Stopping stand-alone servers that use the ORB transport

(Deprecated) You can use the stopOgServer script to stop eXtreme Scale server processes.

Before you begin

Deprecated featureDeprecated: The startOgServer and stopOgServer commands start servers that use the Object Request Broker (ORB) transport mechanism. The ORB is deprecated, but you can continue using these scripts if you were using the ORB in a previous release. The IBM® eXtremeIO (XIO) transport mechanism replaces the ORB. Use the startXsServer and stopXsServer scripts to start and stop servers that use the XIO transport.

About this task

Run the stopOgServer script by navigating to the bin directory:
cd wxs_install_root/bin


  • Stop a single container server.

    Run the stopOgServer script to stop the container server. Use this command only when you are stopping a single container server. If you run the single catalog server stop command on several container servers in succession, you might see performance and churn issues for shard placement.

    stopOgServer containerServer -catalogServiceEndPoints
    Attention: The -catalogServiceEndPoints option should match the value of the -catalogServiceEndPoints option that was used to start the container. If a -catalogServiceEndPoints was not used to start the container, the default values are likely localhost or the hostname and 2809 for the ORB port to connect to the catalog service. Otherwise, use the values that are passed to -listenerHost and -listenerPort on the catalog service. If the -listenerHost and -listenerPort options are not used when starting the catalog service, the ORB binds to port 2809 on the localhost for the catalog service.
  • Stop multiple container servers.

    To prevent churn and performance issues for shard placement when you want to stop multiple container servers at the same time, use the following command format. Separate a list of container servers with commas:

    stopOgServer containerServer0,containerServer1,containerServer2 
    If you want to stop all of the containers on a specific zone or host, you can use the -teardown parameter. See Stopping servers gracefully with the xscmd utility for more information.
  • Stop catalog servers.

    Run the stopOgServer script to stop the catalog server. catalogServer -catalogServiceEndPoints
    Attention: When you are stopping a catalog service, use the -catalogServiceEndPoints option to reference the Object Request Broker (ORB) host and port on the catalog service. The catalog service uses -listenerHost and -listenerPort options to specify the host and port for ORB binding or accepts the default binding. If the -listenerHost and -listenerPort options are not used when starting the catalog service, the ORB binds to port 2809 on the localhost for the catalog service. The -catalogServiceEndPoints option is different when stopping a catalog service than when you started the catalog service.

    Starting a catalog service requires peer access ports and client access ports, if the default ports were not used. Stopping a catalog service requires only the ORB port.

  • Stop the web console server.
    To stop the web console server, run the stopConsoleServer.bat|sh script. This script is in the wxs_install_root/ObjectGrid/bin directory of your installation. For more information, see Starting and logging on to the web console.
  • Enable trace for the server stop process.

    If a container fails to stop, you can enable trace to help with debugging the problem. To enable trace during the stop of a server, add the -traceSpec and -traceFile parameters to the stop commands. The -traceSpec parameter specifies the type of trace to enable and the -traceFile parameter specifies path and name of the file to create and use for the trace data.

    1. From the command line, navigate to the bin directory.
    2. Run the stopOgServer script with trace enabled. c4 -catalogServiceEndPoints
       -traceFile ../logs/c4Trace.log -traceSpec ObjectGrid=all=enabled
      After the trace is obtained, look for errors related to port conflicts, missing classes, missing or incorrect XML files or any stack traces. Suggested startup trace specifications are:
      • ObjectGrid=all=enabled
      • ObjectGrid*=all=enabled
      For all of the trace specification options, see Server trace options.
  • Stop embedded servers programmatically.

    For more information about stopping embedded servers programmatically, see Using the embedded server API to start and stop servers.