cannot be configured for blind trust
PK85094 occurs when using WS-Security Secure Conversation
PK85096 When running WS-Security secure conversati
PK86342 A policy set panel contains a question mark button when no help exists
PK87068 WebSphere Application Server V7 administrative console does not display general bindings after new application specific binding
Workload Management (WLM) PK76067 WLM ConcurrentModificationException in RouterMediator
PK82536 WLM duplicate notifications causes SIB message failures during failover
PK79390 Add support for making a routing decision based on the contents of the SOAP envelope
PK79849 WLM fix for selection with multiple proxy servers
PK80140 Workload management duplicate MBean initialization
PK81437 WLM proxy incorret routing due to non-unique hashcodes
PK72252 REGR: Calls to ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream are slow
PK85371 Workload management NO_IMPLEMENT when V6 client routes to previous versions of Application Servers.

Fix release date: 27 Mar 2009
Last modified: 27 Mar 2009
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 3
Component APAR Description
Federated Repositories PK73140 NullPointerException during usage of updateIdMgrRepository config task
PK74487 When searching for a user in realm
Administrative Console (all non-scripting) PK72268 TUNE5006W: "the JIT is disabled on the JVM" warning is given by the Tivoli Performance Viewer advisor when JIT is enable
PK73004 V6.1 dmgr installing rar file via administrative console to V6.0.2 node fails
PK73169 Unable to start or stop IBM HTTP Server V6.1 from WebSphere Application Server administrative console when using cmd.exe
PK73936 Administrative console does not list the work manager resources when deploying an application from the console.
PK74083 Administrative console fails to show details of messages on destinations within a service integration bus
PK74142 Apply button reverts webcontainer panel update
PK74367 Accessibility: when tabbing through deployment descriptors using Firef
.exception.DocumentNotFoundException for cells/<cell-name>/nodes/DefaultNode/
PK74710 You cannot set authentication values on non-WebSphere defined resources
PK74890 Imported DMZ secure proxy server fails to start
PK74917 On demand router cluster showing up in the proxy cluster panels.
PK74925 Cannot create a tunnel access point group with both core groups and tunnel access points as members.
PK74983 Hung webcontainer threads on dmgr
PK75085 After customizing a security attribu
PK75170 Incorrect command assistance on shared library screens
PK75222 Several job manager console fixes
PK75277 Administrative console command assistance is incorrect after creating or editing a data source
PK75350 Bind listeners for message-driven beans panel does not always provide entries for desination JNDI name and auth aliases.
PK75407 Selectable targets unavailable for selection after invalid selections are made mapping targets for BLAs.
PK75428 Administrative console does not allow special characters in a custom property name
PK75472 A war file is deployed (x.war) and an ear file is x_war.ear is created. At end of insta
PK75619 Debug messages seen in systemout logs during file export from administrative console
PK75675 Webcontainer thread for NodeSyncStatus servlet hanging for 20-30minutes while saving configuration from administrative console.
PK75786 J2C authentication alias drop-down lists are populated incorrectly when using aliases belonging to a security domain
PK75808 Administrative console page errors seen with JMS scope selection checkbox
PK76003 Problems performing certain messaging related administrative actions
PK76040 Custom HelpTokenGenerator is not found by classloader
PK76146 Unable to modify JVM properties in the administrative console for Extended Deployment dynamic cluster templates.
PK76275 Invalid parameter passed causes server hang.
PK76277 Cannot modify transport chain frca logging. The modified settings go back to default settings.
PK76357 When an error occuring during asset or composition unit ed
PK76376 Console to validate whether the proxy rule name is a duplicate of an exiting rule before it inserts it into proxy settings.
PK76462 MetadataNotAvailableException is thrown from changeHostName command
PK76851 Can not view a security repository using WebSphere Application Server version 7 administrative console
PK76879 Custom profile metadata.xml for cluster context missing resources child-document-name
PK76888 Error 500 for runtime tab under performance monitoring infrastructure panel
PK76910 Administrative agent with multiple registered nodes each a standalone server non-federated cannot be started w/ admin
PK77019 Accessing a Dojo library causes a 500 error
PK77294 Authentication alias lists in application management panels do not display domain aliases.
PK78108 Unable to create JCC type2 datasource
PK78464 NullPointerException occurs in the administrative console when editing a generic server's java virtual machine settings.
PK78568 WebSphere Application Server v7 administrative console has null and NullPointerException on migrated SSL configuration panel
PK78680 Provide configurable option to change virtual member manager LDAP dynacache distribution policy
PK78936 AAG checkboxes do not reset correctly
PK78937 Auditor role can see login status of primary user
PK78938 Memory leak when creating clusters using the administrative console in a large topology
PK79571 NullPointerException when attempting to alter the value for HTTP connection timeouts on administrative console.
PK79752 Invalid data saved when installing or updating an application with map roles to users step if no data is changed.
PK79769 FFDC in logs after console save.
PK80021 serverShortName and other attributes are not removed from a v5 node during sync.
PK80393 Error 500: java.lang.NullPointerException key set groups
Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) PK71806 WsEjbDeploy Ant task may fail to compile the generated code when run on a WebSphere Application Server running on UNIX
PK74488 On 64-bit WebSphere Application Server non-Solaris/HP-UX systems ws_ant script fails
PK75462 The createAuthorizationGroup command does have the parameter authorizationGroupName
PK75545 Jython exception messages not easily consumed by user
PK76168 wsdamin script hangs when dmgr is stopped.
PK80815 SCA command fails when optional parameter values are missing in the command.
PK80929 Print help.messages(messageid) corrupted in non-English.
Data Replication Services PK74026 BBOO0220E: CWWDR0011E: method DRSInstanceFactory.createInstanceInControllerRegion
PK74396 SA03 abend during server stop processing after replication was enabled.
Default Messaging Component PK71086 sibDDLGenerator outputs a message indicating that a database is not supported.
PK73713 Messages sent to exception destination during server shutdown incorrectly when messages were not actually delivered to consumer
PK73990 CWSIF0271E: ClassCastException when a response is received which includes an array xsd:anyType in a web service
PK74286 A messaging engine that is using db2 9 for z/OS fails to start and produces a CWSIS1530E error.
PK75150 NullPointerException from XidManager.commit() or from GuaranteedTargetStream.setStreamIsBlocked()
PK75260 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException calling getQueuePointMessageData on a SIBMessagingEngine MBean
PK75501 A consumer performing a receive with wait is not notified when a message arriv
PK75862 Erroneous Java 2 security exception thrown closing JMS connection
PK76141 Migrating from WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 to version 7 fails with a CWSI00006E error message
PK76196 sibDDLGenerator command does not recognise 11G as a valid version for Orac
PK76712 Performance improvement for the service integration bus Web Services gateway
PK78138 Subscription requests sent from the default messaging provider are rejected by WebSphere Message Broker.
PK81651 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in a v6.1 node administered by v7.0.0.1
Dynamic Cache PK74539 Extraneous cache fragments generated with UTF-8 appended to the cacheid.
PK75615 Dynacache invalidation issues while sharing is set at not_shared
PK76188 with Java 2 security turned on.
PK76345 Performance degradation in WebSphere Application Server dynacache.
PK82061 Add Dynacache checks for null values in DistrbutedMap put api methods in V7.0
Edge Component PK71323 The explanation for proxy informational message PROX0107W is misleading for environments not using generic server routing.
PK71680 Proxy ODC component failed to get complete routing infomation even after startup delay on z/OS
PK73382 The startup delay set as a custom property with a value of 120 seconds is not synchronized with other proxy setting.
PK74334 The statistic ResponseTimeTTLB value is not correct in PMI view. Only small responses response time get collected.
PK74829 Proxy server is unable to do a graceful shutdown of the http traffic
PK76323 Proxy junction rewrite filter screens responses even though no rewrite rule is defined.
PK76435 Java.lang.SecurityException when stopping DMZ Secure Proxy Server
PK80271 Simultaneous read write causes corrupted byte buffers on webrouter
EJB Container PK77322 When executing the createEJBStubs tool a CNTR9258E message results.
General PK68798 Replication is not working when an application is sending SIP messages.
PK69844 ValidationException on common base event that carries 1970-01-01t00:00:00.000z as date.
PK70391 Ceiuser password cannot terminate with comm
PK70601 Space padded schemaName returned by ResultSetMetadata causes CEI server intialization failure
PK70824 request.isUserInRole("ROLE_NAME") returns false on servlet error pag
PK71216 Application binaries pushed to webserver configuration when it is not necessary.
PK71763 NullPointerException when enabling debugRouting in a proxy server.
PK72028 Manage installed application for server shows blank in IBM Web Administration GUI
PK72195 Enable WebSphere Extended Deployment users to use ObjectGrid (IBM Extreme Scale) as the SIP session replication service.
PK72252 REGR: Calls to ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream are slow
PK72376 The ApplicationManager stopApplication and startApplication MBean operations do not print audit messages.
PK72579 Correct problems in the intial release of Web Services for v7 of the Application Server.
PK73106 The listener classes defined in the web.xml files are called in the wrong order.
PK73181 The class loader in the scope of a JPA query throws ClassCastException.
PK73337 Customization tool does not display all customization instructions.
PK73506 Permissions are only defined properly for the shared libraries of the first classloader
PK73681 WTRN0109W error: exception encountered when activating transaction JMX MBean
PK73754 resetDestination command issued on corrupt destination fails with exception InvalidOperation
PK73948 If a data collector with an invalid tostring method is register
PK74053 Portlet URL state management improved
PK74092 Load-on-startup indication for siplets is not loading the siplet at application startup.
PK74266 EJBTransactionRolledbackException: WTRN0074E:exception caught from before_completion synchronization
PK74292 The XA recovery alarm is delayed causing the control region to delay in initialization
PK74419 During startup Application Server throws application validation exception after deploying applications that have third party code
PK74537 The portlet deployment does not trim linebreaks in portlet deployment descriptor files (portlet.xml)
PK74601 Servant region fails with abend code: EC3 reason code:160d0018 during SIP failover and recovery.
PK74660 SIP container discards a response message that contains malformed "not mandatory" header fields
PK74708 After failed send to first network eleme
PK74800 Failure to create a cluster with two cluster members that have the same name but different short names in two different nodes
PK74869 A host name containing a trailing "." (period/dot) prevents a profile creatio
PK74905 Algorithm for distribution of messages to consumers with selectors unevenly distributes messages
PK74913 The H
PK74963 Microsoft Windows 2008 or Vista uninstall does not delete profiles if Application Server is running as a service
PK74965 DialogStated not changed to CONFIRMED after 200 OK received
PK74989 Zpmt checkbox for an intermediate symlink is unchecked by default in three languagues
PK75047 Incorrect message selection with multiple publish/subscribe consumers using JMS selectors after PK40516
PK75049 When ffdc reports containing CWSIS0501E exceptions are generat
PK75092 script fails when running out of the WebSphere DMZ Secure Proxy server install image
PK75159 ABEND0C4/ABENDS0C4 during nodeagent restart.
PK75215 ObjectManager returns objects out of order
PK75306 Exceptions are thrown during showEventServiceStatus admintask under admin agent.
PK75325 NullPointerException is thrown for incoming SIP request.
PK75331 Script library functions do not document the return value in the help messages
PK75497 SIP container starts application before proxy is fully initiated.
PK75513 Failover from one SR to a newly recovered SRsr fails on z/OS.
PK75527 IBM HTTP Server V6.0 should not be updated by a V6.0 SDK fix pack. There is no prerequisites check to prevent the update.
PK75571 Improvements to service integration bus behavior in recovery scenarios within complex topologies
PK75591 ProcessAction method not invoked on portlets when caching activated
PK75598 Incorrect documentation URL in manageProfiles help text
PK75602 A SaveFailureException occurs during application install. The object being saved is web_merged.xml.
PK75612 Unneeded SQL pushdowns in bidirectional one-to-many eager fetch.
PK75616 Not insertab
PK75667 Ibm i: derby.log file access permission error
PK75696 Processing of enumeration in schemas omits values containing whitespace
PK75720 NullPointerException whule running wsdb2gen command
PK75733 Java.lang.NullPointerException from ELEvaluator
PK75744 NoSuchMethodError occurs in Replicatable.getLogicalName()
PK75848 Cancel not passed to the UAC when session is invalidated
PK75860 Blocked destination retry interval ignored.
PK75976 Non-view modes of portlets are not working when aggregated with tag lib on a page.
PK75990 Corrupted IIOP messages are dropped and connection fail
PK76004 Fixes to the service integration bus runtime
PK76022 CEI support for embedded SQL Server driver for 2005
PK76073 OptimisticLockException with batch execution when batch size set to -1 (unlimited batch size)
PK76075 Option to specify output directory in WsJpaDB2Gen - JPA static SQL generator
PK76087 javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException occurs when running an XSLT transform in JVM debug mode
PK76142 Java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsexception from getMimeType()
PK76257 PersistenceException may occur if an application uses a JPA entity which contains a PersistentCollection
PK76307 SIP container can not handle virtual host of the form: *:* (all hostnames and all ports)
PK76420 Live migration from version 6.1 to 7.0 fails due to serialization exception.
PK76460 Address a performance issue with server startup on non-IBM JVMs.
PK76488 Configcei.ant failed when install path is in nls characters
PK76542 Profile management tool for z/OS panel descriptions are inconsistent for create and augment actions.
PK76705 Extraneous imports in CEI bundle
PK76713 WS-Reliable Messaging StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
PK76721 RRD: render parameters get lost between action and render phase
PK76737 The J2EE 5.0 schema files are missing
PK76841 On Orac
PK76842 Issues with JMX administrative client in v7.0
PK76899 Proxy server stripped off P-Asserted-Identity from SIP subscribe request.
PK76902 Correct and clarify the customization instructions that are generated by the profile management tool for z/OS.
PK76906 Incorrect request type in SMF record for SIPs.
PK76978 Feature Pack for Web 2.0 web messaging service slow memory leak.
PK76997 A NoClassDefFoundError occurs when attempting to run the UDDI value set command-line tool.
PK77029 SIP error 480 when running SIP container under moderate load.
PK77059 OutOfMemory occurs in large topology when creating resources
PK77275 SMF 120 subtype 9 cpu usage subsection modify flag does not work correctly.
PK77314 HTTP Server for z/OS performance degradation when using the plug-in with ssl
PK77590 Interim fixes that replace existing files or create new files incorrectly set permission to 777 rather than 755
PK77658 JPA issues with named query ( @namedquery ) after PK69000
PK77923 SIP container should be able to support an unsolicited SIP notify message
PK78381 The event database is not gettting created for DB2 on z/OS
PK78692 In a 1:m relationship using versioned entiti
PK78822 Sybase scripts do not work on remote sybase
PK78830 JDK changed the behavior of jarfile.getname() in java web start context. This broke the client webstart function.
PK78888 Application Server abends when the last servant region fails.
PK78899 The help documentation within the administrative console for WebSphere Application Server version 7.0 needs to be updated.
PK79128 Incomplete end-of-line characters for WCT created files
PK79203 Incorrect group id "nobody" is used when secure proxy profile is created
PK79278 Embedded WebSphere Application Server should include the webservices component
PK79400 When openjpa trace is enabled with a locale other than EN-
PK79486 The SIPFactory throws NullPointerException instead of ServletParseException when parsing malformed URI
PK79616 I5/
PK79843 NullPointerException in AMM when a servlet is declared in the deployment descriptor without a corresponding servlet class
PK79907 SIP request sent over TCP instead of TLS
PK80196 404 error response sent by SIP proxy during SIP container failover using TCP.
PK80208 Cannot use PMTto create profiles for 64-bit architectures (except for Linux for zSeries on 64-bit architecture).
PK80220 Provide WebSphere customization tools function to configure Feature Pack and stacked product extensions.
PK80331 Field injection of a JPA PersistenceContext my result in an InvalidStateException under heavy load
PK80423 WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 applications fail to start in version 6.0 or higher mixed cell environments.
PK80743 Web messaging operations are unsuccessful after abnormal messaging engine termination.
PK80806 SIP proxy does not inform SIP containers that it is unable to communicate with SIP network.
PK80838 The WebSphere Application Server control region takes an ABEND 0C6 when running in 31-bit mode and with FRCA activated.
PK80869 JMS thin client throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
PK81294 Core group member may get failed to join message
PK82353 Reverse mapping tool may throw arrayindexoutofbound exception - an entity primary key field is also a foreign key.
High Availability (HA) PK72779 Coregroup members are removed after one has been stopped.
PK73946 Fixes relative to support of transparent bridge failover and occurrences of HMGR02
PK75512 When dynamic routing is enabled on a WebSphere Secure DMZ Pro
PK76334 Core group bridge does not shut down its corestack during server stop.
PK80125 HMGR0083E error when changing the host name
HTTP Transport PK76241 SIP proxy UDP Channel deadlock while under load.
IBM HTTP Server Fix List Detail List of APARs for IBM HTTP Server.
Install PK74687 Customization creates some files with owner as the userid instead of environment owner
PK75887 Centralized installation manager descriptor for Network Deployment 7.0 fixpack 1 missing
PK76335 VersionInfo fails to show architecture on Microsoft Windows
PK79264 Installation factory incorrectly calculates temp space requirements in certain scenarios.
Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) PK71820 Null description for properties in config data
PK73716 Applications may process inbound JCA work before server startup is complete
PK74502 The heterogeneous pooling design does not account for programmatic updates to data source properties.
PK74991 Invalid MIGR0455W messages in WASPostUpgrade
PK75239 Map oracle error ORA-17447 to a StaleConnectionException
PK75609 Improve performance of obtaining database connections
PK75717 Add custom properties to control connection sharing
PK76513 Java.lang.NullPointerException in FFDC logs
Java Management Extensions (JMX) or JMX Client API PK70893 Partial update process to application changes JSP time stamp
PK72219 The message listener service setting RECOVERY.RETRY.INTERVAL is not being honored in the controller region.
PK77518 No description for the command step UpdateNameBindings of the imprtWasprofile command
PK77988 Admintask renameCell does not modify variables.xml "WAS_CELL_NAME" variabl
Java Message Service (JMS) PK70904 WebSphere MQ queues created using the administrative console have a default queue manager port of 0 instead of null.
PK71746 Channels to WebSphere MQ not closed after MQ config update.
PK71914 Any generic JMS provider custom property that is set that has the word password will be encoded
PK73138 MalformedInputException occurs when mq_install_root contains DBCS characters.
PK74450 Messages are not rolled back for failing message-driven beans in non-asf mode using bean-managed transactions
PK74661 Incorrect generation of ClassNotFoundException FFDCs from MDBListenerManagerImpl.initializeMQJMSConnectionPooling
PK75830 WSDL input parameter not processed correctly by the tools.
PK76291 Runtime problems using the WebSphere MQ messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
PK76292 File store growing unnecessarily.
PK76789 ConnectorException thrown by AdminTask.showSIBDestination in the Administration Thin Client
PK77072 Important maintenance for the WebSphere MQQ resource adapter
PK79362 Runtime problems using the WebSphere MQ messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server.
PK80103 The IBM StAX parser may throw an IllegalStateException indicating that the current event is not START_DOCUMENT
Java Transaction Service (JTS) PK74271 CEE0374C CONDITION=CEE3202S C0C2 RSN code 2 load module BBOBOA
PK75749 Address several problems with transaction functionality.
PK76019 Compensation scope recovery testing failing with various symptoms
PK76704 WS-Addressing does not always correctly allow users to override the provider http endpoint reference.
PK76707 WS-Notification needs to get metadata from the w3c site; this can result in deployment time exceptions.
PK76718 High availability recovery mechanism failed to recover the compensation service successfully.
PK76898 Controller region fails to restart with abend code ec3 reason 06070002.
PK77031 Error log stream record output "2-digit record version number" field should be updated to reflect output format change
PK80045 Incorrect FFDC records being recorded when deserializing an EndpointReference
PK80530 This is to address problems with transaction functionality on z/OS.
PK80532 Web Services Business Activity participant registers twice with the coordinator
PK81227 z/OS default logstream log compression interval is not changed after setting custom property rls_logstream_compress_interval
JNDI/Naming PK76360 Server's security setting CSIV2 inbound transport set to "ssl-required" results in corba::unknown exceptio
JSP PK69220 Slow application startup
PK72039 JspBatchCompiler skips compiling JSPs in directory after compile error
PK73104 JSP compilation issue with a single quote in <input> tag.
PK73789 JSP container can not handle a carriage return leading to an exception
PK74176 Compiled class files for JSPs are stored in servant specific temp directories instead of common servant temp directory.
PK75069 JSP getting compiled on every access
PK81387 Possible application source file exposure
Migration PK73939 WebSphere connect drivers converted to MS SQL Server drivers with a custom property which causes an error.
PK74317 convertScriptCompatibility script does not honor the usage of -nodeName and -serverName
PK74970 WASPreUpgrade on WebSphere Application Client outputs a message MIGR0272E: the migration function cannot complete the command.
PK75070 Migrating Application Server V5.1 with two instances results in NullPointerException
PK75498 When migrating to WebSphere Application Server
PK75502 After migrati
PK75916 Node migration causes serverindex file to incorrectly change hostnames
PK76743 After migrati
PK79900 Incorrect enabled and appEnabled settings when migrating server level security.xml
PK80272 Support embedded WebSphere Application Server migration v6.1 to v7.0
PK82319 Incorrect migration of non-default core groups cause servers to fail on startup due to invalid live lines setting
Object Request Broker (ORB) PK71664 If using GIOP 1.1 and an EJB throws an excepti
PK73924 64bit J2EE application client generates CEE370
Other PK74966 WebSphere Application Server administrative console user sessions can be accessed in specific scenarios
PK77505 Cross site scripting vulnerability in adminstrative console
PK81382 NullPointerException when using multipart/form-data to upload
PD tools (for example: Log Analyzer) PK73470 In loggi
PK74263 Collector tool runs slow on Linux
PK80158 An FFDC error may be reported to log output instead of an FFDC incident file for certain PrivilegedActionExceptions
Plug-in PK68126 Plug-in failed to read "503 service unavailable" response headers
PK71423 ESI cache processor in the http plugin does not reuse TCP connections.
PK71492 Plugin adds new flag in request when request fails over
PK72097 Plugin does not set mark down when the ServerIOTimeout expired with no buffering.
PK73173 Server marked down on read failure with transfer-encoding specified
PK73752 A 404 response code occurs after increasing the number of http headers
PK74228 WebSphere Application Server plugin file creation location and http path to plugin do not match
PK75852 Plug-in needs additional logic in determining when to resend a post request following a read error.
PK76657 AppServerPortPreference and ServerIOTimeOut changes are not being persisted to the plugin-cfg.xml file.
PK78451 Web server plug-in for WebSphere Application Server now supports trusted proxies as front end to web servers.
PK78456 Web server plug-in now supports hardware security modules ( ssl accelerators and keystore management).
PMI / Performance Tools PK67454 Various 0
PK72989 The information in the product documentation to guide a developer in using a java management MBean is inadequate
PK73683 PMI is looking for AsynchBeansService to be started and available in the Control Region.
PK74150 Migrated V5.1 unable to access PMI configuration data
Programming Model Extensions (PME) PK73068 Timer object is not cancelled and removed from the TimerManager's set of time
PK76060 ClassCastException in object pool preventing restart of application
Proxy server PK73303 On Demand Router fails to start when configured in a separate coregroup from the Application Servers
PK74332 Excessive listener notification during transaction
PK74626 Nullpointer exception during proxy server startup in clustered configuration.
PK75259 On demand configuration does not tolerate non-url values in WSDL uri definitions.
PK76342 On demand configuration is not acurately representing hidden applications.
Runtime (zSeries®) PK74614 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError occurs for class
PK80991 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS receives a java.lang.NullPointerException invoking an object over IIOP
PK81168 ABEND U4091 of WebSphere Controller due to insufficient native storage.
Samples PK76720 Cross site scripting security vulnerabilities exist in the WebSphere sample applications
Security PK64713 EJB SessionContext.getCallerPrincipal().getName() returns userid appended with spaces to fill up to 8 characters
PK70943 A request for authentication of a user id that is longer than 8 characte
PK72337 Dynamic SSLConfig is not loaded correctly causing SSL handshake exception
PK72757 SRVE0216E: post body contains less bytes than specified by content-length.
PK73112 NullPointerException may happen when SPNEGO canonical host support used (
PK73520 Corba.no_permission is thrown during orb callback
PK73801 ADMN1202W: inefficient MBean query executed WebSphere type=ssladmin. Displaying ssl configurations taking a long time
PK74045 Adding signer certificate to trust store fails with lengthTag=1
PK74297 Implement a method to extract expiration date from TokenExpiredException
PK74802 Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: provider is null or empty string error when running convertSelfSignedCertificateToChained
PK75058 A subject which was constructed via TAI does not get cached correctly.
PK75065 Method needed to be able to identify the auditorID in the audit policy when SAF is enabled on z/OS
PK75082 Missing or incorrect caller specified in an audit record
PK75163 WSLoginFailedException seen when
PK75344 Configure and enable kerberos authentication mechanism for WebSphere Application Serv
PK75411 ADMG0020E error message seen when setting up a security domain with LDAP user registry information in the administrative console
PK75424 Addresses problems discovered with the admin agent during internal testing.
PK75439 Job manager exhibits high cpu usage in large scale flexible management deployments
PK75540 Unable to start high availability deployment manager (hadmgr) due to incorrect configuration root
PK75694 Ca not restart subsystem in adminagent after changing profile security config
PK75886 Option to disable the automatic addition of the node name to JAAS alias
PK75919 LTPA token timeout may not occur promptly
PK76026 Allow Kerberos support in administrative agent during register node
PK76044 Port not getting refreshed with new certificate when a certificate is replaced
PK76413 HTTPHeaderFilter <someHeader> header is not present
PK76877 Unable to get audit certificate from SAF keyring
PK76989 TokenExpiredException executing a long running process in WebSphere Process Server with Feature Pack for Web Services
PK77723 Authorization fails when user provides a realm name
PK77863 RSA token validation fails because of "certificate is not trusted" error
PK78114 A cache entry in authentication cache will not be removed upon form logout.
PK79381 Authcache entires are not removed correctly upon login with new password.
PK79503 CTS to use native JACC provider
PK79901 Read-only subject cache and security attribute propagation decrease performance and scalability when enabled.
PK80360 NullPointerException when runing multiple SPNEGO clients simultaneously with security auditing enabled.
PK80565 When security attribute propagation is enabl
PK80948 Error when certificate expiration monitor replaces some certificates in a CMSKeyStore
PK81068 WorkSpaceException thrown during a save of the configuration
Security (zSeries®) PK78754 CBind checks are made when the active user registry is federated repositories
PK78757 Authorization errors occur for users of was on z/OS who have SAFauhtorization enabled but do not have EJBROLE in RACLIST
Servlet Engine / Web Container PK74129 RequestDispatcher forward to static file serving servlet does not work
PK77421 suppresshtmlrecursiveerroroutput does not work on v7
System Management / Repository PK52700 WKSP0009E error deploying or updating an application with wsadmin
PK68020 NullPointerException installing an application with -MapRunAsRolesToUsers
PK69059 Context root is reset to "/" when -contextroot is not set in the AdminApp.update() command
PK71393 AdminApp.getDeployStatus() shows incorrect result on expansion failure.
PK72900 JMX ports do not rebind after TCP/IP is recycled.
PK73009 SECJ0306E error seen in logs when node agent is shutdo
PK73158 addNode with -includeApps fails with an OpenFailureException while encounting a WebSphere Extended Deployment application with editions
PK73307 ADMA0092E: "an unexpected exception occurred" stating to check the first failure data capture tool (ffdc) for more information
PK73417 Make the task that cleans out configuration repository temp space less likely to delete files in use
PK73526 Logging configuration settings defined in properties file do not take effect.
PK74080 restoreConfig gives unexpected exception for systemapps application
PK74323 Some explanatory message text is missing for the importWasprofile and exportWasprofile commands.
PK74472 Was_install_root shared by appserver and dmgr in a cell config
PK74606 A composition unit based on an imported Java EE asset does not reflect updates to the asset.
PK74779 AdminApp.update is unable to update an application using the network path
PK75174 Auto-enable compressed refs on AIX PPC64 if heapsize less than 25 gigabytes
PK75279 If a remote host address is passed to the IPC connect
PK75336 Configurator in auth group is able to install an application.
PK75378 NullPointerException caused by failure to get MBean which leads to stopDeployment failure
PK75441 Filetransfer failure causes cell sync failure
PK75632 Unable to sta
PK75676 Composition units based on an updated asset might not be restarted.
PK75682 A null pointer exception is thrown on the function getAvailableModules with an empty cluster.
PK75728 Calling AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient() within Application Server results in Java 2 security violation
PK75934 Fixes to flexible management covering performan
PK75944 Add hashCode() method to AssetSpec and ActivationPlanSpec classes in the packa
PK76048 The validateConfigProperties and applyConfigProperties commands fail with an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
PK76148 The command assistance is sometimes incorrect for listing objects in the administrative console.
PK76318 Deploying a Java EE 5 application causes validation to be performed more than once and results in performance issue.
PK76328 Problem with blaname option in enterprise application deployment
PK76329 Existing shared library settings in application and other module levels are wiped out when a module is edited.
PK76459 User is logged out of the console when deleting an empty cluster after PK70126
PK76504 Fix regenCerts on renameCell for VM activation scenario
PK76558 NullPointerException in ServantFileRepository.addListener():- with Compute Grid
PK76692 Server restart fails after install of WebSphere service registry
PK76813 Refactor BLA sync code for better performance
PK77046 Erroneus message in adminagent systemout.log: application isclite not installed
PK77300 BLA did not clean up the asset completely when adding an invalid asset as a composition unit to a BLA
PK78564 Full asset update did not update the binary at installedAssets location on the first call but succeeds after subsequence calls
PK78992 Memory leak on deployment manager node in a mixed cell during application update on a v6.1 node
PK79116 addNode failed while there is a v5 node in the cell or if federating a z/OS node to a distributed deployment manager.
PK79389 FileNotFoundException when attempting install application job
PK79619 Properties-file based configuration may not work when the properties file contains non-ASCII characters.
PK79936 Server fails to discover admin agent
PK80928 Applications do not start when Extended Deployment is installed but not augmented to the current profile.
PK81286 After applying Feature Ppac
Web Services (for example: SOAP or UDDI or WSGW or WSIF) PK63688 WS-Security LTPA binary security tokens are missing the Base64Binary encoding type attribute
PK70639 NullPointerException from the HTTPSender class
PK71619 Application Server does not propagate JAX-WS application policy set bindings updated by an assembly tool to the working set
PK71687 Optimize enableInProcessConnections in Web Services
PK71878 WSWS0045E message should not be logged to trace if enterprise bean has only JMS router module but not http router module
PK71896 After migrating to WebSphere Application Server v7
PK72050 WSWS3710E error when requests come in for Web Services with charset ISO-8859-1.
PK72264 MessageContext.setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY <new_endpoint>) might cause javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException
PK72786 WSDL2Jva does not generate code for bean in some scenarios.
PK72886 Incorrect WSDL generated for 2 dimensional array types
PK74038 List of policy types in policy set is not getting refreshed when policy set cache is cleared.
PK74377 As a web service provid
PK74505 Webservices application install hangs or is very slow
PK74604 The PolicySetManager MBean is not displayed when the user issues the queryNames or completeObjectName commands
PK74844 Failure to deploy an SCA BLA with webservices policyset binding attachment onto a server with multiple security domain
PK75348 WSDL2Java emitter code does not display meaningful warning message
PK75541 Java 2 security errors occur when invoking an in-process web service request.
PK75546 Performance improvements for WebSphere Process Server
PK75750 Running out of outbound http connections
PK75777 Possible performance degradation with ansync and one-way JAX-WS Web Services under heavy load
PK75782 WSDL contains incorrect port in soap:address location after publishing a JAX-WS web service
PK75980 There are some usability issues with WS-ReliableMessaging administrative console and SPI interface.
PK75981 There are some functional issues with WS-ReliableMessaging
PK76252 Multiple cookies are not handled correctly by the Web Services client
PK76424 Restarting the server with Feature Pack for Web Services installed results in webservices ConcurrentModificationException
PK76429 WSDL acquisition does not correctly honor proxy configurations set on the application via a transport policy.
PK76630 Multi-part WSDL not correctly annotated with WS-Policy
PK76733 Web Services client does not obtain a valid http cookie if it contains a " (double quote) in the path= paramete
PK76788 Numerous failed webservices connections lead to growth in outbound channel objects and OutOfMemory error
PK76876 Java virtual machine runs out of memory after continual actions are performed on applications.
PK76901 Partial application update is very slow
PK76921 NoClassDefFoundError when JMS and the JAX-WS thinclient are used
PK77168 JAX-WS may receive an incorrectly formatted binary classname causing ClassNotFoundException
PK78084 JAX-WS catalog entries are not honored when publishing the WSDL for a Web Services application.
PK78256 JAX-RPC Web Services applications do not function correctly when installed using a non-default application name
PK78312 Cookies improperly persisting across client instances
PK78527 Service listener status is incorrect on the administrative console for z/OS
PK79287 Partial application update does not update application correctly
PK80269 Incorrect binding version created for Web Services application that already contains a v6.1 binding
PK80382 Loading webservices system applications increases memory footprint by 6Mb
PK80395 ClassNotFoundException when invoking a web service over SSL
PK80512 Web Services request without Ws-Addressing fails when client has no policy set.
PK81587 Slight performance improvement for JAX-WS MessageContext processing
Web Services Security PK69014 Predefined keystore is not listed on administrative console
PK72138 No SOAPAction + bindings only at operation level causes exposure
PK72683 Performance: improve XML schema document processing during application startup
PK74972 Exception when running ant apt task
PK75084 Memory leak in WS-Security runtime cache function
PK75264 Public key is missing from asymmetric encryption generator tokens
PK75538 Error message displayed on the WS-Security message expiration binding panel for new bindings.
PK75548 ClassCastException in JAX-RPC
PK75992 JAX-RPC WS-Security runtime might incorrectly validate a UsernameToken after PK41002
PK76017 Static XMLl catalog needed for WS-Notification provider and client
PK76024 WebSphere Application Server version 7 sets an incorrect JAAS login default for new custom Kerberos tokens
PK76433 CWWSS5502E exception may occur when using Kerberos tokens
PK76690 Add support for WS-Security auditing
PK77055 Message level protection check box in the Ws-Security administrative console page sometimes becomes re-checked
PK80596 XML digital signature specification has a security problem
Workload Management (WLM) PK73950 Workload management null pointer exception in IIOPRoutingHelper
PK74018 Workload management callback failures result in high cpu
PK75362 Workload management failure to start or stop a cluster in partial state
PK75813 Workload management OutOfMemory in proxy server
PK76262 Workload management enabled setting of request timeout on proxy server

Fix release date: 08 Dec 2008
Last modified: 08 Dec 2008
Status: Superseded

Download Fix Pack 1
Fix List for Fix Pack 1

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"Base;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 October 2019

