IBM Support

MustGather: Read first for FileNet Content Engine



Customer-provided background information (also known as MustGather data) helps in problem determination and saves time when resolving Cases. This technote provides a description of the background information IBM® Support will need will need for FileNet Content Manager, including container deployments.


WebSphere, WebLogic, and JBoss [V5.2.1 only] on all supported operating systems.  Containers are supported on WebSphere Liberty only.

Resolving The Problem

Gathering General Information

Collecting and providing the following information will assist IBM in finding a solution:
  1. The error and related stack trace, in full, of the problem being reported. Stack traces should include any nested exceptions ("Caused by").
  2. A description of the problem with:
    1. The detailed steps required to reproduce the problem.
    2. A brief explanation of what the expected results were.
    3. Approximately, what time did the problem occur?
    4. A description, if applicable, of any work-arounds that are available.
    5. How frequently the problem occurs.
    6. How long has been the problem occurred.
    7. What has changed to the system since it was working (Fix Pack, configuration change, server relocation, etc).
  3. All of the information displayed on the Content Platform Engine Startup Context page (also known as the ping page). You can access this page from any client with a web browser, using the following link:


    Where <server> is the server's host where Content Platform Engine is deployed. And <port> is the HTTP port is used by the application server where Content Platform Engine is deployed. 

    Default ports: 
      WebSphere (9080)
      WebLogic (7001)
      JBoss (8080) 
      WebSphere Liberty Containers (9080)  Note: the port can be retrieved with the kubectl get svc command.
  4. The FileNet Content Engine error log files: The error files are located on each application server instance where CPE is deployed, in the FileNet/<CPE_server_name> sub-directory.

    V5.5.5 and earlier:  By default the error log file is named p8_server_error.log. 
    V5.5.6 and later: By default the error log file is named ce_system0.log.

    For WebSphere Application Server, an example log file location is: <install_root>/profiles/<profile_name>/FileNet/<CPE_server_name>/ce_system0.log.
    For Oracle WebLogic Server, an example log file location is: <install_root>/user_projects/domains/<my_domain>/FileNet/AdminServer/ce_system0.log.
    For JBoss, an example log file location is: <jboss_install>/jboss-as/bin/FileNet/<CPE_serve_name>/p8_server_error. log.

    For container environments, <CPE Persistent Volume>/<cpefnlogstore>/FileNet/<pod-name>  The Persistent Volume (PV) path is defined in your Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) yaml.  
          kubectl get pvc –n  <namespace>
          kubectl describe pv <volume name>
    See the documentation for more details on accessing the logs:
  5. The application server trace log files: For cluster environments, provide the log files from each server. Each server stores log files as follows:
    1. WebSphere - all files in the following directories:
    2. WebLogic
    3. JBoss

      i.    logs/ffdc, messages.log and console.log are under the fnlogs PV folder
      ii.    In OpenShift/ICP, run the following commands to gather the pod status,
               kubectl get pods  (to retrieve pod id)
               kubectl describe pods <pod_id>
               kubectl logs <pod_id>
      iii.    If deployed by helm chart on OCP/ICP, get the error messages from "helm install" and "helm upgrade" output
      iv.    If deployed by IBACC UI,  collect  logs from the <dbamc_staging_deploy>/cfg/logs folder under the IBACC PV folder.
  6. The specific version of application server (WebSphere, WebLogic, or JBoss) being used including any fix packs that have been applied.
       i.   For containers, the container version.
  7. The specific database version being used including any fix packs that have been applied.
  8. A brief description of configuration specifics that will help us understand what may make this environment unique, such as, Network deployments/Clustering, or Single Sign On or container deployment.
  9. If the issue involves a client application:

    Is it a custom application?
    Is it deployed in an application server?
    Is it another IBM product or based on one such as Content Navigator, Workplace or IBM Enterprise Records?  If so, provide the version information.
Gathering component-specific information

Search for MustGather documents and see if one matches your symptom or the part of the product with which you are experiencing problems, follow the instructions in the associated MustGather document:

View all MustGather documents

The following MustGather documents have been provided for your convenience:

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"IBM FileNet Content Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000GoOKAA0","label":"Mustgather"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.2.1;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 September 2024

