Search tips

To get the most out of search, use these recommendations to create meaningful search terms that will give you the most relevant results:

  • Be aware of your spelling. Even a single, misspelled word can impact your results.
  • Searches are not case sensitive. Searching for results like acronyms and abbreviations, the case does not matter.
  • The more specific your search terms are, the better quality search results you will receive. For example, if you are searching for information about Watson AI, type Watson artificial intelligence machine learning.
  • Results with a lock icon [] require authentication to view the page.

Special commands

Use the following special commands to refine your searches for more refined results to help you drill down.

Quotations special command

  • To search for an exact word or set of words, use quotation marks.
  • Only use quotation marks if you are sure of the exact spelling of your search term.
  • For example, searching for “SPSS statistics”, will only return the results with that exact phrase, in that word order.

OR special command

  • Use the OR special command between terms to receive results that include either search term.
  • To use, you must type OR in capital letters
  • For example, type spss statistics OR modeler. The results contain pages that have the words spss statistics or spss modeler.

AND special command

  • Use the AND special command between terms to receive results that include both search terms.
  • To use, you must type AND in capital letters.
  • For example, type cloud AND private for results that have both words cloud and private.

Minus special command

  • Using the minus (-) special command will exclude that term from the search results.
  • For example, searching for cloud -careers will return search results excluding everything related to cloud careers.