IBM Support

IT29692: MQ traces the wrong byte position for the failing character if data conversion fails

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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • This problem has been reported in a couple of different
    Scenario 1 :
    When MQ attempts to convert a message - for example from
    code page 1208 to 500 and the data conversion code hits an
    unconvertible character then MQ trace should print the byte
    position of the character but a bug in the trace results in the
    wrong number being printed.  (The length of the buffer is
    printed instead of the position in the message: "Conversion
    failed due to DBCS error in input string at byte 9164 in
     21:21:58.297870 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 (08)---------}
    OpenConversion rc=OK FunctionTime=3822
     21:21:58.298032 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 Conversion failed:
    source character too long
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0000: 436f6e76
    65727369 6f6e2066 61696c65 |Conversion faile|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0010: 64206475
    6520746f 20444243 53206572 |d due to DBCS er|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0020: 726f7220
    696e2069 6e707574 20737472 |ror in input str|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0030: 696e6720
    61742062 79746520 39313634 |ing at byte 9164|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0040: 20696e20
    73747269 6e67 | in string |
    Scenario 2 :
    MQ Explorer fails to connect to queue manager and MQ trace
    contains MQRC_DBCS_ERROR.
    In MQ trace, there is an error message "Conversion failed due
    to DBCS error in input string at byte 64 in string". At that
    point xecX_E_DBCS_ERR is returned.
     13:20:31.906966   128876.14     ZSESS:000007 --------{
     13:20:31.906968   128876.14     ZSESS:000007
     13:20:31.906970   128876.14     ZSESS:000007      From Encoding
    xcsASCII. From Type xcsSBCS. To Encoding xcsUTF8. To
    Type xcsMixed.
     13:20:31.906973   128876.14     ZSESS:000007        0x0000:
       436f6e76 65727369 6f6e2066 61696c65  |Conversion faile|
     13:20:31.906973   128876.14     ZSESS:000007        0x0010:
       64206475 6520746f 20444243 53206572  |d due to DBCS er|
     13:20:31.906973   128876.14     ZSESS:000007        0x0020:
       726f7220 696e2069 6e707574 20737472  |ror in input str|
     13:20:31.906973   128876.14     ZSESS:000007        0x0030:
       696e6720 61742062 79746520 36342069  |ing at byte 64 i|
     13:20:31.906973   128876.14     ZSESS:000007        0x0040:
       6e207374 72696e67                    |n string        |
     13:20:31.906974   128876.14     ZSESS:000007 --------}!
           xxxNewCodeConv rc=xecX_E_DBCS_ERR
    Although it implies it's having problems with a particular
    character, the error message actually tells us the SIZE of the
    buffer (64 characters) rather than the ACTUAL character it was
    having problems converting. So ANY one of the characters in the
    buffer could be the cause.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    Users of MQ V8 and later who need to troubleshoot a DBCS data
    conversion error
    Platforms affected:
    The problem occurred when MQ's data conversion routines
    encountered an error while converting a DBCS character.  MQ
    trace shows the errors "MQRC_DBCS_ERROR" and "xecX_E_DBCS_ERR"
    and a message should be printed to identify the byte position of
    the character in error, but instead the message printed an
    incorrect value (it actually printed the length of the buffer
    being converted).
    An example of the message is :
    "Conversion failed due to DBCS error in input string at byte
    9164 in string").
     21:21:58.297870 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 (08)---------}
    OpenConversion rc=OK FunctionTime=3822
     21:21:58.298032 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 Conversion failed:
    source character too long
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0000: 436f6e76
    65727369 6f6e2066 61696c65 |Conversion faile|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0010: 64206475
    6520746f 20444243 53206572 |d due to DBCS er|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0020: 726f7220
    696e2069 6e707574 20737472 |ror in input str|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0030: 696e6720
    61742062 79746520 39313634 |ing at byte 9164|
     21:21:58.298080 9863.1939 RSESS:000000 0x0040: 20696e20
    73747269 6e67 | in string |

Problem conclusion

  • The message in trace has been corrected to print the correct
    byte position of the character in error.
    This APAR change does not alter any conversion behavior of MQ,
    and is made purely to improve the diagnostic capability around
    conversion failures.
    The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs:
    Version    Maintenance Level
    v9.0 LTS
    v9.1 CD    9.1.4
    v9.1 LTS
    The latest available maintenance can be obtained from
    'WebSphere MQ Recommended Fixes'
    If the maintenance level is not yet available information on
    its planned availability can be found in 'WebSphere MQ
    Planned Maintenance Release Dates'

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 August 2019