IBM Support

IBM WebSphere MQ Version Fix Pack PTF readme for i5/OS

Product Readmes


This readme provides service level information for 5724H7226


IBM WebSphere MQ Version Fix Pack PTF readme for i5/OS.

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009.
All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights
- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

This is the tenth edition of this readme, dated 1st May 2013
The latest service level is known as the -> MDV <- set of PTFs.

You can verify your current service level by calling program DSPMQMVER using command CALL QMQM/DSPMQVER. The same information is visible in the prolog section of WebSphere MQ FDC reports.

For the latest set of PTFs, the corresponding data is:


Name . . . . . . . . . : WebSphere MQ
Version . . . . . . . :
CMVC level . . . . . . : p701-110-130419
BuildType . . . . . . : IKAP - (Production)

FDC Report: PIDS :- 5724H7226
FDC Report: LVLS :-
FDC Report: Build Date :- Apr 22 2013
FDC Report: CMVC level :- p701-110-130419

MDV is a Fix Pack, which comprises twelve PTFs
- nine for the *BASE install option (library QMQM) (5724H72)
- one for install option 1 (library QMQMSAMP) (5724H72)
- two for the WebSphere MQ Java™/JMS for i5/OS product (5724L26)

PTF SI49190 has been designated as the 'marker' PTF for MDV
Ordering a Group PTF will deliver a complete set of (twelve) PTFs.
Alternatively, ordering SI49190 will deliver all ten PTFs for product 5724H7206 and the two PTFs for product 5724L2620 (WebSphere MQ Java/JMS), if installed.
The complete set of Group PTFs comprises:
* SF99331 - i5/OS V5R3 - WebSphere MQ for i5/OS 7.0
* SF99332 - i5/OS V5R4 - WebSphere MQ for i5/OS 7.0
* SF99351 - IBM i V6R1 - WebSphere MQ for i5/OS 7.0
* SF99359 - IBM i V7R1 - WebSphere MQ for i5/OS 7.0

For option *BASE - you must apply ALL nine PTFs.
For option 1 - SI49195 (optional) will re-ship library QMQMSAMP
and directory /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/samp

If the MQ Server & MQ Java/JMS products are both installed
For WebSphere MQ Java - SI49190 MUST be applied as well as SI49200
For WebSphere MQ Java option 1 - SI49201 (optional) reships directory


BEFORE UPDATING your WebSphere MQ service level, you -> MUST <- quiesce all Queue Manager activity. A suggested procedure is included in the PTF Special Instructions. With this Fix Pack it is especially important to clear up shared memory.

The latest set of PTFs incorporate a PTF exit program, which will
log error on apply PTF or remove PTF operation if subsystem QMQM is still
active or one or more Queue Manager jobs are still running.
Please ensure you have read and understood section 1.6 below
"Error messages logged by APYPTF or RMVPTF"


BEFORE APPLYING the latest set of PTFs, you -> MUST <- remove any TESTFIXES which have been applied on top of the previous CSD.


Users upgrading or installing WebSphere MQ, on a system with a PRIMARY LANGUAGE for which there is no MQSeries National Language Version ... PLEASE READ section "Installing translated versions" in Chapter 1 of the Quick Beginnings for i5/OS:



1.0 About this release
1.1 Supported products
1.2 PTF and VRMF information
1.3 Product fix history
1.5 CUM packages
1.6 Error messages logged by APYPTF or RMVPTF
2.0 Documentation updates

3.0 Operating System release notes
3.1 IBM i R710
3.2 IBM i R610
3.3 i5/OS R540
3.4 i5/OS R530

4.0 Summary of non-PTF APARs

5.0 Notices and trademarks


1.1 Supported products

Fix pack updates WebSphere MQ for i5/OS to the same service
level as the following products:
WebSphere MQ for AIX (POWER Platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (PA-RISC Platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (Itanium platform)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (SPARC Platform)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (x86-64 platform)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 Platform)
WebSphere MQ for Linux on POWER (POWER Platform)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform)
WebSphere MQ for Linux 64 bit (zSeries platform)
WebSphere MQ for Windows

1.2 PTF and VRMF information

Products are identified by Version, Release, Modification and Fix numbers (VRMF).

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI49190 replaces SI47076
- SI49191 replaces SI47077
- SI49192 replaces SI47078
- SI49193 replaces SI47079
- SI49194 replaces SI47080
- SI49195 replaces SI47081
- SI49196 replaces SI47082
- SI49197 replaces SI47083
- SI49198 replaces SI47084
- SI49199 replaces SI47085
- SI49200 replaces SI47086
- SI49201 replaces SI47087

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI47076 replaces SI45772
- SI47086 replaces SI45782
- SI47079 replaces SI45775
- SI47077 replaces SI45773
- SI47087 replaces SI45783
- SI47085 replaces SI45781
- SI47084 replaces SI45780
- SI47083 replaces SI45779
- SI47082 replaces SI45778
- SI47081 replaces SI45777
- SI47080 replaces SI45776
- SI47078 replaces SI45774

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI45772 replaces SI44923
- SI45782 replaces SI44933
- SI45775 replaces SI44926
- SI45773 replaces SI44924
- SI45783 replaces SI44934
- SI45781 replaces SI44932
- SI45780 replaces SI44931
- SI45779 replaces SI44930
- SI45778 replaces SI44929
- SI45777 replaces SI44928
- SI45776 replaces SI44927
- SI45774 replaces SI44925

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI44923 replaces SI43554
- SI44933 replaces SI43564
- SI44926 replaces SI43557
- SI44924 replaces SI43555
- SI44934 replaces SI43565
- SI44932 replaces SI43563
- SI44931 replaces SI43562
- SI44930 replaces SI43561
- SI44929 replaces SI43560
- SI44928 replaces SI43559
- SI44927 replaces SI43558
- SI44925 replaces SI43556

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI43554 replaces SI42603
- SI43564 replaces SI42613
- SI43557 replaces SI42606
- SI43555 replaces SI42604
- SI43565 replaces SI42614
- SI43563 replaces SI42612
- SI43562 replaces SI42611
- SI43561 replaces SI42610
- SI43560 replaces SI42609
- SI43559 replaces SI42608
- SI43558 replaces SI42607
- SI43556 replaces SI42605

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI42603 replaces SI41689
- SI42613 replaces SI41699
- SI42606 replaces SI41692
- SI42604 replaces SI41690
- SI42614 replaces SI41700
- SI42612 replaces SI41698
- SI42611 replaces SI41697
- SI42610 replaces SI41696
- SI42609 replaces SI41695
- SI42608 replaces SI41694
- SI42607 replaces SI41693
- SI42605 replaces SI41691

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI41689 replaces SI40549
- SI41699 replaces SI40560
- SI41692 replaces SI40553
- SI41690 replaces SI40551
- SI41700 replaces SI40561
- SI41698 replaces SI40559
- SI41697 replaces SI40558
- SI41696 replaces SI40557
- SI41695 replaces SI40556
- SI41694 replaces SI40555
- SI41693 replaces SI40554
- SI41691 replaces SI40552

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI40549 replaces SI38999
- SI40560 replaces SI39009
- SI40553 replaces SI39002
- SI40551 replaces SI39000
- SI40561 replaces SI39010
- SI40559 replaces SI39008
- SI40558 replaces SI39007
- SI40557 replaces SI39006
- SI40556 replaces SI39005
- SI40555 replaces SI39004
- SI40554 replaces SI39003
- SI40552 replaces SI39001

These PTFs take products at Fix Pack to Fix Pack level

- SI38999 replaces SI36917
- SI39009 replaces SI36928
- SI39002 replaces SI36920
- SI39000 replaces SI36918
- SI39010 replaces SI36929
- SI39008 replaces SI36926
- SI39007 replaces SI36925
- SI39006 replaces SI36924
- SI39005 replaces SI36923
- SI39004 replaces SI36922
- SI39003 replaces SI36921
- SI39001 replaces SI36919

These PTFs take products at GA level 7.0.1 to Fix Pack level

- SI36917 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36928 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36920 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36918 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36929 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36926 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36925 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36924 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36923 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36922 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36921 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI36919 new (no superseded PTFs)

These PTFs move the products at Fix Pack level to Fix Pack level

- SI34790 replaces SI33784
- SI34791 replaces SI33787
- SI35002 replaces SI33914
- SI34996 replaces SI33907
- SI35004 replaces SI33912
- SI35007 replaces SI33909
- SI34998 replaces SI33915
- SI35003 replaces SI33913
- SI35008 replaces SI33908
- SI35006 replaces SI33910
- SI35005 replaces SI33911
- SI34997 replaces SI33897

These PTFs take products at GA level to Fix Pack level

- SI33784 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33787 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33897 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33907 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33908 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33909 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33910 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33911 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33912 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33913 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33914 new (no superseded PTFs)
- SI33915 new (no superseded PTFs)

These PTFs are members of the following Group PTFs:

- SF99359 for IBM i 7.1
- SF99351 for IBM i 6.1
- SF99332 for i5/OS V5R4M0
- SF99331 for i5/OS V5R3M0

Ordering a Group PTF will download ALL the PTFs which comprise the latest Refresh Pack or Fix Pack.

1.3 Product fix history

The details of the fixes included in this Fix pack can be found at


There are no HIPER APARs shipped in this service update.

1.5 CUM packages

All PTFs in this service update are being withheld from all i5/OS CUM packages to prevent an unintended upgrade of WebSphere MQ on systems which have WebSphere Application Services installed.

1.6 Error messages logged by APYPTF or RMVPTF

All nine *BASE PTF's and the Sample PTF use a PTF exit program called AMQIPTFX. If WebSphere MQ has not been fully quiesced AND subsystem QMQM has not been shut down, then performing APYPTF or RMVPTF will not run to completion and AMQIPTFX will log the messages shown below:

INFO Using exit program AMQIPTFX.1.6 for product 5724H72 and PTF SIxxxxx
CPF1010 Subsystem name QMQM active.
AMQ6903 Installation failed, WebSphere MQ resources are still active.


The product documentation has been updated since its initial v7 release and is included in the information center, which is available here: It includes links to:

Getting Started .. What's new in WebSphere MQ
Downloads .. Access the latest WebSphere MQ family product readmes
Downloads .. Expand WebSphere MQ with WebSphere MQ SupportPacs
Redbooks .. Browse for Redbooks
Other information .. View product Technotes and Service Support details

The WebSphere MQ Product Readme for version applies to products shipped at version, which have Fix pack (or later) installed, as well as those shipped at version Both product and PTF readme files should be reviewed for updates, limitations, known problems and documentation updates.


3.1 IBM i 7.1

The latest cumulative package for IBM i 7.1 is:
* Package external name: C3037710
* Package internal name: V7R1M0_GA_008

This CUM package does NOT contain any PTFs for WebSphere MQ.
The full contents list can be found on the internet at:

Refer to Group PTF SF99710, for all HIPER fixes since the General Availability of IBM i 7.1

3.2 IBM i 6.1

The latest cumulative package for IBM i 6.1 is:
* Package external name: C3058610
* Package internal name: V6R1M0_GA_015

This CUM package does NOT contain any PTFs for WebSphere MQ.
The full contents list can be found on the internet at:

Refer to Group PTF SF99609, for all HIPER fixes since the General Availability of IBM i 6.1

3.3 i5/OS R540

The latest cumulative package for i5/OS V5R4M0 is:
* Package external name: C2094540
* Package internal name: V5R4M0_GA_020

This CUM package does NOT contain any PTFs for WebSphere MQ.
The full contents list can be found on the internet at:

Refer to Group PTF SF99332, for all HIPER fixes since the General Availability of V5R4M0

3.4 i5/OS R530

The latest cumulative package for i5/OS V5R3M0 is:
* Package external name: C8267530
* Package internal name: V5R3M0_GA_021

This CUM package does NOT contain any PTFs for WebSphere MQ.

Refer to Group PTF SF99331, for all HIPER fixes since the General Availability of V5R3M0




The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:
AS/400, CICS, DB2, eServer, IBM, i5/OS, IBM i, iSeries, MQSeries, OS/400, pSeries, Rational, S/390, SupportPac, Tivoli, WebSphere, z/OS, z/Series

Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates in the United States, other countries, or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

Itanium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or it's subsidiaries in the United States and other countries

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"APAR \/ Maintenance","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.0.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

