IBM Support

Installing Rational Application Developer v7.0 WebSphere Test Environment v6.x server fails on Windows

Question & Answer


What should I check if the installation of IBM® Rational® Application Developer (RAD) version 7.x completes except for the WebSphere® Test Environment (WTE) version 6.x server?


If the installation of RAD version 7.x completes except for the WebSphere® Test Environment (WTE) version 6.x server, the IBM Rational Software Development Platform (SDP) will still run, however, WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v6.x Integrated Test Environment may not be available.

Here is a list of things to CHECK first and then re-install if your install completed without installing the WTE.
A complete set of WTE V6 MANUAL INSTALL instructions also follows, to help you isolate the problem if required.

Note: This information is also applicable if an update of a WTE WAS version 6.x server failed after an initial successful install of RAD version 7.x and a WTE WAS version 6.x server. A re-install may also be necessary if the server cannot start and you see the error message: "serverlaunch but failed initialization"

CHECK [ and re-install ]
  1. Check for any space constraints - especially if you tried installing before. Check the disk space available as per the provided install instructions.

  2. Microsoft® Windows® operating system related issues to consider:

    On Windows 2000 or Windows XP machines, check to see if the RAD/WTE WAS v6.x install path exceeds the path length of 259. See Related Information items:
    You cannot delete a file or a folder on an NTFS file system volume

    File Names Seem to Be Limited to Less Than 255 Characters.

    In particular, if you are using Windows 2003 SP1, have a look at Related Information item:
    License registration fails in Rational Application Developer installation when Data Execution Protection is enabled

    which is based on the Microsoft Knowledge Base item:
    A detailed description of the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, and Windows Server 2003

    NEW as of April 2008:
    - Check that the system variable DEBUG has not been set to anything.

    It was recently found that a WAS v6.x server installation is failing at profile creation time if the system variable DEBUG is not clear. For example , in some user environment it was found to be set to NUL.
    to check the value of DEBUG you can either run on the command line the single command:

    C:\>echo %DEBUG%

    , in which case %DEBUG% is returned if it is not set (is clear).
    Alternatively run:

    > SET

    to see all system/environment variables.
    If it is set to some value the run:

    > set DEBUG=

    with Nothing after the equal sign to clear it.
    If for whatever reason DEBUG is needed on your system it can be reset to its previous value after installation completes.
    Refer to this WebSphere server technote for further information:

    Profile creation fails during installation of the WebSphere Application Server V6.0.2.15 instance within Rational Application Developer V6.0 or V7.0.0.4.

    It also applies to WAS v6.1.
    There is also a related WAS v6.1 server APAR, which describes the Profile Creation problem:

    Contact WebSphere server support for further information or assistance on these technotes.

  3. Check to see if the error log indicates that the problem appears to be occurring when copying files to install dir (such as, it does not get to profile creation).
    You can check log files for a successful installation of the WAS v6.x servers at:
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\native\*.log,

    then check:

    WAS v6.0.x if
    <RAD_install_dir\SDP70>\base_V6 gets created,
    and for the default profile:

    WAS v6.1.x if
    <RAD_install_dir\SDP70>\base_V61 gets created,
    and fro the AppSrv01 profile:

    Check for INSTCONFSUCCESS messages at the end of these log files for confirmation of successful installation.

    Note: As of Installation Manager v.1.1.1 the ..\base_v6x folders may not be present if the server installation failed and it rolled back completely.

    It is possible that the install image could be corrupted. For example, the WTE version 6.x disk install images directory:

    disk5\ad\native\file000001 (WAS 6.1 responsefile only - Size 5,840 bytes)
    disk5\ad\native\file000002 (WAS 6.1 Windows Image - Size 487,767,093 bytes)

    disk9\ad\native\file000002 (WAS 6.0 responsefile only - Size 4,170 bytes)
    disk9\ad\native\file000003 (WAS 6.0 Windows Image - Size 392,802,791 bytes)

    Each file00000n is a zip file (minus the .zip file type postfix). There is not a separate comprehensive WAS zip to download as was the case in RAD v6.0. Check if all the downloaded compressed files match the md5 value that IBM provides. For example, in the case of the extracted disk5 image, you will find this in the file: ..\Disk5\ad\atoc\atoc.xml. Information about the disk contents would be in: ..\Disk5\ad\native\toc.xml

    If you are installing from CD or a network drive, you might want to copy the image to a local drive, which sometimes avoids these problems.
    Or, download the v6.x WTE again from Passport Advantage (PPA). The download images should look something like this in the detail view:

    IBM Rational Application Developer V7.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Part 5(C96GVML)
    File name

    IBM Rational Application Developer V7.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Part 9(C96GZML)
    File name

    Check the md5 value provide with each zip after downloading any RAD v7.0 zip from PPA.
  4. Manually Clean up the WTE/WAS version 6 install before retrying (It might not be necessary to uninstall and reinstall RAD):
    • Uninstall WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version 6, if it is still installed. You can uninstall it by either of these methods:

      Run the IBM Installation Manager (IM) at the command prompt or use Windows Explorer on the icon for uninstall.exe

      Using: Modify Packages , proceed through the [Next] screens till you get to Features
      . . .and uninstall only WAS v6.x by ensuring that just the "IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.0 [or 6.1 as appropriate]" checkbox is unchecked.
      Select Next screen and enter [Modify].


      Use the WAS version 6.x uninstall command directly if the IM modify/uninstall wizard has any problems.
      <at command prompt>:<install_dir>\runtimes\[base_v6| base_v61]\_uninst\uninstall.exe

      In the Related Information item:

      IBM Rational Software Development Platform, Version 7.0 products and upgrading to Microsoft Windows Vista, there is a detailed section:
      Manually uninstalling the features IBM WebSphere Application Server, version 6.0 and IBM WebSphere Application Server, version 6.1, which describes the manual uninstall steps of WTE/WAS for the different v6.x versions

    • Edit the following files:

      For WAS61:

      1. Open %WINDIR%\.nifregistry. Remove all entries related to the target install location:

      2. Open %WINDIR%\ If there is any lines starting with WSBAA61 and containing <install_dir\SDP70>\runtimes\base_v61, delete it

      For WAS60:

      1. Open %USERPROFILE%\.WASRegistry. If there is any line containing <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6, delete it.

      2. Open %WINDIR%\ If there is any lines starting with WSBAA60 and containing <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6, delete it

      3. Delete the following registry key for WAS 6.0.x : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Application Server\

      For Windows 2000: WINDIR=C:\WINNT
      For Windows XP: WINDIR=C:\WINDOWS
      USERPROFILE for Administrator = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator

      Using the Installation Manager, the install process no longer uses%WINDIR%\IBM\RAT60\.sdpinst\
      as was the case with RAD v6.0

    • Depending on which WAS v6.x install failed, delete the base_v6 or base_v61 directory ( if there is one). The WAS v6.0 and WAS v6.1 install directories are:

    • Make sure that you have lots of disk space remaining

  5. Re-install instructions

    If the RAD version 7.0.x install is otherwise well-behaved, try to just re-install WTE/WAS version 6. This is a judgement decision local to your install and your use of RAD as it is now, that is, whether you can do most other things with it besides using the WTE version 6.x. (Go to step 6 if your decision is to do a complete uninstall/install of RAD v7.)

    Try to install using the IBM Installation Manager (IM) using Modify Packages and selecting the appropriate WAS v6.x feature.


    If there is any problem , go to the section WTE v6 MANUAL INSTALL and try to re-install WAS v6.x from the appropriate disk.

  6. If a complete uninstall/install of RAD v7.0 is necessary:
    1. Uninstall RAD version 7 using the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature from the Windows Control Panel, then delete the:

      This will invoke the IBM Installation Manager.
      If invoking IM directly to uninstall consult this IM Help item under Related Information:
      Uninstalling products, packages, and updates.

      Consult the related technote: Incomplete uninstall of Rational Application Developer 7.0 and Installation Manager prevents re-installation, if there are problems.
    2. Install RAD v7.0 again.
    3. There should be a fully populated <RAD Install Directory>/runtimes/base_v6[x] created in the installation process. Test that the WAS version 6 server can be run:
      1. First, as stand-alone, such as

        <at the command prompt>:
        <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\bin\startServer server1

        <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\bin\stopServer server1
      2. Then Start it from the Servers view of RAD version 7.

  7. [Optional] Apply any WAS server version 6..x update from WAS server support as required. If you have problems updating WTE/WAS version 6.0.x see the Related Information Item: Updating the WAS server instance in IBM RAD V6 fails

    Note: Update logs are kept in <RAD Install Dir>\SDP70\runtimes\base_v6\logs\update\
    for example, for WAS 6.0.2 Refresh Pack and WAS Fix Pack for Windows:

    Check for INSTCONFSUCCESS or INSTCONFFAILED messages at the end of these files for confirmation of installation status

    Read the README document for each WAS v6.x update.


If the process provided above does not work, here are the manual steps to install the WTE using only WebSphere components (and if this still fails, then it will be necessary to consult RAD the Support team, which at this point would most likely involve WebSphere Support to help resolve the issue).

The RAD version 7.x WTE version 6.0 server install is a very thin layer on top of a true stand-alone WAS version 6.x Base install. The main difference is that RAD disables the Windows Start menu, and it selects the optional features that need to be installed. To manually install:
  1. Get the WAS zip file from the CD or zip image at (you will have to rename the file to give it a .zip extension to be able to properly extract):

    WAS 6.0: disk9\ad\native\file000003
    WAS 6.1: disk5\ad\native\file000002

    mentioned in step 3 of the previous CHECK [ and re-install ] section, when checking if the images are corrupted.
  2. Extract the files into a temp location.
  3. Start the install by running <WAS ImageTempLocation>\was\install.exe and follow the steps to install
  4. As mentioned in step 3 of the previous CHECK [ and re-install ] section, check for INSTCONFSUCCESS or INSTCONFFAILED messages at the end of the WAS v6.x server install log files for confirmation of installation status

    WAS v6.0.x:
    and for the default profile:
    WAS v6.1.x
    and fro the AppSrv01 profile:
If the install succeeds but RAD does not automatically recognize the WTE, then add this WebSphere instance as a runtime, under the section Window > Preferences > Server > Installed Runtimes.

In the overall installation of RAD on the latest Intel® based CPU with the latest Microsoft Windows updates, be aware of Related Information item: License registration fails in RAD installation when Data Execution Protection (DEP) is enabled.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSRTLW","label":"Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSYK2S","label":"Rational Software Architect Designer"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Install \/ Migration","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 September 2020

