IBM Support

Error 'Argument 'Number' is not a valid value' when launching the Intercompany balances report



User clicks 'Group - Reconcile - Intercompany Balances'. User chooses selections. User clicks 'preview'. User receives error message.


Screen message:

    Cognos 8 Controller
    Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.
    Argument 'Number' is not a valid value.
    [Details] [Continue]

Event Viewer (Application Log) on application server:

There are several errors, such as:
    Type de l'vnement: Avertissement
    Source de l'vnement: Cognos Controller
    Catgorie de l'vnement: Aucun
    ID de l'vnement: 0
    Date: 09/03/2009
    Heure: 14:30:18
    Utilisateur: N/A
    Ordinateur: SERVERNAME
    Error occured at 09/03/2009 14:30:18 in Cognos Controller, Error No=5, Source=Microsoft.VisualBasic:FrangoClient.clsStandardReports.CreateReports:FrangoClient.clsStandardReports.PreviewReports.frmICBalance.IPrint_DoPreview.frmICBalance.IForm_DoClick, Description=Argument 'Number' is not a valid value., HelpFile= HelpContext=0

    Type de l'vnement: Avertissement
    Source de l'vnement: Cognos Controller
    Catgorie de l'vnement: Aucun
    ID de l'vnement: 0
    Date: 09/03/2009
    Heure: 14:30:18
    Utilisateur: N/A
    Ordinateur: SERVERNAME
    Error occured at 09/03/2009 14:30:18 in Cognos Controller, Error No=5, Source=Microsoft.VisualBasic:FrangoClient.clsStandardReports.CreateReports:FrangoClient.clsStandardReports.PreviewReports, Description=Argument 'Number' is not a valid value., HelpFile= HelpContext=0

    Type de l'vnement: Avertissement
    Source de l'vnement: Cognos Controller
    Catgorie de l'vnement: Aucun
    ID de l'vnement: 0
    Date: 09/03/2009
    Heure: 14:30:18
    Utilisateur: N/A
    Ordinateur: SERVERNAME
    Error occured at 09/03/2009 14:30:18 in Cognos Controller, Error No=0, Source=:FrangoClient.clsStandardReports.CreateReport, Description=, HelpFile= HelpContext=0

    Type de l'vnement: Avertissement
    Source de l'vnement: Cognos Controller
    Catgorie de l'vnement: Aucun
    ID de l'vnement: 0
    Date: 09/03/2009
    Heure: 14:30:18
    Utilisateur: N/A
    Ordinateur: SERVERNAME
    Error occured at 09/03/2009 14:30:18 in Cognos Controller, Error No=5, Source=FrangoDirect.ICBalanceD.ReportDetails#ControllerProxyClient.frmICBalance.IFormStandardReport_CreateReportData, Description=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Le serveur n'a pas pu traiter la demande. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A06C5): Class definition VFPCOM.COMUTIL is not found.
    FrICBalanceB.ICBalanceClass.ICBalReportCRN(String sGuid, String sUser, Int32 lLocale, Boolean bSourceGroupMenu, Int32 lSelRep, Int32 lSelVerNo, String sSelAct, String sSelPer, String sSelCloVer, String sSelConsType, String sSelGroup, String sSelFromComp, String sSelToComp, Int32 lSelDim, Int32 lSelDim1Lev, Int32 lSelDim2Lev, Int32 lSelDim3Lev, Int32 lSelDim4Lev, String sSelDim1, String sSelDim2, String sSelDim3, String sSelDim4, Boolean bSelNetAcc, Boolean bSelSkipTrans, Boolean bSelPropMeth, Boolean bSelShowTotal, Boolean bSelAllLevels, Boolean bSelExclAssComps, Int32 lSelSortOption, Int32 lSelDiff, String sSelCurr, Object sXmlDoc)
    Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.ICBalance_ICBalReportCRN(String sGuid, String sUser, Int32 lLocale, Boolean bSourceGroupMenu, Int32 lSelRep, Int32 lSelVerNo, String sSelAct, String sSelPer, String sSelCloVer, String sSelConsType, String sSelGroup, String sSelFromComp, String sSelToComp, Int32 lSelDim, Int32 lSelDim1Lev, Int32 lSelDim2Lev, Int32 lSelDim3Lev, Int32 lSelDim4Lev, String sSelDim1, String sSelDim2, String sSelDim3, String sSelDim4, Boolean bSelNetAcc, Boolean bSelSkipTrans, Boolean bSelPropMeth, Boolean bSelShowTotal, Boolean bSelAllLevels, Boolean bSelExclAssComps, Int32 lSelSortOption, Int32 lSelDiff, String sSelCurr, Object sXmlDoc)
    --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne ---, HelpFile= HelpContext=0

    Type de l'vnement: Avertissement
    Source de l'vnement: VBRuntime
    Catgorie de l'vnement: Aucun
    ID de l'vnement: 1
    Date: 09/03/2009
    Heure: 14:30:18
    Utilisateur: N/A
    Ordinateur: SERVERNAME
    The VB Application identified by the event source logged this Application FrICBalanceB: Thread ID: 1468 ,Logged: Error occured at 09/03/2009 14:30:18 in FrICBalanceB, Error No=1733, Source=FrICBalanceB.ICBalance.ICBalReportDetails, Description=Class definition VFPCOM.COMUTIL is not found., HelpFile= HelpContext=0


The application server does not have a correctly-registered VFPCOM.COMUTIL component installed. This is causing the 2 COM+ components 'frangovfp.cglobvar' and 'frangovfp.main' to not work correctly.

Resolving The Problem

  • Re-register the DLL file 'VFPCOM.DLL'
  • Re-register the Controller server component 'frangovfp.dll' (cglobvar and main).


TIP: If your Controller server architecture has a dedicated 'consolidation server', then perform the solution on the 'consolidation' application server.
  1. Log on to the Controller application server as an administrator.
  2. Open a command prompt, by clicking Start - Run, then type CMD <Enter>
  3. cd \ <Enter>
  4. cd windows <Enter>
  5. cd system32 <Enter>
  6. cd server <Enter>
  7. REGSVR32 VFPCOM.DLL /u <Enter>
  8. REGSVR32 VFPCOM.DLL <Enter>
  9. Exit the command prompt by typing: exit <enter>
  10. Click 'Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - Component Services'
  11. Expand 'Computers - My Computer - COM+ Applications - COGNOSCONTROLLER (or "IBMCOGNOSCONTROLLER" if using Controller 8.4 or later)'
  12. Expand to open the subfolder 'Components'
  13. Locate and highlight (select) the following 2 components: 'frangovfp.cglobvar' and 'frangovfp.main'
  14. Select, and then 'right-click' on these 2 components, and choose 'delete'
  15. Keep the window 'components' visible (do not close this window)
  16. Launch Windows Explorer, and open the folder <install_location>\cognos\c8\server
  17. Locate the file 'frangovfp.dll'
  18. Drag and drop the file 'frangovfp.dll' and place it inside the 'components' window (from the previous actions - for example, see step 12). This will re-register the components 'frangovfp.cglobvar' and 'frangovfp.main' again
  19. Highlight 'frangovfp.cglobvar' and then click 'CTRL-A' (on the keyboard) to select *all* the components
  20. Right-click on the highlighted (blue) components and choose 'properties'
  21. In the new window ('Multi Select Properties') click 'Security' tab
  22. Tick the box 'Enforce component level access checks'
  23. Tick the box next to the group 'Name' (for example 'CognosUsers')
  24. Click OK. TIP: This process can take a minute or two to complete
  25. Test

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.2","Edition":"Not Applicable","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

